King of Industry

Chapter 973 Is there a precedent for this?

The next morning, when Zhao Guoyang arrived at "Jinling Automobile Group Company", Wang Ziqing was sighing and looking up information in the office.

Seeing the secretary leading Zhao Guoyang in, Chairman Wang jumped up from his seat.

"Ha, Guoyang is here! Please sit down, please sit down!"

Wang Ziqing stood up from his seat, warmly shook hands with Zhao Guoyang, and invited him to sit down on the sofa.

After taking his seat, Zhao Guoyang greeted Chairman Wang with a smile.

Wang Ziqing naturally knew that Zhao Guoyang established the "Xingtai-Daewoo Automobile Company" in Ninghai City, so he said with emotion: "Guoyang, in the past two months, the sales of your Xingtai-Daewoo Automobile Company have increased. Soon!"

"According to this speed of development, maybe by this time next year, our 'Jinling Automobile Group' will be handed over to your company as the province's No. 1 car sales leader!"

After hearing this, Zhao Guoyang smirked slightly: "Chairman Wang, you also overestimate our 'Xingtai-Daewoo Motor Company'."

"Although in the past two months, our company's performance has improved due to the launch of new advertisements. But it is undoubtedly unrealistic to maintain such a high-speed growth."

"As far as I personally estimate, our company can have a 5% sales growth next year, which is already very good."

After Zhao Guoyang finished speaking, Wang Ziqing thought about it seriously and nodded slightly.

Indeed, as a pioneer in the automotive industry, Wang Ziqing knows how difficult it is to maintain a rapid growth rate of 20%.

Although the researcher Zhao in front of him is a genius, the sales of cars has its shackles.

It is impossible to maintain the momentum of rapid growth forever because of one person.

However, thinking of the young man in front of him, in just one year, he has almost developed his own car manufacturing company into an existence on par with his own "Jinling Automobile Group Company". Such ability really makes Wang Ziqing feel emotional endlessly.

After sighing for a while, Wang Ziqing gradually turned to today's topic.

Looking up at Zhao Guoyang with a calm face, Wang Ziqing coughed and said, "Guoyang, I called you here today because there is something important, and I want your help to come up with an idea!"

Zhao Guoyang was already prepared for this, but he didn't find it surprising.

He nodded, looked at the leader in front of him calmly, and said, "Chairman Wang, if you have any orders, just speak up. As long as I can help, I will do my best!"

Wang Ziqing was obviously very satisfied with Zhao Guoyang's statement.

He let out a "huh", stroked the teacup in his hand, and told the story in detail.

"Guoyang, that's right! Didn't Jinling Automobile Group formally establish a strategic partnership with Fiat before?"

"In the past two years, due to the great sales of the joint venture brand - Iveco, the cooperation between Fiat and our company has become more and more extensive."

"Not long ago, Fiat sent a team to our Jinling City for inspection. Its main purpose is to expand the scale of cooperation with our 'Jinling Automobile Group' and enter the family car industry..."

When Wang Ziqing said this, Zhao Guoyang nodded in relief.

Zhao Guoyang is naturally very clear about the strength of the Apennine Fiat Group.

Although the strength of "Fiat" in terms of cars is not the top in the world, it must not be ignored.

In the past two years, with the increasing growth of China's auto market, its rapid growth has obviously attracted the attention of the "Fiat Company" headquarters.

It is understandable for them to turn their attention to the huge market of Huaxia.

After thinking about this, Zhao Guoyang nodded lightly and said, "Chairman Wang, it must be a good thing for 'Jinling Automobile Group' to enter the family car! This shouldn't be difficult to decide, right?"

After hearing his statement, Wang Ziqing said with a sad face: "Guoyang, you are right. The current domestic car market is indeed getting hotter day by day."

"However, our 'Jinling Automobile Group' has already had contact with the 'MG Group' of England. The cooperation price offered by the other party is also very attractive. In this case, we have to give up and ' MG’s cooperation, and instead of joining forces with Fiat, it’s somewhat unreasonable, right?”

Hearing this, Zhao Guoyang immediately came to his senses: Chairman Wang should have made a verbal agreement with the "MG Group" in private, discussing to cooperate in building a family car.

Now "Fiat Company" has suddenly put forward a request for cooperation, which makes it more difficult for Wang Ziqing to handle.

It is obviously impossible to give up the cooperation with "MG Group", after all, there is a verbal agreement;

But Wang Ziqing was also very entangled in giving up the cooperation with the "Fiat Group".

