King of Industry

Chapter 932 Be a Witness, Not a Follower

After a night's rest in the hotel of the "Ministry of Mechanical and Electronic Industry", Zhao Guoyang regained his energy.

After washing up here, he went to the cafeteria downstairs to have some porridge.

Because I ate too much greasy food last night, I still feel a little uncomfortable in my stomach. Naturally, my diet should be lighter.

Zhao Guoyang had just finished his last sip of porridge when the mobile phone beside him rang.

He picked it up and saw that it was Mr. Li calling.

When the phone was connected, Mr. Li's voice came over.

"Guoyang, are you up?"

"Get up, Mr. Li, we are having breakfast!" Zhao Guoyang said with a smile.

"Well, I'm not busy, you eat yours first. My car will arrive in about ten minutes, you prepare, and then we go directly to the Ministry of Railways!"

Hearing this, Zhao Guoyang was confused for a while: "Huh? Go directly to the Ministry of Railways? It's not here with our Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry. Let me report to Minister Fang first?"

Li Kejian smiled wryly when he heard the words, "That's right, but your flight was late yesterday, so you missed this opportunity."

"Minister Fang mentioned your application for the 'high-speed railway project' to the leader yesterday. As a result, the leader called Minister Jia of the Ministry of Railways and told him to listen carefully to the situation and report the progress in time."

"After this Minister Jia heard the news, how could he sit still? He called me immediately and asked us to go to their Ministry of Railways to discuss things together today... What do you think I can do?"

Mr. Li's complaint made Zhao Guoyang secretly laugh.

In fact, he also knew that even if Minister Fang and Mr. Li gave him three rounds of trial first, they would definitely have a showdown with the "Ministry of Railways" in the end.

After all, the "high-speed railway project" is too important. Even the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry is completely unable to make a decision on this matter, so it can only continue to report to the higher authorities.

The big leaders above learned about such a matter, of course they attached great importance to it.

It is understandable that Minister Jia Zhichun was ordered to die.

Thinking of this, Zhao Guoyang smiled and replied: "Okay, Mr. Li, I understand the situation, and I will come out of the hotel immediately and wait for you!"

Li Kejian didn't talk too much, and hung up the phone after saying "um".

Zhao Guoyang put the phone back, wiped his mouth with a handkerchief, and left the restaurant, thinking about going outside the hotel.

Not long after he waited at the entrance of the hotel, Li Kejian's car drove over slowly.

After the car stopped in front of Zhao Guoyang, Mr. Li's life secretary Xia Yunfei trotted out of the car from the co-pilot and waved to Zhao Guoyang.

Seeing this, Zhao Guoyang, who had been prepared for a long time, hurriedly greeted the other party and got into the car from the other side.

After getting in the car, Zhao Guoyang naturally saw Mr. Li sitting on the right seat in the back row, and hurriedly greeted him.

Li Kejian also hadn't seen Zhao Guoyang for a while, and when he saw him again, there was a look of relief in his eyes.

After staring at Zhao Guoyang for a while, the boss slowly said: "I haven't seen you in a few months, Guoyang, you have grown up a lot. It seems that the busy time during this period has not exhausted you!" "

After hearing this, Zhao Guoyang smiled awkwardly and knew what to answer.

Of course he could tell that Mr. Li had something to say, implying that he was busy with his personal affairs recently and didn't pay much attention to several key projects such as "high-speed tractor" and "military delivery truck".

In fact, Zhao Guoyang has not delayed these two projects.

Especially the "high-speed tractor" has entered the final endurance test stage.

Of course, it would be troublesome to explain these words, Zhao Guoyang could only pretend to be confused by Mr. Li's beating.

Fortunately, Li Kejian didn't dwell too much on this issue, and soon asked about serious matters.

After the car started, the boss patted Zhao Guoyang's hand with concern and said, "Guoyang, this 'high-speed railway project' is no joke, we must be careful!"

Seeing Zhao Guoyang nodding silently, Li Kejian added: "Of course, Guoyang, I have always been at ease when you do things. While there are no outsiders at the moment, tell me the truth. After all, this project is a success." How likely is it?"

After hearing Li Kejian's question, Zhao Guoyang's expression became extremely solemn.

For a long time, Mr. Li has always trusted his technical attainments. Even when he established the "Ship Industry-Special Materials Research Institute", he was not so worried.

Now that this person asked himself about the "high-speed railway project", Zhao Guoyang knew that he had to take this issue seriously.

