King of the Bay Area

Chapter 1402: Full response

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Jonathan Baldwin quietly read the long text above the photo wall, he did not realize that the arc of the corner of the mouth rose so gently, the warmth of the touch and the joy filled the chest, and it was difficult The happiness of words began to diffuse, so that his nose slightly sour, but this time, he did not cry, but smiled brilliantly-

Because this is not a sad thing, but a beautiful story.

Ryan ’s world is always frozen on that summer evening. It seems that his fingertips can still feel the hot summer heat remaining in the air. Even if the cold winter has come, he still does not dissipate; but Ryan ’s spirit accompanies them to continue to advance, just like The faint light ignited the hope of Myers-Scott, the hope of life, the fire of hope, as if Ryan had never left or would not leave.

So beautiful. So happy.

Jonathan tilted his head to read the long text word by word, and then, according to Lu Ke ’s instructions, opened the official website of the “Wishing Foundation” San Francisco Branch, successfully found the registration address of the volunteer, and looked at the bright smile on the screen. Childish face, crooked teeth with a scent of milk, slightly shyly closed his chin, looked at the camera timidly, and then the shutter captured the moment, Jonathan's heart was filled with warmth and fullness.

"Jonathan, we can defend our title, right?"

After the end of the first preseason game this season, Ryan seemed to have a hunch that his physical skills are gradually deteriorating. Although it has not reached a bad level, Jonathan and Kate ca n’t help but worry. Instead, Ryan seemed to have completely looked away from him, and always had a bright smile on his face, a contented smile.

"Ah ... It's a pity that I might not be able to see this scene. It must be a very, very exciting journey. We followed the figure of Bambi, clenched our fists, and ran full strength to complete one battle after another, Defeat one opponent after another and fight in blood. Even if it is dangerous and difficult, we refuse to surrender until the last drop of blood is burned and all the fuel is exhausted. We will not fall. Because we are soldiers, because we are nine people!"

"Just imagining it, I ca n’t help but boil the blood ... that must be a unique journey, we are the greatest team in the world, because we have the best players and fans in the world, we can defend our title, we must You can defend, you can! "

"Ah ... The time is really too short. The perfect season seems to be yesterday. It hasn't been time to savor, and then we have to embark on a new journey again. Jonathan, you said, am I too greedy? , Looking forward to our ability to win the championship, this is already satisfied; now, I hope that we can defend the title, even three consecutive championships, and then I want to accompany the team to fight for a long time, I am really greedy ,Right?"

"I should learn to be satisfied. At least, I have witnessed the Super Bowl reaching the top. I have also witnessed the golden ocean, which is the happiest and most beautiful moment in the world. It ’s just ... I ’m not reconciled. The dynasty is here, just like this summer, and the enjoyment is over before it's too late. "

It ’s strange to say that Jonathan ca n’t remember the scenes in the last few days of Ryan ’s life. Those things are blurry and trivial, leaving only some hazy fragments; but Jonathan can clearly remember the conversation, even Even the details of Ryan's expression are extremely clear.

Ryan stared at the candlestick stadium in front of him, sighed for a long time, sighed, "Ah ... so unwilling", showing a trace of loneliness and daze; then showed a big smile, raised his head toward He looked over and asked happily, "We can defend our title, right?"

Now, Jonathan saw the light of happiness in Myers' eyes again, full of anticipation and hope, making him unable to help guarding this light, let Myers believe, and let more people believe , The miracle is real, maybe there is only a weak opportunity of one in one hundred million, but it is real-

"Become Batman", why not?

Without hesitation, Jonathan filled out the volunteer application form on the website, actively participated in it, and contributed his own strength.


The mobile phone on the desktop started to vibrate, and the caller ID was Li Mo Nian. Jonathan directly connected the phone, and at the other end, Li Mo Nian's enthusiastic voice came.

"Jonathan, are you going to participate in the Christmas miracle event? We are thinking here, can we provide more help, because more than 300 people have already signed up in our community, and everyone hopes to do their best, I Do you think you should contact the "Wishing Foundation" and take over some specific projects, such as building scenes or something, so that Gotham Town can be more real! "

Because of Lu Ke ’s relationship, the relationship between the Chinese community and the city has reached an unprecedented closeness. Especially among the fans, after carefully opening the heart door and crossing the barrier, the relationship between them has gradually become familiar and intimate, not only in the candlestick The same is true in the park, in everyday life.

