King of the Bay Area

Chapter 874: Nine people trust

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the King of the Bay Area!

"La La, La La La."

"Woo la la, woo la la."

The whole dressing room is singing loudly, and then standing side by side with hands on their shoulders, forming a large circle around the majestic, clumsy but joyous dance of Kang Kang dance, the collective celebration atmosphere is really people Nijun couldn't help it.

Lu Ke's face was so confused that he was still confused. He was dragged into the quagmire, dancing with everyone, and then watching everyone's movements in a silly manner, left foot, right foot, left foot Jumping together on the right foot, he couldn't help but laughed freely.

When Logan entered the locker room, he saw such an inexplicable sight.

Instead of being as stunned as Lu Ke, he actively asked and even couldn't help jumping up and down, "What's going on? Hey, what's going on?"

Lu Ke turned his head back and shrugged his shoulders with wide eyes to indicate his unclearness. Then he said with his mouth, "I don't know!"

Logan didn't care, and squeezed forward actively, "Add me one, hey, add me one soon! I want to be together too!" Then just like a third party, Gassega entered and followed everyone's footsteps Dancing together, fusing with all teammates without any sense of disobedience.

When the coaching staff finally pushed in the door, they were hit by 100,000 points. Jim Hubble was the first to flee. He could n’t even explain the reason. He fled as soon as he slipped away, lest he would be caught by the players, and then Forced to join this Kangkang dance party-the scene will definitely be terrible.

Kip Kleist and other coaches fell behind. Unclearly, she pushed open the door ignorantly, and then collectively retreated, fleeing from the footsteps lest you become the last one, just like a dinosaur stuffed in the locker The footsteps are a bit slower and will become the dinosaur's mouth lunch.

The escape scene was bloody.

In the locker room, I didn't even notice the sneaky small movements of the coaching staff. After vigorously circling a dozen times, everyone stopped spontaneously one after another, whistling, applauding, and cheering. , Draws a happy ending for today's celebration.

Facing the tumultuous and lively atmosphere in front of him, Lu Ke was looking for a gap to speak, and then David Arkens came by himself. "Bambi?" This interrupted Lu Ke's rhythm, but Lu Ke Still casting doubtful eyes, Arkens continued, "I think, tomorrow is a day off, can we go to the hospital with a partner to visit Ryan."

Arkans seemed to avoid misunderstanding, and then explained, "I just think that I want to meet Ryan personally and tell him face to face that I admire his courage very much. Hope you do n’t get it wrong, I do n’t want ... … "

"No, no." Lu Ke repeatedly waved his hands and smiled happily. "No misunderstanding, absolutely no misunderstanding, Ryan is not my boyfriend, he is a nine-person, he absolutely welcomes every player to explore sickness."

With a ridicule, Arkens laughed happily, and Lu Ke continued, "In fact, I was just thinking about this. Next week, we are playing again on Monday night, which means that the rest day can make a difference. Adjustment, I thought, maybe we can go to San Francisco General Hospital together to visit Ryan; and, not only Ryan, there are many patients who need help, we can accompany them to complete some rehabilitation, and Or other activities, like reading and painting. "

Lu Ke turned to look at the dressing room and took the initiative to meet everyone's gaze, "The specific situation needs to be communicated with the hospital. I don't want our arrival to disturb the rest of the patients; but if I can, I hope everyone will be active To participate. "

Not just Arkans, but also other teammates.

Previously, Lu Ke ’s cooperation with other players was limited to the locker room and the court. They were teammates and colleagues; but this time, they extended beyond the court. It seems that outside the teammates, they are still friends. The activity in the bar was like a party at Lu Ke's house. This is still different after all.

"Of course, of course."

Nodding his head affirmatively and answering them one after another, Ardon even joked, "The training maniac is willing to sacrifice his training time and participate in such activities specially, how can we refuse?"

Immediately afterwards, everyone followed up and quipped Lu Ke collectively, which was a prank that never stopped.

Turning his head, Lu Ke could see Arkens' smile with full eyes, "Compared to before the game, the attitude is much better now, this is the team captain we are looking forward to."

Arkans also joined the ranks of the playful Lu Ke, once again teased out the episode before the game.

Lu Ke didn't mind either, spread his hands openly, and said frankly, "A positive and hard-working attitude is one of my strengths."

