King of the Bay Area

Chapter 1363: Advantage expansion

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Looking to the right, to the left, is this ... is it really possible?

In rugby games, quarterbacks often use their eyes to deceive linebackers and cornerbacks, mislead them in making wrong judgments about their passing direction, and then complete the pass in the opposite direction. Lu Ke is also very good at this skill, often able to win himself a quarter-to-half shot advantage at critical moments, creating more passing gaps.

But the premise is that the misleading deception of the eyes is just a fake movement of swaying a shot. When the ball is really passed, the quarterback still needs to complete the communication with the receiving player, otherwise the pass direction may be absurd. Because wide receivers and near-end forwards most of the time are in the game to complete the ball, rather than fixed-point connection.

But now ...

Lu Ke's eyes were still on his right side, and his eyes were still slightly high. It seemed that he was looking for a passing gap in the mid-pass area. The placement and direction of the entire eyes were very delicate-or, very realistic, So that all the defensive players shift their center of gravity toward the same side; but at the moment of the shot, Lu Ke used the waist and abdominal strength to complete the twist, the right foot was raised, and the left foot supported the body, completing the entire upper body. Turning, the right hand made a horizontal wiper posture towards the left, using the power of the wrist to quickly pass the football diagonally forward to the left.

Blind pass!

This is blindfolded! Are you sure that it is not a blind story?

The whole defensive group was confused, because Lu Ke dealt with a false sight, their center of gravity could not be adjusted at all, they could only turn their heads and watched the rugby fly out, whether on the left, right or center, all the defensive players None of them can keep up with Lu Ke's passing rhythm. nobody!

The brown arc passed through the crowd in this way, and jumped out towards the 45-degree angle of the left side. It seemed to be a light and simple one-time force, but it flew like a bullet for about ten yards and eleven yards. , The posture of riding the wind and waves burst forth with unprecedented sturdy energy: bullet passing!

With his hands up and down, it was almost Lu Ke who had just retracted the right hand of the pass, and the rugby had already reached the position, Vernon Davis!

Vernon, who was originally listed on the right, did not know when to follow the gap between the linebacker and the defensive striker, all the way inward, across most of the court, from the right to the left, the entire run The movement was completely unexpected-when all the other receivers on the left and right wing were all running to the right, and all the defensive players on both the left and right wing were also running to the right, Vernon ’s movement was It turned against the wind.

Kick the ground! Step by step! Sprint!

Vernon rushed forward in a straight line from the right end of the offensive line to the left end, and then observed the passing motion of landing Ke with the aftersight of the line of sight, instantaneously caught Lu Ke's move, and his footsteps began to adjust.

Because Lu Ke did not aim at Vernon ’s position, he only judged Vernon ’s movement route with the afterglow of his sight, so the passing control of the pass was slightly deviated, and the height and distance were not stable; therefore, Vernon simply He jumped directly, intercepted the football with both hands and body, and then hugged him in his arms.

Lightning flint!

Almost Lu Ke just shot the pass, but before he could catch his breath, Vernon had finished receiving the ball, and he could not see any defensive players on the left and right sides. The only thing to keep up was outside guard Thomas Davis. ——

At this point, Thomas was responsible for defense this time. The right side of the Carolina Panthers and the left side of the San Francisco 49ers did not keep up with the pace and speed of everyone. It was too late to adjust the center of gravity; but Thomas was closest to Vernon because of his footsteps. , Or reluctantly completed the second start, quickly flew towards Vernon.

Vernon had just finished catching the ball, and he could feel a storm of blood behind him. He had no time to observe it back. He could only land quickly, striding quickly two steps toward the front, and lifted up in a very exaggerated manner. He lifted his legs and lifted his legs high to avoid the grapple behind him.


One more step!

Another step!

In three consecutive big steps, Vernon shook off the rear-end rearing, but still had no time to relax, because the sideline was already in front of him, Vernon made a supporting emergency braking action with his left leg, and approached the sideline. Less than one yard will stop the footsteps.

At this time, Vernon had no way of knowing what was behind him. The opponent only needed a push and shoved, and he would lose his center of gravity and go out of bounds; this caused Vernon to fully tighten his muscles, use the support of his left leg, and then stand on one leg , Abruptly changed the direction of the shift of his center of gravity-from horizontal to vertical, because the change was too fierce and too fierce, his right foot only took a small step towards the front, and then his body was already It became unstable.

