King of Industry

Chapter 901 Fly to Monaco

A plane took off from Kuala Lumpur Airport in Malaysia and headed west.

In the business class, Zhao Guoyang was chatting with Jin Xiuzhu next to him.

Today is July 6th, and the day after tomorrow is the start of the Monaco Yacht Show. Zhao Guoyang took Jin Xiuzhu, Mu Yiyi and a group of members of "Daewoo Shipping Company" and went straight to Monaco.

The Principality of Monaco, located in the south of France, is a city-state in Europe and one of the smallest countries in the world.

Because the country is too small and the Chinese like to play football.

The Monaco Football Association finally established the only football club in the country - Monaco Football Club to participate in the French Football League, and also achieved good results.

The reason for such a surprising result is related to Monaco's economic strength.

It is really normal for a club that is not short of money to achieve good results.

Many people don't know that Monaco is actually a highly developed capitalist country with extremely wealthy citizens. Its per capita is among the best in the world.

The economy of this small pocket country is developed, mainly based on gaming, tourism and banking.

Monaco has achieved outstanding results in the diversification of the service industry and small, high value-added, non-polluting industries.

The establishment of the "Monaco Yacht Show" is obviously inseparable from the growing demand of the rich and powerful in the country.

Sitting on the plane, Zhao Guoyang popularized the situation of Monaco to Jin Xiuzhu from time to time.

Listening to his eloquent talk, Jin Xiuzhu said with some emotion: "Guoyang, your knowledge is really beyond the reach of ordinary people. Even in such a small country, you can speak clearly and logically, amazing!"

When Zhao Guoyang heard this, he smiled and said, "It's not about knowledge. However, Monaco's sense of existence as a country is indeed a bit low, and the domestic automobile market and heavy industry equipment market are too small. Xiuzhu, you don't know much about it. It's also normal."

What Zhao Guoyang said is true. Except for the southern coastline of the Mediterranean Sea, Monaco is surrounded by France on the north, west and east. It is one of the few "countries of China" in the world.

Its land area is not even as large as a county in Huaxia.

Coupled with its own extremely developed economy, under such circumstances, the demand for cars in Monaco will naturally not be too large; on the contrary, the pursuit of car quality is more important.

The products of "Daewoo Motor Company" have always been known for their cost-effectiveness and styling. Naturally, there is no market in a small country like Monaco.

Therefore, Zhao Guoyang would not find it strange that Jin Xiuzhu didn't know "Monaco".

Hearing that Zhao Guoyang excused herself, Jin Xiuzhu nodded in relief and said, "Yeah, I really haven't paid much attention to this country before. Sometimes, it's even easy to confuse it with the 'Morocco' in North Africa."

After Jin Xiuzhu said this, Zhao Guoyang said happily: "Normal! Just like you, Yiyi doesn't care much about these two countries. Before coming to Malaysia, she was talking about this to me on the plane!"

Sitting behind the two of them, Mu Yiyi heard Zhao Guoyang "revealing his faults", a red cloud flew up on his face.

Of course, she wasn't really angry either.

Speaking of which, Mu Yiyi still felt a little sweet in her heart that Mr. Zhao was able to take the initiative to mention his name in front of Miss Jin Xiuzhu.

She was just a little annoyed at her lack of knowledge, and said to herself: If I had known about such a trip back then, I would have been able to learn European history and geography well no matter what.

After chatting about the situation in Monaco for a while, the topic of Zhao Guoyang and Jin Xiuzhu gradually turned to this yacht show.

Jin Xiuzhu is full of expectations for this Monaco Yacht Show.

I heard from Zhao Guoyang before that this yacht show can attract many local tyrants in the Middle East, and Jin Xiuzhu is very concerned about this.

Zhao Guoyang is a language genius, and everyone around him already understands this.

Whether it is mainstream languages ​​such as English and French, or non-mainstream languages ​​such as Japanese, Arabic, and Latin, he can speak them at his fingertips.

The principality of Monaco, because the common languages ​​are French and Apennines, of course, Zhao Guoyang will not be troubled.

As for the Arabic language to be used to greet the local tyrants in the Middle East, he can also handle it very well.

With him in the same company, this language issue has always been rarely considered by everyone.

But this time, when the team set off from Malaysia, Jin Xiuzhu specially hired an extra Arabic translator to accompany him, in order to prevent unexpected situations where Zhao Guoyang was not around.

It can be seen that she really wants to gain something at this yacht show.

After the plane entered the predetermined altitude, Zhao Guoyang turned to ask the stewardess for a cup of coffee.

Because smoking is not allowed on the plane, he can only use coffee instead.

While Zhao Guoyang was sipping coffee, Jin Xiuzhu muttered to the side: "Guoyang, do you think we will meet someone from the 'Hyundai Group' when we go to Monaco to participate in the exhibition this time?"

