King of the Bay Area

Chapter 1659: Little surprise

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the King of the Bay Area!

"Did this glass of sherry be delivered to the wrong table?" Emily noticed the diamond ring, but the first reaction was to ask the waiter without any doubt.

Wait, this seems to be different from the expected response. Jay panics, so what should I do now?

Jay swept quickly, and then saw Logan, who was full of expectations but could not help, and Lu Ke, who continued to give his eyes encouragement. Jay reacted and quickly opened the chair, kneeling on one knee , Took the diamond ring from Emily and gave an apologetic smile to the waiter, "This ... this is ours ..."

"Cough. Focus." Lu Ke coughed and reminded vaguely.

Jay quickly turned his attention from the waiter back to Emily, "Dear Emily Puwo ..." Because things were too hasty and too panic, so Jay is now a little confused, he I had to take a deep breath and clear my mind again.

"I know that I am not a perfect partner; I also know that there are still many problems that need to be solved between us; I also know that life will not be like a fairy tale. After the prince and the princess are together, they will have a perfect ending. '... but I also know that your presence lights up my world and guides me step by step towards a brighter future, which is enough; I hope that my presence can also light up your world and let We all become better ourselves. Emily Puwo, may I ask, will you marry me? "

The simple and simple words, but full of the most beautiful and moving wishes in Jay ’s heart, lit a dim light in the dark, constituting a small part of the ten thousand lights, guiding the tired and The dazed soul found his way home, and that was the most perfect confession.

Even if Lu Ke and Logan were bystanders, they could still feel the sincerity and warmth at this time. They still couldn't help getting excited when they lacked time to brew, and their eyes fell on Emily, waiting for the heroine's response.

Emily apparently did not anticipate such an accident. She looked at Jay in a daze and couldn't help but opened her mouth slightly. Her face was stunned and could not react. It seemed to freeze into a statue. There was no sound, so that the scene suddenly fell silent.

Logan blinked and secretly cast his gaze at the landing, and said with his mouth, "Rejected?" That's too pitiful, it was the scene of a large car accident.

Lu Ke rolled his eyes silently, ignored it, but cast his sights on Jay and Emily again, and continued to wait for the subsequent development.

"Emily?" Jay was also a little nervous, and his voice couldn't help but tremble slightly, but he still couldn't help worrying, and he called again to remind.

Emily finally recovered, and nodded her head in agreement, "Of course! I mean, I am willing, of course I am!" The expression also showed excitement, and I could feel the emotion in my heart and stretch out With his finger, Jay put the ring on his ring finger and completed the last step of the proposal.

"Yeah! It's a success!" Logan stood up first, clapping hard, his expression even more touching than the two parties, but secretly, he blinked at the landing and seemed to be saying, "How How about my acting skills? "

This made Lu Ke couldn't help but laugh, and stood up together. At the same time, the waiters and other guests around the restaurant all gave applause and blessings. Spread out, at this moment, everyone can feel the little happiness in life.

Under Logan's lead, Jay and Emily also completed a kiss on the spot, ending the simple but moving marriage proposal ceremony.

The hustle and bustle around gradually calmed down, and everyone also sat down to continue to eat, but the sweet taste of happiness still filled the air, making people realize that happiness is spreading.

Emily only recovered at this moment, "So, is this what you have been planning for the past two weeks?"

Jay could not help scratching his head again, "Yes, but according to the original plan, there should still be flowers, candles and cakes, I even prepared a song, but something happened a little bit unexpectedly, so it became like this Simplified. "Obviously, Jay's appointments are more than that.

"What an accident?" Emily wondered.

Lu Ke stood up to make a rescue for Jay, "That's another story. But I think it should be fortunate, Emily, have you heard Jay sing?"

Lu Ke and Logan exchanged a gaze, and then both laughed.

"Hey, shut up! You two! Shut up!" Jay noticed something was wrong and tried to stop it, but it was too late.

Logan took out his phone from his pocket. "This is a legend during our shared rental life. No matter at any party, as long as it plays out, it can become a high / surge." Logan smiled and found the track, and grabbed it in Jay. Before, disaster happened like this.

Emily could n’t believe her ears, what was the incomplete five-tone ghost crying wolf how could not recognize the melody and rhythm, I did n’t know how to describe it, just look at Lu Ke and Logan who were already laughing, look again Jay, who looked at her face and dared not face the reality, "What is this? I mean, what exactly is this recording? I can't hear it at all."

