King of the Bay Area

Chapter 1607: Do everything

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the King of the Bay Area!

The San Francisco 49ers offensive team set up a strange array, based on the ground attack "I" formation, but put all five catchers on the front line.

On the left, Crabtree is on the outside, Salek is on the inside, standing side by side with Stanley; on the right, Logan and Bolding are both on the inside. There is only a half-step distance between the two, but Logan is slightly forward Half step, Bolding stepped back a little, forming a shadow position, at the same time, Marcus ran to the outside, forming a symmetrical position with Crabtree, and Marcus was slightly further out .

This is a strange array.

The "I" formation was originally based on ground attack, but Lu Ke no longer had running backs around him, but instead presented an enhanced version of the multi-line attack, showing a situation of full-pass attack, which also forced Caroline The position of the Panthers defense team had to be adjusted accordingly.

Because the West Coast offensive system of the San Francisco 49ers is very changeable and unpredictable; and because there is no running back support around Lu Ke, naturally, the defense of the Carolina Panthers needs to be targeted:

The positions of the three linebackers and the two cornerbacks are clearly scattered, forming a one-to-one correspondence with the five catchers; while the positions of the two security guards are obviously behind, defending Lu Ke's long pass.


Lu Ke held the ball in both hands and swept the line of sight quickly, immediately capturing the Carolina Panthers' four-person pass-from here you can see that no matter what situation is facing, the home team is trying to maintain enough pressure on the front line, even if it cannot be destroyed. Passing, at least, can not make Lu Ke's pass too comfortable, and then according to Kickley's on-site contingency, waiting to create more opportunities, this judgment can be further verified as the game goes deeper.

Lu Ke ’s footsteps were reflexively adjusted in the pocket after being reflexively adjusted, and the distance was quickly opened to create a pass space. The aftersight of the sight could see the area near the right side of the central zone. Logan used the emergency stop to turn back. Tactics tore out a gap, but Lu Ke hadn't had time to make footstep adjustments, and he could see a collision from the blind side while the line of sight was moving rapidly:


Cornerback Josh Norman was supposed to be against defensive wide receiver Michael Crabtree, but at the moment of kick-off, Norman made a misalignment with Crabtree and then stabbed diagonally from the blind side Into the pocket, like a sharp blade, dashed straight towards the landing position.

Because the cornerback's position is sufficiently outside, Norman completely bypassed the positions of Stanley and Salek and formed a head-on confrontation with Lu Ke.

This time, there was no Marcus as a shield on Lu Ke's side.

Norman's eyes and mind were only Lu Ke's figure, regardless of whether he was accelerating toward the target, like a bullet train running at high speed, the speed was getting faster and faster, and he rushed more and more violently. Because it was Lu Ke's blind side, he did not immediately notice Norman's change of course, and instantly fell into a passive position, which also let Norman's impact prevail.

It's coming!


When Lu Ke was aware of the Norman raid, the distance between the two people had been shortened to within five yards. The imminent sense of crisis made Lu Ke respond immediately and decisively:


The footsteps reflexively retreated towards the oblique rear, and the instantaneous explosive force in the extreme state stabilized the body and quickly made an escape response; but facing the momentum of Norman's full forward, he had no time to turn around and toward Luo The pass is in the direction of the root, and the opportunity is fleeting. Now Logan is not necessarily the best pass option. He immediately caught a more suitable pass option-

Pass the ball while retreating.

Lu Ke didn't hesitate. He raised the knife and landed in the direction and angle of his retreat, teleporting the football towards the far end. The deliberately high arc easily crossed the top of Norman's head and reduced the number of confusion. The deviation of the ball found no one to defend ... Crabtree!

"Oops!" Norman watched that he was about to hit or even kill Lu Ke, and then he could only watch the football leap from above his head. He didn't even have time to raise his hands to do the blocking action, football It has been sent behind him, which makes Norman full of frustration: just a little, just a little bit, he has deceived Lu Ke, just a little bit at the last moment!

The football crossed Norman lightly and found Crabtree unmarked.

But Crabtree seems a little over-excited-because of the special significance of this game, and because he didn't expect such a good opportunity to appear like this, and because he didn't foresee this is his own chance to catch the ball. Ke Ke didn't anticipate Norman's raid, so he had to make temporary adjustments, so that he actually had a low-level slip of the foot slipping, failed to stand firm for the first time, and missed the best opportunity.