Even if you encounter a mischief, you do n’t mind too much, but you can laugh at yourself, which is an important reason why Lu Ke can quickly integrate into the dressing room.


When leaving the locker room, the sunset was over, the whole sky revealed a beautiful lavender, the burning sunset seemed to continue the golden ocean in the afternoon, and it continued to fall and fall, covering the candlestick park, the whole world was like a dream Wonderful and beautiful.

Today, Lu Ke left the locker room very late, because Mario Manningham, Jul Hampton and other players in the offensive group are discussing several tactics in the game. There were doubts in the judgment of the location, and there was no dispute. The Hampton came to ask Lu Ke. Lu Ke gave some simple guidance to let everyone's thinking spread out.

One after another, Logan and Marcus have already left the locker room, and they are still in place; in the end, the players of the second team of the offensive group are still actively discussing, and Lu Ke left them In order to teach people how to teach fish instead of teaching fish, they should let them study the tactical manual and find out the questions before asking, so that they can form a deeper impression.

So, Lu Kegong retired and was ready to go home.

Far away, you can see a small group of fans waiting hard near the parking lot. At this time, a few hours have passed since the end of the game. The entire candlestick stadium has been quiet, but they still remain patient and quiet. Standing in the same place, talking quietly in twos and threes, and from time to time came light laughter, showing their good mood.

"Lu Ke!" The Chinese name with a round and straight tone clearly shows the identity of the coming person. It is the Chinese fans represented by Li Malian.

But when Lu Ke raised his head and looked at the past, he saw not only Li Mo Nian but also another group of fans, such as Jeff Locke and Nate Chandler, all of whom gathered together. This scene has gradually become a major feature of the San Francisco 49ers at home, but it is rarely seen after the game.

Lu Ke smiled and took the initiative to greet him, "So, is everything okay? Why haven't you returned home until now? In order to avoid the peak period?"

"We have enough experience to deal with the peak period, don't worry." Lu Ke was just a joke, but Li Malian still gave the answer seriously, and the age gap immediately reflected, "We stayed A special trip to wait for you, uh ... actually the thing is ... I do n’t know much, let Noah say it. "

Noah Parker, that nerd, Cliff Hart's friend.

As soon as the words fell, Noah took the initiative to stand up and supported the round glasses above the nose bridge. "This is the case. For today's special event, we have actively prepared related gold accessories, hoping to make the scene as much as possible. Many fans were able to participate in it. Unexpectedly, the initiative of the nine was far beyond imagination. Everyone took the initiative to wear gold accessories; moreover, the fans also showed more support for our activities. "

"A lot of fans have actively left donations-although we never mentioned the matter of fundraising, they still expressed their hope that they can contribute some power in this way." Noah told the ins and outs in the simplest way, "We An idea has emerged that these fundraising can not only help Ryan, but also help more nine people who are suffering from illness. "

After a short pause, Noah immediately said, "If you can set up a foundation in your name, things will become easier and more convenient. We can help Ryan more efficiently and proactively."

"Me?" Lu Ke didn't think about it at all-he was still learning about the command of the dressing room. How could he immediately think of more long-term things? "Why not use the team's name? I think Trent should be very happy to accomplish this?"

"In the name of the team, things will become commercial. After all, we are not a team like the Packers. In the final analysis, this is the industry of the York family. If the York couples are willing to complete charity, they can use their own Nominal; but we still hope that this matter will become a part of the hearts of the nine people. "Noah ’s explanation is simple and clear, but he put that trust on Lu Ke ’s shoulders.

This is from the trust of nine people, not only believe in the integrity of Landing Ke, but also believe that the spirit of Landing Ke can truly represent the nine people.

Panic, fear, and flattering, this is the best portrayal of Lu Ke's mood now, "But what if I transfer?"



"Wait, Bambi, did you hear that you are leading the second team now because the team is not happy with you? Is this true?"

"How can you do this?"

"Are you going to transfer?"

The words of seven seven eight eight surged over, and Lu Ke couldn't help laughing, "No, no, I'm just an example." But looking at the sad expression on the face of the fans in front of him, Lu Ke laughed happily, " I do n’t mean that. I just ... "

He is just a sophomore.

He is just an ordinary player.

He just hoped he could help Ryan.

How did things get to this point?

"Okay, I know. I will ask the broker about the matter." Lu Ke smiled and said with certainty.

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