King of the Bay Area

Chapter 331: Full blown

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"Disaster, for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, this is definitely a disaster. In the past three weeks, the offensive team has performed the best and most stable member, the 27th running back Lagarette Blunt In the previous run, he was accidentally injured. From the field situation, it seems to be his knee. He is still on the ground and he has not been able to stand up again. The team doctor has already played. If Blunt is injured, he will end. If this is the case, this is definitely a big hit for the Pirates ’offensive team."

The progress of the game was interrupted. All of the Pirates 'offensive players gathered around them, with concern for the situation of Blunt; and the 49-man defensive players were scattered in other corners of the court, waiting for the Pirates' team doctors. Inspection results.

In the studio, they were looking back at the previous attack. Blunt held the ball and encountered a tackle interception. After falling to the ground, his knees seemed to fold up, but there was no obvious sign of collision and injury. Until further progress, we can only wait for the results of the team doctor's examination.

After the San Francisco 49ers achieved their third touchdown with a thrilling attitude, the Tampa Bay Pirates offensive team that debuted again remained in a downturn.

Among the two waves of attack, third-year quarterback Josh Freeman's poor performance on the pass side caused the Pirates' entire offense to fall into the quagmire. At least two passes were almost intercepted, but 49 The man's defensive team lacked a bit of luck and passed by. This allowed Freeman to avoid the increase in interception numbers; although there was no interception, the control of the shot time and the selection of the passing target remained intact.

In the end, all the heavy tasks fell on running back Blount. Blunt is like the last straw of the Pirates. In the storm of the 49-man defensive group, he dragged the team forward with little success.

There were less than two minutes left in the second quarter, but the score on the court was still "21: 0", with the San Francisco 49ers leading the game at home; and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers still couldn't find a way to score, even if it was one No free kick.

After a temporary inspection by the team doctor, Blunt did not stand up, but lay on the stretcher of the battery car and slowly left the court, requiring further inspection. The bad news, after all, has been implemented.

"Blount's accidental injury completely disrupted the Pirates' deployment plan, and the situation is becoming more and more serious. For the young quarterback Freeman, he must cheer up, the headwind ball is a harsh test However, it is the only way to win. If the score gap widens again, it is likely that the second half will enter garbage time. "

In the commentary, whether it was Kirk and Teddy of Fox TV, or other radio and network platform commentators, they all expressed their opinions in the first place, but everyone has a consensus: Now the Tampa Bay pirates need A savior came forward, so can quarterback Josh Freeman shoulder such a heavy responsibility?

The answer is no.

After pushing past halftime, Freeman handed over today's second interception. On the 49ers' half-time 41 yard line, cornerback Reggie Smith flew, intercepting Freeway halfway. Man's pass to wide receiver Mike Williams successfully completed the second conversion of the game.

At one minute and thirty-four seconds from the end of the first half of the game, the San Francisco 49ers offensive team was able to make another appearance. After entering the midfield, all game conditions are cleared, which means that Lu Ke still has 94 seconds of opportunity, which also includes three usable timeouts, leading the team to complete this wave of attack, try arbitrary Score the ball or touchdown to further widen the gap.

Debut again. Lu Ke couldn't help but take a deep breath and jumped on the spot proactively, mobilizing his enthusiasm.

The big score leads, and the overall momentum prevails, plus the first half of the game is about to end, it seems, seems, maybe, lazy a little bit, letting the 94-second time go away, this is also a good choice. Therefore, the whole state is not positive enough, and it seems that there is no previous sharpness.

Lu Ke knows that this is definitely a taboo in the game, he must always maintain that hunger and urgency, otherwise a little carelessness may completely reverse the momentum of the game.

Picking up the helmet, and then seeing the offensive teammates waiting on the sidelines, Mike Rupatti rubbed his hands, "How about, we are going to take a few more touchdowns, are you ready?" ? "

Lu Ke couldn't help but froze. Kyle Williams, who was standing next to him, pointed to himself and Ted Jean, "Hey, it's our turn now? Today is the home game. Since the season started, the first It ’s all filled up this time. Are you not going to give us two performance opportunities? I ’m full of energy now. "

Lu Ke was originally worried that his teammates might be thinking of a little relaxation, but obviously, he was wrong.

"Then we better play quickly, ticking, time is pressing." Lu Ke put on his helmet and led the offensive team members to debut again, the fans of the audience cheered and shouted, even if there was only a short first half Ninety-four seconds, they are still enthusiastic.