Fortunately, Crabtree is completely unmanned. Salek is entangled with outside guard Thomas, and the security guard is too far away. At the same time, Lu Ke's pass deliberately pulled up and left With enough room for fault tolerance, Crabtree controlled the body with his hands and feet, and then jumped high. Before the football crossed the border, it successfully took it into the bag. After all, it was a catch.

Immediately afterwards, security guard Quentin Mickel rushed in and drove Crabtree to the sidelines, ending this advancement.

The Carolina Panthers used a cornerback raid without warning, but failed. The San Francisco 49ers' dangerous pass broke open a hole, but it collapsed early because of a slip of the soles. Calculated in this way, the 49ers in San Francisco were slightly dominant, at least six yards.

When Crabtree returned to the team to prepare for the array, he was faced with the gloomy eyes of his teammates. He could only raise his hand to surrender. "I am an idiot! I know!" This little episode made 49 people in San Francisco Slightly over-excited emotions have been adjusted, and with a positive attitude, it can be considered a blessing due to misfortune.

Second gear and four yards.

Lu Ke attracted Kickley's attention with the tactic of a fake running pass-his sight was completely aimed at Marcus. Immediately after landing, Ke turned and completed a quick short throw pass, but did not expect the route to run There were some problems. Logan, the goal of the pass, met the defensive end of the formation, Greg-Hardy, and his footwork was blocked.

Hardy used the misalignment of his teammates to create a gap, throwing away Stanley, and directly hit the landing from the outside, but the result was a frontal collision with Logan. However, Hardy desperately wants to sack Lu Ke, and Logan desperately wants to complete the catch. The two of them are not entangled with each other. They instantly get rid of each other and continue to move forward, but so slightly stopped, but let Neither person was able to achieve their goals.

Hardy failed to sack Lu Ke; Logan also missed Lu Ke's pass, which also made Lu Ke's first pass of the game unfinished.

Hardy's surprise move was another accident after Norman.

The 49ers in San Francisco chose the true pass of fake running, and the Carolina Panthers chose to pass the ball out of position-this time, the home team's defensive group successfully seized the opportunity and completed a successful defense. It can be seen that both parties are continually scheduling their own energy in the opening stage, performing in accordance with the tactics prepared before the game, and trying their best to seize the opportunity, which further confirms Lu Ke's judgment:

The Carolina Panthers, who are fighting at home, are trying their best to exert pressure on the front line, which is also the hub of their entire defensive tactics.

Lu Ke immediately summoned the teammates of the offensive team and made a slight adjustment to the focus of the offensive tactics, the most important of which was the adjustment of the offensive line. This situation is also foreseeable in the preparations before the game. Everyone expressed their understanding.

Including An Kuang-Boulding. After a season of running-in, he has finally found the trick-it is difficult to understand the entire tactical manual of the 49ers in San Francisco; but as long as he actively participates in each tactical meeting, he follows the way of landing and thinking. Integration, then it is not a problem.

Immediately afterwards, the visiting team's offensive group and home team's defensive group both displayed a distinctive position formation, further showing the two teams' cards.

In the offensive group, the standard pistol formation matches the multi-line offensive, and Marcus' position is on the right, keeping the focus of the multi-line formation.

But what is interesting is that the three right-wing catchers united with Marcus to form a step-down slash position. The outermost Bolding position is almost parallel to the offensive line, one position inward Salek moved left two steps, retreated one step, then Logan continued to move left one step, and retreated half a step, and finally Marcus; at the same time, the left-wing Crabtree side by side with Stanley While standing, it seems to play the role of the sixth offensive forward.

Such a position is really unpredictable.

In the defensive group, all the defensive lines and two linebackers are listed on the front line, and the positions are all compressed within the area of ​​the offensive line. It seems that the entire defense is concentrated, compressed, and then compressed. The thickness and depth of the entire force are also revealed.

More importantly, all the positions are disrupted, and Kickley is mixed in it. It is impossible to make an accurate judgment. Whether it is pressure on the front line, ground defense, or short-pass assist defense with smoke bomb cover.

Then the second-line defense also broke the pattern. Although the San Francisco 49ers hoarded four catchers on the right wing, the Carolina Panthers only placed two defenders, including a linebacker and a cornerback on the left wing; at the same time, the defensive counter on the other side In addition to a cornerback aiming at Crabtree, there is also a security guard standing on this side, but the position and the kick line have opened up about six yards and seven yards of space.

In the end, there was only one security guard left, and the station had backed out to 15 yards away.

So, what exactly is this defensive formation?

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