King of Industry

Chapter 481 It's just a formality

"Competition for a new project? Let our factory participate?"

After hearing Mu Aijun's words, Wang Youchang, who was in charge of technology, first raised questions.

Mu Aijun glanced at Wang Youchang, nodded solemnly and said: "That's right, old Wang. If we add our Hongda Machinery Factory to this project, a total of 18 companies will compete at the same time. In the end, only three factories can stand out. Sharing this project..."

"That is to say, our Hongda Machinery Factory has to compete with 17 other machinery manufacturing companies across the country? Director, what kind of project is it that is so sought after?" Zhang Zhizhong also raised his eyebrows and asked.

Zhang Zhizhong's question is undoubtedly a question that everyone wants to ask.

Even He Jusheng, who had no intention of speaking, cast a puzzled look at Mu Aijun.

Among the bigwigs here, Ma Jian may be the one with the most flexible mind.

After Director Mu proposed the three words "new project", he immediately met Zhao Guoyang's eyes.

In Ma Jian's view, if Director Mu is really determined to start a new project, Guoyang will naturally be the first to be named by him and entrusted with important tasks.

Sure enough, Zhao Guoyang's face was calm. After seeing this, Ma Jian knew it in his heart.

In the conference room, Mu Aijun's speech continued.

He turned his body slightly, and patiently explained to Zhang Zhizhong: "Old Zhang, you made a mistake about one thing. It's not that this project is so popular, but that the conditions given by the Bureau of Inherent Assets are very favorable."

"In fact, this project is a completely new industry in our country, and no company has ever been involved in it, including some large state-owned machinery manufacturing companies, and it is also the first time I have come into contact with this matter."

After Mu Aijun's words came out, several bigwigs in the meeting room showed expressions of surprise.

Wang Youchang was the most impatient, and couldn't help blurting out immediately: "Director Mu, what kind of project is this... Tell everyone about it."

"It's the 'All Terrain Vehicle' project! Lao Wang, have you heard of it?" Mu Aijun responded with a smile.

"Ah, an all-terrain vehicle?"

Wang Youchang was stunned when he heard the words. Obviously, he must have heard this term for the first time.

Mu Aijun glanced at the bewildered expressions on the faces of the other people, then looked directly at Zhao Guoyang and said, "As for the specifics of this project, I'll ask Guoyang to introduce it to you first."

"Wait for Guoyang to clarify the situation, let's discuss the next thing!"

As soon as Mu Aijun said this, how could these bigwigs in the field not understand.

Well, needless to say, Director Mu must have discussed this matter with Zhao Guoyang early in the morning, and even had a secret case.

Now it is brought up at the team meeting in the factory, but it is just a formality.

Wanting to understand this point, He Jusheng, who was sitting upright over there, had a rather ugly expression on his face.

The rift formed between him and Zhao Guoyang cannot be eliminated so quickly.

Seeing that Zhao Guoyang was so valued by the top leaders, He Jusheng was naturally upset.

His eyes wandered to Zhang Zhizhong from time to time, wanting to see if this second-in-command and senior party official could become a breakthrough for him.

In fact, in the past ten or twenty years, the top leaders of enterprises and units have always been high-ranking party officials. The factory director is just the second in command.

However, with the further deepening of reform and opening up, by the end of the 1980s, the principle of the factory director responsibility system had gradually been established.

The so-called factory director responsibility system means that the production, operation and administrative management of the enterprise are under the unified leadership of the factory director, who is the legal representative of the enterprise.

As the leader of the party and the masses, senior party officials are mainly responsible for presiding over party affairs, party member management, and organizational work.

However, since personnel rights also involve administrative management issues. Therefore, in many cases, the factory manager also has the absolute right to speak in terms of personnel appointments.

Just like Zhang Zhizhong, on general personnel changes, Mu Aijun will discuss with him.

But for really important personnel appointments, this senior party official still respects Mu Aijun's opinion very much.

While He Jusheng was secretly thinking about how to use Zhang Zhizhong to fight against Mu Aijun and improve his prestige in the factory step by step, Zhao Guoyang had already begun to introduce the "all-terrain vehicle" to everyone.

In fact, although not many people know the concept of "all-terrain vehicle" in China, everyone has more or less heard of the name "beach vehicle".

After Zhao Guoyang's in-depth explanation, Ma Jian and Wang Youchang were the first to understand.

"Well, it turns out that the project the factory manager mentioned is 'beach buggy'! I've heard of this thing before!" Ma Jian said shaking his head.

Wang Youchang also added: "That's right, I also saw an article in a technical publication before, which introduced this kind of 'beach car'."

Listening to what the two of you said and what I said, everyone gradually understood the situation.

Even the Red Army, who has never talked much, couldn't help joking: "It turns out that the 'all-terrain vehicle' has so many uses, so it can be driven in the deserts in the west of our country?"