The body has lost control, Vernon can only rely on instinctively staggering towards the right rear of the body for a few steps, barely controlling his center of gravity, in a whirlwind, he quickly circled around, looking for white The figure of the jersey made a judgment on the entire space, and then sprinted hard with his legs and sprinted towards the front.

Yibu also followed Vernon's Thomas, slowing down again by half a beat, he also changed his direction of movement hard, but his footsteps could not keep up, he could only throw his body out and made Vernon The fluttering movement, after all, was still slower by half a beat, but just slammed an empty, eating the dust of the mouth, just watching Vernon escaped in front of his eyes, and then he also completely lost his center of gravity, and began to flutter staggeringly. .

"Right! Wait, left!"

"Blind pass!"

"Lu Ke sent a bullet pass with a blind pass and found ... Vernon Davis! **** Christ, Davis successfully caught the football!"

"Thomas Davis is trying to make up the defense! But he has not been able to keep up with the rhythm! The No. 85 player of the 49ers lifted his legs away from the No. 58 player of the Panthers!"

"The eighty-fifth is controlling his footsteps and braking urgently! He controlled his body in time in the sideline area! The fifty-eighth is trying to bump into the past, a half-slow shot! The eighty-fifth completed the change of direction ahead of time! Beautiful Stop sharply! No. 85 already started running towards the front, No. 58 still did not give up! Fly! Another half shot! Missed! "

"The fifty-eighth fell directly to the ground!"

"The 85th is rushing forward!"

"God God God! Danger! Carolina Panthers have no other players in the backcourt, wait, and security guard Quentin Mikel is making up the defense! But Mikel has just lost his center of gravity, The route back to defense is a bit out of reach. He rushed forward along the diagonal line and tried to outstrip No. 85! "

"Twenty yard line!"

"Fifteen yard line!"

"It's too late? Is it too late? Mikel is sprinting with all his strength! And Vernon Davis is still speeding up! On the 85th, he has raised his right hand ahead of time and is ready to disarm! Now both of them Competing for speed! "

"Ten yard line!"

"Vernon Vernon Vernon Vernon Vernon! Five yard line! End zone! Mikel slowed down half a shot! Mikel finally finished the grapple, but Davis had broken into the end zone and the two were together Roll into the end zone, touchdown! This is a touchdown! God, oh god! This is a wonderful touchdown! "

"In the face of third gear and eighteen yards, the Carolina Panthers, who played away, pre-empted, put pressure on a five-person pass and carried out targeted man-to-man defense, but in the predicament, the San Francisco 49ers at home But with an incredible pass-Lu Ke completed a blind pass without observing his near-end position, and found Vernon Davis through a bullet pass! "

"The Panthers' entire second-line defense was completely deceived by Lu Ke's movements, and all of them went to the other side. The powerful threats of Logan Newman and Ted Jean made them concentrate all their attention, and there was no one at all. Pay attention to Vernon Davis's movement. This allowed the 49ers' 85th to successfully catch the rugby and rely on their own precise control to control the body before going out of bounds! "

"Next, this is Vernon Davis' performance time!"

"18th yard in third gear, but the San Francisco 49ers have completed a 35-yard pass touchdown! Incredible! This is really incredible! No matter the way to complete the touchdown, or the timing of the touchdown again The San Francisco 49ers offensive team all showed their determination and toughness. Even in the face of the league ’s second-defense team, they still did not compromise, and in a tough way, they opened a gap and expanded their lead again. ! "

"Wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderful people who want to stand up and applaud!"

"Let's look at Lu Ke's pass again! God, does anyone know how he finished this pass? Didn't observe Vernon's position! He was almost blind pass! God, even if you watch two more Five times, this is incredible! "

After entering the end zone, Vernon was directly thrown by Thomas, but he immediately threw away Thomas, threw the football heavily on the ground, and then roared wildly-after Logan and Jean, Vernon finally opened Now!

When the ground attack is fully opened, when the pass attack is fully blossomed, the San Francisco 49ers once again remind people of the team that they were desperate for last season: they will face difficulties, they will encounter ups and downs, they will be in desperation, but they They will never easily disarm and surrender, they will eventually find the key to victory! Beat the opponent again and again.

Even let the opponent despair!

Just when the Carolina Panthers' offense and defense improved slightly, Lu Ke once again seized the opportunity keenly and re-announced the strength of the San Francisco 49ers in a decisive and bold way, and it was a fatal blow. The rolling method completes the incredible touchdown in the torrential rain, pushing the opponent into the cliff completely.

This victory, he has to decide! Any opponent who is blocked on the road to victory will never be soft!

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