King of the Bay Area

Chapter 1334: Hitomi Odai

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"And me! And me!"

After all the visiting guests introduced for a lap, Cruz found out that he had never had his turn. He was still anxiously and excitedly waiting for a large circle, and now he could not wait to jump up and held high. His right hand is constantly stressed loudly.

Lu Ke was surprised, turned around and looked around, looking for the source of the sound, and then saw a small sapling-like arm set up among the crowd, and also jumping up and down like a rabbit, the scene was really full of joy and Briskly, the corner of the mouth rose involuntarily.

In an instant, all eyes were gathered in the same direction. Cruz could clearly notice that the atmosphere had changed, looked around, and under everyone's gaze, his expression was slightly shy, but then he used bigger and more With a strong voice, he said with full strength, "I'm not wrong, I didn't introduce me! Am I not a guest?"

It seems correct to explain in this way.

Upon seeing this, Beckham touched the head of the younger son and was about to speak, but saw Lu Ke gestured with his eyes, and then he bent down and squatted down, adjusting his sight to the same level as Cruz. He solemnly extended his right hand and said with a big smile, "Hey, man, I am Lu Ke. I met you for the first time and I am very happy to meet you."

Cruz is also like a little adult, extending his right hand, holding Lu Ke's right hand, and shaking it up and down like a double, "I am Cruz, I am very happy to know you!"

He unconsciously lifted his chest, raised his jaw, and said with enthusiasm and enthusiasm, "Your performance on the field today is really great! That time the ball ran! That super long pass! The opponent There is no way to stop the defense! It ’s really amazing! "

"Thank you!" Lu Ke also expressed his gratitude seriously. "Standing on the court, I tried to be a good player like your father. Now it seems that I am doing well today."

"Good? Not only good! Simply ... simply ..." Cruz was still a seven-year-old child with a really limited vocabulary and couldn't think of an accurate adjective after racking his brain.

In the end, Brooklyn stood up to help out, "Fantastic!"

"Yes! Wonderful!" Cruz immediately said in a loud voice, and nodded vigorously after he finished, as if he had come up with it.

Brooklyn then patted his brother's shoulder again. "Don't you just say, do you want to ask Bambi?"

After reminding, Cruz immediately seemed to be like, "Yes! Yes!" He jumped in place like a flea, and then said in a very excited voice, "Bambi, that ... that! Why after every score , You have n’t celebrated insanely, is it because scoring is too easy? "

Lu Ke's eyes widened, this question ... he really didn't know how to answer it.

Seeing the stunned look of Landing, Hardy and Beckham and others standing next to them all laughed. Such a look like Lu Ke was really rare.

But Cruz still kept his eyes on Landing Ke. His focused vision had a stubbornness and devotion. It seemed that everything else was not important. He was just waiting for Landing Ke's answer.

Lu Ke did not intend to make a joke, but thought about it for a moment, "Not so. But because, I know that the game is not over, and it is not time to celebrate the victory, I hope to concentrate all my attention on the next In the game. "

This answer did not satisfy Cruz. "But ... but everyone will celebrate after scoring a goal in a football game!"

This question is really ... can't be said to be wrong, but I don't know where to start.

Children's problems are always the same. What they take for granted in the eyes of adults, they have their own unique perspective. It doesn't matter whether it is right or wrong, it is more of a curiosity to explore the world. But many people gradually lose this curiosity when they grow up, and they also have no patience to explain to the children further, and then answer the children with perfunctory attitude, or even avoid it. This is very much for children. People are disappointed.

To be honest, sometimes children's problems are really easy to overcome.

As the father of four children, Beckham definitely knows nothing about it, he is preparing to end Lu Ke to stop Cruz's further questions.

Unexpectedly, Lu Ke did not flinch, but pondered for a moment, and still answered seriously, "Because I have to start thinking about the layout of the next tactic. You see, in the football game, there is a Both sides may change their tactics or adjust their strategies. We must make full use of time to keep thinking. Compared to football, our offensive and defensive conversion speed is slower, and there are more possibilities for tactical changes. That person, when the teammates celebrate, I have to prepare for the next attack. This is my style of play. "

With such patience and such a simple explanation, I tried my best to explain the situation in an easy-to-understand way. I hope that Cruz can get a satisfactory answer. Lu Ke is really hard-working.

Beckham and Hardy exchanged a line of sight as their fathers. Now it can be seen that Lu Ke should be able to become a good father.

