King of the Bay Area

Chapter 1352: Haste

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the King of the Bay Area!

"7: 7".

The San Francisco 49ers kicked off and the Carolina Panthers returned.

The Carolina Panthers chose to attempt a return attack, and achieved a good result through the opening and closing of the Secret Service team. The return attack reached the 30 yard line; but did not expect that a yellow flag foul appeared on the field.

The referee decided that the returning party had a serious foul on pulling the helmet and mask, and was fined 15 yards, so the Panthers had to retreat to their own 15 yard line to start the attack.

Cam Newton debuts again!

Cam is standing in the pocket of the offensive line, chewing chewing gum fiercely, and his strong and vigorous fighting spirit is strong, and he is the champion! He is the pride of heaven! He is the champion who should enjoy cheering and wearing a halo! He is the real winner!

In today's game, he will use the upright performance to make all those who questioned shut their mouths, and the noisy No. 14 also completely shut his mouth!

The Carolina Panthers placed a traditional position of multi-line offense with a pistol formation.

A wide receiver on the left, three catchers on the right, and a running back standing four yards behind the vertical line behind Cam, this is a fairly basic basic offensive formation, the only feature is that the adduction is more obvious, the two wings stand The player on the outermost side is just near the outer line of the slot. The position of the entire offensive group is very compact, condensed with Cam as the center.

The whole formation has a somewhat conical arrow shape. This is a ground-breaking formation that is more inclined to ground advancement. It is very normal to open the situation with a strong ground advancement at the 15 yard line of your own side. Using the slots to tear out the route lightly can also be changed into a quick short pass or a screen short pass tactic.

Specific operations and implementation can still be on the spot.

On a tit-for-tat basis, the San Francisco 49ers also contracted the entire defensive formation.

With the exception of the two cornerbacks, who were facing the two wide receivers in the outermost positions, all other defensive players shrank to the center.

Three defensive fronts and two outside linebackers formed a line, facing each other with the pocket protection of the opponent's offensive line; an inside linebacker stood staggered behind the defensive line between two teammates. Standing in neutral, facing the running back in front, the footsteps are almost the level of shadows, and the heels are standing close to the toes.

Another inside guard unexpectedly did not go to the side of the multi-line offensive focus hoarding, but came to the side of the single wide receiver, standing on the same vertical line with the offensive guard on the same side. And his footsteps are only two steps behind his outside guard teammates.

Even the positions of two security guards have been cut within the ten yard line. One security guard is in the middle of the line and is cruising outside the ten yards where the first attack conversion is completed; the other security guard has come to the multi-line attack On the side of the hoarding, the corner guard teammates on this side kept walking.

If the Carolina Black Panthers ’offensive formation shrinks, the San Francisco 49ers’ defensive formation shrinks even more, putting the entire center of gravity on top of the confrontation between the Chu and Han kingdoms, and immediately lay out In addition to the strong pressure tactics of rushing and raiding, the movement changes of the four linebackers can evolve infinite possibilities between the attack and defense.

In the last season, when the four linebackers entered the peak state, their movements were almost unpredictable. They could attack the quarterback, stop the running back, withdraw the defensive short pass, and even occasionally. Auxiliary midfielder defense, the pressure created by the defensive front makes it difficult for the opposing offense team to parry.

Now, the two sides have formed a confrontation again.

Cam noticed the obvious change in the opposing defensive formation. He advanced his kick-off position from a pistol formation to an "I" formation. It seemed to further emphasize the determination of the offense team to run the ground-after all In the first wave of offense, seven runs and two passes, the Panthers successfully opened the situation, so now?

However, Kam did not modify the tactical slogan.

Then, Cam stood behind his center and immediately announced the kick-off.

After catching the rugby with both hands, Cam turned and retreated, holding the ball in one hand, and made a handover of the rugby towards the fast running back Tobert. At the same time, the offensive line pushed the defensive line towards the left The entire right side that hoarded the three catchers was completely emptied.

Fake Run True Story!

Instead of handing the rugby to Tobert, Came flicked a shot, turned around, and then walked around in an arc, rushing towards his right side-since the opponent has put all the defensive focus on it Hoarded in front, then he chose to pass the offense and complete the break with the advantage of the number of multi-line offenses.

