King of the Bay Area

Chapter 1472: Bat kid

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There was a faint surging in the air, passionate screams and cheers swayed in a circle of ripples in the air of the severe winter, and it seemed that even the sunlight was lit together, and the excited and excited faces were Layers surging, waving his hands towards the bat car.

Myers looked out of the car window and looked at the people who were jumping and carnival, but he did n’t know what happened. He could n’t understand what was going on, but could n’t help but grin and laughed with everyone, Looking back, I asked my mother what was going on here and why everyone was so happy, and then a burst of shouts came out of the car window, attracting Myers' attention.

"Batman! Bat kid! We need you!"

Myers looked down at his equipment and uniform, turned around incredulously, and patted the shoulder of his mother sitting on his right-hand side because the seat belt was firmly protected in the safety seat He had no way to fully explore his body, but he still stubbornly protruded his upper body, intercepted his body completely in front of his mother, tried to complete the line of sight communication, his eyes filled with excitement and excitement, it seemed that the whole world Brightened, "Mom, am I Batman? Am I really Batman?"

"Yes! Myers is now Batman!" Nancy nodded heavily, giving a positive answer, and her eyes sincerely and firmly met Myers's eyes, proving that she had not lied.

Batman, who was driving in the driver ’s seat, looked up in the rearview mirror, and Shen Sheng said, "Bat boy, how are you, are you ready? Now Gotham is in crisis again. The riddler and the penguin are Trying to destroy the city, they need your help, are you willing to lend a helping hand? "

Myers didn't speak, but clenched his fists, tensing all over his body, showing his determination with actual movements, and even his tight lips grunted because of the excessive force As soon as he got up, he seemed to concentrate all his energy on his mouth, so that others could see his strength, and his stern look made people unbearable.

"Very good! We are all ready! Let's save the city together! Let's go now!" Batman followed Miles with his fist clenched, showing his determination.

First, they arrived at Union Square, where they found a white-collar woman who was tied to the bomb by a riddler. With the help of Batman, the bat boy Myers successfully removed the bomb and rescued it at the last moment. Ladies.

In the cheers of the audience, Miles gave the lady in front of him a big hug, gently patting her shoulder, and comforted softly, "You are all right. You are all right." That tender and vague words, Repeating the same sentence over and over again, it seems that no better expression can be found, but the lady embraced in her arms can clearly feel the sincerity and kindness of Myers.

For Miles, Batman is real, and everything today is also real.

Realizing this, the warmth of my heart began to murmur-playing the rescued lady was a Silicon Valley fund manager called Sue-Graham-Johnston, and she Her husband, Eric-Johnston, is a senior software engineer, and the one who is playing Batman at this time is just that.

After the John Stones learned the story of Myers, they proactively signed up for the volunteer program and hoped to participate in it. Later, the scale of the matter became larger and larger, and the "Wishing Foundation" project was underfunded. They immediately donated a sum of money generously and sincerely hoped that Myers' wish could be fulfilled.

To this end, Patricia Wilson invited them to play Batman and the rescued lady, and the couple readily agreed-every Halloween, they will dress up and hold a grand masquerade party, which comes to them It's not difficult to say, just treat it as a Halloween parade.

But at this time, Su Graham realized one thing, a very important thing: for Miles, all this is true.

Sue Graham also hugged Myers hard and said sincerely, "Thank you, boy kid, you saved my life!"

At this moment, she once again felt the true meaning of "Christmas miracle".

Second, Batman took the Batman to the bank, stopped the riddler who was robbing the bank, and successfully rescued the hostages in the bank and the vault that was about to be opened.

Looking at the riddler who fled the desert, Myers laughed happily, raised his right hand high, and celebrated with Batman a high-five.

Eric Johnstone is a little surprised-this is the first time since today ’s event, Miles opened his heart, a small interaction can feel his joy and happiness, even with Eric is also excited , As if he really turned into Batman and rescued the bank from the riddler.

