King of the Bay Area

: Written on the beginning of April

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the King of the Bay Area!

In a blink of an eye, Bambi has been on the shelves for four months. The achievements of this book are far beyond imagination. Every time I feel the support from the reader, the teenager is always grateful, but he can't express it in thousands of words, except Thanks, still thanks. Today, I have some thoughts and want to communicate with readers.

In the past period of time, Bambi's performance has declined, and the number of follow-up orders has dropped significantly, especially after Bambi's two-game losing streak, it is particularly obvious, and the mood is extremely heavy; criticism and opinions in the book review area, including those reading / The readers ’opinions have always been carefully browsed and reflected anxiously.

Why is the rhythm of writing so strange? Because the teenager has no outline.

It has been mentioned before. At the beginning of the creation of this book, it was self-entertainment for amateur fans. The results can go all the way to this point. This is unexpected. Without the outline, the young man ’s codewords are missing. A clear line of thought, there are a lot of loopholes in the control of the game and the narration of the narrative; not to mention, the teenager was not an excellent coder, and there were countless shortcomings. After accumulating little by little, he moved towards himself. Unable to grasp the direction.

Therefore, readers feel that this book has a strange rhythm, which is correct. The teenager has been trying to make adjustments, but his ability is helpless, and it seems that the effect is not good. It still needs to continue to work hard.

In a blink of an eye, Bambi is already 1.5 million words. In fact, for a while, the teenager has been thinking about it, otherwise he would simply finish the first season and finish the settlement directly, maybe it would be all happy, but the two million words ending seems to be a good idea.

However, after thinking about it, the teenager still wants to continue this story, because there are many more stories to tell in the offseason and the second season; of course, because the pace of the draft conference is approaching, the new season is not far away. At that time, you can also watch the NFL with you, which is something to look forward to.

Bambi ’s annual season is nearing its end, and the storyline has formed a relatively stable program in the mind of the teenager. Therefore, the teenager intends to continue to stick to it. It ’s strange to have a strange rhythm. At least it ’s complete. Cover your face; In the second season and the second season, the teenager strives to change some rhythm, hoping to bring a better story and a better reading experience.

In fact, the teenager is a very glass-hearted person. After reading the bad reviews, his mood is often very bad and affects the mood of the code word all day, but the book review area can not be ignored. After all, I still hope to draw more opinions, so I still hope Everyone is kind and supportive.

Here, the boy sincerely hopes that everyone who watches pirates / copybooks, please support the genuine! And bookkeepers who continue to fatten, please be sure to turn on automatic subscription!

Every time I look at the decline in the number of subscriptions, my mood is mixed, heavy and bitter; for teenagers, every subscription is the best affirmation and support, and it is also the best motivation for Bambi to continue to go. Hopefully, book friends can support genuine subscriptions. The teenager will continue to work hard!

Next are some important announcements.

First of all, on the monthly pass plus more.

Throughout April, the teenager ’s daily journey will continue to run, firstly qingming, and then going out, it will not settle down for half a month, and good codewords. I have considered before whether to cancel the addition and change system. That ’s fine, but after careful consideration, I decided to continue the system of adding changes, with one change for the 300-month pass and two changes for the leader.

If the time to add more is not timely, please don't worry, and then make sure to make up the first time. I also hope that book friends can support Bambi!

Secondly, about the update time of this book.

The juvenile is a person with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Every day's update is scheduled in advance. The fixed update time is 8 and 10 o'clock every night. If there is a change, it will be released at six o'clock.

However, the teenager adopted an opinion of the book review area. During the competition, all the chapters were released in one go, forming a coherent reading experience, and trying to avoid breaking the chapter. Therefore, the chapter on the game will be updated in one go, but because the regular update cannot set the same whole point, then it is 8:00, 8:00, 8:00 (if there is a change), all released; While there is no competition, the update time will remain the same, at 8 o'clock and 10 o'clock.

To update the plan in this way, let's experiment first and welcome the enthusiastic comments from book friends.

Finally, in the end, subscribe, once again sincerely appeal again, I hope that book friends can support genuine subscriptions; also, monthly tickets, April guaranteed monthly tickets come over, thank you again!

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