King of the Bay Area

Chapter 858: Prepare in advance

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"Huh? Are you actually interested? Why?"

Lei Ke's question made Lu Ke feel curious. However, Lei He didn't answer, and Lu Ke didn't force it. The truth always surfaced little by little, and then he thought back seriously.

Intermittently, Lu Ke re-presented the conversation just now, and occasionally there were some omissions, and when I recalled it, I completed the supplement again. The duration of the entire conversation was not long, Lu Ke still basically restored all the details accurately.

After the story, Lech did n’t respond, but sat quietly, seemingly chewing slowly. Lu Ke asked curiously, "There is nothing special, but his tone and expression are always a bit strange, I hope not I think too much myself. "

Lech lifted Erlang's legs, his hands folded on his knees relaxedly, his expression did not change much, "If I said, he was interested in you, do you believe it?"

"Interest? What interest?" Today's busy day, the amount of information is a bit large and mixed, so that now Lu Ke's response is slightly slower.

"Transfer." Lech gave an unexpected answer.

Lu Ke's conditioned reflex is, "Why?"

But after speaking out, Lu Ke immediately realized that he was making a fool. The team owner was interested in professional players. Naturally, he wanted the players to play for his team. What other reason could it be? His reaction was really stupid.

Lu Ke couldn't help but shook his head with a chuckle, "I mean, isn't Tony stable now? The Cowboys don't lack a quarterback; and, am I not very good in San Francisco? It's just over half of the season now, transfer Where did the idea come from? "

Leh ’s eyes gradually showed light, “Now, Jerry Jones is just showing some interest. In competitive sports, from interest to action and then to the establishment of transfer opportunities, the final transfer is successful, this It is a very long process. It may take a few days to negotiate and sign the contract, but the preliminary preparation is very complicated. "

"All year round, the work of scouting is always running. Not only in North America, but also in Australia, New Zealand, Europe, etc .; not just college players, senior players of other teams, especially It ’s a player in the contract year, which is what scouts, team managers, and bosses must pay attention to. Transfers and drafts will never stop. "

After a brief explanation, Lech's eyes fell on Lu Ke. "Strictly speaking, this year is your contract year."

The so-called contract year is actually the last year of the player's contract. After the contract expires, the player must complete the renewal or transfer, otherwise it will become an unemployed free agent. Therefore, every contract year, there is a big outbreak, and the state is hot, such situations are numerous in the league.

For coaches and scouts, they must make a judgment: can this player only explode in the contract year? Or is it that the outbreak of the contract year proves that he has the potential to continue to be strong, and they need to sign with a better contract?

Lu Ke is only a sophomore, and the reference data is still limited, so he ca n’t talk about any contract years at all. The players within five years are still under continuous inspection; but this year is indeed Lu Ke ’s contract year. The San Francisco 49ers signed for only two years. After the contract expires, renewal and transfer must also be on the agenda.

"Strictly speaking", even though Lech appended this prefix, Lu Ke couldn't help laughing and gently agreed with his jaw, "Yes, strictly speaking, this year is indeed my contract year, God, I actually forgot about it. "

Lech said with a smile, "Relax, I remember."

Later, Lech continued his topic, "Return to Jerry Jones. First, Romo is indeed an excellent quarterback, and Jerry Jones has always expressed support. He is the Dallas Cowboys Four. Is the best choice for a quarterback? Probably; but, is he the best quarterback in the league? Obviously not. "

"Let ’s put it this way, Tony Romo is 32 years old this year. This is his seventh year as the main quarterback, but the Dallas Cowboys have never entered the Super Bowl, even the division champion. Taken twice. This is not enough. For an ambitious team that is determined to win the championship, this is not enough! Not to mention, this is still the highly anticipated team of the United States! "

"If there is a better opportunity, is Jerry Jones willing to replace Tony Romo? I believe he will not have any hesitation."

Although it was only speculation, Lech ’s voice was exceptionally stable and seemed to have a strong conviction.

Lu Ke opened his mouth slightly, surprised and ridiculous, and finally laughed helplessly, shaking his head gently, "Sorry, I can't discuss this matter so plainly. Tony is my friend, And we are discussing his career. I have no way to discuss the possibility of replacing him casually. "

It's like the conversation just now. Reason and emotion, this is the difference between ordinary people and superiors; or the difference between ordinary people and businessmen.

