King of the Bay Area

Chapter 1361: Jian Ruo You Long

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the King of the Bay Area!

A five-yard short pass to find Bolding, using Vernon's block and pull, Bolding broke through the three-man circle and successfully completed a 10-yard advance and got the first attack.

Once Marcus's tough front rushed the ball forward two yards.

A short screen pass found Logan, but unexpectedly fell into the predicament of the second-line defensive, only pushed for five yards, and then fell to the ground.

Three gears and three yards.

"This is the first three-speed conversion of the San Francisco 49ers in this game. The Carolina Panthers' defensive group has significantly improved its performance strength and status. The frontline confrontation still failed to show strength, but the pass defense The step card position has become timely, avoiding the loss of large yards. Now that the key three-level defense is coming, both the offense and the defense must show their strength! The confrontation of the game has become exciting again. "

Facing the third gear and three yards, the San Francisco 49ers put out a double-wing attacking form-it is obvious that this is one of Jim Hubble's obvious adjustments in this game, targeting the relatively weak second line of the Carolina Panthers defense team. The adjustment made by the defense, even in the situation of three yards of short yards, still shows a full-pass attitude, so how should the opposing team of the opposing team respond?

Six people rushed.

The Carolina Panthers displayed a six-person pass. Four defensive strikers and two inside guards stood at the forefront. They faced the offensive striker and seemed to care little about the opponent's strong pass formation. Instead, all the attention was focused on the pressure and the raid. As long as Lu Ke's footsteps were disrupted and even the sack was completed, the passing attack would collapse.

Start at the root.

In addition to the six-person pass, an outside linebacker and a security guard were slightly behind by three to five yards, one standing in the left slot and one standing in the right slot, forming a corner angle , Only need a diagonal forward, you can cut directly into the pocket, all the way to the quarterback.

Finally, there was second-line defense. The two cornerbacks played against the outermost catchers, but the position was one forward and one postponed. The remaining security guard stood 15 yards away and made The preparation for a far-reaching long pass defense.

Overall, the Carolina Panthers put a security guard in advance, and then placed two inside guards in advance, releasing the pressure of the entire defense, even in the face of the San Francisco 49ers double-wing attack. They still displayed a frontal confrontation and ground defense posture. It seemed that they cleared the backcourt, let Lu Ke pass the ball, and determined to win in the frontcourt.

So, is this a trap?

Lu Ke is revising his tactics. His footsteps slowly moved back a bit, changing from the pistol formation to the shotgun formation. From the shotgun formation to the double-winged attack formation, the passing attitude is really impossible. It is clear again; at the same time, Lu Ke keeps calling for tactics on both sides, and seems to be adjusting the running route.

Slightly, the cornerbacks, linebackers and security guards scattered on both sides of the Carolina Panthers moved backwards—except for the six frontline defensive players. A small movement can be seen, they still care about the passing ability of the landing.


Lu Ke adjusted his pace slightly, held the ball in both hands, and then noticed the defensive movement of the Carolina Panthers-even if he wanted to ignore it, it was difficult because the goal was too obvious: they only used two players to pass , All other players retreat in unison and start passing defense.

This means that all the defensive position layouts were just bluffing; it also means that even one of the three defensive forwards has retreated, and there are nine defensive players in the backcourt. They spread out layer by layer in the areas of short pass, mid pass and long pass and carried out full coverage.

Lu Ke's footsteps began to calm down-five offensive fronts confronted two defensive fronts, it was more than enough, the entire pocket protection was solid.

However, Lu Ke's pass observation did not slow down. He stood in his pocket and adjusted his steps in a small step. He swept his sight quickly and swept all the players in the eyes of the audience. He paused for about half of the time. It seemed to be thinking; then the footsteps moved halfway towards the right side, raised the right hand and made a pass gesture, and then passed the ball.

Actually just passed the ball?

In the case of repeated protection from the impact of pocket protection, Lu Ke ’s best is to use continuous fake movements to shake the first reaction of the defensive players to create more counterpoint advantages for his receiving players. Those fake movements are real It's unpredictable; but now, with the absolute advantage of pockets, Lu Ke has chosen a quick shot?

Although there was a half-beat pause in the pocket, the rhythm of the shot was very smooth from the observation. In one go, the hand was cut and the pass was completed neatly.