"When you start to believe in dreams, dreams start to exist." Eric couldn't help but think of this sentence of Patricia. She said that the original word came from Lu Ke. Now, she never watches rugby. Eric, who was also interested in the San Francisco 49ers' quarterback for the first time, so Eric said to Miles, "I just received news that the Penguins are disrupting the Candlestick Stadium, trying to Disturbing the 49ers game in San Francisco, let ’s hurry to the stadium to help! "

"Rush!" Myers raised his right fist high, like a warrior, screaming and running, which made Eric and the other "adults" around him look at each other, and finally couldn't help it. He raised his right fist high, shouted "rush", and ran out behind Miles.

At a certain moment, they seem to be really saving the world-saving a child's world. Does this mean giving more children hope?

Then, Batman took Bat Kid to Candlestick Park.

Myers looked greedily and excitedly at the crowd of people outside the car window, spreading from the highway all the way to the candlestick stadium, everyone was wearing a superhero costume, and the colorful and flowery scene made the severe cold As soon as Dong Shao turned into a hot summer, the little guy couldn't help but take a deep breath. It seemed that he wanted to feel the enthusiasm and vitality of this land through this method.

Because of his illness, he never came to Candlestick Park. Now, he appeared here for the first time as a bat kid. The stadium that created countless miracles on the TV screen appeared in front of him. The excitement and excitement burst like a volcano, and he endured it. Can't help starting to shout at the fans, "Fighting ceaselessly!"

The tender and weak voice couldn't be conveyed at all, but Nancy and Eric in the carriage heard it.

Although Eric didn't understand the meaning of the slogan at all, he rolled down the window of the car and shouted to the fans outside, "Fighting ceaselessly!"

The ocean of fans in the line of sight couldn't see the end at all. At this time, the nine people closest to the Batmobile heard this sentence, and then shouted together; then Nancy also shook down the window on the other side and shouted. The emotions of the nine people were lighted up little by little.

"Endless battle!"

The sound was so vigorously spread towards the candlestick stadium. When the bat car stopped at the player passage, the deafening cries had spread, and then Miles saw Lu Ke, and the young face immediately It bloomed and cheered eagerly, "Bambi!"

Lu Ke, wearing a home jersey, wears a Robin's mask, and also wears a cape. It looks a little inconspicuous, which makes people unbearable, but the meaning is still accurately conveyed-he is the assistant of Bat Kid today, Prepare to work together to punish evil and promote good.

After the Batmobile stopped, Miles rushed towards the landing and rushed straight into Lu Ke's arms like a rocket launcher.

Even if Lu Ke was ready, the footsteps staggered back a little step a little, which made Lu Ke couldn't help laughing. "It seems that the bat kid is ready!" It is good news for Miles before ending the last treatment.

Lu Ke confronted Myers and said, "Look, I told you, we will meet again, right?"

Lu Ke actually remembered their agreement!

Myers's entire small face bloomed, nodding heavily, but couldn't say a word with excitement.

Lu Ke didn't hesitate anymore, said to Myers and Eric behind him, "Quickly, the Penguins are trying to create destruction and create a crisis for our home farewell battle. We need the help of Batman and Batboy, Can you rescue our teammates and drive away the penguins? "

Eric didn't speak, but followed Landing's gaze and looked towards Miles.

Myers tightened his mouth again, and all his power seemed to be concentrated on his mouth, and then his eyes widened and he shouted, "The battle is endless! Let us drive away the penguins!" While yelling, he rushed forward In the past, it was like a little bull. At the entrance of Noda ’s stadium, his figure looked so small, it seemed that he could be swallowed at any time; but his reflection on the ground looked so strong, it seemed to be enough to support The whole world.

"Bambi, Batman, let's save the candlestick stadium together!" Myers found that only he was running, stopped, turned and greeted loudly, the bright voice was full of vitality, even if the eyes were facing With a thousand troops, he will not be timid!

Then, Lu Ke also shouted "Fighting ceaselessly", quickly followed Miles's footsteps, and rushed towards the front of the candlestick stadium.

Penguin, be careful, Batman and Batboy join forces with Robin!

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