King of the Bay Area

Chapter 1447: Slam dunk

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Marcus only felt that the whole world was turning around. The sense of instant weightlessness caused the whole stomach to stir vigorously, and it seemed that he could vomit at any time.

Finally, the earth-shattering turbulence stopped, but Marcus could not tell the difference between North and South, only to see the teammates rushed over, one after another, surrounded by Marcus eagerly, and asked urgently, "Are you all right? God, are you all right now?"

But the only focus in Marcus' mind was, "Is the touchdown?" He waved his hands again and again, indicating that his state was okay, and he sat up in a hurry and asked continuously about his teammates around him, "Touchdown Is it? A touchdown? "That urgency even left my situation behind.

At this time, everyone is paying attention to the same question: Has the touchdown?

According to the rules of the touchdown in rugby games, touchdowns in different situations have different requirements.

If the quarterback completes the touchdown with a pass connection, the catcher is standing in the end zone or at the front of the end zone, the moment the ball is completed, the feet must be in the bounds and the football must be controlled. It is not possible to count for a touchdown if the ball drops before both feet are fully grounded.

If the ball-holding player enters the end zone from outside the end zone, whether it is a running ball or a long journey after receiving the ball, only the hand holding the ball can touch the corner post or cross the front line of the end zone, Then it's a touchdown, as long as you cross the line and touch the column to control the football.

To put it simply, Marcus just carried the ball on the ground to advance. Before the football was released, as long as the right hand crossed the front line of the end zone, and then Sherman shot the football, it was still a touchdown; otherwise, Marcus' right hand Before or at the moment of crossing the line, Sherman had already taken the rugby, it would not be considered a touchdown, but only advanced a few inches in front of the end zone.

During the game, the end zone referee raised his hands high for the first time, this is a touchdown! But the Seattle Seahawks defensive team immediately surrounded the referee team and strongly protested, constantly emphasizing that Sherman had already taken the rugby in advance, but the San Francisco 49ers offensive group had ignored the opponent's complaint and began to celebrate. .

Pete Carroll threw a red flag immediately, challenged the referee's decision, and asked the referee to watch the video playback to make a new judgment.

Because Carol clearly knows that a touchdown at this time is likely to become the turning point of the whole game. With 8 minutes and 33 seconds left in the fourth quarter, it is two points behind Is the difference in the score worth his efforts to fight for this victory?

Carol knew that it was a matchup between rivals in the same district, but first of all, his season goal was to win the playoffs, and the rivals in the same district were not worth mentioning; secondly, the 49ers in San Francisco played really better Outstanding, they do not need to do their best for a regular season, which is not worth it.

Of course, this is just an abacus. If there is a chance to win, Carol will still go to victory without hesitation, so he needs to challenge the referee's penalty, re-estimate the situation on the court, and then make a decision.

Carol continued to chew the gum in his mouth and quickly directed towards the defensive teammates, ignoring the referee, but readjusting the defense just this time. What is the lack of it? If the referee blows out the touchdown, then they need to attack and defend three touchdowns. He doesn't want the same mistake to happen again.

"The referee is watching the video playback. This touchdown is too thrilling, and it is difficult to judge with the naked eye."

"Let's watch the video playback together now!"

"Slow motion can be found, Marcus Lynch's take-off position is almost near the four yard line, wow, this is really crazy, it also means that after encountering an interception, he stayed in the air, Gliding for nearly two yards, it really reminds us that Michael Jordan completed the dunk with a trapeze. God, they are aliens! "

"Wagner and Irving's defense is no problem. They cut off Lynch's propulsion route, which forced Lynch to change the original propulsion plan and complete the break by taking off and flying, which also worked wonders! Nobody I can anticipate Lynch ’s choice, and no one can stop Lynch from soaring! "

"Even if I watch it again, it's still amazing!"

"A critical moment has appeared!"

"Sherman still appeared keenly in an important position. With his reading and predictive skills, he came to Lynch's advancement position and launched a supplementary defense."

"Oh, this collision is really too fierce. Lynch was overturned. God, this looks like a circus juggling. It ’s hard to imagine how Lynch lost his center of gravity. The control of the body also makes people see Lynch ’s excellent physical quality again. "

"In the face of Lynch who lost his rhythm and center of gravity, Sherman could hardly find a defensive space, but he still accurately found Lynch's ball-holding wrist and hit the football with an accurate shot! Richard Xie Erman also once again proved that he is definitely the top defensive player in the league, and he has a really good grasp and smell of the situation on the court! "

"The question now is: Did Lynch's right hand cross the end zone line before the ball was dropped?"

