King of the Bay Area

Chapter 1655: Mysterious

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the King of the Bay Area!

Ted Jean is back, and Patrick Willis is back ... Before coming to the season's strongest opponent, the San Francisco 49ers have finally found the strongest state, despite being still plagued by injuries of all sizes. , But the list of players is finally no more absent.

"Unfair! When I returned, why wasn't I treated that way? Why, did you ignore my contribution to the team? Or do you think my locker room popularity is too bad? This is unfair! I want to protest! I Express strong protest to everyone! You ignored me! "

A flat thunder rang in the corridor, expressing their dissatisfaction and depression in a buzzing sound, which caused Lu Ke and Willis to loosen each other, looked at the sound, and then saw that they were losing their temper. Vernon Davis, that grumpy expression seemed very hurt.

In fact, Vernon had returned to the team when the official playoff started two weeks ago. The concussion ban was lifted and he returned safely. However, Vernon did not immediately return to the starting lineup-Salek's outstanding performance made him still firmly occupy a starting seat, and Vernon's competitive state is slightly sluggish, still need time to adjust and adapt. It wasn't until the divisional game that Vernon debuted in the second half.

"I am also part of the team, aren't I?"

Vernon seemed to be joking, but it didn't seem to be joking. The true and false appearance made people unable to judge at all. Lu Ke and Willis exchanged a line of sight. Finally, Willis gave Lu Ke a look, and then took the initiative Walked Vernon:

Although Vernon is a member of the offensive team, it should be returned to Lu Ke's management; but because of the relationship between Alex and Smith, Vernon and Lu Ke can never be regarded as "friends", but only closer to the teammates, personal Pingping, instead, Willis and Vernon are more familiar in private.

Willis also gave Lu Ke a special look, as if to say: I will solve the problem this time, and dinner will be treated by you.

Lu Ke also reported a spitting look, as if he was responding: solve the problem first, then be careful to overturn the boat in the gutter.

Willis rolled his eyes to give back.

Then Willis walked towards Vernon, "Please, man, this is definitely not a welcome party, just that everyone happened to chat in the hallway, don't you know everyone? Come to the team on the rest day, all It was forced by Bambi ... "Lu Ke, who was standing behind, said he was full of arrows." Everyone tried their best to escape the tactical meeting, and then things became like this. Everyone welcomed me like you were welcome. "

After a pause, he added again, "And Ted." Willis also showed an apologetic smile at Jean, as if to say: Sorry, forgot you.

However, before Willis and Jean complete the line of sight communication, Willis's body movements are directly stiff-

Because Vernon pushed Willis away, his face still showed a disgusted expression, and did not hide his repulsion, which suddenly made Willis stunned:

what happened? In the end what happened? Is Vernon really ready to turn his face? No early warning? Just tear your face like this? But ... why? Just for a welcome ceremony that doesn't exist at all? What happened during the weeks when he was absent due to injury?

Willis thought Vernon was just kidding, so he resolved it in a light and simple way, but Vernon took it seriously, so that Willis was caught off guard.

"Come on!"

In Willis ’s stunned time, Vernon ’s serious expression suddenly burst into bloom, with cheerful and happy smiles all over his body, patting Willis proudly on the shoulder, “Welcome back to the ball Team, how do you like this welcome ceremony? "

How could Willis still not react at this time? He couldn't help biting his teeth, staring at Vernon.

From a distance came Lu Ke's voice, "Run, Forrest, run!"

Vernon paused for a moment, then turned around and ran away, and the laughter in the entire corridor burst out into a crowd.

On Monday's rest day, the San Francisco 49-person training base is still a laughter.

Regardless of the win or loss of the Federation finals, the 2013 season is quietly coming to an end. After a long and arduous period of more than four months, everyone on the whole team has been exhausted, and their energy and physical strength are undergoing huge tests. A little bit of slack or a little pressure may touch sensitive nerves and then burst out, and as a result, no one can predict.

The San Francisco 49ers have experienced the ups and downs of the entire season and also faced a severe test, but the successive return of the wounded still injects a strong shot into the team. When the chicken blood fuel is about to run out, It added energy and ran towards the end of the season at full speed.

For the time being, put the end of the season aside. In the face of any opponent, they will go all out and strive not to leave themselves with any regrets. Whether they win or lose, they can finally stand up and say, "I do n’t regret" Because I have tried my best to let go.