Above the forty-one yard line, the team attacked.

In the first ten yards, the short pass connection between Lu Ke and Crabtree could not be completed. Lu Ke's pass slightly deviated from the track. As a result, Lynch stood next to him and said cool words, "It must be used on the right hand last night. Excessively, I started to shake my hands today. "Amidst a giggling laughter, Lu Ke was also helpless.

Ten yards in second gear, Lynch held the ball to attack, but only advanced two yards, then encountered an interception. This time it was Lu Ke's joke, "It should have been overused in the chrysanthemum / flower last night, and my knees started to be weak." This time the laughter of everyone was more exaggerated, and Lynch was suffocating.

Three gears and eight yards, shotgun formation, Lu Ke made only two back steps, and then found that the entire pocket shrank rapidly at ten times the speed, just one second, two seconds ... the second second "tick" Before the sound even fell, the Pirates' defensive line had already rushed up in a destructive manner.

Full-scale outbreak.

All players in the Tampa Bay Buccaneers' defense team held their breaths. After the continuous offensive failure, the continuous defense fell to the disadvantage, and even the core running back was injured. All situations are progressing towards an unfavorable situation. After one interception, the players who defended the strike line broke out completely.

Not only Bennett, the other three players and the three linebackers also all speeded up instantly. That way of hitting like a bull, coupled with the "seven to five" number advantage, did not give 49 offensive strikers. Leaving any breathing space, the pocket was torn apart almost in the blink of an eye, and everyone swarmed towards the landing.

Today, the San Francisco 49ers' offensive forwards are really good. Each of them is stuck in their own positions. Even if their footsteps are constantly receding, their hands still withstand the impact of their opponents, establishing a line between the defensive forward and Lu Ke. The meat wall prevents the other party from directly hitting and killing Lu Ke directly.

But at this moment, it turned into a double meat wall.

Lu Ke stood in his pocket, before retreating, he hadn't had time to complete the adjustment. He found that the other party had shrunk the encircling circle at the speed of light, and his head reflexively shouted "absolute pace", but his steps were too heavy to lift A faint thought flashed through the brain: there is no absolute pace, this special skill has been used up.

The momentary hesitation once again missed the escape time; not to mention, the opponent's breakthrough broke out an unstoppable posture, and there was a wave of air in the air, as if the naked eye could see the air quickly complete the compression process.

In the next second, there is no time to think, nor time to respond. Lu Ke can only withdraw his right hand to prepare for the pass and protect the rugby firmly on his chest. Thinking in his mind, "How is the gesture of protecting the ball?" What is the holding gesture of the running ball? "In a panic, the rusty technical action started to deform.

Immediately afterwards, the fragmented meat wall was closed up. On the left, right, and front, layer by layer, layer by layer, there was a bump, someone fell, someone tried to grapple, someone collapsed , Endless, roaring continuously.

In the chaos, Lu Ke only felt that he was standing on the rock of the sea, vividly feeling the effect of the head and face covering the stormy waves, and there was still the dizziness and noisy of the crows in circles around his head; but the whole person was Embracing the rugby firmly, there is only one belief, "protect the ball", otherwise, if you drop the ball here and complete the transfer of the ball right again, it will not be very beautiful for the San Francisco 49ers.

In order to protect the rugby, Lu Ke's muscles were all stretched to the extreme, standing upright and standing in the same place. What is incredible is that he has not even moved his footsteps. It seems that he has practiced the trick of the immovable Ming King. , The breeze blows the hills; he appoints him, and the moon shines on the river. Amidst a wave of shocks, Lu Ke became more and more determined.

Suddenly, a person began to grab Lu Ke's waist.

get rid of. This is the conditioned reflex of Lu Ke's body, and he began to struggle hard.

But surprisingly, the opponent seemed to have an unstable center of gravity, and the movement of the grapple was not grasped at all, and then the impact hit again again-the collision with the opponent, not Lu Ke, Lu Ke is only a joint effect; the escape skills in training , Actually came in handy, Lu Ke successfully got rid of the opponent's grapple!

Run away. This is the next reaction of the body, following the instinct movement to sprint forward, originally thought that there must be a thick wall of meat, but after the footsteps, the fresh and cool air came out; raised his eyes, Seen through the helmet, I only saw a flat open field, there is no defensive player, no offensive player, just pure open space.

what happened?

Staggering, Lu Ke began to take steps.

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