King of the Bay Area

Chapter 1394: Wishing Wizard

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Myers Scott, who lives in San Francisco, is five years old this year, but in his memory, he has never really enjoyed the joy and happiness of childhood, because he was diagnosed with leukemia at the age of one and a half He needed chemotherapy once a month and a lumbar puncture every three months. He also had to face a series of side effects caused by his weakened immunity, which turned him into a fragile glass doll.

When the other children are playing on the lawn and running in the sun, Miles can only stay at home, suffering from the pain. When he is in good health, he can play with the toys by himself, the only company with him It ’s the TV. When he first saw Batman on the TV, he immediately fell in love with the superhero—

Because Batman does not have any superpowers, but he still continues to fight against evil with his own abilities, and never gives up, which makes Miles find his shadow on Batman, and he is eager to become Batman. To overcome those ailments and become a superhero.

"Then last fall, Myers saw the bright golden sea. He met football for the first time. He met Ryan Baldwin, Lu Ke, and the San Francisco 49ers. He ... uh , He was deeply moved. "Patricia is telling the story of Miles. Even as the executive director of the" Wishing Foundation ", Patricia has seen countless similar stories, but The inner softness has never disappeared, which is the source of her persistent efforts to help those children.

Patricia stared at the landing and smiled at the corners of her mouth. "He said, there are so many ordinary superheroes in the world who are defeating themselves and evil, even if they know that the end point is heaven, but forever. Will not give up and fight as hard as possible to the end. "

"He said he wanted to be a member of the Golden Ocean, a member of the Nine, accompanied Ryan to fight together, and continued to follow the footsteps of Bambi, because that convinced him that as long as he worked tirelessly, his dreams It will be realized, then, will he be Batman one day in the future? "Patricia's eyes flashed with light, involuntarily, and his voice choked slightly.

"Earlier this year, when the San Francisco 49ers reached the Super Bowl with an undefeated record, Miles witnessed the moment of victory in front of the TV. Then, he filled out the application form and wrote down his wish: he I hope to be a real Batman, standing on the candlestick court and fighting side by side with the San Francisco 49ers. "Patricia paused for a moment, sorted out her thoughts, and then saw Lu Ke hand over the tissue.

Patricia took the paper towel and said slightly embarrassedly, "Sorry, I'm always too emotional. God, please forgive me for being rude. But really believe me, my work is very professional."

A small joke made Lu Ke and Trent chuckle.

Patricia then went on to say, "To be honest, we don't know how to fulfill this desire. Although we very much hope to help Miles, but the project changed hands twice within the organization, but still could not find the clue. This is not a simple sponsorship issue. In the end, the project came to me in turn-because everyone in our organization didn't want to give up. "

"Personally, I really really hope that this wish can be fulfilled, because it can not only convince Miles but also ourselves to believe that miracles are real and that dreams will eventually be realized. It's like the perfect season for the San Francisco 49ers. "The eyes of Patricia's ordinary appearance but devoted due to concentration, the whole person shined with indescribable dazzling light.

"In the beginning, we had no grand ideals, just wanted to hold a party in Candlestick Park, you know, invite some good friends of Miles, and then with people in superhero uniforms, wearing San Francisco 49 Fans in the home jersey have a great day-because we know how crazy Myers' wishes are, and it's really difficult and difficult to execute. "

Then, Patricia saw that Lu Ke shook her head gently and said no, which made her laugh happily, "Why, do you have any comments you want to express?"

"Myers wants to be a Batman, not a child's party; Myers wants to be a warrior, and really fight alongside Ryan and Nine, not a playful party." Lu Ke expressed seriously My own opinion, "Patricia, I don't mean to disrespect you ..."

Patricia waved again and again to show that she didn't mind.

