King of the Bay Area

Chapter 1669: Win rate estimation

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the King of the Bay Area!

Complete defeat, fiasco, defeat!

The League of Nations finals have not yet begun, Sherman has directly lost the underpants, and even the reporters are disgraced without taking any advantage. This is really a disaster, so that the news conference scene appeared again There was a short silence, jerky and embarrassing.

How to do? The opponent was too strong, all the provocations were completely sinking into the sea, and they were thrown back fiercely. Unconsciously, the cheeks were swollen directly. The counterattack of the head and the face made them almost unable to stand up. Go on?

The reporters paused for a moment and made a wise choice: the following problems were significantly alleviated, and they also gave up the risky attempt to continue to provoke divisiveness-

Anyway, even if there is no deliberate provocation, the dead enemies in the same area have already killed themselves. They just need to watch the tigers from the mountains, so why bother to catch up with them?

"Bambi, rumors say that Patrick Willis and Ted Jean have returned to the team, will they make it to this week's federation final?"

Lu Ke's eyes paused a little bit-he had noticed for a long time that Jay did not attend today's press conference, but he still kept his focus and dealt with the attack of the reporter in front of him wholeheartedly; but at this time he was again raised such a problem In the middle of the heart, Lu Ke's mood inevitably fluctuated.

The reporter who asked the question couldn't help but hesitated: Isn't this the basic issue that all journalists care about? What's wrong, is there anything wrong? Why does Lu Ke look at him like this now, will he be swallowed directly in the next second?

Fortunately, Lu Ke only paused for a moment, and then immediately replied, "We are still facing injury and illness. This is obviously not an easy task. Patrick and Ted are always fighting against the injury. They We also desperately hope to be able to return to the team and fight side by side, but we all need to be patient and watch the changes to see what will happen in time. "

Going round and round, all is nonsense! "Speaking is not saying" series!

"So, will they start this week?"

"Patience, remember? Please be patient." Lu Ke replied with the same sentence again. The reporter at the scene only felt like he was being treated as a kindergarten child.

Regardless of the attack, Lu Ke can always resolve it lightly, and even counterattack. When a press conference is over, Lu Ke leaves the hall with a smile and a sense of emotion, and the reporters are sweating and pale. To collapse, this job is really not for ordinary people.

Only a few journalists noticed that Jay Fox did not appear at my press conference today, but they did n’t think much. After all, the work of journalists is full of many variables.

The final question of the audience press conference still came from Harry. The seemingly ordinary question concealed the murderous opportunity. "Bambi, does the tradition of minimum consumption still exist?"

In the fourteenth week of the regular season, the San Francisco 49ers defeated the Seattle Seahawks at home, but the "minimum consumption" for two consecutive seasons was eventually interrupted. It can be clearly felt that the strength of the Seattle Seahawks defensive group is rising very rapidly Even if the San Francisco 49ers can still defeat their opponents under the leadership of Lu Ke, it is not as easy as the previous two seasons.

There is now a general view in the industry that regardless of the outcome of the National League finals, it is almost impossible for the 49ers in San Francisco to want the lowest consumption—

Looking at the Seattle Seahawks defensive group's scores this season, it is clear:

This season averaged 14.6 points per game, including 13.75 points per game at home.

The season's highest loss was the fifth week away against the Indianapolis Colts, lost 34 points and also suffered the first defeat of the season; the season's lowest loss was the fifteenth week away against the New York Giants, zero opponents.

There are as many as seven games in which the number of points lost in the season is controlled within ten and ten points; there are only six games in which the number of points lost in the season exceeds twenty and more than twenty, including two full twenty and two plus Seasonal; only one game in a season where more than 30 points are lost.

So, remember how many points are the "minimum consumption" of 49 people in San Francisco?

Thirty-five points!

The data gives the answer in the most straightforward and clear way: throughout the season, even in the worst and lowest-performing game, the Seattle Seahawks never lost 35 points-

The game with the closest score was "34:28" lost to the Indianapolis Colts on the road, but the 34 points still did not meet the "minimum consumption" standard; further, sitting in the Century Chain Stadium In the home game, the game with the most points lost was the ninth week of the regular season, against the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, experienced overtime competition, defeated the opponent "27:24".

