King of Industry

Chapter 934 Pride of Recognition

In Leader Jia's office, Zhao Guoyang's words made the leaders Jia Zhichun and Fang Xuesen smile in addition to being pleasantly surprised.

The two big brothers may not know the specific situation of "Han Bao Steel Company", but they must have heard of the name.

Zhao Guoyang was able to take down this well-known company in South Korea. It is definitely because his own ability and assets are sufficient, so there is a possibility of success.

Of course, Zhao Guoyang's ability to make money is well known to the bosses.

But hearing that he was able to acquire South Korea's second largest steel company with assets of hundreds of millions of dollars in one go, several leaders were still a little speechless.

After some emotion, Leader Jia first said: "Guoyang, from what you said, the time is definitely ripe for Huaxia to engage in the 'high-speed railway project'. But, what is the fuss about this investment? "

After Leader Jia finished speaking, Li Kejian jumped in front of Zhao Guoyang and said, "Leader Jia, the 'high-speed railway project' is technically too complicated and involves a wide range of aspects. Before the project starts, it is difficult to give Come up with an exact investment figure..."

Turning his head and glanced at Zhao Guoyang, Li Kejian went on to say: "For example, if this project is really going to start, Guoyang will definitely take on the heavy responsibility. He may be required in all technical directions. grasp."

"And Guoyang is not at home, he has his own business. If he is to be invited to lead this project, it will definitely take up a lot of his personal time."

Speaking of this, Li Kejian paused for a moment, and then said: "Even if we don't count the loss of Guoyang's career, at least we have to pay him the chief expert's hiring fee?"

"Experts at the level of Guoyang abroad have never been hired for less than one million US dollars. This is still an annual fee... and our 'high-speed railway project' may take three to five years, or even seven Eight years is so long. Then we just have to pay Guoyang the labor fee he deserves, which is already an astronomical figure."

"So, now, Leader Jia, you want Guoyang to give you an investment figure, but he really can't give you an answer!"

After Li Kejian finished speaking, Jia Zhichun nodded awkwardly.

Of course he knew that what Mr. Li said was true.

In fact, Jia Zhichun and Fang Xuesen knew very well that with the ability of this researcher Zhao, any developed country in the world would be regarded as a national treasure.

Mr. Li just said that Zhao Guoyang's labor fee of one million US dollars a year is really a conservative figure.

After Li Kejian finished speaking, the office fell into silence for a while.

Feeling the embarrassment of the atmosphere, Zhao Guoyang took the initiative to break the siege and said: "The three leaders, the 'high-speed railway project' is related to the rise of China's industry. Serving the country is the responsibility of each of us. Therefore, my personal economic loss And labor costs and so on, you don't need to count them..."

Zhao Guoyang's words surprised the three leaders, but also made them feel a little more emotional.

"Serving the country" is easy to say, but difficult to do.

What Zhao Guoyang gave up all of a sudden was not hundreds of dollars or thousands of dollars, but millions of dollars in "labor fees".

In 1995, when the per capita annual income was less than 4,000 yuan, this amount of money could make people crazy.

After being silent for a while, Jia Zhichun was the first to express his opinion: "Okay, Guoyang. You can say such a thing. Leader Fang, Mr. Li, I, and I all admire you, and we all want to thank you!"

"Of course, the labor fee is gone. But once this project is successful, I will personally ask the national leaders to reward you."

After Jia Zhichun finished speaking, Fang Xuesen also nodded his head immediately and said: "That's right, Lao Jia. Guoyang's sacrifice spirit is commendable. But we can't let him lose too much. Where we can make up for it, we must make up for it! "

"Looking back, our Ministry of Mechanical and Electronic Industry will also apply for a special reward from the country to reward Guoyang for his outstanding contributions to the Ministry and the country!"

After the two bigwigs expressed their views, the matter was considered settled.

Although Zhao Guoyang doesn't care about money anymore, it is still very proud to be recognized by the leaders.

Li Kejian on the side said with a smile: "Leader Jia, after talking about rewarding Guoyang personally, let's continue discussing this 'high-speed railway project'."

"When we were on the road just now, Guoyang had roughly told me that this project may take a long time. In this regard, we must have a long-term preparation. Funds, equipment, and talent reserves must be taken into account !"

After Jia Zhichun heard this, he nodded vigorously and said, "Old Li is right. Long-term projects like this must be planned before starting. Otherwise, the follow-up will only be a mess. "

After a short pause, Jia Zhichun said, "I propose that Mr. Li should be the commander-in-chief of this project. What do you think, Mr. Fang?"

When Li Kejian heard the words, just as he was about to say no, Fang Xuesen spoke up in agreement.

