King of the Bay Area

Chapter 373: Advertising shooting

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the King of the Bay Area!

Looking at the spacious and bright space in front of you, one side is a modern city with a high sky and one side, and one side is a lush green forest. It seems that you can clearly feel your own smallness in a flash, creeping in front of nature; It seems to be standing on the top of the world, looking at the small mountains.

Take a deep breath of fresh air, and the entire chest becomes refreshed.

Standing aside, Lech stared quietly at Landing Ke, capturing the excitement and excitement between Landing Ke's eyebrows and secretly nodding to express his satisfaction. He knew that Lu Ke would like it here.

"In the future, this is your home." Lech said with a smile, and then explained further, "I have arranged the part-time workers to clean the house, every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, after 10 am , She will come to take care of the cleaning, and you do n’t need to worry about cleaning and maintenance of the house. "

From the time schedule, it can be seen that Lech is well-considered. At ten o'clock in the morning, Lu Ke has generally left the house and went to the training base; even if occasionally resting at home, the time after ten o'clock also avoids disturbing Lu Ke's rest.

"If you occasionally encounter a party or special circumstances, you need to cancel the next day's cleaning to avoid disturbing, just tell me one day in advance. After that, I will leave the staff's contact information to you, you can also contact her directly." Lech apparently took all circumstances into consideration. "In addition, I have already contacted the security of the house. They will come over tomorrow to install alarms and monitors."

"Monitor?" Lu Ke showed a surprised look: he is just a rookie, not a top star, a monitor, is this too exaggerated?

"For the news, the paparazzi can do everything. The best case is that we don't come in handy." Lech has his own considerations, especially after experiencing the negative news serial bomb of Ben Rosrisberg After that, he needs to be more cautious. "Relax, it won't affect your private life, just install around the house."

Looking at the serious Leh in front of him, Lu Ke deeply felt that he could not keep up with the rhythm.

Lech chuckled happily and patted Lu Ke's shoulder, without further explanation, but shifted the topic, "Now, you go to open the luggage, tidy the room, and then get familiar with the new home. If it is too cumbersome or Too much hard work, temporarily put aside, and stay until tomorrow or later, and then sort out carefully. The taste of home is to slowly leave your own brand in the day. "

Lu Ke smiled happily, "Relax, I haven't forgotten the work in the afternoon. However, is it not a manual job to shoot an advertisement, is it just standing in front of the camera and posing? There is no need to worry too much, worry too much in the morning Hard work, as if we were about to join the team of Bear-Grylls. "

The brisk joking made Lech close his jaw meaningfully, without much excuse, and just said with a smile, "You are busy first, I need to sit down and take a rest. I'm too old to stand for too long. "

Today is the first day of the offseason, but Lu Ke's life has not stopped, but has entered another busy mode.

In the morning, move and move into a brand-new residence; in the afternoon, Lu Ke will invest in the first round of advertising promotion of Andema.

Three weeks ago, Lu Ke and An Dema completed the signing of the contract, reaping the first advertising sponsorship of their lives.

However, during this period, the regular season competition is in full swing. Lu Ke has no way to take the time to complete the related shooting of Anderma, mainly the shooting of print ads, and the need to complete the shooting of a short video, officially It was announced to the outside that Lu Ke joined the family of Andema.

Tomorrow, Lu Ke will also have a series of interviews, including magazines, radio stations and newspapers, as well as the shooting of some magazines' inner pages. On the one hand, it was an official interview from the NFL League, which formally established Lu Ke as a rookie quarterback to gain a foothold in the league; on the other hand, it was from the aura of attention after five wins and one loss, which was further exposed to the spotlight. under.

The day after tomorrow, Andema will hold an official press conference to officially introduce Lu Ke's shining debut.

Within just sixty hours, Lu Ke's work had overflowed, and there was no breathing time.

The reason why the work is arranged so anxiously, so tightly, and so turbulently is not the quick success, but the time management.

This week is the 49-season offseason in San Francisco. The true meaning of the offseason is to allow the team to relax and adjust; but the work surrounding Lu Ke is too much to complete.

For other rookie players, there are two months before the preseason to complete the outpost of entering the league, but Lu Ke, who was in danger before the regular season, has no such space. If it were not for Leh and the San Francisco 49ers' team manager Trent Balk kept a clear head and pulled up the blockade, as early as the regular season was in progress, the work was enough to overwhelm Lu Ke.

