King of the Bay Area

Chapter 318: So-called home court

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the King of the Bay Area!

After the start of the regular season, time is always running at a high speed. The official media day on Wednesday seems to be yesterday. Lu Ke became the focus of all reporters' chasing and blocking, but the reporters came back empty-handed, and nothing broke The expressions of disappointment and annoyance are still vividly remembered; just a blink of an eye, the game day will come again.

On October 9, Western Time, at 1.05pm, the San Francisco 49ers home game against the Tampa Bay Buccaneers will be on time at the Candlestick Stadium.

The team bus slowly and slowly drove towards the court, the players adjusted their status and prepared for the game according to their own habits. Inevitably, the tension began to permeate, which had nothing to do with the defeat of the previous game. This is the same before every game. The more urgent the desire for victory, the hotter the tight air.

"Logan, sorry, I'll ask one more question, just one ..." Mike Rupatti lowered his voice, patted Logan's shoulder, pointed to Lu Ke, who was sitting by the window, and said apologetically, Immediately after seeing Lu Ke turning his head, Rupatti quickly asked, "Just now we said that if his finger becomes this gesture, it is a medial raid; but if which gesture is the running defense?"

Since the meeting on Tuesday, there has been a wave of tactical manual learning within the offensive team, studying the game against the Philadelphia Eagles, studying the previous three games, and then the past two games of the Pirates. Knowing the opponent more and more, but the complicated tactical changes are getting more and more full, the space in the head is really limited, and if he is not careful, he starts to be confused.

Not everyone's von Derek test can get full marks.

"Mike, Mike!" Lu Ke stopped Rupatti repeatedly, and then motioned him to put his hands down. "During the game, it doesn't say whether we have time to observe so many details, even if there is, your attention has been If you are distracted, the reaction speed will also slow down. We explain those gestures, but only as an aid, if the glance of the eye glances, then there is a reminder, but I ca n’t remember it, it does n’t matter. In the final analysis, every attack, Tactics are changing. "

During the game, the offensive and defensive fronts are face-to-face, and both sides can clearly see each other. Before the attack begins, the forward players on both sides have their own habits, such as the fingers supporting the body, and the gestures have some changes; for example, the center of gravity of the body and the shift of sight, these habits often reveal themselves inadvertently. Tactics.

Why is it important to watch game videos? This is one of the reasons. To understand the opponent thoroughly and to fully understand the opponent. At the moment when the game is in the same position, it can often play a magical effect.

But the side effect is that after getting into the tip of the horn, you can't get out. It's as if Rupatti is now.

Looking at Rupatti's stunned look, Lu Ke thought about it seriously, "In the final analysis, the crux of the tactic is still on Michael-Bennett, use your intuition to judge Bennett's movement and situation Staring hard at him can often have unexpected effects. If these gestures are too cumbersome, it is better to forget them. "

Michael Bennett, a 2009 rookie, was a defensive tackle.

The reason for the loss of the year was that Bennett ’s performance during the university was volatile and could not be persevered and consistent; after the loss, through trial training, Bennett entered the Seattle Seahawks and changed to a defensive end. Unfortunately, the season A month after the start, he was laid off, and then went to the Tampa Bay Pirates, settled here, and returned to the defensive tackle position.

This season, Bennett once again came to the position of defensive end, and relying on his ability to assault and sack, has become an important hub for the Tampa Bay Pirates defensive team to recover.

Among the team's "4-3" tactics, surprise and anti-running are their strengths. However, because the other three defensive ends of the team are rookie players, and the overall strength of the defensive tackle is relatively average, lacking bright spots; so in the defense, Bennett is the core key, and his movement will determine the defense of the Pirates. The focus is on attacking the quarterback or running defense—

This is also the fifth consecutive week that the San Francisco 49ers have encountered a team where running defense is better than passing defense.

As scout evaluations above the previous draft, Bennett ’s performance in the game is not stable, not ups and downs, but it does fluctuate, and the teammates playing side by side on the defensive front are not stable enough, which makes Tanzania Pawan Pirates' defensive team is actually not as strong as expected.

