King of the Bay Area

Chapter 1425: Hold your head high

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Looking through the window of the team bus, the endless red ocean spreads out vastly, enclosing the entire candlestick park.

Alton-Smith was slightly nervous.

Such a scene is obviously not the first time Alton has experienced it for himself. Every home game in the past two seasons, they can almost see such a grand occasion, from the thrill of the red ocean to the dazzling golden ocean, the bright colors It has become the most brilliant light of this stadium.

However, today it seems a bit different.

Not because he returned to the starting position again-he is still a substitute in this game. The coaching staff has already seen his performance on the training ground, which is still not enough. It is currently only two days on Thursday and Friday; it is because ... and he couldn't specify exactly why.

I just felt that he really became a nine person.

It ’s a bit weird to say that because he ’s a 49 player from San Francisco, from start to finish, experienced the rapid rise of the rookie season and the full-scale outbreak of the sophomore season, experienced the shock and moving of the golden ocean, he is always the ball A member of the team, led by Lu Ke, reached the top with a victory record. All of this, he has experienced, he is an important part of the team.

However, today I feel like I haven't had it before. It's like ... It's as if you can clearly feel the hot and hot in the blood because it is so violent that the heart starts to tremble slightly. No words can describe their true feelings, and then a vocabulary, the most appropriate and perfect vocabulary, "nine people" came to mind.

Yes, he is a nine person. That's all, it's enough.

At present, Alton ’s emotions are still a little mixed and superficial, and he ca n’t fully distinguish it. He is not sure what is happening to him, nor can he predict what will happen in the future. He vaguely looks at it. Above the back of the man wearing the number fourteen shirt.

Everything seemed to start from the roar and scream that night, and gradually changed. He is still full of confusion and confusion now, but as long as he follows that figure, step by step, maybe one day in the future, he can find the answer, and he can find his true position in the league.

"Alton? What are you still doing? Go forward!" A voice came behind him, interrupting Aldon's thoughts, and he quickly took a step forward.

The San Francisco 49ers ’team bus did not enter the stadium directly, but stopped at the door of the candlestick player. It was like returning to the mandatory training camp on the first day of the offseason. Under the welcome of the fans, the players entered in turn. The stadium accepts cheers and support from fans.

However, the situation today is slightly different.

The nine people on either side of the walkway did not scream or shout. All the fans were wearing the red jerseys of the San Francisco 49ers at home, holding a red support scarf in their hands, and placed them on the heart of their chest. , With a determined and enthusiastic, focused and crazy vision, watching every player present.

The red sea is so peaceful and so peaceful, like the sleeping sea, the gentle waves gently sway in the breeze, the quiet beauty is intoxicating; but the excitement and excitement flowing under the calm surface are fading Rushing, with the purest and simplest faith, standing firmly on the side of the players-fighting side by side!

That quiet and solemn powerful force burst out in the dazzling red, deeply impressing every San Francisco 49ers player.

Even players such as An Kuang Bolding who have just joined the team this season can't help but feel a little bit of fever. The tightly bound bond firmly connects the player and the fans, the team and the city. No matter what the difficulties, no matter what the dangers, they will always have the strongest and most solid backing.

Alton stared at the back of the landing and walked straight ahead. The slender and shapely figure stood upright and sturdy, and took a step toward the front. Every step was so firm and so powerful.

Unconsciously, Al Dong also quietly opened his shoulders, straightened his waist bar, and stepped his head with his chest straight, ceremoniously greeted the scorching eyes of the audience, this piece of ninety-nine on his body The jersey started to become heavy, and the team logo that never seemed to have any meaning began to be slightly hot. The invisible responsibility was pressed on the shoulders one after another, but it also forced He raised his chest more and more firmly and harder.

Even if it was to live up to this share of trust, he could not bend the spine.

Alton gritted his teeth, pressed hard, and pressed hard again. The unprecedented feeling was flowing in his chest. For the first time in his not long but short career, he felt the strength of the team for the first time. In truth, it is definitely not as simple as a slogan or a roar.