Now, the offseason is finally here, and the accumulated work is swarming.

However, in order to leave enough rest time, and in order not to affect the training plan and preparation rhythm of the next week, Lech concentrated his work as much as possible in the first half of the offseason, and then left the second half of the offseason. To Lu Ke, relax and adjust well to avoid further distractions. In the final analysis, competition and training are the key points.

Therefore, Lu Ke faced the hardest time after entering the professional league.


At two o'clock in the afternoon, accompanied by Lech, Lu Ke came to the studio in the Castro district.

This is an abandoned warehouse. It looks like a gray concrete wall. Even the abandoned pickup truck parked in the parking lot next to it has accumulated a lot of dust, as if it has been a century. After entering it, lift it up. From the beginning, you can see exposed pipes and graffiti all over the walls, which is full of randomness and art on the street.

This made Lu Ke involuntarily think of the scene of Candice's work. The original beautiful still photos were created in such an environment, with a rich post-modern decoration style, and artistic creation. Freedom and casualness are most vividly displayed.

Next, everything has entered a completely strange stage. Compared with the morning, this is the real Alice in Wonderland.

Shooting is not just standing in front of the camera, the model poses a pose, the cameraman presses the shutter, so simple.

Before the formal photo shoot, it is only a stage of dressing and makeup. It takes at least thirty minutes. If it is a female model, three hours is normal; in addition, the photographer also needs to meter and adjust the light to confirm The entire photo theme, the placement of the background board, and further communication with the model, those professional processes also take a lot of time.

After entering the photo, it is definitely not enough to stand still and pose. For a specific action, the photographer needs to capture the inspiration for the shooting. The model may be required to maintain a posture for up to three or five minutes, and then make small adjustments. The focus is on the process of artistic creation, the so-called adjustment Not math.

"A little more eyes, a little more ... Slightly sideways towards me, okay, a little more, a little more, etc., too much, go back a little, the eyes are still not enough, a little more, sharper, looking for the game State, no no, murderous, what I need is murderous ... not frowning, but murderous, murderous ...

Lift your body a little bit more, and lift your abdomen and chest, just like the little white poplar ... Come, come, raise your chin five degrees, as long as five degrees is enough ... some arm recovery, while pressing your shoulders back, you feel As if the breeze in March overwhelmed the ears of wheat, a little, a little back pressure was enough ... "

Standing in front of the camera lens, Lu Ke only felt that his body was no longer his own, and he completely lost control. He can understand every word of the photographer, but when all the words are connected in series, he can't understand a sentence. What is called "more eyes", and "how is the fifth degree measured", and then "small What is the status of Poplar? "

Lu Ke is not quite sure how the "killer" should behave, but he is very sure that if he repeats it like this, he may really breed the killer.

I originally thought that the in-situ freeze motion was too difficult, and the fine-tuning of those details could not be controlled at all, and even the meaning of the photographer's words could not be understood; then, the dynamic posture in motion would be simpler. But soon, Lu Ke knew that he was still too young and too naive.

"Run, yes, from left to right, come again, run back ... Start passing, no no, don't really pass the rugby, stop at the moment the rugby is about to take off ... This posture is not good looking, slow motion The playback is the same, making a long pass bow-drawing carving action, a little bit in front of the chest, and a slightly larger step of the feet ... Well, very good, the whole person moves, gives me a little dynamic, gives me a little sunshine ... Eyes, do n’t forget your eyes! "

Tightly, Lu Ke bit his gums tightly, and he felt deeply that he might hit the photographer's face directly with the football at the next moment.

This is not a photo, it is all torture.

Now, Lu Ke finally understood what Lech meant.

The photo shoot was definitely hard work. In just an hour, they did n’t even shoot the first set of clothes. During the sweating, Lu Ke had to change a set of clothes and then re-shot.

By comparison, Lu Ke would rather run for an hour, or pass the training for an hour. Standing in the studio for an hour is even more difficult than a century. Regarding Candice's work, Lu Ke expressed 100,000 admiration, which is hardly an ordinary person's job.

Sure enough, the profession has a specialization, he is still suitable for the rugby field, not suitable for the studio.

After continuing for 70 minutes, the shooting of the first set of clothes finally ended, and Lu Ke was sweating as if he had just been salvaged from the water. He dragged his tired body to the rest area. After a little rest adjustment, he invested in the first Shooting of two sets of clothing.

Then, Lu Ke saw Stephen Curry sitting in the rest area.

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