King of Industry

Chapter 940 Is there anything unworthy?

After hearing the figure given by Zhao Guoyang, Liang Xiaofeng said slowly: "A cost of 100 million is not a small figure for the 'East China Shipyard'. It is very difficult for their factory to be funded right now. The one who took out the funds to expand the dock..."

"This matter, I think we still need the SJ city government to lead the coordination."

Speaking of this, Liang Xiaofeng smiled and said: "Okay, Guoyang, I know about it. Tomorrow morning, I will go to the city government to report the situation in detail to the leaders. Just wait for my good news! "

When Director Liang said such words, Zhao Guoyang knew that the matter was basically stable.

He quickly thanked the leader a few words, and made an appointment with him to have a drink together, and then put down the phone.

After putting down the phone, Zhao Guoyang leaned back on the chair and thought about other matters related to this ocean transportation ship project.

If you want to launch this project, you must first ask for help from the "Daewoo Shipping Company" for technical support.

After all, there is only a solitary research institute at the headquarters of "Xingtai International", and there is no large-scale project research team.

Without the support of "Daewoo Shipping Company", it would be too difficult to carry out such a large project.

In addition, in addition to technical aspects, in terms of marine steel, it is also necessary to say hello to "Shagang Group" and let them give priority to supplying to their own "Xingtai International".

Originally, "Han Bao Iron and Steel Company" was also fully capable of providing this type of steel.

However, because the "high-speed railway project" is too large, and "Hanbao Iron and Steel Company" itself has other manufacturers that have been supplying.

It would be difficult for them to launch the "steel for marine ships" project again.

Besides, after I won the "Hanbao Iron and Steel Company" here, the president Shen of the "Shagang Group" has not yet heard from me, so I just took advantage of this to say hello.

Although his own acquisition is a normal business practice, there is nothing to criticize.

But Shen Zhirong is a senior after all, so it is very appropriate to say hello to him.

While Zhao Guoyang was thinking about the follow-up matters, there was a knock on the office door.

He looked up and saw that it was his cousin Zhao Qian.

Since Zhao Qian entered "Xingtai International", she has improved rapidly with Xie Yiman, and her performance is getting better and better.

A few days ago, Xie Yiman just recommended her to be the deputy manager of the supply management department.

Zhao Guoyang was naturally very pleased with Zhao Qian's progress, and approved Xie Yiman's suggestion without much hesitation.

Of course, Zhao Guoyang's move was not nepotism, but that Zhao Qian really had such ability.

Seeing this cousin standing at the door, Zhao Guoyang smiled and waved to her, "Xiaoqian, come in and sit down, why are you standing there?"

After hearing Zhao Guoyang's words, Zhao Qian responded and walked in quietly.

After Zhao Guoyang let her sit down on the guest sofa, he saw that the cousin seemed to be hesitant to speak, so he waved his hand indifferently and said, "Xiaoqian, if you have anything to say, just talk about it, why don't you hesitate with me?" of?"

When Zhao Qian heard the words, she blinked her eyes and said, "Brother Guoyang, I really said it!"

Zhao Guoyang held his right hand empty and made a gesture, which naturally signaled the other party "but it's okay to say".

"Well, are you and Miss Yiyi..."

After hearing Zhao Qian's faltering words, Zhao Guoyang immediately came to his senses.

Needless to say, this cousin must have come to confirm after the matter between himself and Mu Yiyi was "publicized".

Thinking of this, Zhao Guoyang smirked slightly: "I thought Xiaoqian, you came to me because of some problems in your work, so it's about this..."

"That's right, Yiyi and I have confirmed our relationship. After all, we have reached the age, you know that monkey guy, he called me two days ago and said that he is going to have a son next month! I can't fall behind Too many!"

Hearing Zhao Guoyang mention the "monkey" groaning, Zhao Qian couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Zhao Qian felt a little emotional when she thought that this guy who had been following her cousin back then had already started a family and started a business, with a child about to be born.

After Zhao Guoyang finished explaining, he looked at Zhao Qian and said, "How is it, Xiaoqian, do you have any other questions?"

"Ah... no, no, I just want to know, but I don't intend to stop you from falling in love, brother Guoyang!" Zhao Qian hurriedly explained.

"Understood!" Zhao Guoyang shrugged, "I don't know who you are, you never like to inquire about these things."

After hearing Zhao Guoyang's comments, Zhao Qian nodded slightly.

"Ah, that's right!" Zhao Guoyang suddenly remembered something, and said with a straight face, "Xiaoqian, you are only a few months younger than me, right? It's time to find a companion!"

"How about it, is there anything you like in 'Xingtai International' or 'SMS Company'? If there is, brother can help you introduce it?"

