King of Industry

Chapter 936 Compared with you, I am an amateur

In the "Old Alley" hot pot restaurant, after Zhao Guoyang finished explaining the situation to Mao Feiming, Mao Feiming fell into a state of "absence".

After a while, he said in a ignorant voice: "Brother Guoyang, you mean, let me participate in the bidding for this 'high-speed railway project'?"

"But... we're already working on two major projects at the 'Three Constructions of the Capital', and I'm afraid that the funds will not meet the requirements!"

After hearing this, Zhao Guoyang said cheerfully, "Don't worry, Mr. Mao. Since the country is determined to engage in the 'high-speed railway project', there will definitely be a support plan for the companies that bid."

"Although this project is very big, it doesn't mean you have to pour all the money into it at once. You can take it step by step. Moreover, even if you don't have enough funds in the future, you can still borrow money..."

Hearing Zhao Guoyang's heartfelt words, Mao Feiming's eyes gradually became firm.

In the end, he clenched his fist and said, "Okay, Guoyang, I'll listen to you, and I'll do this project!"

Zhao Guoyang was happy when he heard this.

He smiled and said: "Mr. Mao, I am not the only one who has the final say on this project. I am just a right to make suggestions. If I fail to recommend your 'Beijing Three Constructions' to the leaders, you can't blame me head!"

Zhao Guoyang's words are naturally modest words.

In fact, as the deputy team leader of the "High-speed Railway Project Work Permit", he has the absolute right to speak in the selection of construction companies and supporting companies.

Even Li Kejian, the team leader, must support him.

Because Mao Feiming knew Zhao Guoyang better, he naturally knew that this Wangnian friend would not be indiscriminate.

He laughed and said, "Brother Guoyang, let me give you a guarantee here. Even if this matter doesn't fall on our 'Beijing Sanjian' in the end, I can only be grateful to you, brother. No complaints!"

Zhao Guoyang smiled slightly, didn't say much, and directly had a drink with this boss.

After Mao Feiming made up his mind, the preparatory work was basically done.

While drinking wine, Zhao Guoyang gave Mr. Mao some general information about the preparations for the "high-speed railway project" and the problems he needed to think about during the construction of his "Three Constructions of the Capital".

For example, within the project scope of the first route, what is the starting and ending mileage; what is the length of the main line;

In addition, there are several concentrated concrete mixing plants; several first-grade crushed stone mixing plants; and several newly built stations. Only after multiple investigations can accurate conclusions be drawn.

Listening to Zhao Guoyang's meticulous analysis, Mao Feiming was like a primary school student, not daring to breathe.

Noticing the nervousness of Mr. Mao, the corner of Zhao Guoyang's mouth twitched and said, "Mr. Mao, don't just listen to me, tell me what you think."

"After all, in terms of engineering construction, you are an expert, and I am just a layman..."

After hearing this, Mao Feiming kept waving his hands and said, "No, no, brother Guoyang, don't be modest. I just heard your story, and it is no exaggeration to say that it is better than our 'Beijing Sanjian'. ''s chief engineer must speak well."

Mao Feiming shook his head and said with emotion: "Compared to you, brother, I am an amateur!"

Hearing the flattery of this boss, Zhao Guoyang was speechless for a while.

He is still very clear about his professional level, although he has a certain understanding of the construction of high-speed railway projects because of the relationship between his two lives.

But when it comes to some professional data, I am definitely not sure.

For example, in this route, the distance of the "no oak track" is about how much it needs to be used.

In addition, for roadbeds, bridges, and tunnels, Zhao Guoyang couldn't give a precise answer to the percentage of the length of the main line, so he could only give a general reminder.

However, the first phase of this "high-speed railway project" is still under construction, and the specific data can only be known after on-site surveys. Zhao Guoyang did not make any distinctions with Mr. Mao.

The two of them had a hearty meal of hot pot.

Although he didn't drink too much wine, the atmosphere was absolutely nothing to talk about.

After eating, Mr. Mao called the driver, first sent Zhao Guoyang back to the entrance of the "Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry" hotel, and then bid farewell to him.


The news that the country is about to launch a "high-speed railway project" spread quickly, as if it had grown wings.

Before, the people in China didn't know much about the term "high-speed railway".

However, as the country published some popular science articles in some important newspapers and journals, this project naturally became familiar to everyone soon.

Especially after an article introducing the "Shinkansen in Island Country" was published, it caused an upsurge in the discussion of "high-speed railway" among the whole people.

