King of the Bay Area

Chapter 1435: Reading options

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the King of the Bay Area!

"God, Lu Ke actually chose to run with the ball!"

"Lu Ke!"

"Lu Ke's speed has completely exploded! Bronner and White are trying to complete the closing defense! But ... wow! Lu Ke avoided the closing defense with an emergency brake, and completed 360 on the spot. Degree turned counterclockwise, just like the Marseille maneuver in the football match, Lu Ke just throws away the two defensive players! "


"One brake and one turn, Lu Ke easily got rid of the two defensive players. It looks like the most skilled bullfighter in Spain! Lu Ke is still running! The first conversion is successful! The third gear is 14 yards 'S first attack has been converted successfully! But Lu Ke still did not stop his rush! "

"Chancellor and Thomas are trying to return to defense!"

"Lu Ke chose to continue to run towards the sideline! Beautiful! The choice of such a running route is really too beautiful! Lu Ke burst out of running back energy, forcing Chancellor and Thomas to change their defensive direction again, and Lu Ke is taking the initiative now! God, can you believe your eyes? "

"Thirty yard line!"

"Thirty-five yard line!"

"Forty yard line!"

"Lu Ke voluntarily ran out of the sideline and ended this run! Chancellor and Thomas were still a half-shot slow. They failed to grab Lu Ke, but forced Lu Ke out of the sideline with defensive momentum! Ke's footsteps stopped near the thirty-eight yard line in San Francisco's halftime! "

"Twenty-six yards, this is a 26-yard ground rush!"

"It's really magical! Who can believe it? The game has so far had the largest number of ground rushes from the two teams actually come from that traditional pocket quarterback! Twenty-six yard ground rush The ball, not only completed the conversion of three gears and fourteen yards, successfully won the first attack; but the ferocity and strength of the entire rushing momentum completely ripped the defense line of the Seattle Seahawks defensive group. Amazing! "

"We should look at the video playback again!"

"Choice of timing! Choice of direction! Defensive route! Way of advancement! Wow, it's really impeccable! Lu Ke's ball run this time is really amazing! It's hard to imagine, this is the last two seasons. The quarterback who was too clumsy to be run off by people! I ’m not quite sure what you think, Teddy, but personally, this run of Lu Ke reminded me of Aron Rogers , Light and wise, simple and efficient, bold and direct, which is definitely a serious blow to the morale of the defensive group. "

Kirk's exclamation and praise couldn't stop at all, and he also gave Lu Ke the highest praise without hesitation.

Teddy did not give a positive response, but smiled and mentioned another detail, "Did you notice? Lu Ke's starting speed and advancing speed have been significantly improved, and I don't feel it during the game. When watching the video playback It can be noticed that apart from Browner, White, Chancellor, Thomas, they are all very outstanding speed players. Although they are tall and not a light and bright type, their speed is no one can. ignore."

"However, in the just running of the ball, Lu Ke didn't have too many speed disadvantages. Instead, through his own route changes and speed adjustments, he vaguely occupied the advantage, which made Lu Ke's entire run smooth. This is a detail that has not been felt in the past two seasons. What is certain is that Lu Ke ’s training is really very, very hard. ”Teddy expressed his appreciation in another way, leaving Lu Ke ’s performance behind Was deeply impressed.

As a third-year student, as a double-season MVP for the regular season and Super Bowl last season, Lu Ke's technical characteristics have long been thoroughly studied by the entire league, but Lu Ke can still improve himself and make progress at different levels. This also means that Lu Ke ’s ability has not yet reached the ceiling, which is really amazing!

In the studio, Teddy and Kirk are expressing marvels in different ways; on the court, Lu Ke calmly and calmly returned to the team again, preparing for the next wave of attack.

It is true that the Seattle Seahawks defense is extremely tough, and every defensive burst of playoff-level strength; but the San Francisco 49ers' offense is no less inferior, and they are not afraid of confrontation in the strong confrontation. After any opponent, let them see who is tougher!

"... Are you ready?" Lu Ke stared at his teammates with staring eyes, just this hard ground rush, successfully completed the three-length 14-yard ultra-long yardage conversion, and completed it with one go. With 26 yards of ground advancement, this is definitely a heavy blow for the Seattle Seahawks defensive group that is incomparable this season, and it is a strong shot for the 49-year offensive group in San Francisco that has experienced this season.

