King of the Bay Area

Chapter 370: Long-term goal

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"Target mission: to train the passing line of quarterbacks.

Task description: Before the end of the regular season, establish your own pass goals and initially build a complete tactical system for quarterbacks.

Task requirements: Before the end of the seventeen-week regular season, the host selects two passing goals and completes fifteen and ten touchdowns, respectively. Logan Newman, 88th (6/15), Ted Jean, 19th (5/10).

Task reward: develop a big gift package +1; comprehensive training package +1.

Failure punishment: 15 points rebate for basic points; 2 points rebate for special points; training effectiveness during off-season decreased by 10%; daily training tasks during off-season increased by 20%; resentment paparazzi talent skills cooled for 30 days . "

This is a brand new mission that suddenly appeared before the game today.

After the hidden mission, another target mission emerged. The original three major mission systems are now expanded to five seats. With the advancement of the regular season, the functions of the system are being developed little by little. Today, there are no hidden tasks and no special tasks. Instead, it is a target task, a target task that cannot be completed in a short period of time.

Now, the target mission has been updated. Compared with when the task was just received, the designated target one and the designated target two are replaced by Logan Newman and Ted Jean selected by Lu Ke. These two passing goals were carefully selected by Lu Ke after careful consideration, closer to Lu Ke's game style, and more in line with Lu Ke's tactical arrangement.

Undoubtedly, the target task is a long-term task. The entire task range is 17 weeks of the regular season. Only when the regular season ends can we know the completion of the task and face the reward or punishment of the task. This is the system. The first long-term task given also gradually revealed the quality of the system's maintenance costs.

After carefully reading the mission statement, Lu Ke immediately understood.

In football or basketball games, it is not very common, but it is not uncommon to go to a meeting with one pole, go alone, or one hundred opponents. Every time, one hand goes deep into the enemy and scores smoothly among the enemies. This kind of scene always makes people **** and filming; but in the football game, the quarterback needs the help of his teammates to complete his work.

First, he needs a pocket. Even if it is a fragmented, stormy pocket, an offensive line is blocked in front of the defensive line, this is also very important, although sometimes some of the offensive lines are not equal; especially the blind side of the offensive guard and offensive tackle, is Unknown but irreplaceable role players in the team.

Secondly, he needs to catch the player. After the pass is completed, the passing goal must be successfully received, or even carried forward; if the butterman frequently, even if the quarterback completes the pass accurately, they can only stand on the spot, staring at the ball, helpless. Even Payton Manning and Aron Rogers need an excellent passing goal.

Now, the target mission has begun to establish his own "quarterback tactical system" for Lu Ke, identified two receiving players, became Lu Ke's successor's pass target, and formed his own pass style and tactical combination step by step .

In today ’s final game of 49ers in San Francisco, Lu Ke ran out of his pocket and fought for a long pass. Logan and Jean completed a simple gear-shifting cooperation. Finally, Jean relied on his talent to complete the ball. The victory of the game laid the foundation.

This is an extremely long-term and arduous task. It is not enough to rely solely on the efforts of Lu Ke alone.

In daily training, Lu Ke needs to study the tactical manual with Logan and Jean, run the running route together, exchange tactical slogans together, and gradually cultivate the tacit understanding and induction between them; Really evolve the training level into an advantage on the field.

The reason why the system did not propose the target task earlier is because it is waiting for the landing to search for the chemical effect of the pass. Not Michael Crabtree, Kyle Williams, or Vernon Davis, Lu Ke chose Ted Jean, which is the result of the spark accumulated by the previous five weeks of competition.

The cooperation between the quarterback and the catcher is a very delicate chemical reaction.

Previously in the Miami Dolphins, and 49 people in San Francisco last year, Jean still stayed in the Secret Service team to win a place as a return attacker.

Generally speaking, the players in the Secret Service are still mainly rookies. The Secret Service players selected in the fourth round of the NBA Draft can already be regarded as high picks; while Jean is the ninth pick in the first round The wide receiver, placed in the secret service team, is a total disaster.

But unfortunately, after Jean joined the offensive group, he could not effectively integrate into the team's offensive system. The quarterbacks he faces are Cleo-Lemon, Chad-Pennington, and other players who have a difficult time in the league. He never seems to have really Stand to your place.