He is a nine person, and he is fortunate.

Facts have proved that this is destined to be a unique game in the history of the NFL league. Apart from the game process and the outcome, the uniqueness can be felt from the pre-match welcome ceremony.

Nine people greeted the admission of all 49 players in San Francisco in a solemn and solemn manner. Combined with the topical upsurge on the social network before the game, the sense of historical weight slowly penetrated, not only the team has a long and A long history, but also the precipitation and heritage of the fans after experiencing the magnificent:

In the face of any difficulties, they will never be afraid.

Then, nine people greeted the admission of the Seattle Seahawks coaches in the same way. There was no roar, no curse, no confrontation, the whole audience performed the attention ceremony, but the scorching eyes clearly conveyed the turbulence and heat of the red sea. The pressure created invisible was simply a torture.

Every news reporter who arrived on the scene can testify: in the midst of it, the unspeakable pressure is even more terrible than the overwhelming support and cursing. The power of silence is in the vast and magnificent red ocean. A little bit of majestic momentum broke out, enough to make the weak fragile begin to soften his knees, and even stand unsteady.

It is rumored that after the Seattle Seahawks entered the stadium, many people screamed in the locker room, but they just took the other side. The mental torture is a new trick!

Twelve people have their own way of assistance. The Guinness record of the volume of Century Chain Stadium, which is repeatedly refreshed, is the best proof.

Nine people also have their own support methods. Candlestick Stadium is still the home of the devil in the entire league ——

After this game, the major news media reported the grand occasion on the scene, using pictures and text to describe only one-tenth of the atmosphere of the scene, but it still made many players frightened. They all hurriedly said: Unwilling to face such a home, it is torture!

The side also proves once again: a dead enemy in the same area has never missed the opponent! Never die, just never die!


Standing in the locker room, the 49ers in San Francisco were ready to debut, and all their eyes were projected towards the landing.

Lu Ke took a deep breath, "We are facing the strongest opponent this season. The interviews before the game are all truthful. Respect for the opponent is respect for yourself. Only when you truly realize the strength of the two sides can you compete in the game. Positioned right in the middle. The opponent standing on the opposite side of the court, although I hate them for getting into the bones, will not affect my recognition of their strength at all. We do not need to deceive ourselves, they are the stronger team. "

This is the truth!

"But the strength of the opponent does not mean our weakness, let alone our abandonment!" Lu Kedi's voice gradually rose, "We are still the team, even if facing the strongest opponent, absolutely not The team that will be easily defeated! Since last season, we have been a dog, we are a dark horse, and no one is optimistic about us! But we have stepped forward step by step and become the defending champion of this season! "

"Let me tell you that nothing is more exciting and happier than defeating a strong opponent! Only by constantly pushing the limits can you continue to improve yourself! The stronger the opponent, the better the sharpening stone! Now, such an opportunity Just came to us again! I ’m going all out! I ’m going to play! I ’m going against the current! I ’m going to step on the opponent ’s body towards the playoffs! Because we are soldiers! And because we are nine ! "

"I'm ready! For today, we have waited too long and too long! So now, what should we do?" Lu Ke clenched his fists and snarled frantically towards his teammates.

"Fight!" Alton roared with a roar of exhaustion, his passion and passion unreservedly released.

"Fight!" Lu Ke also shouted frantically with Aldong, smashed the door of the locker with his right fist, and then raised his fist high, shouted loudly, "Let Let's fight together! "

After speaking, Lu Ke turned around and shouted “fight” and ran out of the court.

The San Francisco 49ers also followed suit. Like the army, they shouted “fighting” heartily, clenched their fists and ignited their passions, and rushed out towards the stadium.




This is a battle! No retreat! No choice to fight! And they are ready to fight bloody! If this battle is destined for only one party to stay until the end, then they are also ready for bayonet! Now let the battle officially begin!

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