King of the Fairy City

Volume 1: Trapped on a Deserted Island Chapter 246: Feng Qi Mu

Ye Mo looked around the medicine garden, and after being shocked, he quickly regained his composure.

"Forget it, no matter how this medicine garden was left, since I have discovered these spiritual medicines, I will accept the thousand-year-old Ganoderma lucidum and the two-thousand-year-old spiritual ginseng without hesitation. How many spiritual stones will it cost?"

Ye Mo's figure quickly passed through the stone pillars, sweeping them madly, and all the spiritual medicines entered his ancient painting scroll.

Although his ancient painting fairy village can also grow a large number of spiritual medicines, it will cost a lot of spiritual stones. These precious medicinal materials will be left in the deep sea, and no one will care about them. It is better to save them and make use of them.

Unconsciously, Ye Mo entered the depths of the medicine garden, and some ordinary spiritual medicines almost went into his pocket.

There are also two precious spiritual medicines with a medicinal age of ten thousand years, nine-leaf lotus seeds and seven-color spiritual fruits. These two kinds of spiritual medicines are extremely rare, and their effects are very large. They are the main medicines for making various elixirs and can be used in the healing holy medicine Huitian Dan.

Even in the Ancient Painting Fairy Village, it takes a hundred years to grow such a spiritual medicine of this age.

Ye Mo carefully transplanted the two spiritual medicines into the Ancient Painting Spiritual Field, which made Ah Li, Ah Zhi and Little Fire Crow envious. If Ye Mo had not clearly ordered not to steal them, they might have swallowed them up quickly.

Ye Mo was already satisfied with getting these two strange medicines.

"I didn't expect to get these rare and wonderful medicines in this deep sea."

Ye Mo sighed in his heart.

He searched around in the medicine garden and gradually came to the center of the medicine garden. Suddenly, he saw an ancient tree in the central area of ​​a pentagon surrounded by five broken stone pillars.

This ancient tree is about ten feet tall and looks like a canopy. The ancient tree is full of spiritual energy, and the spiritual energy it exudes is even richer than the spiritual energy in the medicine garden.

"What kind of wood is this?"

Ye Mo was surprised and looked at it carefully. On the main body of this ancient tree, there were mysterious lines entwined on it, like phoenix patterns.

Some records of divine objects he had seen flashed through his mind. There was such an ancient wood, called Fengqi Wood

Legend has it that the phoenix will not live on anything other than the phoenix tree. Ordinary phoenix trees are not of much value, but the phoenix trees that have been inhabited by the phoenix are completely different. There was once a phoenix that inhabited the phoenix tree and left behind its essence, which is Fengqi Wood.

This is a divine tree.

The Fengqi Wood is nurtured by the essence of the phoenix and has infinite abilities. It can be used to treat injuries, can be used for cultivation, and can be made into divine weapons.

I just don't know why Fengqi Wood appears in this medicine garden. Does this mean that the true king of all birds, the Phoenix clan, has visited here?

"Ten thousand years old ancient phoenix tree, Fengqi Wood. This Fengqi Wood has been growing for ten thousand years. Just practicing under this Fengqi Wood will benefit you infinitely. Ah Zhi should like it very much."

Ye Mo was shocked when he thought of the origin of this Fengqi Wood.

He carefully looked at the five broken stone pillars. These five stone pillars were also very strange. They just surrounded the Fengqi wood in the middle.

It seemed that a formation was arranged here. I didn't know what it was used for, but it seemed that the formation had been broken. The five stone pillars were destroyed by a strong force, and only the Fengqi wood in the middle was growing intact.

He couldn't imagine what had happened here. Perhaps a war broke out, which led to the destruction of all the mysterious stone pillars here.

"It should be okay here."

Ye Mo stepped into the middle of the stone pillar carefully, but there was no reaction, which made him feel a little relieved.

He then unfolded the ancient painting scroll, and a burst of light slowly took the Fengqi wood in.


At the moment when Ye Mo took the Fengqi wood, suddenly, the spiritual energy in the stone pillar medicine garden area began to violently turbulent and disordered, and even the ground began to shake slightly. The light shield of the entire medicine garden suddenly became very unstable, as if it was about to collapse.

Ye Mo was surprised when he saw the changes around him.

"Could it be that I took away the Fengqi wood and triggered the remaining formation?"

Ye Mo was a little uncertain.


The earth trembled, and the five broken stone pillars burst out with strange airflows. Five strong spiritual energies of gold, green, white, red, and yellow began to flow, and the airflows turned faster and faster, forming vortices.

Ye Mo was shocked and tried his best to resist the spiritual vortex.

The spiritual vortex began to occupy the entire space. Ye Mo felt that he was in the center of the spiritual vortex and could not move.

Five shining lights flashed, and Ye Mo's figure was completely covered by the vortex.

When Ye Mo opened his eyes again, the surroundings had changed drastically.

He found that everything around him was full of golden light, countless golden lights were flashing, and flying swords shining with golden light were flying all over the sky. There was a huge golden mountain in front of him, and the shape of this golden mountain looked like a huge golden spiritual sword.

This sudden change made Ye Mo very uncomfortable, everything was too weird.

"Did I enter a certain formation? Yes, it must be an ancient formation, otherwise it would not be possible to have such a sudden change."

Ye Mo thought for a while.

He tried to walk in different directions, but no matter how he walked, he was at the foot of this sword mountain.

