King of the Bay Area

Chapter 329: Risky and risky

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the King of the Bay Area!

In Fox TV's studio, after experiencing a turbulent wave, a torrential shower, the breathing space has been completely compressed, and even the air has begun to boil, and the gurgling sound can be clearly heard.

"In the offensive just now, Lu Ke really showed a strong heart of courage. In a thousand shots, he unswervingly searched for the pass gap. The overall increase in the speed of the entire attack made people think of Peyton Manning. Under the peak state, the entire attack on the mercury diarrhea and the flow of clouds and water makes people have no power to parry. "

Kirk is undoubtedly the person with the most say. He has witnessed Lu Ke ’s attack on the Rose Bowl. He has also witnessed Lu Ke ’s choice and judgment at critical moments in the past four weeks. In the face of the sudden speeding up of the Tampa Bay pirates, Lu Ke, who smelled the crisis, actually made adjustments following him-

They can all clearly see that the 49 players of the offensive group are still a little slower, but Lu Ke ’s forced control has completely burst the power of the attack, and it is under thrilling conditions for two consecutive times. After finishing the pass, the tension was almost suffocating.

"Let's watch the replay first." Teddy had to interrupt Kirk's exclamation and returned to the focus of the verdict. "This time Vernon Davis catches the ball, relying on his physical strength and tough He knocked away the defensive cornerback, then adjusted his footsteps and prepared for the ball.

But obviously, the cooperation between Lu Ke and Vernon is still not very skilled. The two people are not familiar with each other's pass and running routes, which caused Lu Ke's pass to deviate slightly from the track and fly in the direction of going out of bounds. In the past. At the most crucial moment, Vernon stretched his body to the extreme, picked up the ball in the volley, and finished the ball with a tough posture. As a result, he lost his center of gravity and fell out of bounds.

The question now is whether Vernon's feet are still in the circle under the control of rugby. "

On the court, all Tampa Bay players made a "receiving unfinished" gesture, and everyone was convinced that the moment Vernon completed the ball, one foot was out of bounds, then this is a unreceived ball carry out. However, the referees need to look back at the video to confirm.

On the TV screen, playback began, and Teddy and Kirk both glared wide, and like the audience in front of the TV, locked Vernon's feet.

"One foot touched the ground, first the right foot, finished the ball, then the toe of the left foot slipped across the grass to control the rugby, and the feet even controlled a little bit in the position of the circle. After a pause, the whole person flew out. No problem! There is absolutely no problem! This is a textbook-like pass. Vernon has shown the top catching ability, beautiful, so beautiful! "

Kirk ’s commentary announced the result, and after that, Teddy added, “From our camera stand, this is an undisputed catch; but let ’s look at the referee ’s decision… … "The voice of the referee on the court made a gesture of catching the ball before the words fell down." Very well, after watching the video, the referee declared that the ball was valid. This was a successful pass and catch. San Francisco 49 People can move on again. "

"Wow, this is definitely the performance of the top catchers." Kirk commented, "The catch is completed in desperate circumstances, and there is excellent physical control. The slightest difference may lead to a situation where the catch fails Below, it controlled everything.

Excellent, this is really great! Among the San Francisco 49ers, only Vernon could have been regarded as a first-class receiver, but now several of the team ’s receivers have shown top standards, and Vernon ’s position has begun to become Dangerous. But with this one catch, Vernon once again proved his ability to be selected for the professional bowl! "

"But the most important thing is Lu Ke, who completed the pass twice in desperation. The rookie quarterback's courage and domineering at the critical moment is really eye-opening." Teddy took the trend back to his attention. After the game, "Now, the San Francisco 49ers have reached the red zone. The next game is worth looking forward to."


After confirming the successful catch. Vernon-Davis quickly walked towards the landing, and asked with his eyes through the helmet, "Do I need to end?"

Lu Ke raised his right hand and kept pushing down, signaling Vernon to stay. In the short pass area, Vernon's physical advantage is undoubtedly a big killer, more impact than Logan, he needs Vernon as a lighthouse, even if it is not a catch, standing in the red zone is also a major threat .

Vernon was a little nervous, but his years of experience still calmed him down, returned to his place, and completed the array.

Twenty yards at halftime for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, the San Francisco 49ers have reached the Red Zone.

In the first ten yards, after the kick-off, Lu Ke handed the rugby to Marcus Lynch. In the chaos, Lynch broke out of the blood and completed a four-yard advance.