"I completely agree with you, Lao Fang! Mr. Li's name as the commander-in-chief is very beneficial to the adjustment of various departments and units."

Turning his gaze to Zhao Guoyang, Fang Xuesen went on to say: "Guoyang, on your side, will serve as the deputy commander-in-chief of the project and take over the technical work. How about it, do you have any personal opinions?"

After hearing this, Zhao Guoyang smiled and said: "I have no objection at all, and I will follow the orders of the leader. Actually, I am too happy to have Mr. Li standing in front of me to protect me from the wind and rain!"

After Zhao Guoyang finished speaking, the three bosses all laughed out loud.

Li Kejian shook his head and sighed: "I am in Guoyang, and in your eyes, my feelings are just a shelter from the wind and rain!"

"No, no, that's not what I meant!" Zhao Guoyang immediately waved his hands to show that he didn't mean that.

"Come on, no kidding!" Li Kejian said with a smile, "Let's discuss the preliminary implementation plan of this 'high-speed railway project'!"

After taking a serious look at Zhao Guoyang, Li Kejian asked, "Guoyang, just now you told me the average construction cost per kilometer of this kind of 'high-speed railway project' in the car."

"However, you haven't elaborated on the investment at the beginning of this project."

"Taking advantage of the fact that the two leaders are here at this moment, you can talk about the points that need to be invested in this early stage."

Upon hearing this, Zhao Guoyang nodded lightly and said, "Okay, Mr. Li, I will first talk about the preparatory work that needs to be done based on my own understanding..."

"First of all, let's determine the route of the first 'high-speed railway', from which station to that station. On the way, which stations need to be designed, and so on!"

Listening to Zhao Guoyang's analysis, Li Kejian nodded and said in agreement: "Guoyang is right! The 'high-speed railway project' cannot be completed overnight, and it will start construction in several places across the country at the same time."

"At this stage, we can only take it step by step, first make an overall plan, and determine the position of the first line, and then start work!"

When Jia Zhichun and Fang Xuesen heard the words, they nodded in agreement.

Jia Zhichun pondered for a moment, and then said: "Mr. Li, for the first line, I think the starting station must be our capital."

"Because it is more convenient to start the first step in the capital, whether it is from the perspective of overall coordination or other aspects."

All three agree with Jia Zhichun's point of view.

Fang Xuesen nodded slightly, and said: "I completely agree with Lao Jia's point of view. It is indeed the best choice for the starting station of the first line to be located in the capital!"

Zhao Guoyang also deeply agrees with the views of these two leaders.

Indeed, the capital itself is China's transportation hub and railway transportation center, and there are a lot of people coming from all directions every day.

Under such circumstances, the construction of high-speed railways will undoubtedly relieve some of the pressure on Beijing's railway traffic.

So Zhao Guoyang nodded vigorously and said: "That's right, it's true. The construction companies in the capital are very strong, and there is absolutely no problem in undertaking the construction of the high-speed railway project."

"Then which city should I choose for the other point of this route?" Jia Zhichun interjected.

Zhao Guoyang pondered for a moment, then said, "I think LY City is pretty good."

"LY City is the capital of Liaodong Province, with a large population, and the pressure on railway traffic is very high. The construction of high-speed railways will definitely play a big role in relieving the city's traffic pressure. Moreover, it is not too far away from the capital. Not close, it is the best choice to test our project..."

Listening to Zhao Guoyang's meticulous analysis, Li Kejian stroked the beard on his chin, nodded slightly and said, "That's right, what Guoyang said makes sense. The main purpose of our high-speed railway project is to ease the The pressure on national railway traffic makes people's travel more convenient."

"There are many trains departing between the capital city and LY city every day, and it is one of the busiest routes between the capital city and the surrounding areas. I think it is feasible to choose LY city as the terminal!"

Mr. Li agreed with Zhao Guoyang's proposal, and Jia Zhichun and Fang Xuesen naturally had no objections.

Leader Jia took out a handful of cigarettes from his pocket, gave everyone a cigarette, and then began to ask: "Guoyang, the route has been confirmed. Next, let's plan the related supporting enterprises for this project!"

"Although we don't know much about this 'high-speed railway project', we should have a general idea of ​​the raw materials it needs."

"First of all, it's about the construction of the project. You just said that we have large construction companies like 'Jingcheng No. 1 Construction' and 'Jingcheng No. 2 Construction' in the capital, so there should be no problem."

"Secondly, in terms of railway steel, with your 'Han Bao Iron and Steel Company' as the support, it shouldn't be a big problem."

"Then, apart from these two points, is there any work we should start preparing for?"

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