King of the Bay Area

Chapter 866: Hit back against the wall

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Full Moon Scimitar. Rainbow pass.

This is the most appropriate description of Lu Ke's long pass, elegant and sharp, gliding across the sky vastly, sketching a perfect curve.

However, this is just Lu Ke's first pass in this game. Lu Ke chose to pass a long pass so boldly, isn't it? Is it aimed at the end zone?

Ted Jean is galloping; Logan Newman is galloping; Marcus Lynch is galloping.

The three catchers on the right are rushing towards the deep area with all their attention. Like a galloping horse, they create a billowing smoke behind them, forcing the St. Louis Rams' second-line defense to have to retreat again and again, but they have lost the first. machine--

Judgment on Lu Ke's passing tactics is completely wrong, and now he can only passively chase the movement of the three receiving players.

The problem is that, after a slow half-step, if you want to completely block the position, it is almost a fantasy. The counter-defense has vanished, not to mention, it is impossible to make accurate judgments on catchers; the defensive team only We can expect four second-line defensive players to rely on regional defense, interlace with each other, pull the entire defensive line away, and make up for timely defense.

At this moment, after the footsteps crossed the Rams ’half-yard 30-yard line, Jean suddenly started to accelerate, creating a single arrow effect. The absolute speed advantage was most vividly displayed at this moment, just just a short Five yards, Jean had already opened the distance between him and Logan and Marcus, and the momentum began to advance by leaps and bounds.

The regional defense network had to respond as soon as possible. The entire defensive line was like a sharp needle piercing into the cowhide. The whole cowhide was bent out of a large parabola, and it was tight to the extreme. Penetrating, but Jean's penetrating power is really too strong, the light footsteps burst the sharpness of speed to the extreme, and the Rams' defensive second line was under unimaginable pressure.

Then, without warning, Jean's foot stepped towards the sixty degrees of radiation on the left. After the second acceleration, the entire penetration became more fierce, and even the regional defense with the defensive player further disrupted .

Everyone's attention is on Jean, because Jean's threat is too great. In addition to the counter-defense players, Logan and Marcus seem to have been forgotten.

Security guard Quintin-Mikell is adjusting step by step. While watching Logan's movement, he pays attention to Jean's running route, and also pays attention to the passing route of the quarterback. The whole spirit has been stretched to the extreme, like a bird with a startled bow, and is always vigilant.

Suddenly, Logan had a strong sprint, and immediately shifted his position. Quentin only had time to reflexively touch his body, but did not realize that Logan did not pull away from the position, but slammed straight, facing his own. Quenching in the direction, Quentin didn't have time to adjust his center of gravity, didn't have time to prepare for the collision, and was still heading towards Logan while accelerating.


Quentin suddenly lost his balance and stumbled back continuously. In sight, Logan, who completed the second start, only left a back, and quickly shrank and shrank again in the pupil. Quentin immediately adjusted her center of gravity and chased relentlessly, but the distance between them was still increasing.

damn it!


There was no fancy change in Logan ’s movement. After Jean moved to the left at an oblique angle, Marcus also moved sideways to the left, not to mention Krabout, which had caused a storm on the left. Li and Moss are now, and now the entire area on the right has become a vacuum no man's land.

Logan just ran out of a straight line, but under the cover of Jean, without attracting any attention, he quietly rushed across the twenty yard line, and then slightly shifted his direction toward the right end corner Continue to sprint, the speed is getting faster and faster, the momentum is getting fiercer.

After a quick glance at the back of the line of sight, after grasping Quentin's return position and the status of the defensive player's division, he turned sideways, adjusted his position in small steps, raised his head, and then he could accurately see the sky The rugby hasn't climbed to the highest point at this time. Obviously the final landing point is aimed at the end zone.

Logan's forward momentum was not affected in any way, striding forward toward the end zone, striking his eyes firmly on the rugby, capturing the dark red light and shadow in a golden and ocean, With a thunderous momentum, it continuously releases powerful energy, as if it involved the mountains and tsunami all over the world.

Fifteen yards!

Ten yards!

Five yards!

Closer, closer!

Logan's footsteps are becoming more and more intensive and frequent, and the body's center of gravity is stable and properly balanced. When the footsteps pass through the end zone, his hands are raised high, the toes are gently cushioned, and the body jumps. The upper body tilted back slightly, demonstrating excellent softness and coordination, waiting quietly on the road where the rugby fell.

