King of Industry

Chapter 911 Zhang Yufang's Doubt

On the plane, after hearing Zhao Guoyang's question, Jin Xiuzhu blinked and explained: "Guoyang, don't you know that the steel company that our 'Daewoo Group' cooperates with in China is Hanbao Iron and Steel Company, not Posco. Iron!"

Hearing the words "Han Bao Iron and Steel Company", Zhao Guoyang suddenly realized.

Speaking of which, this "Hanbao Iron and Steel Company" is indeed less famous in South Korea, and it is not at the same level as the boss of the steel company "Pohang Iron and Steel".

But in fact, the strength of "Hanbao Iron and Steel Company" itself is still very good.

Whether it is carbon steel, alloy steel, or special steel, this company can provide a stable supply.

Especially in the research of special steel, "Han Bao Steel Company" has surpassed "Posco Steel" for a period of time.

It's just a pity that because of some problems in management and operation, "Hanbao Iron and Steel Company" fell into a slump after entering the 1990s.

In just three or four years, "Posco" was left far behind.

Earlier, Zhao Guoyang read from an iron and steel industry publication that it seemed that "Han Bao Iron and Steel Company" was currently undergoing property liquidation.

If the decline cannot be reversed in the next few years, it may even declare bankruptcy.

At this time, when Jin Xiuzhu said that all the industrial steel of their "Daewoo Group" was purchased from this company, Zhao Guoyang naturally became a little more worried.

He glanced at Jin Xiuzhu, who was still in the dark, and asked tentatively: "Miss Xiuzhu, do you know anything about the current situation of 'Han Bao Steel Company'? Your 'Daewoo Group' purchases steel from their company." , is it an upfront payment or something else?"

After hearing Zhao Guoyang's abrupt question, Jin Xiuzhu was a little at a loss.

She rubbed her nose and asked curiously: "Guoyang, why did you suddenly think of asking about this? Our 'Daewoo Group' and 'Han Bao Steel Company' have always had a good relationship. Of course, the purchase of steel is to pay the money first." It's over. Are we still worried that they will renege on their bills?"

When Jin Xiuzhu said this, Zhao Guoyang immediately came to his senses: Obviously, this Miss Jin still doesn't know the current situation of "Han Bao Steel Company".

It's just that it shouldn't be.

Ordinarily, I have already read the news about the company's collapse from the newspapers, how could it be possible that Miss Jin didn't hear the news?

But after thinking about it, Zhao Guoyang figured it out.

Needless to say, it must be the "Han Bao Iron and Steel Company" that has adopted the method of dispelling the rumors.

Journalists in the 1990s were generally relatively "naive", and most of their reports were factual, and they did not produce any particularly eye-catching news.

Although "Han Bao Steel Company" has declined, it is a relatively large enterprise in South Korea after all.

For the sake of its own reputation, the government does not want such a big company to be targeted by public opinion.

In that case, it will only make things worse.

Therefore, it is reasonable for the South Korean government to help the "Han Bao Steel Company" to seal the mouth of the media.

As for such a big client as "Daewoo Group", "Hanbao Iron and Steel Company" couldn't let the other party know the fact that they are strong outside but capable inside.

If the "Daewoo Group" also gave up on itself, the "Han Bao Steel Company" would really go bankrupt.

After thinking about the situation, Zhao Guoyang said indifferently, "Xiuzhu, you should pay more attention to this 'Hanbao Iron and Steel Company' when you look back. I heard that its production and operation conditions are not very satisfactory... "

Jin Xiuzhu knew that Zhao Guoyang never lied, and when she heard this, her heart skipped a beat.

Of course, Jin Xiuzhu didn't directly ask Zhao Guo's body what's going on.

For this kind of thing, after returning to South Korea, I must go to the "Hanbao Steel Company" to have a look at it in person before I can come to a conclusion.

After thinking about this, Jin Xiuzhu nodded slightly to Zhao Guoyang, and said no more.


In the building of "Xingtai International Foreign Trade Company" in Pudong New Area, Zhao Guoyang and Zhang Yufang were discussing the company's development plan for the second half of the year.

It has been two weeks since he came back from Monaco. Zhao Guoyang spent almost all of these days in the Institute of "Ship Industry-Special Materials".

Not long ago, the State Oceanic Administration allocated a sum of scientific research funds for the research of "Xingtai International" on steel for the marine shipbuilding industry.

For the application of this fund, Zhao Guoyang must of course take good care of it.

These days, he and several researchers in the institute spend almost all day together, analyzing various possibilities of marine steel.

The hard work paid off, and with the efforts of Zhao Guoyang and everyone else, several ingredients of the first wave of materials were finally analyzed.

