King of Industry

Chapter 948 I Absolutely Trust You!

In Montreal in early June, the temperature is still a bit low.

After Zhao Guoyang got off the plane, he obviously felt a little cold.

"Hey, brother Guoyang, the weather here is really cold." Zhao Qian stomped her feet and said, "Fortunately, I heard you remind me, I prepared my coat early. Otherwise, I might really catch a cold ..."

Zhao Guoyang turned around and glanced at his cousin, and said with a smile, "It's about the same. Sometimes the lowest temperature in Montreal is less than ten degrees in July."

"Geographically speaking, this place is equivalent to the northeast region of China, and it's normal to be cold."

When Zhao Qian heard the words, she said "huh" and nodded.

This time when he came to Montreal, Zhao Guoyang did not bring Mu Yiyi with him.

It wasn't that he didn't want to bring his girlfriend with him, but that Mu Yiyi gave it up on her own initiative.

Her current status is still the assistant to the president, and her main job is to assist the executive president Zhang Yufang in her work. Of course, she can't keep running around with Zhao Guoyang.

Of course, Zhang Yufang did not have any demands on Mu Yiyi in this regard.

Especially after she confirmed her relationship with Zhao Guoyang, Teacher Zhang Yufang would not give her any instructions.

But because of this, Mu Yiyi has to pay more attention to her own words and deeds.

Therefore, after she voluntarily gave up, Zhao Guoyang had no choice but to choose someone else to accompany him on this trip.

Because Wang Zecheng and Xie Yiman are busy with their respective jobs and are used to going abroad, they don't feel anything new.

After discussing with Zhang Yufang, Zhao Guoyang chose his cousin Zhao Qian to accompany him.

For his arrangement, Mu Yiyi also fully agrees.

After she fell in love with Zhao Guoyang, Zhao Qian naturally became her younger sister, and the relationship between the two daughters could not be overstated by saying that the relationship between the two daughters has grown by leaps and bounds.

Mu Yiyi knew that Zhao Qian had no chance to go out before, so when Zhao Guoyang went on a business trip to Canada this time, she naturally supported Zhao Qian with all her strength and went with her.

Apart from Zhao Qian, Isabella and Olivia were called by Zhao Guoyang to return to China for vacation.

These two people are from Montreal, Canada, and both have studied under Professor Sandro. It is only natural to bring them here this time.

Isabella and Olivia obviously also knew the relationship between Zhao Qian and Mr. Zhao, so they were naturally more polite to Zhao Qian at the moment, and they talked with her intimately for a while.

After leaving the airport, after Isabella stopped a taxi, the four of them filed into it.

After getting in the car, Olivia asked Zhao Guoyang: "Chairman, shall we send you and Ms. Zhao Qian to the hotel to settle down for a while, or go directly to McGill University to find a teacher?"

After hearing her question, Zhao Guoyang touched his chin and said, "Let's go to McGill University first. If it's a hotel, don't worry."

"That's right, it's not the peak tourist season in Montreal right now, so the hotel won't be tight." Isabella interjected, "Besides, if you can't find a hotel, you can stay at my house. My house is huge. Already!"

After Isabella finished speaking, Olivia's eyes lit up.

She echoed repeatedly: "Yes, yes, yes, Isabella's idea is indeed feasible!"

"Chairman, you should know that the houses of our Canadian citizens are generally relatively large. The houses in my house and Isabella's house are all five to six hundred square meters. There are also more than 10 rooms."

"Don't talk about staying with you and Ms. Zhao Qian, there are ten more people, and I can live there!"

Zhao Guoyang knew very well about Canada's large land and sparse population, so he said "ha" immediately: "I understand! Canada's population is only 20 to 30 million, but its area is about the same size as China's. This house can naturally be built." Get big."

"It's just that if I really live in your house, there will be a lot of inconvenience..."

After pondering for a while, Zhao Guoyang said: "In this way, after the matter of Professor Sandro is settled, Zhao Qian can live with the two of you. It just so happens that you also take her to the streets of Montreal."

"As for me, it's better to stay in a hotel. In this way, it will be more convenient to come and go in the next few days!"

"Okay, it's up to both of us!" Isabella and Olivia looked at each other when they heard the words, and nodded in agreement at the same time.

While on the plane, Zhao Guoyang had already told the three of them what he was going to do in Canada this time.

Including Zhao Qian, the three girls all knew that Chairman Zhao was going to visit "Bombardier".

Therefore, everyone is not surprised by the convenient words he just said.


