King of the Bay Area

Chapter 1332: Football kingdom

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the King of the Bay Area!

Lu Ke is really ignorant of the upsurge of social networking platforms, and his photo wall account should already be able to accumulate dust, not to mention the hot topic of updating in 24 hours and 48 hours-with To spend time on these things, it is better to watch two more game videos.

Gabor left an unanswered stalk and turned to leave; Lu Ke stood stunned for a while, and the wind was messy, but then, this little thing was left behind and turned to join the team's celebration.

Raise your hands and go around the field for a week, thanking every fan and audience who appeared at Wembley Stadium with applause and smiles. No matter which team you support, this is the best response and support for the London Bowl.

At the press conference after the game, the atmosphere was harmonious.

British journalists clearly welcomed the new MVP winner, and there was no rumor that the English football reporter was sharp and rude. And Lu Ke's response also made the reporters feel relieved.

"I can't say that I like the weather here, but honestly, I like the fans here; and, I won my first London Bowl here, so I think maybe the weather won't stop me from coming back here. "With a bit of complaining and a little ridicule, Lu Ke answered the official question of" Impressions of the First British Trip "in this way.

The weather topic immediately showed the audience a tacit look. "This time when I came to London, 49 people in San Francisco were very welcome at Heathrow Airport, and even caused a traffic jam in the pick-up hall. How do you feel?"

"Did the Beatles also enjoy such treatment?" Lu Ke's ingenious answer once again made the reporters smile. "To be honest, we didn't anticipate the grandeur of the airport, more or less panic. In addition to San Francisco In addition, we really did not feel such a warm treatment. "

Lu Ke's mood was also very pleasant, and the answers seemed a lot more positive, "In fact, after returning to the hotel that day, our team always discussed this matter. Logan said at the time, the most regrettable thing is that we did not Able to imitate the top star, come to a chic airport fashion show. Obviously, we are all children who have never seen the world. "

After finishing speaking, Lu Ke laughed heartily himself, and seemed to think again of the appraisal meeting where everyone confessed each other's fashion taste that night.

"So if you have the opportunity to face this pick-up lineup again, what clothing would you choose? This summer, you officially became Burberry's menswear spokesperson. Obviously, you have your own opinions on fashion."

Faced with such questions, Lu Ke smiled and cast his gaze towards the reporter, "Are you sure you are not a reporter from Burberry?" After a ridicule, Lu Ke deliberately lifted his waist, and then pulled The hem of his suit, this action made all the reporters in the audience confused, and did not understand what Lu Ke was doing, then Lu Ke added another sentence, "I am competent, right?"

The suit on Lu Ke's body is from Burberry.

One second. Two seconds. The reporters reacted afterwards. Lu Ke ridiculed the reporter and asked for a brazen publicity of his endorsement. Such a clever way of responding was really refreshing and had to give Lu Ke heartfelt applause— —After the press conference, Burberry ’s name is expected to be mentioned again.

Then Lu Ke then officially answered the question, "I don't know, I might choose relatively comfortable and simple clothing. If you are going to the airport, T-shirts and jeans are reasonable choices. But I'm just a rugby player, what I showed My fashion choice is still based on nature, in short, it fits my personality. "

This way of expression ... still makes people tolerant.

"Lu Ke, whether you are picking up at the airport, or at the Trafalgar Square event, or today's game, the number of fans calling you is always the largest. What do you think of this? Your teammates Will you envy? "

This is a slightly sharp topic, but the other party raised it in a relaxed and playful way, and the atmosphere has always remained light.

Lu Ke pursed her lips, "I think it may be just because I'm easier to find."


The reporters again filled the question marks and did not understand what Lu Ke's words meant.

Lu Ke had to explain, "Among a group of tall and strong players, I may be different, so I am particularly conspicuous."

Is this ... self-deprecating? Is this an Asian terrier?

"Also, my joke is colder, all the surrounding temperatures are lower, and it is really easier to find." Lu Ke continued.

