King of Special Effects

298 Time is running out!


After a month, the actors and stars in this training camp gradually lost their former glory in front of the media.

Now it is the hot season, after a month of wind and sun, everyone can describe it as horrible.

However, everyone is gradually getting used to this lifestyle of daily training. The actors who had small stomachs before have disappeared. If they continue to practice like this, within two months, everyone will have at least six pack abs.

Yi Yang originally had abdominal muscles, but these abdominal muscles were generated by the electricity generated by the mobile phone.

After training in the morning, during the break at noon, the uncle in charge of logistics procurement directly brought a cart of various ice cream and popsicles to share with everyone.

The weather at noon is a bit hot, but this place is not as hot as the sauna in the south of the Yangtze River. As long as you avoid the sun, it will be very cool.

And in this kind of leisure time when they are not training, many people are not idle, they are looking through the scripts given to them.

The scripts in everyone's hands are independent, and they are distinguished according to the differences of each role.

So much so that no one has read the complete outline of the story until now, and many people don't even know what kind of story the next movie is going to tell.

Jiang Xin came over with his mobile phone, there was an electronic script in it, and asked Yi Yang: "Brother Yi, my role is the Air Force, so it's inappropriate for me to train the Army now."

Yi Yang was stunned: "What's wrong with this, where can I find a plane to train you?"

"It doesn't feel right."

"Just a quiet training. Next month there will be professional training for you. I have already asked Lu Zheng's friend to contact the flight academy, hoping to borrow a few flight simulators."

"I'll just say it!" Jiang Xin followed Yi Yang lying on a cool grass: "When will we start filming?"

Yi Yang took a bite of the popsicle: "The training will begin as soon as the training is over."

It's already August now, and in a few months, this year should be over again. I have been preparing for "Warrior" for more than half a year. I haven't filmed for a long time, which made Yi Yang feel itchy in his heart, but he didn't The method, if you don't make these preliminary preparations, there is no way to shoot this movie.

If you don't do this training, even if you shoot it, the effect will not be too ideal, so these three months of training are also essential.

And for this reason, Yi Yang's remuneration for the actors in this film is relatively high compared to the previous two.

However, compared to other movies, Yi Yang's salary is not high.

Now the total salary of all the actors on the training ground is less than 30 million.

Most of the 500 million prepared will be used for other productions of the film.


In the afternoon, a squad of armed police soldiers from the Shunning Armed Forces came to the training ground.

Today there is some training in gun shooting stance.

Yi Yang has encountered the disassembly and maintenance of standard rifles several times in the army, but he is only half-baked. This kind of professional technical work still needs to be taught by a special person.

All of them are men, and they are interested in firearms. During the instructor's explanation and demonstration, all the people are also learning humbly.

Several actors who have such specific details of firearms, this is the focus of their training, and they must be proficient.

For example, actors such as Zhang Yi, Xin Jiadong, and Zhang Yu, their roles are professional army soldiers at the grassroots level, and the disassembly and assembly of firearms is only a basic skill.

After the basic explanation of firearms, it is the training of shooting posture.

For this reason, Yi Yang specially found some prop guns for training.

If you want to play a soldier, if you can't even hold a gun, that's the biggest BUG in the movie.

If you want to perform a trick well, you must first integrate yourself into the role wholeheartedly, which is also one of the key points of Yi Yang's pre-shooting training.

In the next week, in addition to some basic physical training, everyone will practice guns. They all use prop guns. Although there is no bullet, the posture must be in place.

I have to say that training in this posture of holding a gun and shooting is really tiring and boring, and it is not as exciting as the 400-meter obstacle.

People like Peng Yuyan, they would rather run the 400-meter obstacle than practice shooting, and they have no bullets to shoot, so they look like idiots with a gun aiming at it every day.

But there is no way. Gun practice is also an indispensable part of military life. Although they are not soldiers, they have to grit their teeth and practice for this drama.

The actors are practicing, the staff of the crew are practicing, and even the director Yi Yang is also practicing. For this drama, all the sins are shared by everyone, so don't talk too much nonsense.

While Tan Xincheng was busy setting up the studio, he was also looking for a group of group performers.

In this regard, Yi Yang has only one request—try to find retired veterans.

It doesn't matter if the price is a little higher, and at least two or three hundred can be obtained.

This is easy. Tan Xincheng first found a few friends who had been soldiers in his hometown, and then asked these friends to pull in their old comrades who had returned from the army, and then it was like a butterfly effect. After a few days, he really I found nearly two hundred group performers, all of whom had been soldiers.

Everyone heard that it was a play directed by Yi Yang, and it was a military theme, with the participation of the General Administration of the Three Armies. They all said that they would not be paid, and all of them were voluntary to perform.

On this point, when Tan Xincheng asked Yi Yang, Yi Yang directly disagreed, and every group performer he found would be paid a salary of two hundred a day.

Military feelings and the actual situation are two different things. Originally, there were land administration and military arts, and it was very simple to find one or two companies of active troops to assist in the filming.

However, Yi Yang has no right to invite them to complete his movie.

Therefore, the resources of the army will not be wasted, and Yi Yang will pay for all of them.

And I don't lack this little money, the box office of "Titans" has hundreds of millions left, and when everyone in Yiyang is hiding in the mountains for training, the accounts of "537.9" have also come down, two More than one billion, enough capital.

With the nearly three billion assets of Liangyi New Media, Yi Yang has enough confidence to complete any movie.

Therefore, Yi Yang really didn't care about the messy expenses of "Warrior".

Now we are waiting for the training to end and the filming to start.

"Time, time!"

Yi Yang still doesn't know how long the film will take to shoot. This year's National Day file is hopeless. If possible, Yi Yang hopes to release it on August 1st next year.

After all, this time is more in line with the theme of this movie.

If calculated in this way, there is still one year to go, that is to say, within this year, Yi Yang has to complete the filming of the three films of the "Warrior" trilogy.

Time is running out and the task is heavy!

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