In an office of the Industrial Design Department of McGill University, Zhao Guoyang was sitting on the sofa, smiling and communicating with a thin middle-aged man.

Beside the two, Isabella, Olivia and Zhao Qian were sitting respectfully.

There is no doubt that the middle-aged man in front of him is Alex Sandro, a professor in the Industrial Design Department of McGill University.

For the arrival of Zhao Guoyang and his party, Mr. Sandro was obviously very surprised.

Before coming, under Zhao Guoyang's instructions, Isabella and Olivia did not mention to Sandro that he, the chairman, wanted to visit in person.

At this moment, Sandro was surprised and delighted when he learned the true identity of this young man under the introduction of two students.

Zhao Guoyang seemed quite calm, and after a few pleasantries, he said with a smile: "Mr. Sandro, I heard from Isabella and the others before that you have the idea of ​​giving up teaching and transferring to a company to do research. Do you know if that's the case?"

For this matter, Sandro has no hidden meaning.

He said "Oh", nodded and said: "Chairman Zhao is right! In fact, the idea of ​​doing research has never stopped since I worked at McGill University. It was just that it was delayed due to various reasons. That's all."

"But now, after I have accumulated a certain amount of savings through teaching and educating people, I feel that it is time to chase my dream!"

Hearing this, Zhao Guoyang nodded approvingly and said: "Yes, chasing dreams is the most important thing. And our 'Xingtai International Foreign Trade Company' is a good place that is willing to help people realize their dreams!"

After Zhao Guoyang finished speaking, Sandro responded with a smile: "Chairman Zhao, I can see this even if you don't tell me."

"After all, I taught Isabella and Olivia all by myself. I also know their dreams and pursuits very well. There is no doubt that in your company, their ideals are being realized step by step. "

"In my opinion, the platform you provided them is really good! It is an excellent research institute that allows people to realize their full potential!"

After Sandro's words came out, Isabella and Olivia, who were still a little worried, let out a sigh of relief.

Zhao Guoyang was also very surprised by the words of this Professor Sandro. He was slightly taken aback, and then said: "Thank you very much, Professor Sandro for your trust in our 'Xingtai International'."

"Here, I also assure you. As long as your scientific research idea is approved by the company, we will definitely meet your financial needs to the greatest extent!"

"I absolutely believe in you!" Sandro stood up excitedly, holding Zhao Guoyang's hand.

The handshake between the two naturally meant that the cooperation was confirmed.

However, Sandro quickly thought of some obstacles.

He turned his head, looked at Isabella inquiringly, and said, "By the way, Isabella. I heard that the 'Automotive and Motor Vehicle New Technology Research Institute' you work in has only ten members so far? It's not like this?"

When Isabella heard this, she cast a begging look at Zhao Guoyang for help.

Zhao Guoyang was quite magnanimous, and explained directly: "That's it, Mr. Sandro. Our institute is indeed short of manpower. In this regard, you may need more recommendations! After all, our Huaxia Several universities are still in their infancy in terms of motor vehicles... It's hard to find talents!"

When Sandro heard this, he patted his chest and said, "Mr. Zhao, don't worry, I will do my best to help you find good talents. Several doctors under me, They also have the idea of ​​going out with me."

"It's just that in terms of income, you still need to realize it. If it doesn't meet their requirements, you can only find another way."

Zhao Guoyang was very satisfied with Mr. Sandro's frankness, and nodded immediately: "Mr. Sandro, this is how I consider income."

"In your case, after joining our 'Xingtai International', you will be the deputy director of the research institute and be directly responsible to me. In terms of remuneration, the annual salary is about 250,000 US dollars plus share dividends."

"As for the doctoral students under your command, the annual salary is definitely not up to the level of Isabella and the others for the time being. But 100,000 US dollars can still be guaranteed."

After coming to work in "Xingtai International", the income of Isabella and the others has been increasing steadily.

Now, their annual salary plus dividends has exceeded 120,000 US dollars.

If the shares are not counted, their income is even higher than that of some executives.

Of course, for high-level personnel like Zhang Yufang and Xie Yiman, the shares become more and more valuable as the company appreciates.

It may not be as much as Isabella and the others now, but after the company goes public in the future, each of them will have a net worth of no less than ten million.

This is still a very conservative figure.

You must know that the total assets of "Xingtai International Foreign Trade Company" have exceeded 500 million US dollars.

With the surprisingly good benefits and performance of "Xingtai International", once it is listed, the 500 million will be quadrupled or five times, which is nothing at all.

Even ten times, it is a high probability thing.

As for Zhang Yufang and the other executives, each of them owns at least 1% of the shares...

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