King of the Bay Area

Chapter 1548: Survival in chaos

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Footstep adjustment. Footstep adjustment.

With the support of the stable pocket protection, Lu Ke ’s footstep adjustment also maintained an unhurried rhythm. He quickly swept through the four different running routes of the audience. Without too much hesitation and hesitation, he raised his hand and chose the right. A small slash pass in front of the side, trying to connect Logan with a shadow pass behind the shoulder.

Faced with the cornering guard of cornerback Sam Sheldes, Logan didn't increase the speed completely, but used his physical advantage to get stuck in position in advance, and then won a small receiving space, but for the angle It is enough to pass the shadow behind the shoulder of the defensive card.

Logan later resisted the impact of Scherdes, and continuously superimposed his body weight and center of gravity on Scherdes, followed by a turn and a jump, instantly creating a counter gap, his hands were ready to receive the ball , But the next second Logan watched the football slide over his head with question marks.

what happened?

"Ah ... sorry!"

"The passing arc is slightly higher and will miss Logan Newman's touch point, creating a pass that has not been completed. Newman can almost touch the football, but because of the football's arc and The strength, even if touched, can't complete the one-hand pass, Lu Ke's pass arc control is still not very prepared. "

The moment Rugby broke away from her fingertips, Lu Ke's feel was not very good--

The leather touch is slightly harder than expected. On the one hand, the muscles are more relaxed during the practice, and the movements in the actual game must be tighter, and there is still a slight deviation in the control force; During the pass, the hand still needs to be adjusted, and the feeling of the first pass is still not right.

The same goes for Rogers' first pass.

Lu Ke's eyes followed the rugby, and then saw that the rugby exceeded Logan's control and flew out of bounds.

The pass is not completed. Lu Ke can see at a glance that it is not only a matter of arc control, but also the angle and strength can not be controlled in place. Even if Logan touches the football, it is estimated that the ball cannot be completed; fortunately, pocket protection Nothing went wrong, which allowed Lu Ke to focus more attention. The arc control was still a little more careful and was not intercepted.

Three gears and six yards.

Quickly communicate with Hubble and determine the tactics, Lu Ke once again invested in the next wave of attack.

The San Francisco 49ers changed their formation a little bit, and it was still a two-by-two attacking formation, but the inside near-end Logan and Salek returned to their normal positions, evenly with Crabtri and Bolding wide receivers. Standing in the space between the two wings, this also caused the Green Bay Packers' station to be broken up.

What formation is this?

The defense team of the Green Bay Packers basically did not have a formation. The positions of the three defensive fronts were staggered back and forth, forming a "product" shape; the two inner liners and two outer liners were scattered irregularly over five yards. In the short pass area outside of the opening, none of them formed a counterpoint, and Tian Nu San Hua generally stood freely; the two security guards stepped back 15 yards away, standing on the left side of the goal post. On the dotted line.

Only two cornerbacks are in the normal position, and they have two wide receivers, but the positions of the two people are also different. The third-year player Davon-House (Davon-House) after taking the rotation substitute in the previous two seasons , This season's rise as the main starter, he defended Crabtree against each other, there was only about three yards of space between the offensive and defensive positions; and Sheldes of Bolding took the steps back, space between each other Expanded to about eight yards and nine yards.

Completely spread out! Completely chaotic!

The Green Bay Packers defense team apparently made complete preparations. They deliberately disrupted the front, back, left, and right positions, disrupting the traditional basic formation and completely confusing Lu Ke's defensive reading. It seems that they should study the Arizona Cardinals and the Seattle Seahawks against the San Francisco 49ers, and have made changes based on the Arizona Cardinals' tactics.

Now, Lu Ke's defensive reading does not capture any information-because there is no regularity at all, and at the same time it is just the opening defense, he needs more reference data to make a judgment.

But is Lu Ke helpless?

of course not!

Lu Ke noticed a small detail, he stood up and shouted a few slogans, but the San Francisco 49ers' offensive formation has not changed, which also means that it is likely that the running route changed, Green Bay. The Packers defense team has no way of judging-is this a pass attack?


The seemingly dazzling and murderous defensive position actually continues the defensive strategy of the Green Bay Packers since the opening of the game: four-man rushing pass, inside defender standing by, other players withdrawing defensive passes; But there are small changes hidden in every attack and defense.

