King of the Bay Area

Chapter 573: Son of Heaven

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the King of the Bay Area!

"Fox TV guest commentator Kirk Charleston believes that you are a deterrent quarterback. What do you think of this?"

"When you stand off the court and watch your opponent catch up with the score quickly, but the team has been unable to open the situation, what is your mentality?"

"Jim Hubble chose to believe in Alex Smith in the second half. Does this mean that he still prefers experienced Alex in the playoff quarterback choice?"

Traps, traps, all are traps.

Not only Harry, but other reporters also started to dig, especially the last question. If Lu Ke refutes, it is a devaluation of Alex; if Lu Ke agrees, it is that he is not confident in himself. How to answer the question must be carefully considered.

In fact, the first thought in Lu Ke's mind is: What experience does Alex have? Have you missed the playoffs for years?

But this kind of vomiting is really too sharp. Once it is said, it is in the middle of the heart, and it is estimated that the follow-up matters will be extremely tricky.

Looking around briefly, Lu Ke did n’t see Jay Fox or Emily Puwo, which also meant that I had to rely on myself to handle it today, “as far as I think, our second half The game is very exciting. The team has rotated most of the players, the overall needs to adapt and run in, the rhythm also needs to be adjusted, and slowly enter the state. "

"Alix is ​​an experienced quarterback. He just needs some time." Lu Ke replied with a smile, paused for a moment, and added, "Also, thank you for the compliment. Hearing recognition from the reporter ’s mouth has always been the top option in my wish list, and it ’s finally possible today. ”

The sincere expression on that face seemed to be completely serious, but the flashing eyes in light smile hinted that it was an ironic humor.

Immediately afterwards Harry asked, "You just said that Alex just needs some time. So, do you think he can win more time in the playoffs?"

"I tried to pray that this should not happen." Without any pause, Lu Ke quipped with brisk expectations, while also raising his right hand, crossing the index finger and the middle finger, making a gesture of prayer, strengthening My own thoughts, "Because this means that my performance is terrible, this is not a positive sign."

"You mean, in the playoffs, do you think you are still the first choice for starting quarterbacks?" Another reporter next to him asked.

"Of course." Lu Ke didn't have any hesitation and hesitation. He quickly gave the answer, decisively and straightforwardly, and there was no redundant additional explanation, but simply showed confidence.

The back-and-forth mode of quick questions and quick answers, instead, made the reporters' questioning rhythm a little bit behind, and all the potential branches and branches were cut off cleanly. When another reporter changed the topic, this It also means that the **** storm that Harry provoked was resolved invisible.

However, another issue does not seem easy.

"What do you think of Tim Thibault?"


Lu Ke did n’t quite believe his ears. If it ’s Wednesday ’s official news day, everything is normal, but now it ’s a post-game interview with the San Francisco 49ers. They actually heard another team quarterback here. 'S name, and it's not the name of the opponent's quarterback, this is really abnormal.

Tim Thibo, the second-year quarterback of the Denver Broncos. The deeds of the quarterback were already in full swing last year.

There are countless news about Thibo, poor pass success rate, monotonous pass tactics, devout Christians, NCAA's "Tim Thibo Rules", etc., you must kneel after each touchdown Thank you God for your actions-not your teammates fighting side by side, but also become the object of ridicule by countless people.

Last year, almost everyone thought that Tibb was only a second-round or third-round pick, but the Denver Broncos were shocked to complete the upward trade with three drafts, and picked Tick in the first round at the 25th overall pick Bo, after the draft conference ended, Thibo's No. 15 jersey sales instantly climbed to the top of the league.

But it is precisely such a quarterback who can only play the University Wildcats, but this season has set off a storm in the United!

In the fifth week of the regular season of this season, the Denver Broncos played against San Diego Lightning. The Broncos' starting quarterback Kyle-Orton performed poorly. In the second half, Tibur came off the bench and scored in the fourth quarter. One pass touchdown, one rush touchdown, almost completed the reversal, and lost with a weak disadvantage.

After that, Tibo became the starting quarterback of the Denver Broncos.

In the sixth week against the Miami Dolphins, Tybo felt cold for most of the game, but suddenly broke out in the last five minutes, and two touchdowns came out. After losing to the Detroit Lions in seven weeks, they achieved a wave of six straight victories and performed extremely well.