Even after the Red Army asked this question, Zhao Guoyang nodded seriously and said, "Yes, that's right, not only deserts and Gobi, but also woodlands, riverbeds, and streams. They can all be as smooth as walking on flat ground."

"That is to say, if this project is completed, we can open up markets in the Northwest, Northeast and other regions?" Ma Jian is engaged in sales, so naturally he immediately remembered his own job.

Although Zhao Guoyang didn't want to spoil the harmonious atmosphere at this time, it's better to say something clearly in advance.

So he coughed softly and said, "Director Ma, you are right. However, there are no laws and regulations in our country that allow ATVs to be registered on the road. There is no such vehicle in the catalogue..."

"In addition, in some western countries, it is also clearly stipulated that ATVs are special vehicles and can only be used in designated places, such as entertainment venues, sports fields, farms, forests and other places. If they want to go on the road, it is illegal."

"Hiss... Then speaking of it, it's still unpredictable whether the car will sell well after this project is done!" Ma Jian couldn't help but say.

Upon hearing this, Zhao Guoyang raised his hand and said, "Hey, Director Ma, don't worry too much, there are actually ways."

"It's like in the United States, many car enthusiasts put their ATVs on the cargo bed behind the pickup truck to run on the road, and then unload them to play at designated places."

"In addition, in some European countries, such as France and England, the law clearly stipulates that ATVs can be used on the road."

Looking at the happy expressions on everyone's faces, Zhao Guoyang continued to explain: "Of course, vehicles that want to go on the road must meet the corresponding conditions for going on the road."

"For example, turn signals, rearview mirrors, reflectors, and horns, which can be installed or not, must be standard equipment in these countries."

"Moreover, lamps such as headlights and rear taillights also have stricter requirements in these countries."

After Zhao Guoyang's explanation, everyone finally had a relatively clear understanding of this "all-terrain vehicle".

He Jusheng, who had been watching coldly, saw Zhao Guoyang calmly and logically speaking so much, and he had another idea in his heart.

He inadvertently glanced at Wang Youchang who was sitting next to Zhao Guoyang, and muttered to himself: Hehe, it seems that Zhao Guoyang has some skills, he seems to have two skills in technology.

It's just that he talked so eloquently, how can Wang Youchang, the deputy director in charge of technology, hold himself?

No way, Wang Youchang had already had a problem with him in his heart! It seems that this is a good breakthrough...

He Jusheng's triangular eyes turned round and round, and the shadowy color was beyond words.

Just when He Jusheng was imagining that Wang Youchang would not wait to see Zhao Guoyang, the next scene made him petrified.

After Zhao Guoyang finished speaking, Wang Youchang patted him on the shoulder kindly, and said sincerely: "Guoyang, if this project is really going to be launched, you must be in charge of the overall situation."

"I really don't know anything about this 'all-terrain vehicle'! At most, I can only help you."

After Wang Youchang said these sincere words, the meeting room was full of laughter.

Zhao Guoyang scratched his head, and just about to say a few words of humility, Ma Jian, who was sitting diagonally across from him, had already started talking with a smile.

"What Lao Wang said makes sense. If our factory really started the 'beach car' project, I would also help Guoyang. There are too many things to learn about what parts to purchase and what standards to implement. .”

"Guoyang, you are not allowed to hide your secrets when the time comes, and you must teach me well!" Ma Jian said half-jokingly and half-seriously.

Once these two heavyweight deputy factory directors expressed their views, the situation became clear immediately.

Needless to say, participating in this "all-terrain vehicle" project must have been approved at the Hongda Machinery Factory meeting.

Although he had guessed this result a long time ago, seeing Wang Youchang and Ma Jian's kind attitude towards Zhao Guoyang, He Jusheng's face couldn't help but darken.

Mu Aijun, who was sitting in the middle, couldn't help laughing and cursing after hearing what Ma Jian teased Zhao Guoyang: "Old Ma, you are going to exhaust Guoyang to death!"

"However, if this project is really carried out, the shortage of technical personnel, purchasing personnel, including sales personnel in our factory will be even greater."

Turning to look at Zhang Zhizhong, Mu Aijun said solemnly: "Old Zhang, when the time comes, you should pay more attention to personnel matters."

Zhang Zhizhong laughed and said, "Director Mu, you are very confident. Aren't you worried that we will lose in the competition with other state-owned enterprises?"

Mu Aijun waved his hand and said, "Hey, Lao Zhang, you can rest assured about this. I have already talked with Guoyang."

"In a few days, he will go with me to the competition meeting in the capital. It doesn't matter whether it's a defense or not. In short, I have absolute confidence in him!"

After Mu Aijun said this, Ma Jian, Wang Youchang and others nodded in agreement, expressing their approval.


Thanks to yy, Lao Wuzi, Ni Dong, Lingyun Vs Lingyun book friends for their support. The plot is already speeding up, and I hope it will make everyone more satisfied!

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