The defensive players headed by Kickley all aimed at Lu Ke with their sights, and moved the center of gravity following the action of landing Ke, but did not dare to completely lose their position, lest this is a fake action, they must ensure that their footsteps are stable enough to adjust Focus on completing the second start.

But this time, their calculations failed again, seeing the landing shot immediately pass, their movements stopped but formed a slow response, although only a quarter of the muscle control, but it fell again. Behind. They don't even have time to swear, they can only move their footsteps quickly.

Who is the pass target?

Not Vernon, not Logan, not Bolding, not Marcus, wait, who is missing?

Ted Jean!


The nine defensive players of the Carolina Panthers are scattered in the entire backcourt space in a ladder form, but their defensive positions cannot be headless flies. What's more, defensive end, inside linebacker and outside linebacker, etc., they are also not good at long-range defense in the deep area. Even if they move their position backward to form a crowd advantage, it is still difficult to complete the defense.

Vernon and Marcus, both on the left, ran out of the straight line, and in a posture of rushing to a stop, stuck their positions at five yards and six yards away.

On the right, Bolding and Logan crossed one position: Bolding, standing on the outside, straight forward for five yards, and then turned 90 degrees to the inside, and Logan, standing on the inside, straight forward for five yards , And the ninety-degree turn pulled horizontally towards the outside, watching the two of them collide head-on, but missed their position at the moment of intersection, and both turned again at the ninety-degree turn-Bolding turned back towards the kicking line Logan turned and ran towards the end zone.

The entire running route is like a boomerang.

But such a dazzling route runs, still staying in the short pass area.

Two close-range forwards, a large wide receiver, a running back, and all four catchers are players with a counterpoint advantage in the short pass area, which also forced the Carolina Panthers defense team to make Corresponding defense.

Five players are piled up in the short pass area.

Three players appeared in the midfield area, two of which are still running back to assist defense.

A player appeared in the long pass area and was also moving forward.

Despite the absolute advantage of the number of people, the Carolina Panthers' second-line defense was obviously top-heavy, and then they realized that it seemed that a player was missing.

At the moment of kick-off, Jean did not have any pause. He drove straight forward along the middle of the right wing. Before Logan and Bolding completed the cross-transposition, they rushed out of the ten-yard line early, and then he looked It was Mike Mitchell, a security guard who fell behind to cover the defense alone.

Mitchell noticed the anomaly for the first time, because he was standing in the end, the running situation of the whole audience was all in his eyes, he tried to assist the defensive midfield area, but then found that Jean was unstoppable forward , So he began to retreat quickly, constantly adjusting his footsteps and position, trying to jam Jean's position.

But Jean is too cunning.

After a slanting run on the outside, shaking Mitchell's running trend, Jean then made a change to the inside of the curve, and his footsteps were like smooth silk, and he walked around from behind Mitchell, forcing M. Cheer had to turn around, keeping the same running direction as Jean, and then leaning towards the left side, trying to block Jean's forward step laterally.

But Jean caught keenly on Mitchell ’s footsteps, again half a beat ahead, and increased the arc of the bend, from a straight line towards the end zone, to a round cut into the central zone-because Jean took the lead, which made him The inside corner, and Mitchell tried to overtake the outside corner.

step! Two steps! Three steps!

With just three big strides, Jean has already used the corner running technique to directly throw away the absolute physical distance from Mitchell and came to the position of the vertical line of the goal post, then Lu Ke's pass It has already been delivered.

This is a long pass about thirty-five yards!

The Carolina Panthers defense team made a fatal mistake. They did not put any pressure on the pocket protection, but they forgot to make up for the gap in their long pass area. They just focused on the thickest part of the receiving player. But Lu Ke was distracted by the simplest sound, and then Jean had appeared in the deep area!

At this moment, Lu Ke's passing sword is out of the sheath, and the sword is like a dragon. It glides across the sky like a colorful rainbow. The beautiful and smooth arc can be called a piece of art. The location, and then it fell into Jean's arms.

Just as the San Francisco 49ers ground attack has opened up the situation steadily, just as Lu Ke provokes the nerves of the defensive group with continuous fake moves, just as the Carolina Panthers actively seek changes to start defense, Lu Ke continued the first pass after the opening, Once again showed his long pass stunt!

Seal your throat with a sword!

There was no challenge and no pressure. Under the condition of speed running, Jean put the rugby in his arms lightly and dexterously in his arms, and he undoubtedly completed this 35-yard long pass to receive the ball!

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