King of Special Effects

Chapter 266 , Planning the Brokerage Department! (2/8)

Chapter 266 , Planning the Brokerage Department! (28)

This place is no different than the small courtyard in Shun Ning. Entering the hall and going to the front desk, this place is the face of a company, which is why it is so grand.

When the two young ladies from the day before yesterday saw Yuan Zhengzhong go in, they hurriedly smiled and said, "Hello, sir."

Yuan Zhengzhong first reported his family name, and then a little sister led him upstairs, all the way to Jin Yonghua's office.

Jin Yonghua was busy in front of the computer at the moment. After seeing Yuan Zhengzhong, he put down the things in his hands and said with a smile, "It's you, I thought it was Yi Yang. Please sit down, Xiaoyue, and make two cups of coffee."

Xiaoyue nodded and asked Yuan Zhengzhong: "Sir, do you need to add sugar?"

"Add a little, thank you!"

Jin Yonghua came out of her office and sat in front of Yuan Zhengzhong: "What advice does Mr. Yuan come here this time?"

Yuan Zhengzhong said with a smile: "I can't give any advice, I just came to have a look, Mr. Jin, your company is really magnificent, compared to our small courtyard, this place is simply heaven."

Jin Yonghua smiled: "This style is useless if it doesn't make money. Although your small yard is a bit small, it can earn hundreds of millions a year, so it seems that it is not small."

Xiaoyue brought the coffee, and Yuan Zhengzhong had a brief chat with Jin Yonghua while drinking it. After drinking the coffee, he said, "Mr. Jin, I'm from a small place and haven't seen the world. How about your company?"

Jin Yonghua nodded: "Of course, but I still have some things to deal with here, let Xiaoyue give you a good introduction for me!"

Yuan Zhengzhong stood up and shook hands with Jin Yonghua lightly: "Thank you very much!"

It was already evening, and most of the employees in the company had already left work. In such a large building, there were only two receptionists and a few overtime employees left.

There was no one, and the entire corridor seemed a little deserted.

Xiaoyue and Yuan Zhengzhong just walked and chatted.

"This is the main office area of ​​our company!" Xiaoyue pointed to a large office area and said, "Most of the company's employees work here."

"How many people are there in your company?" Yuan Zhengzhong asked.

"If you count them all, there should be more than 600 people."

A company of more than 600 people uses an office building with a full fifteen floors, which is indeed quite luxurious.

"That's not counting the artist teams signed under the banner. If all of them are counted, there must be at least a thousand people."

This is true, Runbaijin does not only invest in film and television, but also manages actors and so on.

Popular stars such as Zhang Yixuan and Liu Xiaoxiao are all signed under the name of Runbaijin.

After a brief visit, each floor has its own function. There are several recording studios and rehearsal rooms, and everything that can be used in the film and television industry is available here.

For nearly two hours, Yuan Zhengzhong came from the fifteenth floor all the way to the first floor, and finally stood in the lobby on the first floor to bid farewell to Xiaoyue.

Xiaoyue looked at the back of Yuan Zhengzhong leaving, feeling a little puzzled, then turned around and took the elevator upstairs to Jin Yonghua's office.

"Brother Jin, Mr. Yuan is gone!"

Jin Yonghua stopped what he was doing: "Understood, have you arranged a hotel for him?"

"No, he said he already has a place to live."

"Okay, what else did he say?"

"I didn't say anything, I didn't do anything, I just went around the company and left."

"Didn't do anything? Didn't he say the purpose of coming this time?"

Xiaoyue shook her head: "No, he seems to have made a special trip to visit our company, looked around and took a few photos before leaving."

Jin Yonghua thought blankly for a few seconds: "I see, you guys get off work first, you have worked hard today."


Liangyi New Media's new studio has started construction, the previous small yard has been bulldozed, and everything is ready to be redesigned.

Now the office area has been moved to a nearby office building, and Yi Yang came here early today.

Now I am planning to set up the agency department first, and then find actors.

Of course, Yi Yang had to establish a recruitment system before that, not all kinds of actors could come, and if he wanted to sign a contract with Liangyi New Media, he had to follow Yi Yang's assessment rules.

The first is character, and then there is the assessment of acting skills. Every artist must pass a temporary script assessment before signing a contract. This assessment is also divided into three levels.

Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced.

Actors of each level can accept different roles. If you want to be the leading actor, you have to work hard to improve your acting skills and strength. Otherwise, Yi Yang would rather hire outside actors than use his own company's actors.

This recruitment group system was drafted by Yi Yang, and how to implement it has to be carefully considered.

The other is the recruitment of actor agents.

Yi Yang didn't have any requirements for the agent for the time being, and he had to consult an experienced agent like Lin Yun to confirm this matter.

Only by promoting a group of people with real acting skills and strength into the film and television industry, those who have no acting skills but like to play big names and are not professional can really feel threatened.

If you really want to grow in this industry, you have to give it a big cleaning first.

Yi Yang now has the strength and courage to do so, but no matter how many people's interests will be touched by this.

And these film and television companies, either follow the general trend of excellence, or wait for their demise.

Now Yi Yang dares to squeeze these people so that there is no room for them.

Then, in order for the entertainment industry to truly show a good development trend, domestic movies and TV dramas will no longer be bad movies that have been sprayed by the audience for nothing.

This is a major event that requires a process.

When the film industry was about to develop, Yi Yang would also reach out to the TV drama circle. Even if he only made a few TV dramas, he had to sound the alarm to some companies and directors who relied on bad movies to develop.

Yi Yang thought very well, these are just a rough framework for what he wants to do.

Thinking about who can do it, there will definitely be all kinds of resistance if you really want to do it, Yi Yang has to continue to work hard.

Now we have to push aside some of the guys who are making money off of movies.

At this point, Wanzhong is the representative. If they don't change their investment and operation model, they will fall from the altar if they really can't last for a few years.

Yi Yang didn't know this before, but now he also has some understanding of the operating models of many film and television companies.

Some movies are not made for the box office at all, but to earn investors' money.

When a film is ready to be shot, the first step is the script. After a framework is established, a process of attracting terminal investors is carried out through a film and television investment company.

For example, during the preparations, it will be announced that the expected capital needed is 100 million yuan, but the more money raised by the actual terminal investors, the better for these investment companies. If they can get 200 million yuan in investment, this The 200 million will directly fall into the pockets of the investment company, and they will take another 20 million out of the 200 million to make the movie.

Then it announced to the outside world that the investment was hundreds of millions. There are stars and plots. It doesn't matter if the tickets are sold at the box office. Anyway, the money has already been in their pockets at this time. They just need to let investors see the finished product of this movie.

If the box office hits the street and investors lose money, they will say that this is the risk of the investment industry, just like stocks.

I didn't know it before, but now Yi Yang thinks that people who don't understand the real movie market and even invest money without even reading the script are idiots.

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