A crowd of crows seemed to fly over the site of the press conference, but here is the United Kingdom. Black humor always finds a tacit understanding. In the awkward cold air, there was a smile in the eyes of the reporters. , The atmosphere becomes subtle.

Lu Ke nodded to himself, "Do you understand the meaning now?"

"After the victory of this game, the San Francisco 49ers' regular season record has reached five wins and three losses. In the case of just over half of the season, it can be said that the team once again returned to the ranks of the playoff seats. Many people think that it is even possible to directly say that the team has returned to the championship, what do you think of this? "

After all, the question still returned to the NFL. Although the game against the Jacksonville Jaguars was just over, the media ’s eyes were already eager to aim for the playoffs and even the Super Bowl. At this time, it was a three-game losing streak. Lamented that only a day had passed.

Victory always solves most of the problems of professional sports.

But Lu Ke maintained a humble and low-key attitude, far away from what he had just talked about and laughed at, and answered with a serious expression, "I will not put the goal so long. I mean, there are still half a season of eight A game is waiting for us, everything can happen, as if no one expected to encounter many obstacles at the beginning of our season, and we can't predict what will happen next. "

"Now the only thing we can do is focus on the next game, one by one, and then look forward to us on the right track." Lu Ke skillfully stated his position with an official answer.

"What does the correct track mean? Defend the title?" The British reporter finally showed a little offensiveness and asked a question urgently.

Lu Ke laughed happily, "I would say it is the track of victory." There was no positive answer, and the team's belief in victory was expressed by stealing the concept.

Indeed, defending is the goal of the San Francisco 49ers, but the four wins are still not enough to cover up the many potential problems facing the team. Those minor injuries and other unknown factors are like time bombs, no one knows when. Will detonate. They need to maintain their faith, but they also need to stay awake.

"Lu Ke, many people have noticed one thing. After the injury returned, your performance has made tremendous progress. The state you are showing is even better than last season, as if the injury is a trial, What do you think about this? "

"I like such descriptions and metaphors." Lu Kelian even agreed with his head, "After experiencing injuries and continuing to work hard to return to the field, this is a very very difficult process. If it is a trial, I think it is also No problem, because I know that injuries can't defeat me, but become the motivation for me to become more mature and stronger. "

"Of course, from the physical level, every injury is an injury, which is also an important part of the professional venues that cannot be avoided; but on the psychological level, those difficulties are making me grow." Although it is the official way The answer, but Lu Ke's eyes flashed a sincere light, he was serious.

"It's like being defeated at the original draft?"

"Ha ha." Lu Ke laughed happily. "Ha ha, I almost thought that this problem will not happen today, but obviously I still underestimate you." Entering the third season of the league, it is now very rare in North America. Few people mentioned this, but the first visit to London was still inevitable.

"Let's put it this way. My entire career has been trying to overcome the impossible. Many times, in the world, maybe only me and my family still believe that I can do it, and even sometimes I will doubt myself. But I never gave up. That ’s why I ’m standing here now. So, there is no way to stop me from losing at the NBA Draft, and the same is true of injuries. "

Lu Ke looked at the reporter at the scene with a smile. It seemed that some reporters were eager to dig further. For example, Lu Ke suffered a career-destroying injury? There are some things that cannot be changed by the spiritual victory method.

But Lu Ke did not give reporters the opportunity, he continued, "Here is England, I remember a very, very famous football statement: football has nothing to do with life and death, but higher than life and death. For me, the same is true of football."

Applause, there was a roar of applause.

As Lu Ke said, this is a piece of land that belongs to football. They know the role of football in their lives more clearly than anyone else.

Perhaps, injuries can prevent players from standing on the court, or even terminate their careers; but injuries can never destroy a football-loving heart. The same is true of football.

A simple sentence, but for the first time the reporters at the scene felt the enthusiasm and perseverance burst out from Lu Ke's body, just like the slogan of the San Francisco 49 team, "Endless battle", they will never Stop fighting until the day the fire of life goes out.

Such Lu Ke won their respect and applause. This is derived from the response of victory, but far beyond the joy and happiness that a victory can bring. Above the London Bowl tonight, Lu Ke really shined at the moment!

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