King of Industry

Chapter 958 An Emergency

In the office, after hearing Zhao Guoyang's analysis, Zhang Yufang suddenly nodded in agreement.

Indeed, "Xingtai International" has always been open and transparent in terms of yacht prices, and the relationship with several major dealers is also very harmonious.

Even if there is speculation by financial oligarchs, this aspect will not be affected.

"Okay, let's stick to one principle in this matter. It's 'not meddling', let them change in ever-changing ways, and just take care of our own affairs."

After Zhao Guoyang said this, Zhang Yufang let out a "huh" and completely let go of her mind.

"However, our company's product competitiveness has improved, and the lack of production capacity is really a problem..."

Touching his chin, Zhao Guoyang said pointedly.

Zhang Yufang responded with emotion: "Yes, Mr. Zhao. Ms. Jin Xiuzhu has called me several times and wants me to deploy her manpower. But there is no way, our headquarters of 'Xingtai International' Here, there is also a shortage of people, and I really can't help her!"

Zhang Yufang's words are of course not trying to shirk. In fact, "Xingtai International" has already transferred part of its manpower to Ninghai City after establishing "Xingtai-Daewoo Automobile Company".

In the current headquarters, there are only a few hundred workers on the real production line.

If the "high-speed railway project" is launched again, such a small number of people is simply not enough for teeth.

After thinking about this, Zhao Guoyang immediately made a decision.

He glanced at Zhang Yufang, and instructed: "Mr. Zhang, this lack of work is a serious matter. We have to deal with it as soon as possible. I think it's good. Tomorrow, you go there yourself and lead the team to Jiangnan Province and East Zhejiang Province. Province and southern Anhui Province respectively, to see if we can recruit some workers from various places.”

"In addition, we have to post advertisements everywhere in SJ City."

Hearing this, Zhang Yufang nodded lightly and said, "Okay, Mr. Zhao, leave this matter to me."

"However, it is difficult for us in SJ to recruit local workers. There is no way, there are too many opportunities..."

Although Zhang Yufang's words were not clear enough, Zhao Guoyang understood what she meant right away.

Apparently, this teacher Zhang meant that SJ City has now entered a stage of rapid development. Whether it is collecting rent or starting a small business, the locals can make a steady profit without losing money. No one really wants to work in a factory as a worker.

For such a fact, Zhao Guoyang was also a little helpless.

Indeed, the current national policy is to vigorously develop Pudong and SJ City.

The locals of SJ City catch up with such bonuses and can make money almost easily, so of course they will have some self-respecting psychology.

After trying to understand this, Zhao Guoyang was silent for a moment, and then continued to speak: "Mr. Zhang, you still need to post the advertisement. Although most of the locals in SJ City will not apply for the job, there are still many hopes for those who come to SJ City to work. Find a stable job."

"In addition, I'll go back and ask Vice Mayor Gao for instructions to see if we can come up with a plan to attract people from 'Xingtai International'. For example, how many years have you worked, can you get a household registration or something..."

After hearing Zhao Guoyang's narration, Zhang Yufang's eyes lit up.

She is a native of SJ City, so of course she knows the benefits of having a registered permanent residence in SJ City.

If you really work at "Xingtai International" for several years, you will be able to get a household registration in SJ City, and many migrant workers will flock to it, right?

At that moment, Zhang Yufang nodded in response, sighed and said, "Mr. Zhao, you still think about the long-term. With such a bonus, I think the problem of recruitment should be easily solved."

Zhao Guoyang just laughed when he heard the words: "Mr. Zhang, don't rush to flatter me. I haven't called Deputy Mayor Gao yet. Can you settle this matter and talk about it!"

Zhao Guoyang's words are naturally modest words.

As far as the companies under him are concerned, they are already countable large enterprises in SJ City.

Coupled with Zhao Guoyang's own authority in domestic industrial technology, each of these "enterprises" under his command is highly valued by the municipal government.

In particular, "Xingtai International", which has just undertaken the national "high-speed rail project", is a large enterprise that the SJ city government has clearly decided to fully support.

Mayor Huang alone, the number of inspections this year, can't be counted on one hand.

In this case, Zhao Guoyang only needs to inform Deputy Mayor Gao, and getting the other party's promise is almost a certainty.

Zhang Yufang, the CEO, has always been watching these things.

At this time, after hearing Zhao Guoyang's modest words, she pursed her lips and smiled, her eyes full of disbelief.

Zhao Guoyang has nothing to do with this teacher Zhang.

Seeing her half-smile expression, he could only touch his nose, pretending not to see it.

The phone rang "Ding Lingling" suddenly, and Zhao Guoyang finally eased out of the awkward atmosphere.

He coughed, greeted Zhang Yufang, and picked up the phone on the table.

"Brother Guoyang, is it Brother Guoyang? I'm Mao Zhichun!"

