King of Industry

Chapter 944 The

When Mu Yiyi knocked on the door of Zhao Guoyang's house, he was on the phone with someone.

Holding the phone in one hand and opening the door with the other, Zhao Guoyang made a "silence" gesture to Mu Yiyi.

Seeing his cautious appearance, Mu Yiyi knew that his call must be very important.

Sitting down on the sofa quietly, Mu Yiyi naturally waited quietly for Zhao Guoyang to finish the call.

"Isabella, are you 100% sure about this matter? You can't make a mistake, right?"

Hearing Zhao Guoyang's question, Mu Yiyi's heart skipped a beat.

Who Isabella was, of course she knew.

The other party was a high-achieving student from "McGill University", and Zhao Guoyang personally invited him to his team from Canada.

With the help of several students including her and Olivia, the "Automobile and Motor Vehicle New Technology Research Institute" under "Xingtai International" has achieved outstanding results in the past two years.

The technological progress of the "driverless car" project is also very obvious.

Although this project is more for the company's future development considerations, the economic benefits are not significant.

But Isabella and her team have sold millions of patents in the past year.

Calculated, this income is more profitable than the scientific research funds that Zhao Guoyang allocated to them.

With such a group of technical geniuses, it's no wonder Chairman Zhao attaches great importance to them.

However, the phone call between Zhao Guoyang and this classmate Isabella today was obviously not about "unmanned cars", which made Mu Yiyi a little curious.

Just when Mu Yiyi was secretly wondering what was going on, Zhao Guoyang had finished speaking with Isabella and said goodbye.

Turning his head and seeing his girlfriend looking at him expectantly, Zhao Guoyang let out an "oh", spread his hands and said, "It's nothing serious, but Isabella called me suddenly and said It was one of their mentors at school who contacted her and asked if she could join my company..."

"Huh? Isabella's mentor, wants to join her team? This... isn't this putting the cart before the horse!" Hearing this, Mu Yiyi couldn't help being surprised.

Zhao Guoyang waved his hand, smiled and explained to her: "Yiyi, you are mistaken, Isabella's mentor does not want to join her team, but wants to join our 'Xingtai International'!"

"I reckon, it should be that this tutor is a little tempted after hearing about Isabella's current income."

When Zhao Guoyang said this, Mu Yiyi immediately understood.

Indeed, the income of the employees of "Xingtai International" has undergone earth-shaking changes in the past year.

Because several projects are doing very well, "Xingtai International" has made a profit of more than 100 million US dollars in the past year.

With so much money earned, the boss Zhao Guoyang will certainly not treat his employees badly.

For executives like Wang Zecheng and Xie Yiman, Zhao Guoyang gave about 50,000 US dollars in year-end bonuses.

Coupled with their usual income, the executives of "Xingtai International" get at least 80,000 US dollars a year.

As for Isabella and the others, although their income could not be compared with Wang Zecheng and Xie Yiman's, they still earned 60,000 US dollars a year.

Such an annual income was definitely very high in the period of 1995.

Even in a developed country like the United States, the annual salary of general technicians will not exceed US$50,000.

This number corresponds to some senior technical personnel.

Technicians like Isabella and Olivia who have just graduated from school and have no experience will get even less.

In addition to the high income, the benefits that Zhao Guoyang gave to foreigners like Isabella were definitely leveraged.

Needless to say, the group travel twice a year is fully covered by the company.

Moreover, they were asked to go to places of interest and beautiful rivers and mountains in China.

In addition, during Christmas and New Year, Zhao Guoyang also gave Isabella and the others a certain period of family leave.

After all, for foreigners, Christmas is equivalent to Chinese New Year.

Such benefits are comparable to some well-known large companies and enterprises in the world.

What's more, Zhao Guoyang has another trump card, which is to distribute shares to the employees below.

Like Isabella and Olivia, who have been in the company for more than a year, Zhao Guoyang gave 0.02% of the shares last year, which is a small reward.

Although the shares are very meager, with the current strong development momentum of "Xingtai International", this 0.02% is likely to be a huge sum of money in the future.

Under such a temptation, how could Isabella, Olivia and the others not give up their hearts to Zhao Guoyang?

In the living room, after listening to Zhao Guoyang's narration, Mu Yiyi nodded suddenly.

Indeed, although McGill University has a great reputation, the salaries of its teachers may not be that high.

The most important thing is that the profession of teachers is still not suitable for some people who are ambitious.

Obviously, Isabella's teacher should be a "restless" person.

Such people will not be content with the status quo, they want to make a career of their own.

The temptation of Zhao Guoyang and "Xingtai International" to such a person is undoubtedly huge.