Zhao Guoyang didn't expect this Miss Jin to ask this question, so he smiled and said, "It shouldn't be so. The products of 'Hyundai Group' and your 'Daewoo Group' are very similar, and the targets for market expansion are also different. Not much. They should not pay that much attention to the Monaco market..."

After hearing this, Jin Xiuzhu felt a little relieved.

It's not that she's afraid of competing with the "Modern Group", it's just that she is naturally angry when she sees them.

Now that Zhao Guoyang was so decisive, Jin Xiuzhu finally breathed a sigh of relief.


It was already seven o'clock in the evening when the plane landed at Monaco Airport.

Zhao Guoyang, Jin Xiuzhu, and Mu Yiyi had just got off the plane, and the group of "Rongguang Co., Ltd." who arrived one step ahead were already waiting at the gate of the airport.

After leaving the airport, Zhao Guoyang smiled and waved to her when he saw Bai Rou who was taking the lead in front of the BMW commercial vehicle.

Bai Rou obviously saw Zhao Guoyang and the others, and hurriedly whispered a few words to the subordinates behind her, and greeted them personally.

"Mr. Zhao, Ms. Jin, you've finally arrived. The plane is two hours late! If you don't arrive again, I will send a report to the Monaco police..."

After shaking hands with Zhao Guoyang and Jin Xiuzhu, Bai Rou said with a smile.

In the past two years, Bai Rou exclaimed and traveled all over the world.

Especially in the European and North American markets, she has set foot in almost every country.

Although Monaco is a little small in size, its economic strength and the purchasing power of the people are very top-notch. Of course, Bairou will not let go of such a huge market.

In Monaco, Bairou has some good friendships with several local dealers. These dealers are quite important figures in Monaco, and one or two of them are even princes and nobles.

With the help of these dealers, Bai Rou really won't be troubled by anything in Monaco.

So she was not just joking when she said that she would notify the Monaco police.

After chatting for a few words, Zhao Guoyang saw that this was not the place to talk, so he said to Bai Rou: "Mr. Bai, you have prepared your accommodation. Let's go there first. We have been on the plane for half a day. I'm a little hungry..."

After hearing this, Bai Rou hurriedly nodded her head and said, "No problem, Mr. Zhao. Our place of residence is just to the left, and we'll be there in 20 minutes by car. Let's go, let's set off now!"

Zhao Guoyang let out a sigh of relief, and at Bai Rou's invitation, got into the BMW commercial vehicle.


Twenty minutes later, after Zhao Guoyang got out of the car, he couldn't help but exclaim.

It turned out that the accommodation that Bai Rou prepared for everyone was not a hotel or guesthouse, but a huge manor.

Looking at the brightly lit and resplendent manor, Zhao Guoyang turned his head to Bai Rou behind him and said, "Boss Bai, you are really proud of yourself. This manor is probably counted in the whole country of Monaco, right?"

After hearing Zhao Guoyang's evaluation, Bai Rou showed a look of "I know I can't hide it from you".

"This is the manor of the natal family of Princess Grace Kelly of Monaco. When I was doing business in Monaco, I chatted very speculatively with this princess. She can be regarded as a best friend. She heard that I was going to greet the leader, so she temporarily vacated this place. lent me his estate."

"The princess of Monaco? Is it your best friend, Sister Bai?"

After hearing Bai Rou's narration, Mu Yiyi's mouth opened wide.

Obviously, with her current thinking, she can't keep up with Bai Rou's rapid improvement.

Zhao Guoyang was quite indifferent about this. Because he knew that the princess of Monaco actually didn't have much power in the country, and the only thing she didn't need to worry about was the living expenses.

But in terms of the wealth of the family, the princess may not be as good as other nobles in Monaco.

Of course, it is not easy to get acquainted with Her Royal Highness and establish friendship.

Zhao Guoyang could tell that after working hard outside for the past two years, Bai Rou's temperament had completely surpassed that of his other capable subordinates - Zhao Siyan, Zhang Yufang and the others.

Even compared to the two partners of Jin Xiuzhu and Suzanne, she is not inferior at all.

Under the leadership of Bai Rou, Zhao Guoyang, Jin Xiuzhu and others came to sit in the hall of the manor.

Looking at the neatly arranged tableware, appetizers and desserts in front of him, Zhao Guoyang smiled and said to Bai Rou: "Boss Bai, your arrangement is really thoughtful, we are welcome!"

When Bai Rou heard this, she smiled and said: "Mr. Zhao, please use it quickly. The dessert is finished, and the following dishes will be presented soon."

Zhao Guoyang said "Oh", nodded to Jin Xiuzhu and Mu Yiyi, who were somewhat reserved, and reminded: "Miss Xiuzhu, Yiyi, Bai is always on his own, so you don't have to be polite, let's start."

Seeing Zhao Guoyang start first, Jin Xiuzhu and Mu Yiyi looked at each other and followed suit.

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