In the second gear and six yards, standing in the shotgun formation, Lu Ke stepped forward with a big step, the speed of the shot was extremely fast, the hand fell to the ground to complete the pass, Vernon completed the catch again, although he was caught on the spot Killed, but with this seven-yard pass, he managed to get the first attack and reached the nine-yard line, so the San Francisco 49ers faced a great opportunity for a touchdown.

After starting the attack again, the first pass encountered yellow flag interference. Lu Ke didn't even have time to raise his hand to pass the ball. The referee's yellow flag interrupted the game. Vernon of the offensive team actually appeared early and announced the kickoff. He moved his body earlier, which caused the San Francisco 49ers to be sentenced to five yards and retreated above the fourteen yard line.

The members of the entire offensive team were a little crying and laughing, and the tense atmosphere was slightly relieved; Vernon, who became the focus of attention, tried to say something, but eventually failed to speak, so he stood up and pretended that nothing happened, renewed Standing above the offensive starting position.

"I've come back, all I've come back to!" Lu Ke shouted and successfully rescued Vernon. The San Francisco 49ers once again invested in the offensive.

As a result of accepting the penalty, the San Francisco 49ers restarted their first offense.

In the first fifteen yards, Lu Ke found Kyle Williams. After a five-yard pass, Williams continued to advance for three yards, and the entire offensive position pushed forward for eight yards.

Second touchdown-meaning that as long as this offense is completed, you can directly touchdown. There are now seven yards from the end zone, and naturally enters the second gear touchdown mode.

Today, Marcus Lynch, who was extremely good in running, held the ball again. This seemed to be beyond the expectations of the Pirates. In the face of the end zone, Lu Ke gave up his accurate short pass, but Choosing to trust the running back again, the strength of the entire defensive line has weakened.

As a result, Lynch completed a decent running ball and successfully advanced five yards. In such a narrow and dense space, the entire defense is in a state of severe compression. For running backs, the space for running and sprinting is greatly reduced. At this time, it is still rare to be able to advance five yards.

Three touchdowns, they are only two yards away from the touchdown area. But these two yards are no different from the game on the one yard line, and the San Francisco 49ers have only one chance, without success, they can only choose a free kick, seven points to three points, this will not be a cost-effective transaction .

All the players in the entire offensive group are surrounded by Lu Ke. After entering the red zone, the defensive strength and density of the Tampa Bay Pirates have risen a step, the difficulty of touchdowns has multiplied, and they are now feeling the pressure.

Lu Ke raised his head and looked at his teammates, there was no extra words, "I think we can do it, what do you think?"

"Nonsense", "Of course" and "Affirmation". Afterwards, there were repeated responses, but Lu Ke shook his head and expressed his dissatisfaction. He shook his fist heavily. "What is our goal?"


"our target is?"


All the confusion and restlessness were calmed down, the focus of his eyes condensed again, and the fighting spirit burst out, all his ambitions came, Lu Ke nodded heavily, and his fist hit the palm of his left hand fiercely. Let's take some touchdowns! "

After quickly completing the tactical arrangement, the San Francisco 49ers offensive team completed the array.

In a panic, Lu Ke exhaled for a long, long time, staring at Bennett who was standing opposite, but only paused for a moment, then shifted away, and the whole world was in sight Ten times slower, not bullet time, nor special skills, but calmness at critical moments, everything has become clearer than ever, and it seems that every subtle change on the field can be captured.


In an instant, Lu Ke held his breath, caught the football with his hands, and then moved without hesitation, quickly moved towards the right; not just him, the entire offensive line moved towards the right, two groups of attacking and defensive players Completely misaligned, there is no way to hit the spot with the impact. In the end, it just moves at a very different rhythm and moves quickly laterally, and the longitudinal impact completely disappears.

At the same time, all the receiving and defensive players standing in the end zone are moving in the same direction, quickly piled up, and countless players are densely standing in a small area, it seems that every inch of space has been filled.

Vernon-Davis sprinted in a straight line, inscribed in the opposite direction on the left side, moved quickly towards the bottom line of the end zone near the middle area, and then suddenly turned around, raised his hands high, and sent a signal, almost At the same time, Lu Ke raised his right hand without any hesitation to pass the football.

The rugby ball was like a cannonball. It was flying in a mighty and vigorous straight line. It could even clearly capture the trajectory of the air waves around it. It was fiercely over the heads of the players and then reached Vernon position--

I saw that Vernon leaped high, his hands firmly grasped the football, ten fingers tightened violently, and then was called by gravity, fell heavily, and immediately behind him came a fierce collision, bang A muffled sound!

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