After silently pondering for a moment, Zhao Guoyang expressed his true thoughts deep in his heart.

He smiled calmly, and then said: "Mr. Li, the 'high-speed railway project' cannot be completed overnight. Although I am still very confident in technology, this project is too complicated and involves a lot. You Now I am asked to give an exact number, I really can't come up with it..."

Zhao Guoyang's words were all from the bottom of his heart. After hearing this, Li Kejian could only sigh deeply.

Just when Mr. Li nodded slightly, Zhao Guoyang changed the subject: "However, although I can't give you a definite answer. But what I want to say is that no matter whether the success rate is high or low; No matter how much manpower and material resources will be spent in the end, we must implement it..."

"Because if China wants to develop in the future and become a witness to the world's industrial development instead of a follower, we must have our own 'high-speed railway technology'!" Zhao Guoyang clenched his fist and said word by word.

Listening to Zhao Guoyang's ups and downs, Li Kejian seemed to be infected by his passion.

He patted Zhao Guoyang's shoulder vigorously, and said with a gratified smile, "Okay, well said, Guoyang! It's not in vain that I've been optimistic about you for you to have such insight."

Li Kejian praised Zhao Guoyang a few words, and then said again: "Speaking of which, the 'high-speed railway project' you proposed will take a long time. When I was a child, I also gave pertinent advice."

"In my opinion, as long as you lead Guoyang, the final success of our project is almost certain. And once China's 'high-speed railway' is successfully developed, it will greatly boost the development of the national economy."

Li Kejian paused for a while, and then said: "It is precisely because of this opinion that when I reported to the leader, I extended the study period by two years."

"Originally, the leaders hoped to see some results of this 'high-speed rail project' within five years. After my bargaining, the final time limit was seven years."

Patting Zhao Guoyang on the shoulder, Li Kejian enlivened the atmosphere and said, "So, little comrade, you can't let me lose face in front of the country's leaders!"

Hearing Li Kejian's half-joking words, Zhao Guoyang nodded vigorously.

He secretly rejoiced in his heart: "Mr. Li's support for me is definitely too strong. If there are only five years, I am really not sure that I will get this 'high-speed railway project' going."

"But now that it's been seven years, things are much easier to handle. Even if we can't get the 'high-speed rail project' before rebirth, right? If it reaches the level of the 'high-speed train project', it shouldn't be a big problem..."

Seeing Zhao Guoyang beside him gradually sinking into deep thought, a relieved smile appeared on Li Kejian's face.


When it came to the "Ministry of Railways", Zhao Guoyang was already familiar with the road.

After getting out of the elevator, he walked side by side with Mr. Li, only half a body behind.

As the two walked, they exchanged in low voices, and of course they were talking about some technical issues.

Zhao Guoyang recounted his activities in South Korea these days, basically explaining why he wants to engage in the "high-speed railway project".

Sure enough, after listening to his introduction, Mr. Li obviously became more confident.

The leader stopped in his tracks, glanced at Zhao Guoyang with a smile on his face and said, "Guoyang, you haven't made a fuss about eating this 'Han Bao Steel Company', have you?"

Zhao Guoyang nodded inexplicably, wondering why Mr. Li asked this.

Li Kejian smiled mysteriously, and then said: "Guoyang, you probably don't know yet. The "Shougang Group" in our capital city has just adjusted its production structure in the first half of this year, and now it is urgently needed to introduce an advanced production line."

"Two days ago, the leader of the 'Shougang Group' even asked me for instructions, asking me which foreign company should introduce this production line."

"Now, by coincidence, Guoyang, you have already taken down the 'Han Bao Iron and Steel Company'. You said that I don't recommend your company, so who do you recommend?"

Hearing this, Zhao Guoyang understood everything.

Feelings, Mr. Li is telling himself not to leak the matter of his annexation of "Han Bao Steel Company", but to make a fortune in silence.

After the matter is negotiated, it is not too late for me to make this matter public.

The reason why Mr. Li wants to do this is very simple. In addition to helping himself, he also hopes that he can read the good of "Shougang Group" in the future.

If I really negotiated this deal with the "Shougang Group" this time, when I cooperate again in the future, I will definitely have to give way to the other party.

Perhaps this is what Mr. Li hopes to do by himself.

Zhao Guoyang was thinking over and over again what Mr. Li said just now, and he had already arrived at the place ahead.

In a small office next to the minister's office, when the staff saw Mr. Li and Zhao Guoyang arriving, they hurried over to greet them, and warmly introduced them into Minister Jia Zhichun's office.

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