Lu Ke went on to say, "The world of adults is always the same, bullying the children without resistance, and then giving the children countless unrealizable promises, for example, telling the children that we can go on vacation, but the result is just a barbecue in the backyard. ; For example, telling children that we can go to Disneyland, but in the end it is just a mobile circus in the next town. Adults always think that children seem to be very easy to satisfy, so it is wrong to deceive them. If it is not possible, then Do n’t promise, even in the face of children, the weight of the promise is much heavier than imagined. "

"Such a good wish, it deserves a good ending, isn't it?" Lu Ke looked at Patricia sincerely with both eyes, and said sincerely,

Faced with Lu Ke's outspoken rebuttal, Patricia not only did not get angry, but also gave Lu Ke applause, "I and your ideas are exactly the same. Or, we choose to give up and tell Miles that we do No, there are still many dreams in this world that cannot be achieved even if we work hard; but if we choose to implement, we must be in place. "

"That's why I came to Candelabra Park today." Patricia looked at Lu Ke firmly, "In order to help Miles realize his dream, I need your help."

Lu Ke didn't say anything, just greeted Patricia with firm eyes, and expressed her wishes with practical actions.

Patricia did not expect that things were so smooth, which made her nose slightly sour and calmed down quickly, and she began to talk about her real proposal.

"I was thinking if San Francisco could be made into Gotham town and then really make Myers a Batman and save Gotham's day. We need the support of City Hall because we may need to occupy public roads; we also need With the support of volunteers, playing a variety of roles, making the whole city a scene in the comics, from custom clothing, process design, location arrangement, and even a bat car, we all need to do our best. This is a day for Myers. "

"The final goal of the whole plan is the candlestick stadium, but we all know that after the start of the regular season, the team needs to sprint towards the defending goal. No one wants to interrupt the team's rhythm. This is Myers' hope. It is also the hope of the entire city; therefore, our initial plan was to use the team to play away, borrow the stadium, and then let Myers wear a Bambi jersey to complete a formal game with the crowd of actors. To avoid disturbing the team as much as possible. "


In addition to admire or admire!

It's really embarrassing to Patricia, really like an elf, turning the impossible into a possibility, from the idea plan to the specific execution is awe-inspiring! It is precisely because of this small warmth in this society and this world that it has goodness. Even if reality is dark and difficult, that hope has never disappeared.

"For this plan, we won Trent's consent." Patricia added.

Lu Ke cast his sights toward Trent-he was a little surprised, because the team has never heard of the related rumors, Tren characteristically expressed affirmation: such a charitable cause, and will not affect the team ’s preparation, They have no reason to refuse; the reason why the players are not told for the time being is mainly because the players do not need to participate for the time being. When the time comes, it is enough for the players to show up.

Patricia continued, "We have conceived the scale of the whole event. Two hundred to three hundred people should be enough. In addition to the mass actors, some citizens and volunteers are also needed to participate to ensure the smooth progress of the event. In the future, we will be able to maximize Myers ’wishes without creating too much burden. For this reason, we have set up a website specifically, hoping to have volunteers to sign up."

"In fact, we have done a really good job. Now we have over-recruited nearly 400 volunteers, far exceeding the demand, which can already ensure a perfect Gotham town transformation." Patricia's face Smiling again, the support and help of those volunteers just proved that the existence of the "Wishing Foundation" is valuable, because there are still many people in this society who are willing to share their warmth.

Wait, now that all the conditions are ready, then Patricia came to visit Lu Ke today and even waited so long. What's the reason?

Obviously, there is still a missing piece in the wish puzzle: fighting alongside Lu Ke. Does this mean that Patricia officially invited Lu Ke to help Miles fulfill his wish? However, if you choose the day of the away game, Lu Ke may not be able to be in San Francisco. Is it now to adjust the schedule?

Many different conjectures were surging in Lu Ke's mind. The reporter's instincts were looming, but in the end Lu Ke still didn't ask, but patiently waited for Patricia to say everything.

Patricia seems to have felt the curiosity and excitement in Lu Ke's eyes. She couldn't help laughing and cast her gaze towards Trent, "This is the happiest moment in my work, whenever I see Kind people like Bambi can always feel the pure warmth, and we are all trying our best to help, even if it is only the weakest little bit of warmth, it may become a fire that ignites the lives of others. Our ball It is really a happy thing for the team to have such a quarterback. "

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