Cruz thought about it and digested it carefully, and then nodded his head in satisfaction. "It turns out that! No wonder you scored again in the next wave of offense! It must be because your tactical layout is in front of the opponent."

Such an adult's explanation may not be 100% correct, but the overall trend is not a problem.

Lu Ke snapped a finger, "How about, is my answer satisfactory?"

Cruz thought for a while with his chin, and then nodded reluctantly. "It's quite satisfactory." The helpless expression really revealed too much information, and made everyone around laugh.

"Cruz! Bambi is trying to answer for you!" Romeo standing next to him hit his brother with his ass, lowering his voice seriously, and Cruz did not look up, squinting his chin, pursing his mouth, standing and muttering. What was not clear at all, Romeo raised his head and looked at Lu Ke, cleared his throat, and showed a polite smile, "Bambi, hello, I am Romeo, not the Romeo of Juliet, Romeo of Victoria. "

The outline of the eleven-year-old Romeo facial features has gradually emerged, and the appearance of his mother can be seen, but the appearance of the little adult is also similar to Cruz.

Standing in front of the child, Lu Ke also looks like a big child, with a smile that blooms brightly, "Nice to meet you, Romeo of Victoria, I am Lu Ke, you can call me Bambi, but the best is only Above the court, that is the nickname dedicated to the court. "

Romeo remained calm, but the excitement and excitement revealed in his eyes still revealed the true emotions of the child. "Today's game is really wonderful, but the rules of rugby are really complicated. I am going to go back to study and study. Can I go to your home stadium to watch the game in person? "

"Of course!" Lu Ke reached out his right hand. "I'm here to officially issue an invitation. Soon, your father will go to San Francisco to watch the game. I hope you can come together. San Francisco is not far from Los Angeles. I believe you I'll like it there. "After finishing speaking, Lu Ke also looked at Beckham standing next to him.

Beckham understood immediately and shook his head helplessly, "I know I know, I will not forget the bet!"

"What about me, then what about me?" Cruz also reacted and immediately interrupted.

Lu Ke turned his head and said with a smile, "My number one fan, I naturally raised my hands and feet to welcome!"

Cruz immediately raised his hands and jumped in place, "Good look! Good look! I'm going to San Francisco to watch the game! I'm going to San Francisco!"

After finishing all the introductions, Lu Ke stood up, and then he saw Brooklyn, who was standing a little bit cautiously. He was still staring closely at his two younger brothers. At this time, he already had the appearance of a teenager. Hey, I think, we ’re the only one left on the scene that we have n’t finished introducing ourselves. I ’m Lu Ke. ”

"I'm Brooklyn. It's the Brooklyn in New York." Brooklyn is obviously calmer, but still a little nervous between words, "Today's game is really wonderful!"

"Thank you." Lu Ke expressed thanks again.

Jason Stanson, who was standing next to him, couldn't help but spit out, "Why do I have the illusion of a fan meeting? Am I misunderstanding? Or is there something I need to understand?"

I thought Lu Ke would be a little embarrassed, but I didn't expect him to nod again and again, "Yes, I feel this way too. The situation seems a bit wrong. Otherwise, let's go to the lounge and let me introduce you to other teammates." I have n’t finished yet, and the words turned directly, “To be honest, if they know that I ’m talking to a group of superstars now, but do n’t help referrals, I will definitely be crowded out in the locker room in the future, so be sure to follow me Will you show up in the past? "

This remark always sounds a bit ... strange, but Lu Ke deliberately said it in a serious way, but his eyes showed a playful look. Such a gap created a subtle sense of joy that everyone could not bear. He laughed, and then agreed with all his tongue.

"Of course."

"This is our honor."

"It's better to save the spot."

"Go around, let's visit the football locker room."

"Now it's our turn to help."

Bustling, everyone walked towards the dressing room, and Lu Ke and Beckham walked side by side again.

"How about it, how do you feel when you come back here?" Lu Ke asked with a smile.

Beckham grinned, presumably the reporters also asked such questions, but the answer to Lu Ke is naturally different, "I can be sure that our dressing room at that time was definitely not as lively as today."

The football locker room is sacred, and it is difficult for outsiders to enter it. This is why Stanson and Hardy are so excited: Wembley Stadium is the home of English football. The locker room here is full of countless mysteries.

I didn't expect to get a glimpse of the true content today.

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