After all, the "Iveco" series that their company cooperated with "Fiat" has a very good sales momentum, and it is the time when the profit is the highest.

If "Jinling Automobile Group Company" rejects the offer, if "Fiat Company" gets angry and stops supplying "Iveco" engines to Wang Ziqing and the others, it will be troublesome.

After all, all the "Iveco" engines of "Jinling Automobile Group" are provided by the "Fiat Group".

As long as people find an excuse casually, they can bring disaster to Wang Ziqing and his company.

Because of such concerns, it is reasonable for Wang Ziqing not to dare to turn against "Fiat".

After thinking about the front and rear joints of the whole matter, Zhao Guoyang showed a relaxed expression on his face.

Wang Ziqing, who had been staring at him, noticed the expression on his face and was stunned.

Chairman Wang swallowed, and said in a low voice: "Guoyang, it seems that you are not surprised by this matter at all? Did you know about this situation early on?"

Hearing Wang Ziqing's question, Zhao Guoyang scratched his head and said, "Chairman Wang, I'm not a god, I can figure it out."

"Actually, I only had a little idea after listening to your story."

Hearing that Zhao Guoyang said that he had an idea, Wang Ziqing came to his senses immediately.

He hurriedly said: "Guoyang, do you have an idea? That's really great! Hurry up, give me some advice, and see how we should do this!"

Zhao Guoyang nodded lightly, touched his nose, and said slowly: "Chairman Wang, this matter is actually not difficult to deal with!"

"Aren't there two companies now that want to cooperate with your 'Jinling Automobile Group' at the same time? I see, since you are having a hard time making a decision, you can simply agree to both. Wouldn't the problem be solved?"

After hearing Zhao Guoyang's astonishing words, Wang Ziqing opened his mouth wide and was speechless.

After being stunned for a while, Chairman Wang finally came back to his senses.

Looking at Zhao Guoyang, he said hesitantly, "Brother Guoyang, are you kidding me? Cooperating with two companies, 'MG' and 'Fiat' at the same time? Is there any precedent for this?"

After hearing this, Zhao Guoyang happily said: "Chairman Wang, there is indeed no precedent for such a thing in China, but it has already been done abroad."

"Isn't the Sao Paulo Motor Company in Samba cooperating with German Volkswagen and American General Motors at the same time?"

"There are many such examples around the world. In short, Chairman Wang, you can rest assured that as long as your Jinling Automobile Group has sufficient funds and cooperates with two international car companies at the same time, it will definitely be fine. !"

After hearing Zhao Guoyang's statement, Wang Ziqing gradually gained some understanding.

He frowned and thought for a while, then asked aloud: "Brother Guoyang said that, I have some confidence in my heart. But, if our company really does this, the 'MG Group' and the 'Fiat Group' There won't be any opinions on both sides?"

"If the relationship between the two is not in harmony, because if there is something wrong with this matter... Our company is caught in the middle, isn't it to be angry at both ends?"

After Wang Ziqing asked this question, Zhao Guoyang grinned and said, "Chairman Wang, you can relax about this matter, this will never happen."

"In the business field, there are no permanent friends, let alone permanent enemies. Even if the relationship between 'MG' and 'Fiat' was originally at odds, in China's huge auto market, they must be for their own benefit. There will be no random conflicts."

"After all, the shares of their two companies in the Chinese market are too small. If there is any kind of emotional dispute between them, it will be tantamount to giving the huge market to other competitors for nothing. This is extremely irrational It is impossible for the two companies to do this!"

Listening to Zhao Guoyang's meticulous analysis, Wang Ziqing nodded in agreement.

After contemplating for a moment, Chairman Wang tapped his fingers on the table from time to time.

Looking at his thoughtful look, Zhao Guoyang didn't urge him to make a decision, but just drank tea calmly.

After a while, Wang Ziqing finally made up his mind.

He clenched his fists hard, and said in a vowed voice: "Brother Guoyang, I have decided. Just follow what you said, and cooperate with these two companies at the same time!"

Zhao Guoyang had expected this result a long time ago, and immediately smiled and said: "Yes, Chairman Wang. Our 'Jinling Automobile Group' is the hope of the entire province's automobile industry, so we should try boldly and seek more breakthrough."

"This time, if we can really start a comprehensive cooperation with these two internationally influential automakers, it will be very good news for the improvement of our entire Jiangnan Province's automobile manufacturing level!"

Listening to Zhao Guoyang's narration, Wang Ziqing nodded vigorously and made up his mind.

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