Subsequently, Hubble once again called a tough offensive tactic. In the face of Lu Ke's cry, all the players in the offensive group responded with a low roar and roar. "Roar!" The rising momentum made everyone His eyes burst out with a sharp and powerful light, like a terrifying beast.

The two teams completed the array again.

The position of the San Francisco 49ers' offensive line has changed slightly, which is slightly more than usual, but it is not obvious, that is, the distance of a palm. This change can be said to be unchanged, but it also contains many possibilities; In view of this situation, the Seattle Seahawks defensive group still adhered to this season's strategy: for me, they still did not change their tactics, but firmly implemented the defensive group coach's tactical arrangements.

Seattle Seahawks' defensive end Chris Clemens is adjusting his footsteps. His right foot continues to point like a motorcycle throttle, accumulating his forward force little by little.

Conventionally, Clemens ’main job is to defend running backs. All his sights are focused on Marcus; but at this time, the Seattle Seahawks defensive team also decided to be surprised, using a staggered way to counter Clemens routinely tore up the defense and pressured the quarterback from the side—

The opponent's offensive guard Mike Rupatti only recovered from this week's injury. Today's state can only be said to be average; and the opponent's offensive tackle Joe Stanley also has minor injuries, and this season's state is not top.

If Clemens is deliberate, he can still prevail.

Clemens is now ready!


Lu Ke's kick-off password slipped over the court, and Clemens did not hesitate. He stepped forward with an arrow and tried to break through the gap between Rupatti and Stanley, but his footsteps had just been exerted. Immediately afterwards I realized something was wrong--

The defensive line is crossing positions! The offensive line is also moving!

All the other defensive players were stuck in position by the offensive line player, leaving Clemens alone—even Stanley moved straight to the right, Clemens directly It became an extra piece, and Clemens formed a match with Marcus.

It's too late to think!

After the kick-off, Marcus stepped forward and stood on the blind side of Lu Ke. This is also the usual tactic of the San Francisco 49ers. The running back was used as the sixth attacking forward, which formed a more stable pocket. The point guard completes the protection; but if the defensive group ignores it slightly, the running back can run out of the slot and become a catcher,

Clemens now sees Marcus head-on: according to convention, he should defend Marcus. If Marcus forms a breakthrough from the side at this time, then the large yardage ground advance is a high probability event; but according to tactics, He should stare at Lu Ke, but if Lu Ke chooses to run the ball at this time, they are equally undefeated.

How to do?

Between electro-optical Flint, Clemens has no time to think, and can only make judgments based on instincts-because he has seen the movement of Marcus and Lu Ke receiving the ball, not a fake, Marcus has really received After living in rugby, his footsteps were adjusted slightly and he rushed in the direction of Marcus.

But then, Clemens wanted to swear!

Because Lu Ke and Marcus are indeed handing over rugby, and Marcus did grab the rugby, but Lu Ke has never let go. The two men seem to protect the treasures. They help grab the rugby with four hands, and then When Clemens adjusted his steps towards Marcus, someone finally let go--

Marcus let go.

Damn it! Damn it!

Immediately after Clemens saw Lu Ke quickly moved laterally in the opposite direction, this was actually ... Reading option attack!

Although Clemens was aware of it now, it was too late, and the first shock of the Seattle Seahawks defensive team had been completely intercepted.

By reading the option of offense, the five players who attacked the frontline were completely disbanded, without collective tactics, but formed a one-on-one close-in mark: each player completed the confrontation one radish and one pit, and then left the outermost player , May be the defensive end or the outside linebacker-this is the defensive end Clemens, it is up to him to make his own choice:

Choose a defensive running back, then the quarterback can rush the ball by itself; choose a defensive quarterback, then the running back can rush the ball; In addition, there is a possibility that this is being staged, the quarterback and the running back are intentionally long Holding the ball in time, slowing down the entire offensive rhythm and then slowing down, forcing other defensive players other than the defensive end to make a choice, whether to run or pass, and then the quarterback to make further choices based on the situation.

So, how will Lu Ke choose at this time? However, this has nothing to do with Clemens, because the entire defensive front, including him, has been cut off the impact force. Is it too late to initiate a second impact?

Then Clemens saw his teammates, and the outside linebacker Bruce Irwin stepped up bravely and decisively!

The Seattle Seahawks defense team is definitely not so easy to surrender! They will let the enemies in the same area opposite know what is the league's number one defense!

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