King of the Bay Area

Chapter 1458: A thousand fingers

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the King of the Bay Area!

After the league entered the Super Bowl era, in the past fifty years, the game with the largest score difference with zero opponents appeared twice, once on December 4, 1976, the Los Angeles Rams zero seal Atlanta Falcons; Another time was October 18, 2009, when the New England Patriots sealed the Tennessee Titans, and the final score of both games was "59: 0".

Now, this record is officially made.

The San Francisco 49ers defeated the Tampa Bay Buccaneers at Raymond James Stadium with a score of "0:61", which not only broke the record of the Super Bowl era held by the Los Angeles Rams and the New England Patriots; even before the Super Bowl In this era, it was second only to the "73: 0" game in which the Chicago Bears defeated the Washington Redskins-it was already a distant 1940.

Needless to say, this is a massacre!

Generally speaking, unless it is a dead enemy in the same region, there are very few games that will be wiped out. If the winning ticket is already in hand, then the fourth quarter of the game will not attack at all, but mainly consumes time, on the one hand, for the sake of insurance, To avoid the continuous risk of attack and lead to the overturning of the gutter, but gave the opponent an opportunity to overtake; on the one hand, there is no injustice and no hatred, there is no need to make the score too ugly, after all, the same league looks up and down.

Therefore, in the history of the league, the quarterback record of single pass touchdowns has always maintained at seven, is it because Peyton Manning, Drew Brees and others do not have the ability to break the record? Of course not, but a customary politeness-after the 7th pass touchdown, they can basically determine the victory, they chose to close after passing the 7th touchdown, or even simply came to rest, this Only then has the record been fixed above the number "seven".

But today Lu Ke does not.

Even in the fourth quarter, he is still like a cold-blooded killer. He goes all out and advances the attack step by step, humiliating the sensitive nerve of the opponent's defensive group again and again, so that the opponent's defensive group players want to give up the game and escape from hell. By the way, even the analysis commentator was a little bit unbearable. The **** scene made people look down. The large number of fans who left the scene early did not shake Lu Ke's cold-hearted eyes.

At the press conference after the game, Lu Ke immediately became the target of Qianfu, "The opponent has almost given up the game, but you are still insisting on the offense. This behavior is too cruel, do n’t you consider sportsmanship? ?"

Rarely, Lu Ke's face did not have a smile, but the calm eyes made people shudder, "Cruel? God, do you need me to tell you what cruelty is?"

"They sent our defensive team captains off by bad tactics, and then pretended that nothing had happened. No one even expressed condolences to us at halftime, let alone apologize. This is cruel! The selfish use of violent defensive means hit the player. The punishment they suffered was only to be sent off, but Patrick may have to bury his entire career. This is cruel! Patrick has persisted throughout the season and paid countless sweats With blood and blood, we are dedicated to lead our team forward, but now because a shameless villain 'has not stopped the car', may have to bid farewell to the game forever, this is cruel! "

"Let me tell you, you guys who think they are the uncrowned king, do n’t try to stand on the moral high ground to tell me how to play! You guys say" cruel "and" sports morality ", but we need to sacrifice countless days and nights of hard work And work hard! You guys say, "You can't bear it", but you need to bury the persistence and struggle of our team! "

"When you stand here to blame them! When you stand here to accuse us! Do you really understand what happened to us? I just let them lose an insignificant game at home, they It ’s already doomed to miss the playoffs, is n’t it? So what did they lose? Sixty-one points? Well, it ’s just sixty-one points, but it ’s fair to sacrifice our defensive captain. Is it fair? Why no one Come and talk to me, is this fair? Is it cost-effective? "

"answer me!"

"Who can answer me!"

Lu Ke thumped the podium heavily, and the thunderous sound reverberated throughout the press room, but no reporter dared to face Lu Ke's eyes, let alone ask questions, so the whole scene became silent. The slowly spreading silence made the heart sink slowly.

Lu Ke stared angrily at the reporters in front of him, "An uncrowned king, answer me!"

The anger is continuously flowing out, suppressing and suppressing, controlling and controlling, even if you have just finished a slaughter match, you still cannot calm Lu Ke's inner anger!