Subsequently, the release of the list of members of the "High-speed Railway Project Working Group" added fuel to the fire.

No way, the list of members of this working group is too unexpected.

First of all, the leader of this working group turned out to be the leader of the country's industry - Li Kejian and Mr. Li took the lead, which was quite a sensation.

You know, Mr. Li has not been widely seen in the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry in recent years.

Basically, except for some important projects, he will pay attention to them, and will not ask too much about other things.

To put it bluntly, this guy has entered a state of near-retirement.

However, Mr. Li personally led the "high-speed railway project working group" this time, which is enough to show that the state and relevant ministries and commissions attach great importance to this project.

If Mr. Li, the team leader, is somewhat unexpected, then Zhao Guoyang, the 24-year-old deputy team leader, is even more surprising when he ranks behind Mr. Li's name.

In the past two years, although Zhao Guoyang's own career has been doing well, it is booming.

But his own reputation in the country is not obvious.

Even compared to his popularity abroad, it was even worse.

Therefore, it is not uncommon for ordinary people not to know about Zhao Guoyang, and to doubt that he can be the deputy team leader of such a major project at such a young age.

However, when the headline on the front page of the next day's "Huaxia Daily" introduced the resume of Zhao Guoyang, the deputy team leader, such doubts quickly dissipated.

A "special engineer" who enjoys state subsidies; a "special researcher" of several national ministries and commissions such as the "Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry", "Ministry of Textiles", and "Ministry of Railways"; "Winning hundreds of millions of dollars in projects...

He is currently the chairman of "SMS Construction Machinery Group Company", chairman of "Xingtai International Foreign Trade Company", chairman and co-founder of "Rongguang Co., Ltd."

A young man in his twenties has already created a huge foundation.

In such a situation, ordinary people don't even dare to imagine it even in their dreams.

Of course, there are also some diehards who don't believe the things written in the newspapers.

It's just that their doubts were drowned in the crowd's rebuttals before they stirred up waves.

Most people can rationally come up with an analysis——Zhao Guoyang's heavy resume cannot be faked.

So after the newspaper came out the next day, the name Zhao Guoyang was quickly spread throughout China.

Of course, Zhao Guoyang was not clear about this situation.

Right now, he is talking about high-speed railway rails, steel supply, and new product development with Li Xiaodong, a member of the board of directors and general manager of "Hanbao Iron and Steel Company."

Regarding Huaxia's upcoming "high-speed railway project", Li Xiaodong had already heard about it from Zhao Guoyang two days ago.

Although it is unclear why Mr. Zhao embarked on this seemingly "out of reach" project, Li Xiaodong did not question Zhao Guoyang's decision.

Because he had a deep understanding of Zhao Guoyang's character through his previous contact with Zhao Guoyang, and he knew that Chairman Zhao was an "inhuman" existence, both in terms of business acumen and technology.

Since he has led this "high-speed railway project", he must be very sure.

What I have to do now is to cooperate well with Chairman Zhao, and at the same time help "Hanbao Iron and Steel Company" to overcome the current difficult situation.

After Zhao Guoyang and Jin Xiuzhu bought a majority of the shares of "Hanbao Iron and Steel Company", although they injected a lot of money into it, it was just enough to pay back the bank's bad debts.

This fund has a very limited effect on the revitalization of the company.

Under such circumstances, if a large amount of steel can be sold through the "high-speed railway project" provided by Chairman Zhao, it will undoubtedly be a very good start for the company's revival.

After understanding this point, Li Xiaodong naturally supported Zhao Guoyang's project 100%.

Thinking that they are already very familiar with each other and have common interests, when Zhao Guoyang and Li Xiaodong talk, there are not so many twists and turns.

Sitting in his office, Zhao Guoyang spoke into the phone while drinking coffee: "Manager Li, I think you have heard about the amount of steel used in the high-speed railway project."

"Whether it is the "Shinkansen" of the island country or the "ICE" of Germany, they can all be used for reference. In this regard, you have to have a clear mind!"

After listening to Zhao Guoyang's prompt, Li Xiaodong responded repeatedly: "Understood, Chairman Zhao, you can rest assured. In the past two days, I have asked people to collect all relevant news reports on 'Shinkansen' and 'ICE' and start researching immediately.”

"I reckon that within three days, we will be able to analyze the data on the quantity, grade, and quality of steel used for these two 'high-speed railway projects'!"

After hearing Li Xiaodong's answer, Zhao Guoyang nodded in approval and said something.

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