King of the Bay Area

Chapter 1621: Clamor

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The special teams of both sides came on stage. There was no deviation in the play of David Arkens' additional points, and the score on the field came to "0:14".

Without breathing time, the next wave of offensive and defensive matches immediately kicked off. During the kick-off, the Carolina Panthers special team tried to change the rhythm and launched a back attack, but unfortunately, Arkans did not leave the kick-off At any opportunity, Domenik-Hixon, the 87th wide receiver who was responsible for the back attack, did his best to flash and move and was still unable to move forward, and was eventually pushed down the 14-yard line.

For the second time in a row, Cam Newton's kick-off position was within 20 yards of his own half.

At this point, the Bank of America Stadium finally recovered, temporarily abandoned the "Sonic Attack" away team fans' intentions, and returned to the stadium, began to cheer for the home team's offensive team, looking forward to Cam to lead the offensive team to find the offensive again Feel, can make the game return to balance.

Ten yards per file.

The San Francisco 49ers defensive team used the positional misalignment to create the advantage of the frontline confrontation. The use of only four passes forced the Carolina Panthers ’pocket protection into chaos; while the frontline players stayed in place staggered , Maintaining the oppression in the frontal confrontation situation-

Because according to the judgment, the defensive team believes that Cam is likely to choose the reading option offensive, and open the situation by running back, especially Cam ’s own running of the ball. This is the situation in the Carolina Panthers ’deadlock. Cam's most used tactical choice is also the most effective.

The entire station of the visiting team ’s defensive group showed a sense of urgency, which forced Cam to choose to pass. In the case of a chaotic pocket protection, Cam was prone to pass errors; if Cam really chose After passing the ground, it would be even better.

Did the Carolina Panthers catch it?

of course not.

Cam also took the initiative to make changes. He took the lead to bend over to make a passing pass, but running back De Angelo Williams did not stay any longer, and went straight around from Cam. Then Came straightened his body, made adjustments with two small step backwards, quickly swept his right wing area and the central zone, made judgments on different catching goals, without any hesitation, it was sent out immediately. A bullet passes the ball.

Powerless! Powerful!

Combe once again proved his super physical fitness. In the face of the shock of the pocket pressure, he only used two small steps to adjust the force. The swing of the arm with a small swing shot instantly poured all the power, and then the football was really It popped out like a debottled bullet.

"call out!"

The pass burst out with a powerful force directly across the court, and Ahmed Brooks tried to jump up and destroy the pass, but he couldn't keep up with the football's flight speed. He could only watch the football as if it were a flame shock wave from his own. Walked over the top of his head.

More importantly, this is a sixteen yard pass!

If it is a short pass within ten yards, then Lu Ke can also use the bullet pass to create such an effect. The speed and angle may be slightly worse, but the deviation is not large; but the mid pass beyond ten yards is even long. Passing, still sending out bullet passes, this talent is staggering.

The goal of the pass is ... wide receiver Steve-Smith (Steve-Smith)!

Steve Smith, who stood on the inside of the left wing before the kick-off, moved all the way along the slot track, but the San Francisco 49ers defensive front judgement was a ground attack after reading the option offense, including wide receivers including Steven Smith. The action was judged to be a cover smoke bomb in the deep area. The defensive front tried to avoid losing its position as much as possible. Even if it followed the step-by-step defense, but the attention was always on Cam, so the advantage of offense and defense It is further enlarged.

Steve Smith's forward stance did not hesitate, a light and determined frontal breakthrough, bypassing the position of the right-hand outside guard Ahmed, he did not follow; and bypassed the left-hand corner guard Tariel -Brown's position, he stepped forward to defend another wide receiver outside the same side, and Steve Smith's streamlined running route did not receive any interference at all, and broke through the defensive front blockade in an instant.

Five yards.

Ten yards.

In a blink of an eye, Steve Smith has already cut into the midfield area, and then he can see the security guard Eric Reid's supplementary figure, but he has no time to move the transposition further at this time. , He turned around and turned to prepare for the catch:

Cam's pass and Reid's grapple happened one after the other.

The speed and power of the bullet pass is too cruel, and it has a potential to break through the sky. Reid instantly completed the judgment and interpretation, gave up the plan to destroy the pass, but grabbed Steve. -Smith-The latter had to stop in order to catch Cam's pass in order to catch the ball.

