King of the Bay Area

Chapter 321: Succeeded

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the King of the Bay Area!

"Wow! After a defeat, the 49ers in San Francisco suddenly renewed in today's game. With the running ball in the first offense, they successfully pushed 33 yards! Beautiful! Over the past four weeks During the game, the team completely relied on the passing attack to continue to advance, but today it opened the situation in running, which is really eye-opening. "

In the studio, Teddy did not hide his exclamation and admiration, and then made a further evaluation from a neutral point of view. "In the first wave of defense, the Pirates failed to show enough toughness and exert more pressure. If it is not for the two security guards to return to defense in time, the consequences will be even more terrible. "

"This is indeed unexpected." Kirk also agreed. "But watching the playback, you can find that before the kick-off, Lu Ke relied on his defensive reading to interpret the opponent's intention to raid from both sides, so he changed it. After using tactics and using one misalignment and one homeopath, he successfully opened up a channel in the middle and Lynch completed the run with the homeopath. "

In the end, Kirk concluded, "This rookie quarterback still shows a good competitive state today."

There was cheering again on the pitch just during the talk. Kirk and Teddy were caught off guard and quickly switched to the live broadcast screen, but they missed the beginning and only saw the end--

Marcus Lynch held the ball again, and above the 33 yard line, he encountered two players' grapples, stopped and fell to the ground, completing this advancement.

After standing up, Lynch imitated the appearance of "Vajra" and kept banging his chest with his fists, roaring wildly. The powerful and domineering roar instantly detonated the enthusiasm of the audience, and the vigorous support burst into tears. The whole candlestick stadium fell into fanaticism once again.

"What happened? What happened on the field, the San Francisco 49ers chose to run again, and Marcus Lynch ran out for another 14 yards, not only successfully won the first attack, but also led the team to attack The team reached the 33 yard line. The running offense that had been sluggish for the past four weeks, but after today's game started, it got two consecutive big yard advances. What is going on? "

Amid Teddy's exclamation, Fox Television immediately replayed.

In the video, after Lu Ke kicked off, he had no choice to pass the ball immediately, nor did he choose to hand over immediately, but moved quickly to the right under Lynch's cover; the entire offensive front was like a barrier, facing laterally Moving to the right, the entire San Francisco 49 people are like a fortress, sweeping forward.

The misalignment of the lateral movement restrained the vertical attack of the defensive line and completely disrupted all defensive counterpoints in the short pass area; at the same time, Lu Ke turned around and handed the football to Lynch.

After Lynch braked and stopped, he quickly made a breakthrough towards the left hand. After getting rid of an outside guard's grapple, the momentum continued to advance. The entire defensive formation of the Pirates was shattered and could not keep up. Two security guards and one cornerback who defended on the second line completed the grapple after narrowing the encirclement.

Two offensives in a row, the defensive front and linebacker responsible for defending the running ball failed to stop Lynch ’s movement, and he repeatedly released a large number of yards, which really made Lynch run out of momentum and also run out of state. The bulldozer-style running ball detonated the cheering tsunami above the court, and the audience was boiling.

"Once, twice, three times! The San Francisco 49ers' 27th running back Marcus Lynch, full of firepower today! Once again, he got rid of three grapples and successfully advanced 13 yards!" When recording the video, Teddy couldn't help but boil blood, sturdy punch and flexible footsteps, this is definitely the best portrayal of the combination of rugby sports power and beauty!

Lynch, who turned on the beast mode, before the start of the game, when everyone was still unstable, he detonated the heat wave with a strong and fierce performance.

The 49 people in San Francisco are too strange.

"Amazing, this is really amazing!" Kirk opened his eyes wide and couldn't believe what had just happened.

Kirk further analyzed, "In both attacks, Lu Ke showed amazingly experienced and wise, accurate defensive reading, completely destroyed the tactical arrangement and rhythm of the Pirates, unexpectedly opened with a running ball attack. The situation, even without much effort, they have already reached the front of the red zone. This is not my first sigh, nor will it be my last sigh, is Lu Ke sure to be a rookie? Today's game, the opening is wonderful stand up!"


The cheers and shouts were endless. Two consecutive running ball bursts, all the fans completely burst, the entire candlestick stadium was filled with a festive atmosphere, but Lu Ke planned two running ball attacks at one time. But still calm and calm, his eyes full of murderous.

Touchdown is Lu Ke's goal.