At this moment, Quentin had already chased up, but his steps were still two steps behind. He forced himself to continue to accelerate, but the result was contrary to his wishes. The body couldn't keep up with the speed at all. Flying desperately, he hit Logan's body with his shoulder, trying to disrupt Logan's balance, and thus disrupt the rhythm of receiving the ball.

But Quentin was still too late.

Logan firmly grasped the rugby with both hands firmly, without any problems, without any bumps, and undoubtedly completed the control of the rugby, and then felt the impact force during the fall, his waist straightened and his steps Take the lead in landing, left foot! Right foot! Accurately fell in the end zone!

At the next moment, Logan took the lead in throwing his upper body out, dragging a trace on the ground with his feet to ensure that his catch was legal, and then raised his knee high, like a triple jump In general, striding forward striding forward in strides, the whole person hit the protective baffle around the stadium heavily.

Turning around, Logan's eyes fell on the referee immediately:



Thanks to Mario ’s kick-back, San Francisco ’s 49-man offensive team was able to start the attack above his own forty-three yard line. Lu Ke arrogantly and boldly chose a fatal super long pass to instantly kill everyone Memories are pulled back to the opener of last season. The shocking sixty-six yard long transmission array is still an unsurpassable classic.

This time Lu Ke challenged a fifty-five yard long transmission array!

Precise control, clever arcs, appropriate power, and of course, a wise layout, and finally found Logan Newman at the front of the end zone just right, successfully completed the touchdown!

Less than a minute after the St. Louis Rams completed the touchdown, the 49ers of San Francisco equalized the score, smoothed out their disadvantages, and brought the two sides back to the starting line with a brilliant super long pass.

After watching Logan finish receiving the ball in the end zone, Lu Ke stood on the spot and raised his left hand high, showing everyone the golden wristband above the left hand wrist, showing it without reservation In view of his strength and domineering, he shined in the afternoon sun, and then he put his index finger firmly:

This is the first one!

Faced with the provocation of the St. Louis Rams, the support of the Candlestick Stadium, and this crucially important game, this is Lu Ke ’s response. The most powerful counterattack. During the offensive matchup this season, they have never been afraid of anyone, nor will they be afraid of any challenge!

If you want to fight, I will fight!

In this battle, Lu Ke will accompany you to the end!


The golden ocean of the candlestick stadium boiled again, and all the players in the offensive, defensive and secret service teams were happily applauding and celebrating, as if they had just won the game, and then under the call of Lu Ke, they began to wave again. His own golden configuration surging that vast golden ocean.

Coincidentally, everyone in the audience shouted the simple but profound slogan again in unison:

"Endless battle!"

Ryan could n’t help but mumble to himself, over and over again, quietly watching the bright gold of the stadium, and quietly watching the golden wristband in the center of the stadium, that is to guide him to continue The symbol of advancing, in order to avoid losing direction in the long and hard night, stands like a lighthouse, standing firm and unwavering.

Ryan ’s fingers could hardly be fully grasped, but he still curled up as hard as he could, clenched his teeth, and gathered them little by little, his heart screaming, "Fight. Endlessly."

In the tenth week of the regular season, the San Francisco 49ers confronted the St. Louis Rams in an unexpected way, not because of the intensity of the game or because of the sparking chemical reaction, but because nobody Expect this to turn into an offensive battle?

The Rams have never been an offensive team. Even the season when Kurt Warner led the team to win the Super Bowl, the offensive team was not their strong point.

Last season, the Rams were at the bottom of the league in the offensive group, and the defensive group was seventh in the league; so far this season, the Rams are in the 25th in the offensive group and 14th in the defensive group.

Whether it is horizontal or vertical contrast, this is a team with stronger defense than offense.

But after the game started, the St. Louis Rams opened the situation with an offensive lead, and the opponent is still one of the league's best defensive teams. This is even more incredible, and it is really eye-opening.

For the 49ers in San Francisco, they have no fear at all. In the entire league, when it comes to the battle of offense, this young and vigorous team has not been afraid of any opponent. Since the other party wants to start an attack frenzy, then Lu Ke will never be soft!

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