King of Industry

Chapter 992 The Luckiest Girl!

Ninghai Hotel has always been the most upscale hotel in Ninghai City.

As early as three or four years ago, Ninghai Hotel won the title of "China's Top 100 Star-Rated Hotels".

After Ninghai City was upgraded to a prefecture-level city, the interior of Ninghai Hotel was renovated, and some floors were redesigned.

After the renovation, Ninghai Hotel has become the best place for holding meetings, banquets and receptions of various specifications in Ninghai City and its districts and counties with novel design, elegant decoration, advanced facilities and beautiful environment.

Today, Ninghai Hotel is even more lively.

Because the wedding of Zhao Guoyang and Mu Yiyi was held today.

In the magnificent banquet hall, there are lights and festoons, and it is very lively.

At the main entrance of the hall, there are two huge red lanterns, and the word "囍" written in gold-plated characters, indicating the theme of today's banquet.

The wedding art photos of the hero and heroine hanging on the surrounding walls are rare decorations in this era.

These photos were taken by a well-known photography team from "France" specially invited by Zhao Guoyang, who came all the way to China to take these photos.

The photos were taken from several cities in China.

For example, the Forbidden City in Beijing, the Bund in SJ City, and the water town in Gusu City are all reflected in these photos, which make people look sideways.

In the center of the hall, there is naturally a red carpet paving the way.

At the end, there is an art troupe recruited by Zhao Guoyang from South Korea, performing a passionate dance.

Before that, Zhao Guoyang, Jin Xiuzhu, and Yao Meng jointly funded a film and television entertainment company to train artists in China and South Korea.

In the past two years, as the company continues to have newcomers stand out, the current development momentum is getting better and better.

Today, most of the company's artists came to perform at the wedding of the chairman Zhao Guoyang, which is naturally what they should do.

A total of 120 tables were placed for the banquets on both sides, almost filling the hall.

That's all, without counting the ten tables in the box over the west wing.

Looking at the bustling scene in front of him, Xia Xiaotian, the general manager of Ninghai Hotel who was staring at him from a distance, couldn't help but sigh.

Xia Xiaotian already knew Zhao Guoyang, the protagonist of today's grand wedding, very well.

National Top Ten Outstanding Youth for three consecutive years, a special researcher of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry, a senior engineer enjoying special national allowances...

With so many titles, it is extremely difficult to obtain any one of them.

But the hero of today's wedding has it all by himself.

What is even more amazing is that this researcher Zhao is the CEO and chairman of three or four companies himself, and he is simply a winner in life.

In the past two days, Xia Xiaotian has heard gossip more than once from several waitresses under him, saying that Researcher Zhao's net worth is conservatively estimated to be more than one billion.

What is the concept of more than one billion? Even if Ninghai Hotel is the top brand in the hotel industry in Ninghai City, the market valuation is more than 100 million, and the annual revenue is less than 30 million.

According to this calculation, Researcher Zhao's net worth alone can be worth as much as his own ten Ninghai hotels, which is really appalling.

Just when Xia Xiaotian was secretly sighing, a female assistant beside him was already reminding him.

"Mr. Xia, Ms. Zhang Liping just informed our hotel staff that the lights can be turned off. Do you think so?"

After hearing the prompts from his subordinates, Xia Xiaotian said repeatedly: "Ah, yes, yes, let people turn off the lights and prepare to start the ceremony. The following arrangement, you just follow Miss Zhang's instructions, don't ask for my opinion! "

That's right, the host of today's wedding, Researcher Zhao actually invited Zhang Liping, the host of CCTV, which surprised Xia Xiaotian for a long time.

Now that the wedding is going on, Xia Xiaotian certainly doesn't want any flaws in the wedding because of some mistakes in his hotel.

As the lights in the hall gradually went out, the wedding ceremony of Zhao Guoyang and Mu Yiyi officially started.

The officiant of today's wedding is Mr. Li Kejian, who is highly respected.

He and Zhao Guoyang are old friends, and he is Zhao Guoyang's teacher in name, so it's only reasonable to be the officiant.

Li Kejian first thanked the couple for giving him the opportunity to officiate the wedding, and then took them to thank the relatives and friends who came to congratulate him.

Finally, under his auspices, Zhao Guoyang and Mu Yiyi exchanged rings and officially became husband and wife.

Standing outside the hall, watching this unique presiding ceremony through the crack of the door, Xia Xiaotian and the hotel staff who gathered behind him to watch the excitement were all filled with emotion.

"Hey, Miss Mu Yiyi is so happy. It's great to have a good father!"

A female voice with a somewhat sharp voice sighed and said.