He didn't know how to break the formation and leave this place.

Is this an illusion formation?

Or a killing formation?

If it is an illusion formation, it will just trap him here. If it is a killing formation, I'm afraid it's extremely dangerous here.

Perhaps, only by climbing up the Sword Mountain can we find a way out. Of course, there may be no way out, so we have to give it a try.

Ye Mo looked at the Sword Mountain, and after half an incense stick of time, he walked along the passage towards the peak of the sword-shaped golden mountain.

This sword-shaped golden mountain stretches upward, with only a narrow passage. It is entrenched on the sword blade, as if a beautiful pattern was carved out of thin air for the Sword Mountain.

The surrounding space is surrounded by golden energy, giving people a sense of auspiciousness.

Ye Mo walked up the Sword Mountain along this road. The whole road was very strange. It didn't look like it was made of stone, but more like it was made of metal, very hard.

The Sword Mountain was very high. Looking up, it almost reached the sky.

Ye Mo was alert in his heart and climbed all the way to the Sword Mountain.


Suddenly, the Sword Mountain trembled violently, and thin lines flashed from the Sword Mountain. They looked like rune marks. These runes seemed to come alive and twisted.

The twisted rune suddenly broke away, forming a group of golden swords that were half a meter long. There were countless runes flying all over the golden mountain.

"It's not good, it's a gold killing array"

Ye Mo's eyes turned cold, and he felt something was wrong. He quickly took out the Golden Spirit Sword and grabbed it in his hand. He stared at the overwhelming golden swords with sharp eyes, and was on guard.

Swish, swish, swish

The golden swords in the sky seemed to have received some guidance, and they all attacked Ye Mo with a golden light.

Ye Mo's eyes condensed, and the sword in his hand flew out of his hand. Under the guidance of his spiritual consciousness, he attacked the flying golden swords.

These swords did not seem to be substantial, but were formed by pure spiritual energy, and the power of each one was not strong. Under the strangulation of the Golden Spirit Sword, they all turned into golden light and disappeared.

However, no matter how many golden swords Ye Mo dispersed, they never decreased, and those runes would generate more swords.

"What kind of formation is this? If this goes on, I'm afraid I won't be able to resist it when my mana runs out."

Ye Mo accelerated to the top of Jianshan Mountain, swinging his sword to block the sword beams from all directions, secretly anxious.

His only hope was to reach the top of Jianshan Mountain and look forward to a turnaround.

The spirit swords in the sky seemed to know this, and launched waves of more fierce attacks. Even with Ye Mo's sword-controlling technique, he couldn't resist in time. Spirit swords formed by spiritual energy pierced his body.

Not long after, the spiritual armor that Ye Mo wore gradually broke, and some wounds appeared on his body. The sword energy that penetrated into his body actually fought with the spiritual energy in his body.

Ye Mo was horrified. The golden spiritual energy in this sword formation was too strange. The attack was sharp and it became stronger when it met a strong opponent. Especially after entering his body, it actually began to assimilate his spiritual energy, making him attacked from both sides.

Ye Mo had never encountered such an embarrassing time.

He didn't dare to get entangled with these sword beams any more. He used all his strength to circulate the spiritual energy in his body and forced the strange spiritual energy that invaded his body out of his body.

With a flash of golden light, the Golden Spirit Sword burst out with a blazing light, cutting through the sky, and madly swept towards the attacking golden light. The golden swords flying in the air dissipated one after another, and a gap suddenly appeared.


Ye Mo was delighted and rushed out from the encirclement of many golden sword beams and rushed to the top of the mountain.

A moment later, Ye Mo finally stood on the top of this sword mountain.

As expected, when he stood on the top of this sword mountain, all the golden spirits disappeared in the air, and the golden light flashed on the sword blade, and the rune marks all disappeared.

Ye Mo stood on the top of the mountain, quickly took out a spiritual pill to restore vitality and swallowed it, replenishing the depleted spiritual energy, and observed the situation around and in the distance.

Around this golden mountain, there are actually four terrifying whirlpools. These whirlpools are of different colors, aqua blue, fiery red, turquoise, and khaki, very distinct.

"What kind of formations are these? Gold, green, blue, red, khaki, could it be a large formation composed of the five elements of spiritual energy?"

Ye Mo was a little confused.

He was thinking, when suddenly one of the whirlpools burst out with a strong suction force, no matter how he resisted, it was useless, and he was directly pulled in.

Ye Mo's eyes darkened, the surrounding environment changed, and he opened his eyes again.


The situation around him shocked him.

The raging flames rolled and swept, and the fire spirit aura in the sky was almost enough to burn the monks. Ye Mo was almost alert, guarding against the waves of fire that came everywhere.

Ye Mo finally survived an incense stick of time under this fierce flame attack.

Soon, there was another vast ocean of huge waves and tornadoes. Once caught in it, you would be almost torn apart.

Then, the ground collapsed and shook, and the mountains and rivers collapsed in an instant, as if the sky was falling apart.

Then, he entered a huge green tree, with branches and leaves entwined, covering the sky and the sun. If there were no attacks from the demon vines, this place would be a paradise on earth.

After passing through these difficulties, Ye Mo returned to the front of the Golden Sword Mountain, with golden rays of light and indestructible sword energy surging, fighting to the death.

Ye Mo found that no matter where he went, he could not get out, and was trapped in this formation.

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