But Cam just turned around and faced the offensive direction again, and then saw Alton-Smith rushed directly face-to-face, there was no one else between the two, and Cam was just like this. Exposed to Ardon's sacking range.

what happened?

The outside linebacker Alton's opponent should be the offensive tackle on the right side of the offensive line, or one of the three right-wing catchers; but after the kick-off, Alton did not follow the footsteps of the catcher The retreat and movement formed a pre-conflict resolution directly and decisively.

Obviously, Alton saw through the tactics of fake running and boldly gave up the three receivers. Instead of ignoring the receiver's running position, he rushed towards the quarterback. Because the tactics were executed very decisively, there was no room for hesitation, which killed Cam and was caught off guard.

All three catchers have rushed out and entangled with other defensive players, but now the entire right wing has been completely cleared, leaving Alton and Cam to form a one-to-one matchup.

"Aldon VS Cam"!

Ardon ’s tactical execution was very firm, and he grabbed a half shot. When Cam ’s turn was completed, Aldon ’s footsteps were close at hand. He did not raise his hands, but sprinted with all his strength, violently and brutally. Cam conditioned retreat and began to retreat.

But the speed and rhythm of retreat and forward steps are not at the same level.

Cam just backed off two big steps, and Al Dong had already hurried down the mountain, and before Cam changed his center of gravity, he accurately grasped Cam's waist.

"Can't give up! Can't give up! Can't give up!"

Cham bit his teeth tightly. If he gave up at this time, wouldn't he lose to Lu Ke? He can't bear the humiliation of beating face to face!

More importantly, Cam ’s footsteps have entered the end zone in a continuous retreat. If he is sacked here, it is a direct loss of safety points-two points, the archer will again The score advantage is given to the opponent. The opponent scored again and again in less than thirty seconds? Such humiliation was strongly rejected by Kam!

Cam began to push **** the ground and broke his physical fitness to the extreme-obviously Alton first completed the grapple and even prepared to achieve the slay, but Alton's center of gravity was driven by Cam, and then he saw Al Dong flew up and turned like a rattle. Came firmly held the center of gravity. His footsteps were staggering. The stability of the upper body was still not completely destroyed, which won him the passing space.

Saw it!

Cam saw his wide receiver Brandon-LeFell (Brandon-LeFell), in a turbulent chaos, he had no time to distinguish the specific position and counterpoint, only to see Leffey He appeared in his field of vision without obstruction, at least meaning that LeFair had no defensive players in front of him.

So Cam raised his right arm.

At this moment, Al Dong ’s feet had fallen back to the ground, his hands tightly embraced Cam, and he exerted force again, pulling Cam all up in a vigorous tug-of-war attitude, trying Throwing Kam directly over the shoulder in a scallion way. Although Kam ’s weight advantage prevented Alton ’s intentions from being perfect, Aldon ’s strength broke Kam ’s center of gravity.

Cam's whole person was turned upside down. He could only use the power of his right forearm, like a whip, to throw the football in the direction of Lefir.

Direction, correct; angle, correct; but, power, incorrect. The arc of the entire pass is too short, three yards shorter, or even more.


Justin Smith is entangled with the offensive line player. The offensive line is like pushing the gate to push all the defensive players towards one side. Justin immediately smells the danger-because the other side is a multi-line attack On the strong side, he simply shook off his opponent.

It took some effort, but Justin managed to get rid of it. He immediately took two steps back, looking for a place in the short pass area that he needed to fill.

At this moment, Justin saw the rugby passing arc, too late to judge and measure, he tipped his toes, a horizontal movement of the step, and watched the rugby over his position, he forced to reverse After falling into the body, falling down the center of gravity along the direction of the football's flight, and then on the falling curve of the football, grab the football with both hands!

He caught!

But the center of gravity immediately staggered two steps, but Justin clenched his teeth, strode forward and took two steps, took control of his center of gravity, and then hugged the football, toward the left The side neutral zone sprinted past quickly.

A bunch of attacking forward players rushed over, but a bunch of defensive strikers blocked them.

Justin won a small space for advancement, he put all his attention on his legs and kicked the ground! Kick the ground! Push the ground again! Then a flashing body skipped the figure next to it and jumped lightly into the end zone.

Intercept the touchdown!

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