The details can be seen. Cam's pass is still not accurate enough or in place. The position of the entire pass has reached the lower abdomen, and the speed of falling is very fast, forcing Steve Smith to pay all attention. In football, you can barely complete the catch.

Then ... chant! boom!

The two consecutive sounds made an ominous hunch, the first time was the sound of Steve Smith missing the ball; the second was the air blast of Reid's solid grapple--

Cam's passing parabola still had obvious problems, and the final drop was too low. In fact, Steve Smith is already a small man, his height is only 5.74 feet (175 cm), but Cam ’s passing point is still lower than the lower abdomen position, forcing Steve Smith to run fast , Had to continuously lower the center of gravity, causing the whole person to stagger to fail to gain a foothold, disrupting the ball balance.

In the end, Steve Smith made a difficult sea fishing movement to catch the rugby, but ... Cam's passing power was too fierce, the rugby tail of the rugby was out of Steve Smith In his hands, before his hands were able to complete the control, the football jumped out of his palm.

Steve Smith simply did not have time to think carefully, his body immediately made a conditioned reflex, lowered his center of gravity, and followed the football forward quickly. The critical outburst made him catch the football like a circus juggling, but Before the arms of both hands closed, Rhett's grapple had already rushed in.

Accurate! Cruel and fierce! Even in high-speed running, even if Steve Smith had a catching accident, Reid's grappling did not show any slackness and deviation. A sprinting attitude took Steve hard to grab- Smith, the whole body quickly sinks, and directly knocks Steve Smith down on the spot with brutal violence, in a neat way, it can be called a textbook-level security pass defense.


A stunned exclamation and painful inhalation broke out at the Bank of America Stadium. Even if you just looked at it with your eyes, it seems that you can clearly feel Steve Smith's pain. It is really a little chance. No, Rhett didn't leave any room and cut off on the spot.

But this is not all.

"The pass was not completed? The referee signaled that this was an unfinished pass!"

"Raw turmoil started at the Bank of America Stadium. They obviously could n’t believe their eyes. Steve Smith seemed to have completed the catch. From the perspective of the live camera, we thought it was a successful catch. The Carolina Panthers finally completed a beautiful connection, but the referee had a different opinion. "

The boos on the scene were getting louder and fiercer, and Came even started inciting emotions on the scene, allowing fans to completely explode the sound of protest and curse.

In the studio, Troy Ekman shook his head again and again, "This is irrational, this is irrational. Other players on the side of the court can do this, even if other players in the offensive team can do so, but the quarterback is absolutely This is absolutely not possible. The quarterback should take the lead in calming down. He ca n’t fight the referee. These things should be left to the coaching staff to decide. The first and only task of the quarterback is to prepare for the next attack. ”

"Even if the referee really misjudged, wouldn't it?" Teddy asked curiously.

Ekman shook his head without hesitation, "No! This is a very unprofessional and very irrational behavior. Even if it is really a misjudgment, the behavior of the quarterback may evolve into a sensation. This is not a circus, quarterback. Should be responsible for controlling the rhythm and atmosphere of the scene, he should be the first to calm down. "

Kirk declined to comment, but instead shifted to the focus, "The focus now is whether the referee made a misjudgment. If the verdict was wrong, the atmosphere on the scene may be out of control. This is already the first in this game. The controversy over the penalties occurred twice, and the Carolina Panthers were clearly full of resentment. "

Red flag challenge.

On the sidelines, head coach Ron Rivera chose the challenge after much deliberation.

"At this time, there are five minutes and fifty-three seconds before the end of the first quarter, but the intensity of the game has exceeded the imagination. Rivera raised the red flag challenge." Kirk said homeopathically, "Rivera also realized The importance of the penalty to the game this time, Steve Smith and Cam Newton both nodded to Rivera to confirm their confirmation. They both determined that this was a successful catch. Obviously, they were full of themselves With confidence, you see, Steve Smith gave a clear affirmative answer, again affirmed, so Rivera chose to challenge the referee. "

"We need to change the angle now, otherwise, from the live view, Steve Smith did complete the catch, and there is indeed doubt about the referee's penalty." Kirk said dutifully, "Now, let's watch the video Replay and look at this catch from a different angle. "

The audience is booing!

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