If it is usual, Lu Ke can have countless ways to deal with the reporter's difficult questions; but today, he doesn't want to, and he just confronts the reporter tit-for-tat.

"Are n’t you the best at asking questions and answering questions? Then, I have a question now: You just mentioned professional ethics, so who can explain to me what professional ethics is called rugby! I will go all out to complete the game , Before the end of the game, the whistle was still dedicated to the game, but it was said to have no professional ethics, so what is it to deliberately collide with the opponent in the game and cause the opponent to leave the game?

"In professional competitions, the act of hitting opponents without compromise means which professional sports can be called ethical behavior. Who can remind me? Boxing? Wrestling? Or killing games ! "

"At today ’s press conference, no one accused the player of maliciously injuring and ugly foul, no one cared about the player who was being examined in the hospital, but pointed the finger at me who seriously finished the game? Why? Just because I did n’t show mercy Just condemned me for not having professional ethics! What kind of professional ethics is this? Who can tell me! "

"What about the professional ethics of your uncrowned kings? Have all the dogs been eaten?"

"Shouldn't you be opinion leaders who supervise public opinion and guide public opinion? Shouldn't you be social observers who supervise the fair and fair progress of competitive sports? But now why have I become the target of your attack? Who can tell? Me, why? You are curious about why, and I am also curious about why! Why do players who maliciously injure people are not punished? Why do n’t anyone care about Patrick ’s injury? Why is a player ’s career less than a game of '61: 0 'is important? Why is our effort this season not as important as a team's defeat? Why? Who can answer me, why! "

Throwing loudly, deafening and screaming.

Lu Ke was really angry, and was angry when leaving the ground. In the third year of entering the professional league, he did not lose control in the face of doubt; he did not lose control in the face of discrimination; he also did not lose control in the face of defeat and setbacks; he did not lose control even in the face of his own injuries. But today, because of Patrick Willis, Lu Ke has never been able to control himself.

He was like a scarred lion, even though it was bloody, but his angry roar was still powerful. The vast and powerful display made the audience silent, and even Harry Waynes was honestly closed. No one angered Lu Ke at this time. The strong momentum was enough to swallow every life present.

There were more than 150 reporters in the entire press conference room, but there was no voice at all, not even the courage to have the courage to face Lu Ke's line of sight, and he was pulling his head one by one as if he was being trained. A group of elementary school students, but such scenes could not make Lu Ke happy, on the contrary, he only felt sad.

Look, even so, even if they were scolded to the door by pointing their noses, the reporters still have no blood and no passion. In the era of entertainment to death, they have lost their sharpness, just like the lions were smoothed out. In general, I just learned that Kong Yiji muttered there that "theft of books can't be considered as stealing", circling around the sesame and green beans, and then pretending to be the uncrowned king.

But in fact, they are just a group of flies around their interests.

Looking at the dead reporters in front of him, Lu Ke didn't say much, turned around and left the press conference room in disappointment, didn't say hello, didn't say much, and ended his interview.

Standing in the strange passage corridor of Raymond-James Stadium, Lu Ke lost his direction in a moment, not knowing where he should go and how to get there. Everything around was strange, and he could not find where he could see. To any familiar scene, the footsteps stayed in place.

There have been so many things happening this season, Ryan ’s departure, his injury, Alton ’s loss, and the continued injury of the team ... he keeps strengthening himself and focusing all his attention Strength is above the game, sticking to the right track, running towards the ultimate goal, with Ryan ’s agreement and commitment, fighting to defend the title, but this road is really too difficult. At a certain moment, those pressures will almost be Crushed his shoulders.

Now Willis is also injured, what should he do?

Lu Ke's eyes showed a daze and confusion deep in his eyes, he knew that he could not reveal the slightest shake in front of his teammates in the locker room, because they were all watching him, they were waiting for him, he was the leader He needs to straighten his waist and guide them to move forward, but ... who can tell him what he should do?

He doesn't even know where he should go now, how can he answer his teammates?

He can't go back to the dressing room now, his daze and frailty can't help any more. So he sat casually on the steps of the fire escape stairwell, and asked the black cleaner who was passing by and asked, "Hey, can you please lend me a cell phone? I need to make a call."

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