King of the Bay Area

Chapter 432: See also lore

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No fouls!

The thought in the subconscious mind flashed, so that the body movements and postures of both hands converged a little, as if the ropes tied the hands, the movements were really awkward, and the center of gravity was slightly unstable, but the strong physical quality was still at a critical moment Unbelievable energy erupted, starting a second time and exerting force.

One forward, one impact, one shoving.

Crabtree slammed into Aaron Rose fiercely, but Ross, who was also physically strong, had no fear at all, no concession, unstoppable, unwillingness, and the two collided so hard together The mumble of "bang" burst across the court like thunder.

Crabtree followed the reaction force of the impact, a back step, a turn, and a pause, and instantly opened a space between the two; at the same time, Rose's center of gravity suddenly lost its stability, in the powerful Under inertia, the strong body immediately fell down and smashed heavily on Crabtree's back.

Crabtree had already prepared for a long time, and his feet slammed against the ground. Instead, he pushed back strongly, against the collapsed heavy object, and the rebound between the force and the reaction force. The force burst out again, the internal organs began to roll, and the space between the two people was pulled apart again.

At the same time, Crabtree adjusted the center of gravity and the body through a small step adjustment, and then there was a football that was comparable to a bullet shot in the sight!

Without forgetting himself, Crabtree completely forgot all other influencing factors, and even the force that once again hits his shoulders does not exist at all, and he watches the ball intently.

The passing path is slightly lower, it should be in the abdomen position, in order to avoid the possibility of the defensive player shooting the pass at the last moment.

Attentively, Crabtree ’s pupils began to contract and contract again, and the whole world was left with the rugby ball, then bent his knees, lowered his center of gravity, and adjusted the catch gesture with both hands—

"Shoot", a heavy impact rushed to the position of the lower abdomen, the fierce and powerful impact spread across the abdomen.

He, caught it!


Ryan Baldwin watched every move on the court firmly. After being nervous to the extreme, he completely forgot about it, and his eyes moved quickly and disorderly: Lu Ke, Logan, Crabtree, the chaos I can't find a clear vein in the busy, but my eyes are reluctant to leave, and capture every detail of the game in a hurry and panic.

One accident, two accidents, three accidents, but things still did not end, did not lose the game, but could not win the game, consecutive accidents, endless, ups and downs, offensive above zero seconds, the ever-changing situation makes People can't keep up.

The heart is paralyzed and stiffened, the blood is frozen and stagnated, and time and space have completely lost their meaning. It seems that even the brain can no longer function.

Suddenly, everything in sight turned into slow motion.

Even, Ryan can clearly see Lu Ke ’s every move, and can clearly capture Lu Ke ’s passing trajectory, the football slowly soared across the sky, towards the Crabtree , Everything in the world is completely gone.

Ryan ’s heart thumped, and along with the football ’s trajectory at that moment, slowly and slowly lifted, almost blocked his throat, and then—


Ryan screamed ecstatically, but the suppressed emotions in his chest were still not fully released. He raised his fist high, stood up Huo Di, his eyes red and blue, and screamed madly towards everyone in his sight. Then, "Touchdown! Touchdown!"

This is a touchdown, he is very sure, this is definitely a touchdown!

The excitement and excitement instantly pushed to the extreme, and every cell on and off the body exploded.

After a long absence, really a long absence, not a long-lost victory, but a long-lost tenacity and eruption, even standing on the edge of the cliff, the indomitable game temperament still bursts out strongly, deterring opponents, biting the game, and winning victory!

Unexpectedly, the sight was blurred, and the hot tears came out, and the tears burst into the face, almost scalding the cheek, but Ryan seemed to be unaware of it at all, just roaring obsessively, towards everyone around him strongly. Swearing the result of the game, "Touchdown! Touchdown! Touchdown!"

It ’s just the simplest vocabulary, without modification or fancy, but all the ideas in the heart are vented out heartily, declaring that the twists and turns, the endless game is finally over, and it is still at home. The satisfied way of the fans is over. Firmly, they firmly hold this victory in their hands!