By the way, the Seattle Seahawks have scored more than 20 points during the season. In addition to the 49ers in San Francisco, the opponents in the other five games are Houston Texas, Arizona Cardinals, Tampa Bay Buccaneers, Minnesota Vikings, Indianapolis Colts.

What do they have in common?

The Houston Texans, Tampa Bay Buccaneers, and Minnesota Vikings are all teams that have plummeted this season. Even the Arizona Cardinals have been in a downturn last season. This also means that the Seattle Seahawks In order to relax the rotation, or to despise the opponent and did not pay enough attention, this led to a loss of more than 20 points, but the crucial moment of the game, they improved again, and finally all four games laughed to the end.

The data listed only shows one problem: "minimum consumption" should be impossible. At least in the middle of this season, the San Francisco 49ers have little hope and want to score 35 points on their opponents, especially in the face of bombardment. Exploding the legion is extremely difficult. On the one hand, it is the full rise of the Seattle Seahawks defensive group, on the other hand, the injury and illness of the San Francisco 49ers offensive group. Has become history.

Harry Waynes chose to throw out the classic question of "minimum consumption" at the end of the press conference. Obviously not to remember the past, but to provoke war. No matter what answer Lu Ke gave, surely, Negative or not, in the end, the reporters will certainly be able to carry out many discussions around this topic, give more prospects to this game, it is foreseeable that both teams will be more energetic.

Facing Harry's cunning and insidious attack, how did Lu Ke respond?

"Minimum consumption? Why not (Why-Not)?" This is Lu Ke's answer, simple two words, with strong self-confidence and pride, in the understatement gave the opponent a fierce blow, domineering The posture was involuntary, then Lu Ke nodded with a smile on his face, and ended the press conference.

In this avant-garde battle on the official press day: the San Francisco 49ers won! In other words, Lu Ke alone resisted the encirclement and suppression of the Seattle Seahawks and all the reporters, and retreated completely. This ability is really staggering.

Whether it's Sherman and Russell's loss of reason, or Lu Ke's talk and laughter, but what is certain is that the tit-for-tat rivalry between the two teams is raging, and the game has begun to sparkle before the game begins. It was even more intense and exciting than the online scolding battle between the 49ers of San Francisco and the Carolina Panthers in the divisional game, which easily created a new wave of hot debate.

Immediately after the interview, the social network was a mess, and the aftershocks of the shocks within the two teams also burst violently. Before the game day, this battle of mouth and mouth will obviously not end easily, and the network has become the next battlefield. , No one can prevent Sherman from firing on his Twitter account, the scene is a bit scary; but the real focus of the sight has been concluded on the official news day, because the impact and shock are too strong It is so fierce that the subsequent network noise is just sprinkling water, which is boring.

However, industry analysts and commentators have begun to get busy, regardless of the outcome of the "mouth battle", the real focus battle still needs to be determined by strength, whether it is a mule or a horse, only to stand on the field and take a look Knowing the result, the disturbances before the game can only be regarded as appetizers.

Unexpectedly, but reasonable, the Seattle Seahawks have become a generally favored party.

Although the San Francisco 49ers defeated the Seattle Seahawks in the fourteenth week of the regular season, although the San Francisco 49ers swept the Carolina Panthers in the division, although there are still many factors that affect the outcome of a game, let ’s talk about hard power In terms of overall strength, the Seattle Seahawks still have the upper hand. Of the ten analysts within ESPN's "Union", seven chose the Seattle Seahawks, and the San Francisco 49ers only received three votes.

This is an overwhelming choice.

If the choice of "within the league" can only be regarded as an analysis of the self-inference of the commentators, subjective consciousness has the upper hand, and judgment and conclusion are only of reference value, then the odds of the dealer in Las Vegas are more intuitive More objective, enough to illustrate the strength and weakness of this game:

The Seattle Seahawks win and the odds are "1: 2.03".

The San Francisco 49ers won and the odds were "1: 8.33".

The contrast of the entire gap is very obvious, you can clearly see the attitude of the dealers-they opened the market not to lose money but to win money.

In addition, the odds of overtime, leading a touchdown victory and other proposals are also very low, not much value, which also shows that the dealers in Las Vegas are generally optimistic, and the Seattle Seahawks are seven in regular time. The close score within the score wins. They are not optimistic about the Seattle Seahawks' offensive firepower. They still think that the Seattle Seahawks defensive group has the ability to dominate the game and is likely to become a low score game.

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