King of Industry

Chapter 981 Gave Me a Big Surprise

The next morning, Zhao Guoyang met Mr. Schultz at the SJ City International Hotel.

In the small restaurant on the first floor of the hotel, Zhao Guoyang treated the dealer to a simple western meal, and chatted while eating.

Looking at Mr. Schultz's blond hair and rough physique, Zhao Guoyang could tell that he was a figure from the Nordic corner.

Sure enough, Mr. Schulz quickly explained that he was from Sweden.

Sweden is one of the five Nordic countries and the most economically developed among the five countries.

Due to the relatively cold climate in the Nordic region, agriculture in the five Nordic countries accounts for a relatively small proportion of GDP.

In these countries, more industrial development is given priority.

And Sweden is one of the best. Its domestic aviation industry, nuclear industry, and automobile manufacturing industry are all very developed.

Sweden is in a leading position in the world in telecommunications, pharmaceutical research, microelectronics, and telecommunication.

Schulz, a Swede, is undoubtedly very proud when talking about his homeland.

Zhao Guoyang chatted with him for a while, and then brought the topic to the dealer's business scope.

He said nonchalantly: "Mr. Schultz, is the 'Clayton Trading Company' you founded, all the products it represents are construction machinery products?"

"Caterpillar, JCB and other top brands, are you also involved?"

After hearing Zhao Guoyang's question, Schultz said cheerfully, "Chairman Zhao, our Clayton Trading Company is not just an agent of construction machinery and equipment."

"Our agent scope is very wide, involving construction machinery, automobiles, fashion, luxury goods and many other fields. Among the products we represent, most of our choices are products with high reputation in the industry and good cost performance."

"As for the top brands of construction machinery you just mentioned, we have also dabbled. It's just that the annual sales amount is not large..."

After Schultz finished speaking, Zhao Guoyang immediately understood.

Obviously, Mr. Schultz and his "Clayton Trading Company" do not want to sell more products of top international brands.

However, the products of top-level companies like "Caterpillar" and "JCB" are sure to sell well.

When they are looking for distributors, they will choose to spread the stalls widely and distribute the products to several distributors for sale.

Under the strategies of these manufacturers, it is not difficult to understand that "Clayton Trading Company" can only get a small share of the market each year.

Although the products of "Caterpillar" and "JCB" are definitely profitable, if the quantity is too small, a big dealer like Schulz will definitely not be satisfied.

Therefore, he naturally wants to do more articles on the market feedback of products in various industries.

After hearing that the products of his own "SMS company" were hot, this Mr. Schulz came to the door immediately, which is enough to show that he attaches great importance to market information.

After figuring out the situation, Zhao Guoyang's expression became much more relaxed.

Speaking of which, the product sales strategies of our own "SMS Company" and "Caterpillar" and "JCB" are really different.

At present, our company's products are still in the stage of accumulating reputation.

It is to gradually build a reputation through the cost performance of its own products.

This is completely different from the "boutique strategy" of giants such as "Caterpillar" and "JCB".

Under such circumstances, being able to get acquainted with a big distributor like Schultz and promote the company's products is undoubtedly of great benefit.

The most important thing is that I don't need to pay anything at all.

All manpower and material resources can be saved, and all of them can be handed over to the other party for management.

After trying to understand the reason, Zhao Guoyang smiled slightly, raised his head and said to Schultz: "It turns out that Mr. Schultz's company distributes so many kinds of products, it is really disrespectful!"

"Speaking of which, in addition to the yacht series and construction machinery series produced by 'SMS Company', I also have two manufacturing companies that produce many other internationally renowned products. If Mr. Schultz is interested, we You can study it in depth!"

After Zhao Guoyang finished speaking, Schultz's eyes lit up.

He really didn't know that Zhao Guoyang's subordinates had other industries besides "SMS Company".

At this time, after Zhao Guoyang's candid narration, Schultz would naturally not miss this opportunity for cooperation.

He nodded again and again and said: "It turns out that Chairman Zhao has two other companies in his hands. I really didn't know this beforehand, so I must ask for advice..."

"Mr. Schultz is serious!"

Zhao Guoyang laughed and said, "Speaking of which, the other two companies in my hands also operate projects that are also within the scope of your company's agency products, Mr. Schultz."

"Like Glory Co., Ltd., which is mainly engaged in jewelry and luxury goods, there are many products that can be handed over to Mr. Schultz as your agent!"

"In addition, 'Xingtai International' has a whole bunch of mechanical products, all of which can be represented by you, Mr. Schultz."

