King of the Bay Area

Chapter 562: Don't be restless

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the King of the Bay Area!

"At the beginning of the season, it's really because of the rookie selection. Every week, fighting for the starting position is the most important thing. I need to do my best to get a foothold on the court; but as the season progresses, things become Purely, everything is only related to the game, but also to victory. "

Lu Ke said with a smile, while Lech listened with a smile.

"This season, we have a good chance, and more importantly, we are still a young team, sprinting forward, no matter where the end point is, it is a windfall for us, and then prepare for the future . Therefore, instead of worrying about those off-site factors, it is better to concentrate on the game and look forward to achieving better results. "

This is the first time Lu Ke and Lech have truly communicated in depth. Although both parties understand each other's ideas, open and honest conversation is still necessary, which is also the basis for a good cooperative relationship between the broker and the client.

"Now the playoffs are coming, I really don't have time to think about these." Lu Ke said sincerely and said seriously.

Leh ’s expression did n’t change much, and he did n’t even have such small movements as the jaw, but asked another question, “What is your goal?” Lu Ke did n’t understand and cast his eyes, Leh explained Here, "You said just now, do your best to see where you can go this year. So, what is your goal?"

"Super Bowl." Without any hesitation, Lu Ke gave a confirmed answer.

Lech carefully looked at Land Ke's eyes and expressions, confident but not proud, firm but not reckless, reminding him again of the scene when he first saw Lu Ke, then he nodded gently and said with a smile , "This is a good start."

"Then your opinion?" Lu Ke then asked, in this partnership, the final decision is still the player, but the player's idea is the agent. They still need to understand each other. "Regarding my rookie contract, how would you, a professional, suggest?"

"Waiting." A simple word sums up all of Lech's thoughts, "You have an excellent rookie season, and it is the rookie season dreamed by countless players. I can't think of anything except Kurt Warner. A better choice. Unless you can win the Super Bowl. "

Lech also joked a little, and then continued, "But the higher the starting point, the higher the expectation. The second season next year is the real test."

Although Lech did not speak out, there are too many cases in the league where the first year shines and the second year falls quickly. Those rookies who ca n’t wait to improve their treatment after the rookie season have achieved good results often encounter cruelty. Closed door soup. No team is willing to bet on the first grade, and even the second-year students still have some chips.

Originally, Lech was worried about Lu Ke's unbalanced mentality.

The regular season is coming to an end, and only one and a half months are left from the Super Bowl. Now Lu Ke is highly sought after. Looking at the battle in the hospital today, you can get a glimpse of the iceberg. Obviously, Lu Ke is now the most popular in the league. Ziji, even Roger Goodell, in an interview, repeatedly mentioned Lu Ke's name.

For a 22-year-old young man, it is normal for his mind to expand, be overconfident, and even lose himself; even if it does happen, he cannot be blamed excessively. After all, he is still too young.

Lech couldn't help worrying, Lu Ke placed his position so high that his mentality was unbalanced, breaking the balance between him and the team and players. This is the talk today.

"The top priority now is the playoffs, then the off-season training camp, focus all attention, continue this year's excellent performance in the second season, play steadily and move forward step by step, this is the most important. "Lech still said his thoughts in full." So, I originally planned to advise you, and now calm down, don't be distracted, everything will come after the rookie contract ends. "

No bold words, but simple words reveal strong self-confidence. This maverick agent in the league is obviously different.

Originally worried, after listening to Lu Ke's ideas, Lech realized that it was unnecessary.

I used to be a black player, spent a lot of money, and after the signing fee was received, I began to squander and quickly fell into the dilemma of debt and bankruptcy, and then asked for higher salary treatment like a thirst, but just blindly put myself In an inappropriate position, offending the team and offending the league, the most important thing is that the agent has lost the cash cow and formed a vicious circle.

Especially rookie players, it is easy to swell.

After self-confidence has accumulated to a certain level, it gradually evolves into arrogance and arrogance, and even ignores its own weight, and a little bit of results starts to forget and overcharge. But they have forgotten that this is a professional league, and every year there are many geniuses pouring into the league, and every year there are more geniuses falling.

Fortunately, Lu Ke is not an ordinary young rookie.