In the iron and steel industry, it is very difficult to obtain the composition ratio of a special steel by analyzing the products of other countries and companies.

After all, the ratio of steel components is not as simple as one plus one. It contains many complex reactions and requires a lot of data analysis to support.

Fortunately, Zhao Guoyang has an advantage over other researchers. Before he was reborn, he had a general understanding of the composition ratio of some well-known special steels.

With such a rough impression, it is easy for Zhao Guoyang to find the general direction when analyzing the steel composition.

After the general direction is identified, all that remains is to spend time experimenting and verifying it over and over again.

In this regard, several members of the research institute helped Zhao Guoyang a lot.

These people are known for their rigor, and they have never made any mistakes when analyzing materials.

With their help, it is understandable for Zhao Guoyang to get one of the components of marine steel in just two weeks.

Sitting with Zhang Yufang at this time, the focus of Zhao Guoyang's talk with her was the marine steel.

Looking at the increasingly calm Teacher Zhang beside him, Zhao Guoyang said calmly: "Mr. Zhang, these days, our 'Ship Industry-Special Materials Research Institute' has achieved very fruitful results."

"In the second half of the year, if all goes well, there is a high probability that we will be able to directly develop all three of the most mainstream marine steels in the world."

Zhang Yufang never doubted Zhao Guoyang's technical attainments.

After listening to his narration, this Teacher Zhang nodded repeatedly and said, "That's really great Mr. Zhao. With your leadership, this research work will definitely be fine."

Having said that, Zhang Yufang paused for a while and said, "However, I have a question I would like to ask Mr. Zhao. After you have researched the components of several important marine steels, do you directly produce them at Shagang Group? ?”

After hearing Zhang Yufang's question, Zhao Guoyang seemed to have guessed what she was thinking.

He smiled slightly and said, "Mr. Zhang, are you worried that we will suffer a loss if we inform the Shagang Group of this research result?"

Seeing that Zhao Guoyang did not intend to criticize anything, Zhang Yufang smiled and nodded, "I have concerns about this... But more, I still have insufficient confidence in the production capacity of Shagang Group."

Zhao Guoyang nodded suddenly when he heard the words.

Speaking of which, what Zhang Yufang said was really not arbitrarily arranging "Shagang Group".

In the past two years, several major domestic iron and steel manufacturing enterprises have begun to make efforts, and have invested in many large projects and large investments.

Because these steel manufacturing enterprises are generally state-owned enterprises, they have strong support from local governments.

Therefore, in terms of funds, they are several times or even ten times stronger than the "Shagang Group" which was born as a private enterprise.

The iron and steel industry is not the same as other types of industries. It is an industry in which investment will surely yield results.

After several domestic iron and steel giants purchased production lines imported from abroad one after another, the advantages accumulated by the "Shagang Group" in the past two years have almost disappeared.

In particular, a cold-rolled steel production line introduced by "Shagang Group" last year encountered "Waterloo", which made the situation even worse.

If it weren't for Zhao Guoyang's technical support from time to time to stabilize the situation of the "Shagang Group", it would hardly be able to sustain itself.

Now Zhang Yufang has questioned the "Shagang Group", which is actually a kind of distrust for it.

This manager Zhang has no confidence in whether "Shagang Group" can build a matching production line with technical support.

To say that Zhang Yufang's doubt is absolutely justified.

Even Zhao Guoyang, who has always been a strong supporter of the "Shagang Group", could not find any reason to refute it.

Of course, although Zhao Guoyang respects Chairman Shen Zhirong very much, he will not unprincipledly support him because of this.

In fact, he already has some concerns about where the marine steel will be produced in the end, but he has not made it public for the time being.

Now, after hearing what Zhang Yufang said, he nodded with a smile and said, "Yes, Mr. Zhang, the point you mentioned is very important. With the current technical capabilities of the 'Shagang Group', they are still a little short of wanting to produce marine steel. .”

"And, as you mentioned just now, they don't have any extra money to import production lines from abroad. Therefore, we don't have to rely on them for marine steel and ship steel."

Seeing that Zhao Guoyang supported her opinion, Zhang Yufang's expression showed a burst of relief.

Although she subconsciously said the rebuttal just now, she actually didn't have any confidence in her heart.

In the final analysis, she is only Chairman Zhao's assistant in "Xingtai International", and she has no right to question his decision at all.

Moreover, Mr. Zhao and Chairman Shen Zhirong of the "Shagang Group" have a good relationship, which is well known.

Zhang Yufang was worried that what she just said would offend Zhao Guoyang.

Fortunately, it was just a false alarm, otherwise Zhang Yufang really didn't know how to deal with herself if she was criticized by Mr. Zhao.

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