King of the Bay Area

Chapter 1615: Earthshaking trap

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Screen pass!

When the entire offensive line and quarterback moved in the same direction, when Joe Stanley and Mike Rupati both failed to intercept Craig Hardy and let the latter easily make a breakthrough, when the quarterback faced The two defensive players' assault sacks still completed the pass in a retreat without panic ... Well, there is only one answer: a short screen pass.

Because the fundamental purpose of the quarterback is to attract all the defensive forces to themselves, use themselves as bait to create more gaps for the catching players; and then rely on the unblocking of other teammates, after completing the short pass, they can still To further advance, all this is a trap.

More importantly, the route of the screen short pass is often properly arranged in advance-a high probability event, the pass and catch line may have been drilled hundreds of times during training, and no detail is needed at all. Thinking about it, you can easily complete the connection in the storm.

Both Luke Kickley and Craig Hardy understood this deeply. Both men's footsteps accelerated at full speed. Among them, Hardy's position was slightly farther away; and Kickley was closer, and then, Klee could see Lu Ke ’s cheek hidden in the helmet shadow, quiet and focused, without showing any confusion because the pocket was torn, the whole movement of the clouds and the water was even a little dashing and elegant-

The light and flexible retreat steps are methodical. Like Lingbo's micro-steps, they continue to push their position backwards, which makes Kickley and Hardy's forward flapping movements a bit awkward and flustered; the steady and loose upper body has always been straight , Gazing attentively and devotedly watching all the changes on the left oblique front, just like a fox creeping on the ice, erecting its ears to capture the subtle sound, ready to go out at any time.

All positions are firmly in his palm.


Two steps!

Just when Kickley took the third step, Lu Ke raised his right hand and jumped on one foot. He jumped back to gain more passing space for himself, and raised his right hand to make a hook In the posture of shooting, the wrist was quickly flicked, and then the body also turned to the left along with the trend. The movement between the electric light and the flint was orderly and flowing. All the situations were in the chest. Smart movements seem to slow down the world's time, and even the sound of rough breath is clear and audible.


All the cells on and off Kickley's body began to exclaim, he made an emergency braking action, turned around and looked in the direction of the football flight-Crabtree!

For the first time, Kikri noticed the figure of Crabtree, and clearly noticed that Gower and Salek were like twin towers traversing in front of Crabtree, forming a fan-shaped umbrella, The defensive players were blocked; Crabtree alone fell behind the inside of the arc, turned and jumped gently, made a catch, and the entire screen short-pass pattern was fully presented.

More importantly, the fine-tuning of the Carolina Panthers defense team has not been able to seize the opportunity-

Originally, six players were listed on the defensive front, but in the end, only five players were used to pass. Another linebacker Chase Blackburn also chose to retreat and joined Thomas Davis in the short pass area. Make up for the defense to avoid a huge loophole in the second-line defense and be directly caught by Lu Ke; however, this change is only in vain, because the San Francisco 49ers have also made the first step in the layout:

Stanley and Rupatti both advanced, forming a complete fan umbrella with Gower and Salek, opening the way for Crabtree.

Why can Hardy cut into his pocket so easily? Neither Stanley nor Rupatti could defend Hardy? The reason is that Lu Ke's short screen pass tactics early anticipated the Carolina Panthers' frontline pressure and raid, so he made tactical changes in a timely manner.

Now, Blackburn can only panic and lose his place and join Quentin Mickel and Josh Norman to attack the other's opener-is this another pocket protection? Even Thomas Davis, who was in charge of defending Bolding on the other side, began to move quickly laterally, and other defensive forward players also quickly retreated, including Hardy, and everyone moved towards Crabbut. Li rushed over.

A mess of porridge!

The Carolina Panthers defense team did not predict the tactical change of the San Francisco 49ers at all. This can be almost a trick attack, completely disrupting all the layout of the home team's defense group. It is clear that Hardy and Kickley have been torn. Pocket, but still not able to gain the upper hand?

Everything happened at the same time, Kickley turned around, and immediately saw Crabtree jump to prepare to catch the ball, and all the defensive players were swarming towards the "other pocket". The flow of the entire crowd is truly spectacular!

Wait, what about football?