At the end of the season, the Denver Broncos suffered a three-game losing streak due to Thibo's terrible performance. This week also ended in failure.

But this year, the Western Conference of the United States was completely chaotic. The Denver Broncos, San Diego Lightning and the Oakland Raiders were all eight wins and eight losses, and the divisional civil wars were all three wins and three losses. The last two pairs compared the results of the battles and After the record against the same opponent, it was determined that the Denver Broncos won the divisional championship in the Western Conference of the United States, and dangerously entered the ranks of the playoffs.

Among them, Thibo passed 1730 yards and twelve touchdowns throughout the season. In addition, he also scored 660 yards and six touchdowns; but only 46.5% of the pass success rate is the third in the league. The lowest of all starting quarterbacks in the twelve teams.

Ending the season with a three-game losing streak and still scoring into the playoffs, the terrible pass success rate is dazzling, monotonous to only the quarterback of the Wildcats but won ... This is really a fantasy!

Thanks to Thibo's own pious beliefs, many netizens joked him as "the son of heaven" on Twitter and Facebook, and he was truly blessed by God to create such a miracle.

Faced with such ridiculous ridicule and ridicule, Tibo was not taken seriously.

In an interview, Thibault also unwaveringly expressed his agreement that everything came from God's blessing.

So, what about the other Mustang teammates?

Although the Broncos players know that Tibbo does n’t mean that, with Tibbo ’s “love for the world” style of behavior, he has never ignored the meaning of his teammates or belittled his teammates; but all credit goes to God. Not very comfortable.

There was a sudden vomiting wave on the Internet, and there were all kinds of paragraphs about Tibo. There were even expression packs using Tibo as a raw material, even the fans of the Denver Broncos themselves joined it; fact In fact, not only netizens, but also professional commentators, analysis commentators, other coaches and players in the league are also like it, and they are countless.

In other words, Tibb is a topical focus, and even a topical gunpowder barrel.

But what is the relationship between Thibault and Lu Ke?

"People say that the U.S. team has Tim Thibo and Andy Dalton, and the U.S. team has Matthew Stafford and Lu Ke. The four young quarterbacks have all scored this season. The vulgar record, successfully reached the playoffs, many people put Tibo and you to discuss together, may I ask, do you have any special ideas about Tibo? "

Now Lu Ke has finally reacted. This is not a commendation, but a derogatory one.

Because Tibo and Lu Ke are both "sons of heaven."

Tibb even failed to pass the most basic pass skills, but somehow reached the playoffs; and, only the Wildcats that could work above the college field had a strangely six-game winning streak, even if it was The Denver Broncos don't know how they made the playoffs.

Lu Ke was a Chinese quarterback. In the absence of any optimism, leading the 49ers in San Francisco to return to the playoffs after eight years is a miracle and a fairy tale.

After realizing the deep meaning behind the problem, Lu Ke was not angry, he would not be out of control because of such a problem, nothing could affect his good mood, and the reporter was no exception, "Sorry, I don't know him."

The straightforward answer seemed too straightforward, so that the reporters were stunned.

Although the reporters are all looking forward to creating a breaking point, the best result is that Lu Ke and Tibo began to pinch face to face, which is the most exciting; but now Lu Ke's outspoken answer is really too explosive, everyone's first reaction They are all "what the hell" and seem to be worried about the landing trap.

Sure enough, Lu Ke then added, "I mean, I have heard his name and read his report, but personally, we have not met, so, I think, we should not be regarded as understanding."


"Even if you don't know, you can express your opinion. What do you think of Thibault?" The reporter was still aggressive.

"No opinion. He is Tim Thibo." Lu Ke simply replied.

Then Lu Ke tilted his head slightly and asked with a look of interest, "I'm more curious, why do you keep asking this question, what answer do you want to hear, it is better to do this, you show the bottom card, and then I See, can I read it aloud according to the text and save a little of our time, how do you feel? "

Silence, silence.

In the face of Lu Ke's unreasonable behavior, the sarcasm between the words was really obvious. The reporters could only touch their noses and then fell silent.

It wasn't until another reporter raised the question of Lu Ke's "cold" that this broke the silence again, and the atmosphere became lively again. The sharp topic seems to have finally passed, and everyone began to look forward to the playoffs. After all, is there anything more worth looking forward to than the playoffs?

Obviously not.

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