King of the Bay Area

Chapter 944: Stumbling

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"Where did we just say?"

Ryan tried to change the subject, but he was a little confused, and then saw Lu Ke's meaningful eyes slowly deepening, Ryan grew more panic, and in a hurry, actually found his thoughts, "Leader! Yes, Leader! How important this issue is, but it is a problem related to our entire team. Well, let ’s continue to talk about this topic. "

Lu Ke didn't know Ryan's thoughts, and thought Ryan was shy, so he didn't continue to ask questions, and quietly waited for Ryan's following, "So?"

After Ryan ’s thoughts were interrupted, he could n’t connect for a while, and could only repeat, “Sorry, honestly, I do n’t know the correct answer. I only know that the so-called leader, there is no correct answer, every player Every leader has his own style. There is no need to imitate them or follow in the footsteps. The best way is to stick to yourself. "

"Bambi, in my opinion, you have done a good job. You are leading us to victory in your way, aren't you?" Ryan finally returned to the track slightly, and his expression became sincere again. .

"We are winning. I do n’t know when this winning streak can continue, but I know that just two seasons ago, it was impossible. Now we have everything we have You and Hubble brought you, so please continue to lead us forward. That's all. "

Ryan did not give any standard answer, but Lu Ke's mood gradually stabilized.

As Ryan said, every patient in the rehabilitation room has its own dilemma, and others can provide help, but in the final analysis, you still need to complete the breakthrough yourself. No one can complete this journey in life.

The same is true of team leaders. What he needs is not guidance, but perseverance. Lead the team in his way. Maybe one day in the future, he will also become a template that others look up to, maybe not, but after all, he still has to work hard to know, right?

"For your date, I have to work hard too." After releasing, Lu Ke said easily, then you can see Ryan's dumbfounded panic, Lu Ke's mood brightened up again, "This is Our agreement! That's it. I'm a very, very committed person. You can prepare now. "

"... Bambi, I said ... eh, eh, Banbi!" Ryan couldn't help but stammer.

On the morning of the rest day, Lu Ke ended the accidental hospital visit, calmed down, and completed his recovery training step by step. Then he took the initiative to find the three people of Arkans, Willis and Brooks, and gathered together The negotiation was completed, and then the action began that night.

Lu Ke and Arkans, Willis and Brooks, the four groups of two teams split up, leading the offensive group and defensive group to different bars. They visit the homes of teammates one by one, regardless of whether the offensive players are willing to do it, all of them are mandatory, and no one is less.

Some problems have appeared on both sides.

Here in the offensive team, Moss and Crabtree refused to go, but Jean, Logan and Marcus were always coaxing, Vernon also helped a lot, and finally took the two with half a drag. Both Rupatti and Boone are light-bodied, and like Lu Ke, they rarely drink alcohol for training. Thinking of drinking tonight, it is a bit difficult to start.

In the defensive group, Justin Smith simply refused to attend on the grounds of injury. Finally, Willis got angry, saying that Justin can drink soda in the past, but still hopes that he will go. Justin has only passed halfway in place; Alton has passed. He started drinking alcohol before going to the bar, and soon got drunk and went crazy.

It ’s okay to vent, it ’s admonishment, and it ’s okay to talk about the heart ... Always, with the power of alcohol, I still hope to break the barriers between each other, express all ideas, and express all emotions. All vented.

In the end, Justin was completely drunk, squatting in front of the bar, crying and repeating, "I missed it. I really missed it. Without it, there will be no more in the future." No matter what If you can't persuade, it is really sad.

In the end, Moss was completely drunk and fought with Crabtree on the spot. The two of them waved fists towards each other ’s stomachs, but accidentally hit the cheeks. As a result, Moss ’cheekbones were blue— — Fortunately, the black people could n’t see it, but it was a little bit swollen.

The next day was still a rest day, but neither the offensive group nor the defensive group had a rest. The two sides were still separated. The tactical meetings were held separately. The morning was restorative training, or sober training; the afternoon was the game video. , Reanalyze the game that just ended.