Because Lu Ke and Crabtree are connected, because the offensive players are moving, and because Hardy and Blackburn are also moving. Even with them, the other defensive players are also moving, all the focus and sight are all Focusing on the area diagonally in front of the left side, before the brain responds, the body's conditioned reflex has taken the lead to move to make defenses-in a rapidly changing game, there is simply no time to think.

But ... what about football?

After completing the emergency braking, Kickley was starting to prepare to run back, subconsciously following Crabtree's catching action and looking towards the sky, looking for the falling curve of football, hoping to be able to make a judgment on the entire offensive and defensive situation. Klee didn't see the rugby track at all, even the slightest shadow. Was Lu Ke's passing arc not able to control and flew directly out of the sideline?


Damn it! Damn it!

Kickley smelled the crisis like a beast. Before the second start, he forcibly twisted his body, pushing his body one step at a time, pushing his body and rushing in the direction of landing, turning his head, and then You can see Lu Ke, who is still retreating after his feet landed:

Rugby is in his hands.

Relying on the full set of movements of taking off, turning, and rotating, Lu Ke successfully passed the defensive group with the help of the teammates of the offensive team. The rugby team was always in his hands. Otherwise, How could Lu Ke unnecessarily make a dramatic pass like a back shot? This is completely incompatible with Lu Ke's style of play.

After turning around ninety degrees, Lu Ke's feet landed quickly, and the light and flexible footsteps were like a kitten. They completed the floor silently. The footsteps were gently on the heels, without spending too much effort, relying on the inertia of the body , Pulling laterally towards the right, he has taken the initiative to leave the pocket protection area in just two strides, sweeping quickly, judging the situation.

At this time, Logan and cornerback Josh Thomas are entangled, but Logan successfully seized the opportunity, he has won a two-yard receiving space; at the same time, Bolding has no defensive players ——Thomas Davis, the defending lineman who had originally defended, has actively moved to the other side, which has allowed five yards around Bolding to form a gap; in addition, Lu Kezheng is already an unmanned area in front. He chose to run with the ball on his own, and he could at least win seven to ten yards.

This is the case with risky gambling. The greater the risk, the higher the return.

Lu Ke held the ball and pulled quickly laterally, glancing at the glance: Kickley had already followed. Despite losing the opportunity twice and falling behind, Kickley still kept up with Lu Ke's rhythm by virtue of his strong physical fitness and superior sense of game, and all other defensive players have not been able to react. It also made Kickley face the dilemma of fighting alone, but Kickley still did not give up easily.

In fact, the distance between Lu Ke and Kikeli is not as big as expected, but only two steps. Kickley is the league's top linebacker, which is his specialty; and even if Lu Ke's pocket footsteps have made great progress, in front of real experts, it is still not good.

Lu Ke's work was done, and he only won a two-step gap for himself. This is the real dance of the knife-tips-if Kickley was not deceived by Lu Ke's fake moves? Or is it that Kickley completed the collision with Lu Ke at the same time? Then this attack may have failed.

But this is Lu Ke's boldness. He always dares to make risky choices at critical moments, and will never be overwhelmed by huge risks.

Lateral movement, lateral movement ... Lu Ke is moving fast and laterally in a crossover manner, but the route of movement is not a straight line, but a small slash towards the front. It seems that he is preparing to run with the ball on his own. Forcing Kickley to change his running route a little bit and intercepting Lu Ke's progress, this slight change won Lu Ke half a second-maybe even less than half a second of respite time, but in a rapidly changing It was enough during the game.

Small step adjustment, stepping up and striking force instantly, before Kekeley approached, Lu Ke raised his right hand and pulled the arm out of the shape of a half-moon arc, bursting out the arm strength, sending the football out at the highest point, toward A beautiful rainbow curve was drawn diagonally in front of the right side.

This time it is true!

Kickley could clearly see the football parabola teleport out, and the elegant yet sharp rainbow pass touched all his mind.

Slow, after all, slow! Kickley has completely lost his center of gravity at this time, forcing himself to react again and quickly defend, but the result is that the soles slipped and fell to the ground in embarrassment, but his eyes were unwillingly fixed on the football, Who is the passing goal?

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