King of Industry

Chapter 964 E-commerce is a new industry

In the golden autumn of October, when people all over the country were immersed in the joy of celebrating the National Day, Zhao Guoyang was conducting an investigation in Sao Paulo, Samba.

This visit to Samba Country was mainly because the "Sunmoonstar Trading Company" was developing too fast, and Suzanne felt that a new decision was needed on the company's development direction.

Together with Suzanne, walking in her family's manor, Zhao Guoyang discussed the strategic issues of the company's development with this partner from time to time.

In the past two years, "Sunmoonstar Trading Company" has become one of the top three foreign trade companies in the country from the top ten foreign trade companies in Samba.

This speed of development is inseparable from the large amount of business that Zhao Guoyang has given to the company.

First of all, in terms of imports, the three manufacturing companies under Zhao Guoyang have continuously provided support to "Sunmoonstar Company".

Including large-scale construction machinery products, automobiles, motorcycles, and jewelry, Zhao Guoyang provides "Sunmoonstar" with a wide variety of products and low prices, which are beyond the reach of other foreign trade companies.

In terms of export, it is also smooth sailing.

Because Susanna has the support of her family, her position in the political and economic life of Samba cannot be ignored.

The mineral deposits that "Sunmoonstar Company" won in the Samba country were all contributed by Susanna.

In addition, the export of coffee beans and meat products is also a profitable business for "Sunmoonstar Company".

Under such circumstances, it would be unreasonable for the "Sunmoonstar Company" to fail to develop.

On the path in the forest, she glanced at Zhao Guoyang, who was talking about her ideas with great interest, and Suzanne couldn't help asking: "Guoyang, I heard from Teacher Zhang Yufang that you are going to get married early next year, is that true? "

Hearing this, Zhao Guoyang was taken aback. He didn't expect Teacher Zhang Yufang to tell Susanna about it.

Speaking of which, Zhao Guoyang and Mu Yiyi's marriage had just been settled not long ago.

Originally, according to Zhao Guoyang's thoughts and thinking, he and Mu Yiyi were both under 25 years old, and it seemed a little too early to get married.

But unable to stand the old-fashioned thinking of both parents, Mu Yiyi also wanted to settle the matter early, so in the end Zhao Guoyang had no choice but to agree.

The two families finally decided on March next year, that is, they will get married after the first lunar month.

The reason why it is not fixed in the first month is because there is a saying among the people that "whether you are married or not, and wax is uncertain".

That is to say, you cannot get married in the first month, and you cannot get engaged in the twelfth month.

Although Zhao Guoyang didn't care much about such a statement, but the older generation listened to superstition, so he could only listen to the elders' advice.

Because this matter was just decided not long ago, Zhao Guoyang did not announce it to the public for the time being.

Except for Bai Rou and Jin Xiuzhu, he didn't inform anyone else.

The reason Zhang Yufang knew was because Mu Yiyi told the immediate boss.

Now that Suzanne asked about this, Zhao Guoyang smiled and explained: "It's probably March, because there's still half a year left, so I didn't tell everyone..."

After hearing this, Suzanne let out a "huh" and said with a chuckle, "Since it's true, then I must be there to congratulate you and Ms. Yiyi!"

Zhao Guoyang patted the back of his head, nodded in response, and couldn't say much.

In fact, Zhao Guoyang could somewhat guess Susanna's feelings for her.

It's just that for various reasons, the two definitely couldn't get together.

Fortunately, Suzanne is a typical Samba with a cheerful personality, so she won't feel sorry for herself because of these emotional matters.

In contrast, Jin Xiuzhu seemed a little lost.

When Zhao Guoyang talked to her twice before, it was obvious that the other party had some resentment.

But there is no way out. Things like feelings really depend on fate.

Although Zhao Guoyang does not deny that Suzanne and Jin Xiuzhu are both good girls, they are not good matches for him.

But Mu Yiyi is the most suitable one.

After chatting with Suzanne about his private affairs, Zhao Guoyang returned to the topic.

He glanced at the samba girl beside him, rubbed his chin and said, "Susanna, I think we need to change the next development strategy of our 'Sunmoonstar Company'!"

"Now the process of globalization is getting faster and faster, and the speed of logistics development is beyond our imagination. If our company has been only developing in the field of foreign trade, it will encounter a big crisis in the future!"

When Susanna heard this, her face became solemn.

She said "hmm" and said, "Yes, Guoyang, I feel the same way."