By the way, in January 2012, the official appointment of Edwin-Lee (李孟贤), the first Chinese mayor of San Francisco, also made the Asian elements of the city more harmonious, and you can feel it from the side The activeness of the Chinese-American group is being reflected in all aspects.

This is the case with Li Mo Nian and Jonathan.

"Christmas miracle?" Jonathan couldn't keep up.

Li Malian was more familiar, "Yes, that is, the activity that Bambi said on the photo wall. Now we are all reposting it, and at the same time we are putting the topic label of" Christmas Miracle ", hoping to let more people know about this event. , Get involved. "

"Topic tags?" Jonathan is still not very familiar with social networks.

Li Malian didn't know how to explain it. "You can ask Chris later. In short, we are going to actively participate in it. What about you?"

"I have already signed up for volunteers on the website." Jonathan said simply.

Li Mo Nian cheered, "That would be better, I just talked to Cliff on the phone, they are going to learn from the stories in the comics, don't dress up as superheroes, but decorate San Francisco in the style of Gotham Town , Everyone plays a different passerby role or something, so that Myers can really feel the taste of Gotham Town. "

The joy and excitement from the other end of the phone infected Jonathan, and even his voice rose. "I need to do what I need, just tell me, I will go all out! By the way, I need to give Nate, Noah, do they call? "

"Haha, they have already mobilized, and they are more excited than me, as if Christmas has really come." Li Malian laughed again. "Maybe, can we really expect Christmas miracles this year?"

At the beginning, Lu Ke initiated the golden ocean call on the social network, and finally created a moment that is worth remembering in the candlestick stadium. What is different from Ryan Baldwin is-

At that time, Lu Ke's influence was far from reaching today's height, and the lack of a perfect season's aura, the recognition of neutral fans and hostile fans is far from reaching the current level.

In addition, Ryan is a pure nine person. His story can deeply touch San Francisco, but not necessarily other people-only later, with the passage of time, the influence gradually deepens; and now Mayr Si is a five-year-old child, or a child who likes Batman, people can easily resonate, which also makes the discussion and participation rate show a straight line soaring trajectory, it can even be said to be staggering. .

From the photo wall to Twitter, to Facebook, forwarding, leaving a message, likes and discussions, all subsequent impacts began to spread out endlessly, the most important thing is that there is still a month before Christmas, when The event is also held on Christmas Eve, so, can people start looking forward to the appearance of the "Christmas Miracle"?

It ’s a long month, but it ’s actually very short. In four weeks, it seems that with just a blink of an eye, it quickly slipped away from the fingers, which also means that in order to realize Gotham ’s whimsy, they still There is a lot of work to be done; Lu Ke ’s call became a decisive turning point.

From Lu Ke ’s uploading pictures on the photo wall and Twitter as the starting point, within the next twelve hours, the "Wish Foundation" volunteer registration link is busy, and the number of applicants has increased from one hundred to one thousand The name has grown to three thousand again, and the pace of growth has not stopped-

Just two months ago, Patricia Wilson was expecting a small party of two hundred people.

This is just the beginning!

In the next half month, an average of more than 3,000 people registered as volunteers every day, which also made the "Gotham Town" program expand to an unimaginable level when the number of online registrations exceeded 50,000 , "Wishing Foundation" had to temporarily close the temporary registration website:

Because the number of people is seriously overloaded-there are even people who say that they are willing to take a plane to come to San Francisco to participate in activities, and the "Wishing Foundation" no longer needs more volunteers, but enthusiastic people are still welcome on December 20 He came to San Francisco the next day and became a part of Gotham Town.

With the continuous increase in attention, the pressure has increased exponentially. The sight gathered in San Francisco has reached an unprecedented height. The Christmas miracle is gradually becoming a reality.

As Miles ’s wishes gradually came to fruition, Lu Ke had to temporarily withdraw his attention, because the progress of the regular season still continued. After losing to the New Orleans Saints, they had no rest time, and they must immediately Meet the next opponent.

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