Despite proving that his worries were superfluous, Lech was still glad that today he and Lu Ke communicated face-to-face and frankly, which is very important for his work.

"You mean, for example, defending the Super Bowl?" Then, everything that should come will come, even if Lu Ke does not request it, the contract will be automatically sent to the desktop. Lu Ke picked up the knife and fork and said with a smile, the ending rose.

Lech was stunned for a moment, and then realized the source of the problem corresponding to this sentence, and there was a smile in his eyes, and he nodded gently, "Yes, for example, the Super Bowl defends."

Later, Lech also picked up the knife and fork, and the two officially began to enjoy lunch.

"You just said that recently there has been advertising sponsorship, is this true?"

"Yes, but I told them that everything will wait until the playoffs are over. This year, regardless of the team's performance in the playoffs, you have proven yourself, so we can wait and don't bother you Rhythm of the game. "

"So you mean, I'm hot now?"



After lunch, Lech escorted landing Ke to the 49-person training base in San Francisco, and then went away. Lu Ke walked toward the training ground. He always felt that he had something to forget. Then, the phone rang, and after seeing the caller ID, he immediately reacted:

Emily Provo, he actually forgot to call Emily.

"Hey, Emily." Lu Ke greeted himself, "Sorry, I was busy just now, and I forgot to call you back." During lunch, Emily made three calls, but Lu Ke did not Pick it up.

"That's good, I thought, because now the identity is different, so you refuse to answer my phone." Emily said jokingly.

Lu Ke did not panic. "If I remember correctly, when you called me in the past, you were originally a reporter, not a friend. So, I don't think there is any change in our relationship. "

"Sure enough, you are still so difficult." Emily shook her head with a chuckle.

"Thank you for the compliment." Lu Ke's calm tone made Emily laugh happily, "So, why did you suddenly come to San Francisco? And actually came to interview sports news? What's going on?"

"If I tell you that I'm on vacation now and appear in the hospital, I just want old friends to get together, do you believe it?" Emily said half-jokingly.

"It depends on what kind of novel it is." Lu Ke's answer made Emily laugh, and made it clear that he refused to believe it.

"Hoo!" Emily exhaled heavily, seeming to be adjusting herself, and then said in a huff, "Jay is in the hospital now, you know?"

"No ... I don't know ... what happened?" Lu Ke frowned slightly. After the game ended last night, he also saw Jay at the post-game press conference. At that time, Jay still Lively.

"Last night, or perhaps this morning." Emily said simply, "His knee was bruised. The doctor said it was not a serious problem, but he needed to be cast. There was no way to run the news in two weeks. Ask for leave. He was injured because of me. I was chasing a piece of news yesterday. I met Jay by accident. He reached out and gave help, and then something happened ... "

"In short, it's all my fault." Emily didn't go on, and simply summarized.

Lu Ke can already draw a conclusion, "So, you helped Jay to run the news this morning? That kid, in fact, he can call me, so I can just talk to him directly, I just have a cold, no It's necessary to cover up. "

"He feels that friendship is friendship, work is work, use the convenience of friendship to explore the news, so that things will become tricky in the future, you are not easy to do, he is not easy to do." Emily said simply, "But for me, this does not apply, because I am the social version, you are the sports version, except for this time, there is no intersection. How, are you sure you just have a cold?"

"Yes. Miss Puwo." Lu Ke laughed lightly, and said in a serious voice, "This is officially confirmed, you can safely tell Jay that guy, send the press release." Yin Yincai When it fell, Lu Ke thought of another important thing, "Wait, you came to San Francisco this time, did you go on a business trip or have you changed jobs?"

"I was officially sent to San Francisco." Emily answered simply.

"So you and Jay ..."

"Just a friend. Don't guess wildly." Emily can listen to the words deeply and stop them in a timely manner, and say seriously, without Lu Ke finishing the words.

"Friend, of course, friend." Lu Ke also nodded seriously and replied, "Very well, then another day, a group of our friends will get together and have a meal. After the season ends, um, there are still a lot at the end of the season A lot of time, friends gathering is still very important. "

With a bite and a friend, Emily at the other end of the phone was stunned. Finally, when she hung up, she could only roll her eyes and protest.

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