"Xiaoling, what you said is a bit wrong. Ms. Mu Yiyi doesn't rely entirely on her family background, she relies on Mu's leadership. Didn't you hear the introduction from Ms. Zhang Liping just now? She is a serious student studying abroad in England! It's an MBA, which is amazing!" Another waitress retorted.

"What's wrong with the MBA, can it be compared with her father's power?" The woman who spoke earlier retorted, "If it wasn't because of her family background, could Researcher Zhao choose her?"

After hearing this, the waitress who refuted her was a little speechless.

Indeed, these waiters at Ninghai Hotel already know Researcher Zhao's resume very well.

Not to mention anything else, just his status as one of the top ten richest men in the country is enough to make these waiters envious. Not to mention that he himself is a special researcher enjoying department-level treatment.

In short, in the eyes of the waiters, the bride Mu Yiyi was able to find such a wishful man, and she definitely saved the Milky Way in her previous life.

Compared with these waiters, Xia Xiaotian knew more about the inside story of this wedding.

Most of the waiters behind them only know the leaders of Ninghai City sitting in the hall.

What they didn't know was that the mysterious guests in those ten boxes all had a lot of background.

There are three major leaders from the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry, and full-time leaders from the State Oceanic Administration, the Ministry of Railways and other ministries and commissions.

Other departments such as the Ministry of Foreign Trade and the Ministry of Textiles also had deputy leaders present.

In addition, several major leaders from Jiangnan Province and SJ City also attended.

It is no exaggeration to say that today's wedding is probably the most attended by leaders in Ninghai City in the past few decades.

Based on Xia Xiaotian's experience, it is natural to guess that these people can come to the wedding, not for Mu Aijun's face, but for Zhao Guoyang's support and platform.

Regarding the background and connections of the bridegroom official, Xia Xiaotian is still a little apprehensive and apprehensive.

Hearing the waiters behind him still discussing about Zhao Guoyang and Mu Yiyi, Xia Xiaotian coughed and said with a calm face: "Okay, stop talking here, and go to work! The importance of today's wedding, I have nothing more to say."

"In short, if anyone has trouble today, he will be responsible. I will never help him to excuse!"

After Xia Xiaotian finished speaking, the waitresses who were talking a lot fell silent.

As for this President Xia, he never puts on airs with everyone on weekdays and is very kind.

But today he seemed to be a different person, so nervous that his forehead was covered with sweat.

It can be seen that he really attaches great importance to today's wedding.

In view of this, the waiter present certainly knew what to do.

They gave each other a lot of attention, exchanged glances, and quickly apologized to Xia Xiaotian, and each went back to their jobs to stick to it.

When Xia Xiaotian reprimanded his waiters, the first stage of the ceremony in the hall had been completed, and the lights had been turned on again.

After the introduction by the host Zhang Liping, the groom Zhao Guoyang started his thank you speech.

His eyes swept over the guests who were watching the ceremony below, and Zhao Guoyang finally stopped his eyes on his parents, as well as Director Mu and his wife.

He smiled and said: "First of all, Yiyi and I would like to thank our parents for their kindness in nurturing us. They have taken care of our lives for decades and created the best conditions for us."

"Afterwards, we would like to thank our relatives and friends here. Without your help in work and life, we would not have been able to get to where we are today."

"Finally, I would also like to thank our wedding planning team, thank you for your hard work, it is possible to have such a grand wedding today! Thank you!"

After Zhao Guoyang's speech, the audience was naturally bursting with cheers.

Afterwards, the bride Mu Yiyi was unwilling to be lonely and delivered a speech.

Besides gratitude, the word she uttered the most was "lucky".

Facing the guests who came to watch the ceremony, she said with a smile: "I feel very lucky to be able to stand here and become Guoyang's wife."

"A man as good as Guoyang must be liked by many girls. I'm definitely not the prettiest one, nor the smartest one. I'm just the luckiest one..."

"And I will not live up to the 'luck' that God gave me. I will take good care of my family, take care of Guoyang, and do my best to do my best!"

When Mu Yiyi said these sincere words, Zhao Siyan, Bai Rou, Jin Xiuzhu and other girls in the audience all smiled and applauded.

At the same time, tears welled up in their eyes.

Yes, there are quite a few girls who like Zhao Guoyang, and Mu Yiyi is undoubtedly the luckiest one.

For this frank and sincere girl, everyone can't say anything wrong except blessings.

At this moment, the only thing in their hearts is to hope that this pair of Bi people can go on happily.

As for the trace of nostalgia for Zhao Guoyang before, it can only be kept in memory.

After Zhao Guoyang and Mu Yiyi thanked each other, they entered the stage of toasting.

The host, Zhang Liping, took the lead in applauding the new couple, and at the same time began to introduce the upcoming program.

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