After talking to Mu Yiyi about the general situation, Zhao Guoyang rubbed his chin and said, "Listen to Isabella's words, she is a teacher of 'industrial design', her level is still very high. Especially in the fuselage , The design of the body is even more outstanding.”

"If he can really come to our 'Xingtai International' to help, it will undoubtedly be a big help to me!"

After hearing what Zhao Guoyang said, Mu Yiyi nodded in agreement.

"That's right, Guoyang! Not only our 'Xingtai International', 'SMS Company', 'Xingtai-Daewoo Motor Company', this teacher can go over and preside over the overall situation!"

"Hey, 'SMS Company' and 'Xingtai-Daewoo Motor Company' will not be using this Professor Sandro for the time being. If he really comes over, I have more important tasks for him!"

Mu Yiyi was puzzled for a moment, but didn't ask any more questions.

Right now, her mind is on tomorrow's engagement. As for work, it won't be too late to talk about it after returning to SJ City.

Zhao Guoyang, who was sitting next to her, seemed to be aware of it too, so he asked with a smile: "Let's not talk about these things. Yiyi, after you just came home, how did you talk with Mayor Mu and Auntie Ding? The two of them, Do you still agree with our business?"

After hearing Zhao Guoyang's question, Mu Yiyi gave him an annoyed look and said, "Does that need to be said? How attractive is your Mr. Zhao? My parents heard that my boyfriend is you, so it's just a matter of time." Buy firecrackers to celebrate!"

Although Zhao Guoyang has always been thick-skinned, he was still a little embarrassed after hearing this.

He scratched his head and said awkwardly, "This... Are Mayor Mu and Aunt Ding really so happy?"

Mu Yiyi snorted, stood up and said, "Is it true? You'll know if you come over and have a look?"

"Let's go, let's go to my house. Mom is still waiting for me to buy vegetables! You just happened to be chatting with my dad. He seems to have a lot to say to you!"

Mu Yiyi said so, of course Zhao Guoyang could only follow her.

In fact, the sudden change in his relationship with Mayor Mu made him a little uncomfortable.

Fortunately, Zhao Guoyang's mental quality is still very good, and after he exhaled lightly, he was relieved.

The two came to the opposite door, opened the door and entered, Mayor Mu's voice came from the main room.

"Has Guoyang come? Come, come, come and drink tea. Come and taste the 'Yuqian Longjing' just sent over by an old comrade-in-arms a few days ago!"

Upon hearing this, Zhao Guoyang quickly agreed, put on his slippers and walked inside.

After walking a few steps, he bumped into Ding Yanhong who had changed his clothes.

He hurriedly laughed along with him, and called "Aunt Ding"!

"Guoyang, sit down first, and Auntie will come back as soon as she goes. By the way, what do you want to eat, Auntie will buy it for you!"

After hearing Ding Yanhong's affectionate words, Zhao Guoyang didn't know what to say, so he could only reply with a smirk: "It's fine, it's fine. Auntie, you can just buy whatever you want, I'm fine..."

"That's no way, today is the first time your new uncle comes to the door, how can you entertain you casually!"

As soon as Ding Yanhong came up, she first established Zhao Guoyang's identity as "uncle", for fear that he would go back on his word.

Mu Yiyi on the side of course understood what her mother meant, so she blushed and said, "Mom, it's too early to be a uncle or not! Don't scare Guoyang..."

Hearing her daughter's shy words, Ding Yanhong said with a smile on her face: "Hey, it's not early at all. Aren't you two getting engaged tomorrow? Let's get used to it today, so that Guoyang won't get married tomorrow!"

Mu Yiyi had nothing to do with her mother's nonsense, she could only cast an apologetic look at Zhao Guoyang.

Zhao Guoyang admired the freedom and ease of Aunt Ding.

After she made such a fuss, she really didn't feel embarrassed at all.

Immediately, he nodded cheerfully and said, "Auntie, whatever you say is what you say, I'll listen!"

After hearing this, Ding Yanhong nodded to her daughter happily and said, "Did you hear that, damn girl, Guoyang understands people's hearts better than you!"

Seeing her mother and her boyfriend chatting happily, Mu Yiyi opened her mouth wide, unable to comprehend.

She blinked her eyes and thought innocently: After falling in love with this guy Guoyang, will I be complained about at home? This is too wronged!

But think about it, compared with Zhao Guoyang, there is really a gap in every aspect.

Even if parents want to praise themselves, there seems to be nothing worth mentioning in front of him.

Thinking of this, Mu Yiyi couldn't help but glared at Zhao Guoyang.

Zhao Guoyang caught a glimpse of this girlfriend's small eyes and scratched his head for a while, not knowing where he said something wrong again.

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