"Slow down ten times, turn the camera 360 degrees, wow! Over! The slow shot showed that Lynch's right hand did indeed cross the end zone line and completed this touchdown! Sherman's defense It was still half a shot slower! The football was shot after crossing the line. It was the difference between the half shots. The score difference between the two teams came to two touchdowns again! "

"This is definitely a touchdown! A windmill slam dunk touchdown is no worse than a professional basketball player!"

"Lynch once again showed his strength and heritage to the audience, such a strong and so sturdy touchdown method, almost torn the defense of the Seattle Seahawks with one person! The San Francisco 49ers once again showed Your own tenacity and strength! Continuously through the offensive battles in the short pass area, accumulating the team's offensive advantages little by little, and finally breaking the game with a vigorous blow, God, such a performance is really wonderful! "

All the players in the San Francisco 49ers offensive team were standing on the sidelines, waiting quietly for the referee ’s official video playback judgment. Everyone was waiting nervously and expectantly, while Lu Ke was intensively discussing with Hubble and Roman. Offensive tactics-if the touchdown is blown away, then they have another chance to complete.

"After looking back at the video, the verdict on the court is valid, this is a touchdown ..."

The referee's voice echoed over the candlestick court, and they made the final penalty, and then the cheers and roars of the nine of the audience were vented in a majestic manner: the home team once again touched, and it was still so tough Tough way, step on the head of the defensive group to achieve a touchdown! Is there anything happier than this?

The Seattle Seahawks have a very good defensive performance, but what really prevails today is San Francisco ’s 49 offense.

Marcus also clenched his fists, waved vigorously, waited and waited, and now he can finally celebrate arbitrarily, just like a sleeping lion, he roared wildly towards the other side of the court.

Although in the past few weeks, the team began to increase the proportion of ground offense, but the overall state of Marcus has not been adjusted to the best, and it is not as strong as Gower. He also breathed a sigh of relief, hoping to himself Can cheer up quickly, just this wave of ground advancement finally let him find domineering after a long absence!

Even Lu Ke gently clenched his fists. This slam dunk touchdown is definitely the best of the week and even the best level of the season. Seeing Marcus' performance, his emotions are also generous and passionate. Marcus is happy. All the players of the San Francisco 49ers collectively raised their arms high and shouted!

Carol, who was standing on the other side of the court, did not have time to be frustrated, and the result did not meet expectations, but it was not a fuss. He also needed to reorganize the next wave of offense. Between the electric and flint stones, he had made a decision--

If the next wave of offense can score quickly and the free kick or touchdown, then this game is a fight. After all, it is a rival in the same area, and Carol does not want to lose to Hubble; but if Wilson ’s offensive team Still there is no improvement, then he will tactically give up this game, the playoffs and the Super Bowl are his goals. It is impossible for him to die for a regular season fight. San Francisco 49 has little hope of winning this season, but the Seattle Seahawks But winning the championship is popular.

Looking at the depressing and suffocating defensive players in front of him, Carol shouted repeatedly, "All up! The game is not over yet, it is too early to raise your hand and surrender now!" His The decision is one thing. Facing the players' encouragement is another. He needs the defensive team to boost morale.

Even the Seattle Seahawks couldn't know Carol's decision, let alone the San Francisco 49ers.

With Arkens steadily scoring additional points locally, the score on the field officially came to "21: 7". Although Arkens missed a free kick in the first half, he quickly completed the adjustment after that. The next three additional points were hit accurately, and the status of the special team was stabilized again.

Wilson led the offensive team to play again.

In this wave of offense and defense, Wilson finally found some feeling again. After two consecutive reading options, the offense passed the prediction of the San Francisco 49ers defensive group. Then Wilson himself completed the ball promotion and successfully got the first attack. This is also the best performance of the Seattle Seahawks attack team in this game.

Both desperate and difficult, Wilson still showed his stubbornness and perseverance that he refused to lose. He gritted his teeth and tried to lead the team forward. This also proved that the outbreak last season was not just a flash of light. He still had the toughness. strength. Russell Wilson is not inferior to Andrew Rucker and Robert Griffin III!

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