Although Lu Ke knows that he is emotional, he still has no way to remain relatively calm, so he speaks frankly his true thoughts.

Lech didn't mind, nodded with a smile to show his understanding.

Lu Ke is only a sophomore. He has never really been exposed to the cruelty in the industry. In the final analysis, the professional alliance is a combination of interests. The reality is always cold and cruel. After all, this is not a fairy tale.

But Lech didn't force it, not only because Lu Ke had just entered the league; but also because Lu Ke was a player-Lu Ke only needed to complete the player's tasks, and it was just as good to leave the commercial considerations to him.

"I mean, your contract with 49 people is about to expire in March. Obviously, Trent will not be stupid enough to miss a top player like you, no surprise, you should still stay in San Francisco .. But! "Lech raised his right index finger and made a pause gesture, emphasizing the turning point." However, I don't mind other competitors. "

Only by winning the excellent quarterback can the contract price be raised; the virtuous circle of competitors can promote the smooth negotiation. This is the most basic means of brokers.

Lu Ke looked at Lech in surprise, "Wait, my contract is about to expire. I intend to transfer and change the team. Won't you deliberately release such news?"

"Of course not. This is stupid practice that hurts San Francisco fans and management. I am not so amateur. Such a clumsy approach will only make things worse. I will never do it until the last step." Lech did not hesitate to express his rebuttal, but Lu Ke knew that the words still did not end.

This time, Lu Ke's intuition is correct.

After a pause, Lech immediately said, "However, I did mention it secretly at a private party. I have high expectations for your contract because you deserve better treatment. The first half of the season is the best Proof. "

This is a shout against the San Francisco 49ers management, and it is also a hint to other teams who intend to sign a quarterback.

Lu Ke laughed dumbly.

Lech shrugged slightly. "So far, Jerry Jones is the only team owner who has heard the news. At least, he is the only team owner who has responded. I have to say that he is in the league. The inner influence is still above my expectations. With such a secret and such a simple hint, he can actually inquire and respond. He is really a character, right? "

After this explanation, things become logical:

Jones only showed some interest, so during today's conversation, I was testing the response and attitude of Landing. Because the seniors of the league clearly know that for quarterbacks, personality is an important factor, and the personality displayed outside the court can often have a direct impact on the performance of the court.

Lech is not aimed at the Dallas Cowboys or Tony Romo, more is aimed at the San Francisco 49ers, is preparing for the advance, but Jerry Jones is the first team owner to respond. Jones who always showed unconditional support to Tony Romo before that media.

For the first time, Lu Ke really felt the true look of the professional league up close, cold and cruel.

It's no wonder that Lech was just a little surprised and a little anticipated. For Jones's attendance, this was also an unexpected situation for Lech.

"If possible, I hope to stay in San Francisco." Lu Ke officially expressed his thoughts to Lech for the first time.

Leahs was not surprised, "Yes, I know. I am also working hard in this regard. If you can, staying in San Francisco is the best option. You have everything you need here. Trust me, let these things go Let me deal with it; rest assured, I will take the initiative to inform you of the key information. After all, the person who finally decided is you. I am not the quarterback named Lu Ke. I have no way to force you to leave San Francisco. "

Lu Ke raised his hands, surrendered and agreed.

"As for you, I need you to concentrate on returning to the training ground to complete the training. That is what you are most good at, and the only thing you need to accomplish. This is enough." Lech then added all the words. .

Lu Ke nodded and said cheerfully, "For me, there is no problem. I can do it."

The topic went to a paragraph for a while, and it was quiet for a moment, then Lu Ke remembered another thing, "Yes, Lech, I hope to launch an event, I mean, initiate an initiative to all fans and all players. , I do n’t quite understand how things should work, so I need your advice. "

Lech was slightly surprised because Lu Ke almost never made a request. Any request, if remembered correctly, should be the first time since their cooperation.

So, Lech adjusted his sitting posture, greeted Lu Ke's sight, and showed a solemn and serious gesture, expressing his solemnity, "Of course there is no problem. I am listening here."

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