Lu Ke explained with a smile, "This is Jay's homemade rap, the theme is 'My divine cheese', expressing his deep love for cheese. During that time, he was there day and night Modifying the lyrics, expecting my song to break into the bulletin board, and even immersing himself in the bathroom while taking a shower, the concert was opened directly. "Because the laugh was so happy that the words were intermittent, Lu Ke I can't help but think of the good life in the previous university, but I finally expressed it completely.

Emily looked at Jay in disbelief. "... I think I need to reconsider the proposal for marriage now."


Jay tried to explain, but found that Lu Ke and Logan didn't give him a chance at all, "I was drunk ... that was a poor performance ... I usually didn't exaggerate ... I just ..." Two bad friends interrupted, which made Jay helpless, and finally had to surrender, "Well, I once dreamed of becoming a rapper."

"Ha ha ha ha!" Lu Ke and Logan laughed more joyfully. In order not to disturb other guests, they had to suppress the laughter, holding back very hard, but bursting into laughter. Logan could n’t help explaining “Icing on the cake”, “When you go to the bathroom in the future, if you go to the bathroom, you remember to bring earplugs, that ’s his stage, and they often play freely, I mean, free To the one that is out of control. "

Even Emily couldn't help laughing.

Jay is unrequited. Sure enough, he couldn't trust those bad friends. He uncovered his underwear in minutes. He almost forgot that he had countless secrets in the hands of these two guys.

"Transfer the topic ... Transfer the topic ..." Jay can only use this stupid way to save himself.

But how could Lu Ke and Logan help? In the end, Emily, the newly-wed fiancee, launched, "Forgot to express my gratitude. Now the playoffs have reached the most critical moment. This week is the final of the Confederation. You also came out to help Jay. I finally believe you It ’s Jay ’s best friend. "

"Hey, Emily!" Jay protested.

Emily said with a smile, "He used to say that he was very close to you, but people in the industry did not believe that every time Bambi appeared, he could not get an exclusive, and even fell on Behind others, the editor-in-chief was disgusted, and the 'Los Angeles Times' was already depressed. He was burdened with countless pressures in the editorial department, and he didn't lose his breath. "

Logan said sternly, "If Jay comes to spy on for some exclusive news, Banbi and I will not be here tonight."

This is a bit straightforward. If you understand the deviation a little bit, the taste will change. Originally, Logan was to make a joke, saying that their friendship is not maintained by exclusive news, and work and life should still be distinguished; but Logan ’s speech lacks details and is only angular, and unfamiliar people are often prone to produce misunderstanding.

Sure enough, Emily immediately said, "But friends should have helped each other already, haven't they? Jay has been helping you cover up, and what have you helped Jay? You can't ask Jay to blindly Give it? "

"I don't like to listen to your words, how can our friendship be a deal ..." Logan muttered unobtrusively.

"Logan!" Seeing that the atmosphere was going to stiffen, Lu Ke sighed, Logan didn't say anything anymore, and then Lu Ke smiled at Emily, "Public business is public business, private business is private business, I Think, Jay tries to stick to his bottom line. "

Jay noticed Lu Ke ’s sight, and quickly came out to make a clearance. “That is, those things that can be said, Bambi and Logan told me in advance, this treatment is unique in the industry. As for those who ca n’t say, We all know what's going on, and there is no need to explain anything. "Jay waved his hand, trying to ease the atmosphere, and changed the subject." How about, after the game last night, did you party again? "

"Ha, no, no, last night all went back early. Seattle is not an easy opponent. We all need to be vigilant." Lu Ke said easily. "If you want a party, there is time after the season, no In a hurry. By the way, in late February, we are going to the Caribbean for a holiday. How about, do you have a holiday? Let's relax together. "

Naturally, Lu Ke changed the subject, the atmosphere was obviously relaxed, and Logan did not care, immediately joined the discussion actively, "Yes, we are encouraging Bambi to contract an entire island, let us take a collective holiday Carnival, enjoy our own space and time alone. "

"Contract the whole island? Oh, is Bambi signing a new endorsement again? This is really generous." Jay immediately smelled the commercial atmosphere, which was a blockbuster news.

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