After a full day of training, the offensive and defensive players went to the bar again.

For professional players, although alcohol is not a ban, it still needs to be controlled; but now is a very special period, and it can only be treated specially. After the experience of the previous night, those **** did not resist and chose to go together .

But unexpectedly, the offensive group and defensive group met in the same bar, "Alley of Lima".

Or, it is not an accident: because not only all the players on the fifty-three roster, but also the players in the training group were all present, and more than sixty players completed the field action. How it all looks like a premeditated move.

After a few rounds of beer, under the captain's needle thread, everyone gradually talked about it.

Although there is no formal apology, it seems too hypocritical, and a cup of toast is the best apology; then, the awkward and jerky atmosphere seems to slowly disappear, and the sharpness of the contradictions and conflicts seems to slowly Withdrew, and became harmonious again under the influence of alcohol.

Everything went according to plan.

The idea of ​​the four team leaders finally paid off ... but it would be nice if it was really that simple.

When we officially returned to the team's restorative training on Wednesday, the imaginary peace had arrived, but the awkward atmosphere in the locker room was quietly pervading.

On the surface, the contradictions and barriers are no longer there, and all the players will nod to each other to greet each other, and their happy scene is completely without any problems; but if you observe carefully, you can notice that something is wrong-

Everyone is too polite.

The smile is unfamiliar and polite, the eyes are alienated and perfunctory, and sometimes even unwilling to make eye contact. Originally, there is nothing special about it. Teammates usually don't look at each other's eyes, but today's intentional avoidance is too obvious, and the jerky breeds.

Even more depressing is that no one is kidding. Everyone silently packed their equipment, completed their preparations, and then nodded to each other, and then left the locker room like an escape and went to the training ground, as if all turned into "training madness" Lu. Ke.

Everything was too deliberate, so it became false.

Indeed, the players have already spoken out and reconciled; but ... really speaking? In fact, they did n’t directly apologize, and they did n’t make a long-term conversation. After all, the contradictions were n’t able to spread out to make it clear. After all, they were n’t 16-year-old girls. Talk about everything, they have their own way of handling.

The real problem is that the players are living people, after all, not cold computer data. The day before yesterday, they still yelled at each other's noses and scolded each other's wounds. Then, after seventy-two hours, did they return to the days before the quarrel? As if nothing has happened?

What's more, even before the quarrel, they have small conflicts and conflicts with each other. This was originally a mode of getting along with players. Now, those trivial trivial matters can't vent their temper wantonly-

For example, Ardon always likes to spray perfume everywhere in the dressing room, and it does n’t smoke, and every time Navolo-Bauman complains and even has conflicts; for example, Vernon always likes not to go around bath towels Walking, people passing by all expressed spicy eyes; for another example, Logan likes to say some vulgar jokes, no one would not say it, and everyone still talked about it.

But now, all these little things are converging, and even some inconsistencies and conflicts are gone. Everyone is whitewashing the peace, just like covering the ears and stealing the bell. The politeness behind the politeness makes them alienated.

In fact, there may be no problems between players, for example, Lu Ke and Al Dong have already spoken, and for example, Justin and Goodwin have also embraced reconciliation ... but the overall atmosphere of the dressing room has let People dare not act rashly, so that the awkward atmosphere becomes more and more fierce, it seems even worse than the previous trouble.

Faced with this situation, Lu Ke, Willis and others were helpless. They have tried their best. The matter seems to have developed as expected, but no one has expected the direction of the matter. Now this inexplicable situation, nor Knowing whether it has become better or worse has really made people cry and laugh.

However, Lu Ke also knows that the locker room problem is inherently tricky. It is unrealistic to allow 53 players to complete a major settlement through only two drinks in two nights, and to write off what happened. This is also unrealistic; now They cannot wait too fast, and can only wait for the time quietly, a time when all problems can be solved.

But the regular season schedule will not wait for anyone, nor will it slow down due to the locker room problem of the San Francisco 49ers. In the blink of an eye, it seems that there is no time to breathe. Another game day has arrived, and another away game has arrived. So, what exactly will happen this time?

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