"Quick, quick!" Lu Ke waved his hands quickly, motioning his teammates to come around, with a focused and meticulous expression, "We need to kick off quickly, raise the speed, multi-line formation, pay attention to the vacuum between short and mid-pass Zone. Is there a problem? "

Noting that Lynch was back in the team, Lu Ke patted Lynch on the shoulder and expressed encouragement. For the quarterback, the running ball can open the situation, and the passing pressure will be reduced a lot. In the two-offensive just now, the opening of the offensive line played a crucial role, and Lynch also performed excellently. Proved his strength.

Even Lu Ke, watching Lynch's running ball, was amazed again and again.

Afterwards, Lu Ke's focused sight was on his teammates, and he clenched his fists heavily. "The rhythm is raised as much as possible. They can't keep up with it now. What we need to do is just keep our rhythm and move forward And then push them all down to complete the touchdown! "Finally, Lu Ke extended his right hand and placed it in the center," Listen to my password, count to three, and shout the touchdown together! "

"one two Three!"


Then, without too much nonsense, all the players were scattered and returned to their positions.

The so-called multi-line formation is mainly used for passing attacks.

Generally speaking, there are three catchers on one side and one catcher on the other side. The center of gravity of the pass moves to the side of the three players, and then the players on the other side pull through the changing lines, often Can create a gap-if not, then rely on the three players to cover each other, disrupt the opponent's defensive formation and complete the pass.

In the past few games, Lu Ke has used such a passing formation for many times, and has made remarkable achievements.

After completing the array, Lu Ke acknowledged and seriously looked at the defensive formation of the Pirates. On the right side of the pile of three catchers, they arranged three players to defend, one corner guard, one outside guard and An offensive end, this is a one-on-one defense.

On the left side of Michael Crabtree's stand alone, there is a cornerback, but the space between this cornerback and Crabtree is relatively large, not one-on-one defense, but regional defense, trying to cover Carat Bootley may run the route in the short pass and mid pass areas. As for the long pass area, it will be handed over to two security guards who are 10 yards behind to make up the defense at any time.

After two consecutive running defense errors, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers' defensive team made adjustments. Apart from tightly defending the passing route, the entire defensive line and linebacker were slightly removed later, focusing more on short passing and running defense. , Thereby weakening the power of the raid-the corner guard on the left side of the area is also a co-defense player running the ball defense, avoiding Lynch to run out of yardage again.

Lu Ke ’s brain was calmer than ever before, not proud of the success of the two running balls, nor distracted by the cheering of the home fans. After making a judgment between the electro-optical flints, he immediately announced the kick-off, "attack! "

In an instant, the four catchers fired like arrows off the string.

Kyle Williams and Ted Jean standing on the right side, the two men ran head and head, and there was no change in the route. They ran along the straight line, and the two players who defended one-on-one quickly followed, pacing Complete close defense.

Logan Newman standing on the right near the offensive line and Michael Crabtree standing on the left started at the same time.

Newman inscribed from the right to the left, and rushed towards the left corner guard, just like a blender, mixing all the players in the short and mid pass areas; Crabtree from the left Inward toward the right side, only a straight line sprints, there is a large gap in front of you.

All Crabtree needs to do is to adjust his pace, turn his body, and make the receiving gesture; he even has time to capture the moment when Lu Ke passes the ball, and then at the next moment, the rugby falls firmly between his hands. , Gently close, the ball is complete. Simple and clear, simple and clear, with almost no effort.

"The San Francisco 49ers offensive team completed the array quickly, leaving little room for breathing. They chose a multi-line formation and seemed to have a passing posture. The Tampa Bay pirates had to make a phase Corresponding defensive adjustment, but ... attack! Lu Ke completed the kick-off! "

Troy stared intently, watching all the changes on the pitch motionlessly, and then continually conveying the game dynamics.

"Two players chose to run in a straight line, two players chose a shallow crossing route and completed a cross run in the short pass area! Neutral! The Defensive Group of the Pirates appeared empty!

There is a problem with the communication between the corner guard and the security guard. The defense between them has been disconnected. There is no defensive player in the entire middle and left area! A lot of gaps appeared in front of the eyes, and two players who crossed the route shallowly ran out of the gap! "

Troy lifted his chin involuntarily, "Lu Ke, pass, shot! Crabtree stood in the no man's land and easily finished the ball without any interference! This is about seven yards. Pass on the right side of the ball, but this is not the end, the entire gap is out, Crabtree starts to advance with the ball! "

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