"Over the past two years, the trade volume between our Samba country and overseas has been increasing year by year, and many small and medium-sized trading companies have sprung up like mushrooms every year."

"Our 'Sunmoonstar Trading Company' has a great reputation and a big brand, but in terms of price, it is a bit higher than others."

"If these small and medium-sized trading companies improve their services, our road ahead may be difficult..."

Seeing that Suzanne also had the same foresight, Zhao Guoyang nodded appreciatively to her.

Speaking of which, Suzanne is really talented in business.

Many are the last, as long as she dials a little bit, she can understand the meaning.

In the past two years of cooperating with her, Zhao Guoyang was very relieved that he almost didn't need to ask about the business in Samba and Latin America.

Just when he was full of emotion, Suzanne turned to look at him and asked: "Guoyang, since foreign trade is becoming more and more difficult, what business do you think our 'Sunmoonstar Company' can expand in the future? "

After hearing her question, Zhao Guoyang blinked and said meaningfully: "In my opinion, the most profitable business in the future should be e-commerce. If we want to seek a breakthrough, we can put the breakthrough in the This aspect!"

After Zhao Guoyang finished speaking, Susanna was stunned for a while: "E-commerce? Our company has never been involved in this before! Could it be that we have to start all over again?"

"No, no, no!" Zhao Guoyang waved his hands repeatedly after hearing the words, "Susanna, you are wrong. Although e-commerce is a new industry, it is completely connected with foreign trade."

"The meaning of e-commerce is to use information network technology as a means to conduct commercial activities centered on commodity exchange. Specifically, we can understand it as electronic transactions on the Internet, intranets and value-added networks. related service activities."

At this point, Zhao Guoyang paused for a moment, and then continued to speak: "Susanna, you should have heard it too. E-commerce activities are a manifestation of the digitization, networking, and informatization of all aspects of traditional business activities. To put it bluntly, it is a business activity on the Internet..."

Hearing this, Susanna nodded in amazement.

After pondering for a while, she raised her head and asked aloud, "Guoyang, from what you said, I probably understand e-commerce."

"In one sentence, all business activities using the Internet as a medium belong to the category of e-commerce. Is that right?"

Zhao Guoyang gave Susan a thumbs up approvingly, and said with a smile: "That's right, Susanna, you really know everything!"

"Our 'Sunmoonstar Company' started out as a foreign trade company. If we want to get involved in the e-commerce industry, we have to get the moon first, and it is not difficult at all."

"Under such circumstances, we must of course start the layout of e-commerce as soon as possible. We will strive to complete our overall layout before the gluttonous feast of global e-commerce development comes!"

Susanna naturally trusts Zhao Guoyang 100%. After hearing what he said, she nodded repeatedly and said: "Guoyang, what you said makes sense. In our country, the Internet has risen almost overnight. "

"Now in Sao Paulo state, there are new Internet cafes and Internet user registration applications almost every day."

"According to this trend, the development of e-commerce really has great opportunities!"

After hearing this, Zhao Guoyang just smiled slightly.

Before he was reborn, he had a good understanding of the development of e-commerce. Of course, he knew how the scale of this industry would grow in the next ten or twenty years.

Hearing Suzanne's exclamation at this time, he interfaced and said: "It's not just a great opportunity. I can say responsibly that future international foreign trade cooperation must be dominated by e-commerce. This trend is irreversible! "

Seeing Zhao Guoyang say such affirmative words, Susanna couldn't help being surprised.

Feeling her gaze, Zhao Guoyang turned his head and smiled slightly: "It's not difficult to understand. Susanna, you are the first person to use the Internet, you should know how convenient it is to communicate online!"

"If the elements of the Internet are added to our trade process in the future, the degree of smoothness is completely conceivable!"

Susanna let out an "uh", thought for a moment, then nodded lightly and said: "Guoyang, you are right, it is really convenient to contact other people on the Internet."

"It's like when I'm working now, I often contact the heads of several important departments under me at the same time. This is more convenient than calling or calling them directly to my office!"

Zhao Guoyang rubbed his nose, nodded in agreement, and said, "That's right! Not only is it convenient to contact, but with the emergence of some chat software in the future, we can also conduct video communication overseas. Even hold an instant board meeting on the Internet, It's a very common thing!"

"Ah? There is such an operation?" Susanna covered her mouth in surprise and said.

Zhao Guoyang shrugged indifferently, and said: "These are just routine operations in the future, Susanna, don't be too surprised!"

After hearing this, Susanna was a little taken aback.

At this time, she definitely couldn't imagine the future development of the Internet.

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