Hearing this, Schultz suddenly said in surprise: "Xingtai International? I heard that your country has just established a joint venture automobile company called 'Xingtai-Daewoo'. I don't know if you have any relationship with Chairman Zhao. It doesn't matter?"

After hearing Schultz's question, Zhao Guoyang said slightly: "Mr. Schultz is right! 'Xingtai-Daewoo Motor Company' is a subsidiary of our 'Xingtai International'..."

Zhao Guoyang's answer surprised Schultz.

You know, the "Clayton Trading Company" under him has always been the most profitable agency product, which is automobiles.

It's just a pity that auto giants like "Volkswagen Group" and "BMW" will never release the agency rights of this product.

These car giants have their own sales system, no matter which continent they are in, they have deployed a considerable number of sales staff.

Such a big cake, of course, it is impossible for them to give those distributors a share of the pie.

Therefore, Schultz has never obtained the agency rights of these best-selling car companies.

Even Schulz failed to get the product agency rights of Volvo, their domestic car company in Sweden.

At this time, Zhao Guoyang said that he turned out to be the big boss of "Xingtai-Daewoo Motor Company", Schultz was of course overjoyed.

In Schultz's view, the "Daewoo" brand is considered second-rate and mid-level in the automotive industry.

The quality of its products must first be guaranteed.

As long as the products of "Xingtai-Daewoo Automobile Company" can bear the brand name of "Daewoo Automobile", they will definitely not be far behind.

In this case, if you can win the agency right of this brand, it will be even more profitable than getting the agency right of "SMS Company" construction machinery products.

With such an analysis, Schultz's attitude towards Zhao Guoyang became a little more enthusiastic.

He looked at Zhao Guoyang with emotion and said: "Chairman Zhao, you really gave me a big surprise!"

"I don't know how to say polite words! In short, as long as you, Chairman Zhao, hand over the agency rights of the products of the 'Xingtai-Daewoo' company to me, I guarantee that the sales of your company's products in the European region will increase next year." More than 200%!"

Schultz is not exaggerating at all.

In fact, because the products of "Xingtai-Daewoo Motor Company" mainly focus on the domestic market, they have not yet developed "right-hand drive" models suitable for European countries, and only part of them are exported to European countries that use "left-hand drive". nation.

Therefore, in terms of sales last year, the total added up to only 2 million US dollars.

If this Mr. Schultz helps to promote it, it is definitely a high probability that the sales of the "Xingtai-Daewoo" brand in Europe will triple this year.

After hearing what Mr. Schultz said, Zhao Guoyang touched his chin, nodded in relief and said, "I completely believe what Mr. Schultz said."

"It's just that the 200% increase in the sales of this car product is not the ultimate goal of our 'Xingtai International'. I think that our other products are also fully capable of gaining a foothold in the European market!"

After hearing Zhao Guoyang's confident words, Schultz was a little dazed.

It's no wonder that he couldn't figure it out. In fact, Schultz is not familiar with the company "Xingtai International" itself at all, let alone what products it has.

Now that Zhao Guoyang suddenly said such an answer, Schultz would of course be puzzled.

Noticing the other party's expression, Zhao Guoyang waved his hands with a smile and said, "Mr. Schultz, don't think I'm talking big. In fact, our 'Xingtai International' has several products that are sold worldwide. They're all very famous."

"For example, our 'deep-sea exploration vessel' and 'transportation heavy truck' have entered the international market and won the recognition of many consumers!"

Afterwards, Zhao Guoyang told Schultz about the current best-selling products of his "Xingtai International".

Especially in terms of "deep-sea exploration ships", Zhao Guoyang put more emphasis on it.

The reason is simple. This Nordic country has always attached great importance to ocean exploration, not even under Canada.

If this Mr. Schultz can help him promote himself, Zhao Guoyang believes that his company's products will definitely have a chance to gain a foothold in the Nordic region.

And the price of a "deep-sea exploration ship" is more than ten million US dollars, and the profit is even more lucrative.

Even if Schultz helped him sell two or three more ships, he would have made a lot of money.

Hearing Zhao Guoyang's eloquent talk, Schultz forced a smile and said: "Chairman Zhao, to be honest, I have never come into contact with these two products of your company before, so it is difficult to draw conclusions for the time being! "

Perhaps because he was afraid of offending Zhao Guoyang, this person added: "Hey, it would be great if I could witness these two products of your company..."

Zhao Guoyang was happy when he heard this.

He waved his hand and said, "This matter is easy to handle. After we finish dinner later, I will take Mr. Schultz to visit our headquarters of Xingtai International!"

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