Hearing the other party's self-reported family name, Zhao Guoyang hurriedly exchanged greetings: "Ah, it's Chairman Mao, hello, hello!"

Mao Zhichun responded, sighed and said: "Brother Guoyang, I heard that you just came back from Canada, so I shouldn't have troubled you immediately. But there is no way, we 'Songqi Group' came out It's an emergency. If you don't hurry up and solve it, you will be in big trouble!"

Hearing Chairman Mao's sigh, Zhao Guoyang was slightly taken aback.

It is said that "Songqi Group" has always been the overlord in the domestic family car market for the past two years. Even the second-ranked "FAW Group" still has a big gap from it.

Under the circumstances of comprehensively suppressing other domestic automobile manufacturers, how could there be any emergency situation for "Songqi Group"?

After pondering for a while, but still having no idea, Zhao Guoyang frowned slightly and said, "Chairman Mao, what is the situation, can you tell me first?"

Mao Zhichun nodded repeatedly when he heard the words: "Convenient and convenient! So, Mr. Zhao, let's go to the 'Songjiang Hotel' to meet later, let's have a drink or two and talk while eating. Do you think it will work?"

Chairman Mao has said so, of course Zhao Guoyang can't say no.

Seeing that he agreed, Mao Zhichun seemed to relax, and his voice was different.

Putting down the phone, Zhao Guoyang reluctantly made a "sorry" gesture to Zhang Yufang and said, "I planned to have dinner with Mr. Sandro tonight, but now I can only trouble you, Mr. Zhang, to come forward!"

After hearing this, Zhang Yufang pursed her lips and said with a smile: "Mr. Zhao, this is not a hard job. It is my wish to have a good meal without spending money!"

Zhao Guoyang knew that Teacher Zhang didn't want to embarrass himself, so he smiled immediately and nodded to her.

To say that when Zhang Yufang was recruited into the gang, Zhao Guoyang did not expect that she would be able to help him so much.

After all, Zhang Yufang was only a foreign language teacher at first, and she can only be regarded as a novice in administrative management.

Who knew that Mr. Zhang had such an intention to persevere to the end in his temper.

After being assigned an administrative job by herself, she did not avoid the difficulties, but took the initiative to start in-depth study.

In the past two or three years, Zhang Yufang has grown into a qualified administrator.

These things were originally vague.

But now, Zhao Guoyang clearly saw Zhang Yufang's ability.

After sending Zhang Yufang away, Zhao Guoyang sat in the office for a while, looking at some design concept drawings brought back from the "Bombardier Rail Vehicle Design and Manufacturing Group Corporation".

Although these design concept drawings of "Bombardier" are not prepared for high-speed railway trains, there are references in them.

In particular, its designs are excellent in terms of wind resistance and noise, which are worth learning from.

Compared with these technically special designs, Zhao Guoyang didn't need to pay too much attention to the exterior design.

After all, before he was reborn, he knew the appearance of domestic and international high-speed trains very well.

There is absolutely no need to spend too much energy in this regard.

After carefully studying these concept drawings in his hand, Zhao Guoyang raised his hand and looked at his watch. It was almost six o'clock, and it was almost time to go to Mr. Mao's appointment.

Immediately, he picked up his mobile phone, called Luo Zhongxin, and asked him to get the car ready.

Just as Zhao Guoyang finished giving Luo Zhongxin instructions, the door of the office was pushed open.

In "Xingtai International", there was only one person who dared to enter Zhao Guoyang's office without knocking on the door, and that was his girlfriend Mu Yiyi.

Hearing the movement on the other side of the door, Zhao Guoyang raised his eyes and saw that it was indeed Mu Yiyi who had come in.

In fact, when Mu Yiyi was working, she paid great attention to these details, and always knocked on the door first when entering Mr. Zhao's office.

But now it's time to get off work, and the two are in love again, so Mu Yiyi didn't follow the rules.

Of course, Zhao Guoyang would not say anything about this.

Seeing Mu Yiyi coming in, he shrugged his shoulders and said apologetically, "Yiyi, I can't accompany you to dinner tonight, I have an appointment with Chairman Mao of the 'Songqi Group'. He is already waiting at the 'Songjiang Hotel' Already!"

After hearing this, Mu Yiyi curled her lips, seeming a little dissatisfied.

Zhao Guoyang can fully understand her dissatisfaction.

I had just returned from Canada, so I went directly to someone else's appointment, completely ignoring my girlfriend's feelings, which is really unreasonable.

But there was no way, Mao Zhichun made it very clear on the phone that he had something important to discuss with himself.

In order to take the overall situation into consideration, Zhao Guoyang could only wrong Mu Yiyi.

Originally, Zhao Guoyang thought that if he explained it, Mu Yiyi would retreat in spite of the difficulty.

Who knew that after saying this, Mu Yiyi looked at herself with bright eyes as if she had discovered a new continent.

Seeing this look in his girlfriend's eyes, Zhao Guoyang was a little confused.

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