At this moment, Ryan forgot his amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and forgot his pain and troubles, even if his legs were shaking, the leg muscles that had not stood for too long could not support the bulky body, but he did Don't care, just clenched your fists, shouted, shouted, shouted out all the depression and suffocation.

At this moment, Ryan is just a normal 49 people!

This ordinary 49 person joined the ranks of the audience. After the roar and roar of the ferocious, passionate and passionate burst, it gradually evolved into a consensus call, "Touchdown! Touchdown!"

Rows of mountains and seas, overwhelming and vigorous. They are celebrating the success of another touchdown, and they are calling for the referee's verdict to confirm that there should be no more accidents, and no more accidents.

There was only one voice left in the audience: touchdown!


Above the court and below the court, all eyes fell on the referee team, waiting for the final verdict, waiting for the victory and defeat to settle, experienced the last moment of repeated, ups and downs, accidents and then Once, like a roller coaster, the heart is almost overloaded, so now?

What is the result of this touchdown?

The home fans of Candlestick Stadium, the players of both teams of the two teams, and the calm coaches of both sides are no exceptions. Even the commentators on the commentary table have suspended their work.

All of a sudden, the audience held their breath, and it seemed that even the pulse had disappeared into the gurgling air, and the entire candlestick stadium had solidified.

Under the eyes of all eyes, the referee standing on the left side of the end zone seemed to feel the heavy pressure on the shoulders, and he could hardly lift it, but he still did not shake or hesitate at all, and stared at the end zone area with his eyes. He made a decisive move, then whistled long, raised his hands high, and made a touchdown gesture.


A gesture, the simplest gesture, the audience jumped up collectively, the vast red sea reached the boiling point instantly, the roar of the mountains and the tsunami roared all over the sky, the blue sky, the green lawn and the gray The stadium is all dyed red, pure and translucent red, fresh and dripping, venting down, every corner of the field of vision is a piece of red.


Ryan was almost unsteady, and his knees seemed to be broken at any time, but he still shouted and screamed with all his strength, fully integrated into the entire candlestick court, turned his head, and then he watched At the phalanx of the Asian-faced fans next to him, the roaring roar was so familiar and so kind that people could not help wandering among them.

A volcanic eruption, this is a real volcanic eruption, red magma is everywhere, the hot waves are rolling, and even the ground under the feet begins to tremble.

In the distance, the stormy waves in the Bay Area began to spread their teeth, and wave after wave hit the endless coastline, as if the crustal movement was pushing the American continent across the ocean, looking for the other end of the vast ocean Of the European continent and the African continent.

The unbelievable sound completely overwhelmed the voices of the narrators, even though Troy Bauer cried out with hoarseness, his voice was still like a small sapling in the storm, and his brain disappeared instantly. Falling into a blank, just repeatedly repeating the same word, "Touchdown! This is a touchdown! Crabtree! Crabtree! Crabtree! Touchdown, friends of the audience, touchdown success!"

The signal of the radio wave spread the weak voice of Troy to every corner of California. Then, the sound of trumpets, cheers, footsteps, and roaring began to spread like a spark. This is the real volcanic eruption.


The moment the whistle sounded, Crabtree threw the rugby high into the sky, then all his teammates rushed up, surrounded him in the center, and slapped his helmet crazy, venting Inner joy.

Today, Crabtree, plagued by fouls, missed several opportunities to end the game early; but after all, he still seized the opportunity and completed a valuable catch at a critical moment, defeated since the second week After Dallas Cowboy's "that catch", he successfully completed the lore again.

Crabtree pushed away all the teammates around him, all the teammates, and then lightly and vigorously rushed towards the left-hand direction. The target task was awesome: Lu Ke.

Tightly, Crabtree hugged Lu Ke tightly, twirling a thousand words at the tip of his tongue, but couldn't find a proper way of expression. Eventually, he couldn't open his mouth, but just patted the helmet of Land Ke with emotion. Again. The heart is surging, it is difficult to calm down, everything is silent.

I do n’t know when it started, the roar disappeared, the sky above the candlestick stadium, from the ultimate silence to the extreme noise, to the ultimate momentum, now only the same voice is echoing in the long distance:


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