While talking to himself, Zhao Guoyang did not forget to mutter: "It seems that Yuan Qinghua hasn't fallen in love yet, and his age is quite suitable, so he is a good candidate..."

After Zhao Guoyang finished speaking, Zhao Qian waved her hands again and again and said, "No need, brother Guoyang, really no need! Yuan Qinghua is a Ph. D., and I can't climb high!"

"Hey, Xiaoqian, what you said is against your will!"

Zhao Guoyang looked at Zhao Qian, smiled and teased: "You are now a relatively high-ranking middle-level cadre in our 'Xingtai International'. As for Yuan Qinghua, you have just stepped into the threshold of middle-level cadres."

"In terms of the importance of position, you don't belong to the other party at all! What's not worthy of you?"

When Zhao Qian heard this, she said awkwardly: "Brother Guoyang, although I am a middle-level cadre, although my rank is not low, I am a bit weak in persuasion... If I am not your cousin, maybe even the middle-level cadres are not as good as me." Can't get along!"

Hearing Zhao Qian's unconfident words, Zhao Guoyang said sternly: "Xiaoqian, you are a bit of a dead end. In fact, I have played a very small role in your being able to get to this point."

"After you joined the company, you taught yourself two foreign languages, English and French, and you also got an adult bachelor's degree from Aurora University. These are not things that ordinary people can do."

"With your current ability, even if you don't work in our 'Xingtai International', there are still countless companies vying for you. So, you don't have to belittle yourself!"

There is no exaggeration in what Zhao Guoyang said.

In fact, Zhao Qian's learning ability is still very strong.

The reason why I was not admitted to the ideal university was also because of luck.

After taking part in the work now, her learning ability has gradually come into play.

Being able to be promoted to the deputy manager of the supply management department so quickly was not just Xie Yiman's flattering her.

Hearing the affirmation given by her cousin, Zhao Qian's eyes gradually became firmer.

She stood up, smiled embarrassedly at Zhao Guoyang and said, "Mr. Zhao, you are right. I should not belittle myself, but should continue to work hard to further narrow the gap in ability with others and catch up!"

"Well, that's right!" Zhao Guoyang touched his chin and said with satisfaction.

Zhao Qian took a deep look at Zhao Guoyang, and said, "Then Mr. Zhao, if there's nothing else, I'll go out!"

Zhao Guoyang gave a satisfied "um" and looked at this cousin with relief.


Several weeks later, on Saturday morning, Zhao Guoyang had a rare good sleep and didn't get up until ten o'clock.

Not long ago, the country officially began to implement the weekend working hours system.

At this point, every week will be a "big week".

What is "big worship"? This starts before the official implementation of the "weekend".

During the period of more than half a year when the "weekend" was tried out before this, the state stipulated that the "five-day work system every other week" was stipulated.

In other words, every other week, take an extra Saturday off.

Therefore, many people call the week of resting for 2 days a big prayer, and the week of resting for only one day is called a small worship.

Of course, although the country has relevant regulations, in the past half a year, it is absolutely rare for domestic enterprises to strictly implement the "big and small worship" rest units.

After all, the concept of working six days a day is too deep-rooted, and it is difficult to reverse it.

Moreover, because of the tight work tasks, many domestic enterprises are cautious about the holiday and dare not try it lightly.

However, this kind of holiday that does not follow the regulations has never happened in several companies under Zhao Guoyang.

Because of his personal experience before rebirth, Zhao Guoyang certainly knew the expectations of the employees for the holiday.

After all, it’s the turn of a "big week". If we don’t have a rest, everyone will complain to some extent, and their enthusiasm for work will be compromised.

Therefore, even when Zhao Guoyang's work tasks were really heavy, he would let his subordinates rest for "worship and worship".

There is really no way to require people to work overtime, and he will also pay the employees corresponding overtime pay in accordance with relevant regulations.

It is precisely because he has done a great job in the humanization of enterprise management that none of his subsidiaries have lost a single talent in the past few years.

Lying on the bed and stretching, Zhao Guoyang suddenly remembered that he seemed to have forgotten something.

He hurriedly fumbled for his cell phone from the bedside table, and then quickly called Mu Yiyi.

The phone rang twice and was connected.

Then, Mu Yiyi's pleasant voice came over.

"Hey, is this Guoyang?" Mu Yiyi asked with concern.

Zhao Guoyang scratched his head, coughed and said, "It's me, Yiyi. I'm sorry, I overslept, did I keep you waiting?"

He and Mu Yiyi have been in a relationship for a while, and finally looking forward to a less busy weekend, Zhao Guoyang asked her to go home together and talk about the two of them with their families.

Who knows, because of the busy work these two days, Zhao Guoyang overslept on Saturday, which is really embarrassing.

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