"Bennett, Bennett, Bennett." Lu Ke repeated several times in a row, and then after seeing Rupatti nodded to confirm, this went on, "Others, still follow the coach's arrangement , We act on the opportunity on the field, don't be distracted. "

The tactical manual learning meeting between rookie players, the coaching staff knows, they are also very encouraged, and actively communicate with the players, but the rookie players have a lot of limitations in terms of overall situation, tactical understanding and extension Sex, so in the final analysis, you still need to listen to the coach's advice and guidance.

Lu Ke never thinks he is almighty, let alone offensive forwards. Even the quarterback tactical manual, he still has a lot to learn.

Rupati didn't answer, but nodded indifferently and fell into his own thoughts, seemingly incomprehensible; but then, he rounded his eyes and stared blankly out the window, slowly, slowly Opening his mouth, the expression of stunned expression on his face could hardly be concealed. Before Lu Ke and Logan asked, there was a low noise in the carriage.

Lu Ke and Logan exchanged a line of sight. Both of them turned their heads, followed Rupatti's line of sight, and then saw the vast ocean of red gold in front of them.

A large piece of red along the road of the candlestick park was majestic and magnificent, rushing towards the stadium. The occasional gold was looming and embellished. Moving and boiling, it seems that faint roar can be heard, standing at the mouth of the waterfall that flows into the sea, and the powerful and majestic sound reverberates on the eardrum for a long time.

Magnificent, majestic and magnificent.

Even more amazing is that there are countless red waves in all directions, like a trickle, endlessly converging into the entire river, causing a storm. The green vegetation, blue sky and white buildings in the field of vision gradually and gradually melted into the endless red, creating the illusion of sight that all other colors are shrinking little by little, so the whole world begins to twist Tumble up.

Unimaginable, absolutely unimaginable.

This is the third home game of the San Francisco 49ers in the 2011 season, but the scene in front of him is never seen by Lu Ke. Not only Lu Ke, but even senior players such as Patrick Willis and Alex Smith all showed expressions of consternation and exclamation, staring at the grand occasion in front of their eyes with dumbfounded silence. come out.

Such a candlestick park has a kind of passionate power!

The team bus moved slowly forward, and the dense crowd was like a tide, slowly drifting towards the sides, separating a channel, such a scene, people can't help but think of the Bible story, Moses is high Raising his staff, he opened a road to the sky in the Red Sea in front of him and led everyone across the Red Sea.

In front of it, it was a red sea, the real Red Sea; the team bus was like the Titanic, strong and huge, but so small above the vast ocean, riding the wind and waves, and moving forward slowly.

"49 people! Hey, 49 people! Get on, get on!"

"Come on, guys, it ’s up to you this week!"

"Good job, brothers, beautiful!"

"Bambi! Babi! Come on, come on, I believe you can do it!"

"Destroy the pirates! Quickly, destroy them!"


The hustle and bustle of support came from all directions, and everyone patted the bus wagon enthusiastically, and the thumping sound began to shake the whole ship as if it were a real storm; waves of excited and excited faces, Filling every corner of the line of sight, boiling enthusiasm, high enthusiasm and violent excitement surging across the candlestick park.

In the dense line of sight, Lu Ke captured a thin figure. He raised the supporting card in his hand high, walking through the crowd, following the rhythm of the bus, trying hard not to leave behind, and then constantly waving Looking at the rudimentary playing card, there were still words shouting in his mouth, and the whole face was filled with happiness.

Suddenly, the card was displayed in front of Lu Ke, "Lu Ke, my hero! Please continue to lead the team!"

A faint touch flowed and rolled in his chest, but the next second, the thin boy disappeared into the red sea, and turned into a drop of water in the rough sea. Only the simple supporting card was still in the crowd. Waving above the head, stubbornly and firmly expressing support.

"We are! Warriors!"

"We are! Warriors!"

"We are! Warriors!"

Outside the window, there was a passionate roar and roar from far and near, which attracted the sight of all players. The player channel of the stadium was not far away. A large group of fans gathered together When it intersects with the red, it is impossible to distinguish the specific number of people, only to catch a boiling.

They raised their hands high, clenched into fists, and shouted with horror and horror, "We are! Warriors!"

One by one, one after the other, the blood of the soldiers really burst out, and the powerful air wave rolled in, which really showed the blood and toughness, and stirred up the layers in the ear. The sound of the waves echoed for a long time, and it seemed that even the plain candlestick stadium in front of him had already lit a flaming torch, enough to illuminate the whole sky, and even the afternoon sun was eclipsed.

This is the real home!

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