Outside linebacker Clay Matthews deliberately staggered his position, bypassing the offensive tackle Joe Stanley's position, throwing away Stanley's center of gravity with his left shoulder to right shoulder, and seeing a breakthrough , Rushing towards Lu Ke in his pocket-don't underestimate the four-person rushing tactics, every change in alignment may produce a completely different result, and now Matthews is using his personal ability to break the balance .

In addition, all the defensive players showed a forward and oppressive posture, but they collectively retreated at the moment of kick-off, establishing the advantage of passing defense in advance, moving quickly and opening the field of vision completely, marking on the one hand Landing's tactical choices and changes, on the other hand, watched the receivers who were responsible for counterpoint marking, forming a net in the short and mid-range areas.

The Green Bay Packers took the initiative to make adjustments to their defensive tactics, which also gave them a slight advantage.

Seeing that Matthews was about to break through Stanley's card position, Lu Ke's figure was close at hand; and the pre-emptive pass defense also blocked the pass line, seizing the advantage in advance, which forced Lu Ke's The passing action was a little hesitant, and I was not able to find the passing target in the first time.

However, the advantage situation only lasted for a while. The home fans have n’t had time to cheer and cheer. Seeing that the pocket protection of the offensive line is about to be broken, they see Lu Ke's lateral adjustment of a cross-step change, throwing himself away. Blind Matthews' pass, without any pause, raised his hand and teleported the football diagonally forward to the right.

A player wearing a white jersey appeared in a large gap in the short pass area. In the circular space of about seven yards, no defensive player wearing a green jersey could be seen! The entire catching gap is completely open!

what happened? Who is that? Where did it jump from?

Is it Frank Gower?

Wait, no!

Gower is teaming up with Stanley against Matthews. Their defense has pushed Matthews' center of gravity away, and then you can see Matthews stumbled and almost fell, using his hands and feet to control his body. Lu Ke was sacked, not even an effective impact.

Who is that?

It was actually Logan!


There was a burst of exclamation in the studio. Everyone didn't know how it happened. Shouldn't Logan be in the front area? Why did you rush out of the tee line now? How is this going?


After the kick-off, Logan's footsteps moved laterally towards the inside and joined the offensive tackle Alex Boone, facing the defensive end Johnny Jolly, but Boone cleverly stuck After locating Jolly's position, Logan bypassed the entanglement of Jolly and Boone in a retreating and turning way. After completing small adjustments, he rushed out along the slot.

It was about two shots behind. When Logan stepped through the time difference and broke through the tee line, there was a gap in the front of the horse. All the defensive players were all pulled to the left by the attacking player ’s running route , Which also makes the open space on the right completely open.

This is the detail captured by Lu Ke in defensive reading-

The Green Bay Packers deliberately broke up the entire defensive formation and destroyed Lu Ke ’s defensive reading in a way that covered the whole audience ’s misalignment. This was a positive effect; Misalignment can allow the defensive group to take the initiative, but it can also become a loophole for the offensive group to open the situation.

Overall, the Green Bay Packers consciously tilted the station slightly to their right and San Francisco ’s left—this is the only tendency to disrupt the station and successfully undermine Lu Ke ’s defense Read; but the inclination of the formation inevitably makes the San Francisco 49ers' right defense relatively weak.

The most obvious part is that Logan and Boulding two receiving players are on this side, but only one cornerback, Sheldes, is on this side. It is true that there is also an outside guard and a security guard standing in tandem near the right slot and can complete the defense at any time. The defensive group can still be surprised; but Lu Ke believes that this can become an offensive group The breakthrough of the tactical layout, so he did so.

After the kick-off, Bolding on the right, Salek and Crabtree on the left, and Goyle in the pocket, even the offensive line is no exception. The left side moves laterally, forming an illusion that "Hal's moving castle" is moving sideways.

Because of the concentrated strength and obvious movements, this also forced the Green Bay Packers to put more power into their right to form a defensive encirclement.

Then, Logan, hidden in the offensive line, deliberately postponed the start time, successfully confusing the audiovisual, and when he rushed out again, there was a completely open space in front of him, starting from the right slot to the right On the sideline, the entire area leads to the end zone like a straight avenue, without any defensive players.

Logan has formed an unmanned defense state!

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