Until Lu Ke's appearance, Jean's career radiated a very different glory. This is a chemical reaction.

Therefore, after the birth of the target mission, Lu Ke did not hesitate and think too much. Choosing Jean is a logical result.

Now, after the confirmation and guidance of the target mission, in the future game, there will be more passes between Lu Ke and Jean and Logan. Perhaps, Lu Ke's pass system will be established on this basis stand up.

From a positive point of view, Lu Ke is building his own style in the San Francisco 49ers offensive team; from a negative point of view, the game is unknown, aside from the passing route may be interpreted, aside from possible future transfers Not to mention, if Jean or Logan are injured, the target mission will be terminated directly.

Lu Ke's eyes fell on the target task again, "Logan Newman (6/15), Ted Jean (5/10)".

The data will not lie. Now in the San Francisco 49ers team, Logan is Lu Ke ’s first pass goal, and Jean is the second; according to the data, Michael Crabtree and Ma Kus Lynch tied for third place, and after that, Kyle Williams and Vernon Davis.

However, Lu Ke was slightly surprised. Logan had fewer touchdowns than expected, while Jean had more touchdowns than expected. Looking at it now, Jean's goal mission has been completed by half; but Logan still has a long way to go.

The first idea in my mind is whether he should increase the pass in the direction of Jean and Logan at the beginning of the next game, complete the target mission as soon as possible, and in addition to the accident, ensure that the mission will not be early. Failure-just looking at the failure penalty of the task is creepy, and it is definitely the most serious failure penalty so far.

But the idea just stayed in my mind for a moment, and then Lu Ke denied this way.

First of all, if your passing goals are too concentrated, it will not only destroy the tactical system, but also your opponents can easily see through. At that time, let ’s not say that the goal mission is completed, each game mission may not be completed, or even face the bitter consequences of defeat; The focus of the goal task is on long-term planning. Apart from cultivating tacit understanding with the receiving players, it is also necessary to establish your own pass system.

You can't completely change your tactical allocation in order to complete the target mission, otherwise it will be a loss of money.

Although the reward of the target task is very tempting / human, one develops a big gift package and a comprehensive training package. From the previous experience, the more severe the failure punishment, the more difficult the task is, the more successful the reward will be; but The excited emotion rolled for a moment, but Lu Ke forced himself to calm down.

Down to earth, this is still the only way to complete the task.

Regaining his attention, Lu Ke's eyes fell on the nine basic points, and it was once again a weekly plus point. Without adding haste hurriedly, Lu Ke carefully browsed all the technical sub-items, and after careful consideration, this determined the way to add points.

First of all, with a passing accuracy of seventy-five points, Lu Ke did not hesitate to add five points, and came to eighty in one go.

This also means that Lu Ke's three pass accuracy scores all rank in 80s, namely 80 short pass, 80 mid pass and 82 long pass. For the quarterback, this is undoubtedly the most important technical link, stumbling along the way, now after accumulating enough quantitative changes, finally reached a qualitative change.

Secondly, after running the pass at 70, Lu Ke added two points and came to 72.

Before adding points, Lu Ke hesitated slightly, should he choose the tactical regional accuracy first, or should he choose to run and pass. Finally chose the latter.

Although it is said that Lu Ke is not a running quarterback, he will only run out of his pocket in an emergency; but once forced to leave his pocket, this is a crisis situation in which he runs with a ball, running and running pass With the cooperation of the two abilities, he can give full play to the advantage of passing accuracy.

This is the case with the long pass in the last touchdown today. During the game, Jean's limit catch detonated everyone's adrenaline, but if pursued, Lu Ke's passing accuracy was out of control, forcing Jean to do everything. The same attack, once again, may have a completely different result.

Finally, in the observation field of 80 points, Lu Ke cleared all the remaining two points and came to 82 points.

Lu Ke considered that all four points should be superimposed on the running pass; but his sight fell on the tactical consciousness of ninety points, he still assigned two points to the observation field.

This week's game can clearly feel that the entire defensive reading and tactical arrangements have indeed ushered in a reborn, but the wise brain still needs a broad and clear vision to cooperate. In a rapidly changing game, the observation horizon is undoubtedly It is the foundation of the entire tactical system, and the ability must keep up.

In an instant, nine basic points are cleared again.

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