This is enough.


After a whole afternoon of tactical meetings, my head was filled with countless information, and the various combinations of routes made people dizzy and dizzy.

Even Lu Ke is no exception. Now you can feel that your head is so heavy that it can hardly function normally, as if your thoughts are blocked, let alone others? There were many wailings in the conference room, and all the faces showed an expression of unrequited love. The scene was a little funny.

"Today's meeting will end here. I will leave first. You can see if you want to continue." Lu Ke said, and then all the players on the entire defensive line started to cry and howl in unbearable expression. My joy and happiness are finally over.

"I finally know why the offensive team is so pitiful now."

"God, I have to apologize to Da Qiao. The tactical meeting he had with me before was a kind of torture. I still don't believe it, I think he made a fuss."

"The amount of information is too great. I don't want to talk now."

This should be the first time for the defensive players to accept the four-hour intensive bombardment by Lu Ke's "tactical meeting". The high-frequency, high-density, and high-intensity discussion mode is almost as good as death. During the meeting, there weren't even any complaints. The bombing was raging all the way, and you couldn't keep up with the progress for a while. It was definitely the ultimate test.

Now the players in the defensive group finally understand why their own offensive team can show such a varied West Coast offensive system-those wonderful tactics are all the results of painstaking efforts, and the essence cast in the blood and sweat, how Maybe not exciting?

Lu Ke shook his head gently, his eyes flashing with a smile, "Otherwise, come again tomorrow?"

"No, no no."

"no, I'm fine."

"We can do it ourselves, really, we can."

All the players repeatedly waved their hands and denied it. The concerted appearance made Lu Ke laugh happily, "Don't worry, I will start torturing the offensive team tomorrow. My time is limited."

Justin Smith looked around and looked at everyone with a sigh of relief, and he couldn't help but himself, "Bambi, if you are in the offensive team, aren't the tactical meetings all after dinner time? How come today ended so early What? We have no other arrangements tonight, otherwise, continue for another two hours? "

In an instant, everyone in the conference room held their breath, and the panicked expression of fear was so funny.

Lu Ke didn't hold back, and smiled at the corners of his mouth and at the bottom of his eyes. "I had an appointment with a friend tonight for dinner, a college classmate's party, and I went out to dinner once a long time away.

Then, a heavy exhalation sounded in the conference room, because it was so obvious that there was a sense of absurdity, and everyone couldn't help but laughed directly.

Lu Ke did not stay too much, "You can breathe now and wait for the next frontline meeting. By then, I will push all the agreements away to ensure that we can enjoy a wonderful and long time. I Guarantee! "After he finished speaking, he ignored the heartbreaking voice in the room and turned away quickly.

From the meeting room of the defensive front to the meeting room of the near end, Lu Ke knocked on the door and the probe went in and called out, "Logan, we will be late if we don't leave."

"Oh, oh, here we come." Logan also stood up in a hurry and waved a greeting to the other near-end forwards, "I'm leaving!"

Compared to the defensive line, the atmosphere of the near-end conference room is much more relaxed and comfortable. Vernon and Salek are busy sitting in front of the computer without saying anything so much that Lu Ke ca n’t help but start to doubt. , "Are they playing games?"

"Haha, we haven't been so serious, okay?" Logan laughed heartily and walked towards the elevator with Landing. "Yeah, do you know what Jay has to say? Mysteriously, I asked him a few times, and he did n’t want to reveal it. "

The party tonight was actually initiated by Jay Fox. He specially invited Lu Ke and Logan to vacate the evening. College friends gathered for a dinner. Then, he had some special things to announce. ; But what is the specific thing, Jay has always remained mysterious and refused to speak.

Lu Ke didn't speak, and Logan sniffed out the anomaly, "Wait, you know? Hey, do you really know? This is unfair! How can I ask him, he doesn't say it, but how do you know? This guy, Jay, I'll meet him in duel! You know, right? Do you know? "

Being entangled by Logan, Lu Ke shook his head helplessly, "I don't know, Jay didn't say anything, I just guessed by myself, I felt some clues before."

"What? What's the matter? Why don't I feel at all?" Logan was still full of question marks.

Lu Ke knew that the only way for Logan to shut up was to answer his curiosity. "I'm not sure. I still need to ask Jay after meeting, but I think it may be related to Emily Puwo."

"Emily Provo? Who?"

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